Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jan 23, 2020


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
The Present
Xander and Victor fret over whether or not Ciara will blab about their scheme, thus endangering Maggie.

The Past
Salem's Road: Xander and Sarah marvel at the baby.

Hospital Patient Lounge (by Nurses Station): Will tells Sonny that he was at the scene of Adrienne's accident.

Kristen's Hospital Room: Haley is in the room assisting a doctor. Kristen might need a C-section, but delivers a crying girl.

Nurse's Station: Xander and Sarah have arrived. Haley takes the baby from her for a doctor to check her out.

Hospital Patient Lounge: Will is allegedly trying to tell Sonny he crashed with Adrienne when Justin enters; they have lost Adrienne. Sonny and Justin cry.

Kristen's Room: Kristen and Brady marvel at their baby. They talk of her delivering Tate, her history as a social worker, and her desperation at her child's death. The new parents share their accolades for the other. She's never been happier.

Sarah's Room: Sarah has no pain from the accident, she will be fine; the baby will be fine. She and Xander will be happy. Sarah wonders where Maggie is; she should have followed them to the hospital.

Maggie's Bedroom: Victor is thankful the unconscious Maggie wasn't hurt, and that everything turned out all right.

Hospital Lounge Area: Sonny and Justin discuss their loss, as Will emotes nearby. Adrienne never regained consciousness after passing out, and died without pain. Kayla enters to ask them if they want to say goodbye.

Sarah's Room: Sarah notices Xander's odd reaction, as he flashes back to finding Maggie in the car. Xander says Victor decided Maggie should rest. This angers Sarah, but Xander calms her, and asks if she saw the other driver. Sarah didn't, she was focused on Adrienne, about whom she is now worried. Xander goes to the desk, asks Kayla, who says the injuries were too massive and Adrienne didn't make it. Kayla is obviously shaken, Xander surprised. Xander calls Victor, reveals Adrienne's death; he thinks Maggie killed her.

Nurse's Station: Victor exits the elevator, sneaks by. Over in the Lounge area, Will is beset, JJ sees him. Will tells JJ that he killed Adrienne, accidentally running her off the road. Victor and Xander, on the other side of the room (where patient rooms usually are), hear and exchange looks.

Adrienne's Room: Sonny and Justin mourn; Justin reveals that she was taking Sarah to the hospital.

Lounge Area: Will is sure he did it. JJ protests; Sarah said the car was black, Will's car is gray. Victor and Xander discuss this; Xander posits Will couldn't see Maggie's car, which had gone off the road. He thinks he's responsible; Victor decides this will be the case.

Lounge Area: Victor has sat down, begs Xander (who is protesting) to help him protect Maggie.

Kristen's Room: Haley takes a photo of the happy family. They haven't chosen a name yet; Haley needs to take Kristen's vitals, so Brady steps out. Kristen's doing OK, thanks Haley from the bottom of her heart. Haley needs to take the baby to the nursery. Kristen kisses her baby.

Lounge Area: Xander wants to see ...Sarah's baby. Victor wants to join him, grateful the baby was OK, as Maggie could never forgive killing her own granddaughter.

Adrienne's Room: Justin describes his first meeting with Adrienne (replete with flashback of finding her crying and giving her a handkerchief). Justin admired Adrienne's strength; they need to be strong now.

Nursery: Victor and Xander look on as Sarah's baby has neurological distress.

Lounge Area: JJ will not judge Will.

Adrienne's Room: Sonny wants to call his brothers; Justin will handle that.

Sarah's Room: Sarah's baby dies. The trauma from the accident was too much.

Lounge Area: JJ decides to call his dad. He's worried about Will, who doesn't want him to.

Nursery: Xander is confused; the doctor leaves him with his daughter. Victor is shaken; Maggie killed her granddaughter. He vows she will never know.

Kristen's Room: Brady wants to call John; he and Kristen are happy and exchange I-love-yous.

Nursery: Xander is confused, and upset; will Victor blame Will for this? Victor says no, casts a glance to the cradles (marked "Baby 'Horton'" and "Baby 'Black'").

Adrienne's Room: Sonny hopes he told his mom enough that she was the best, and that he loved her.

Nurse's Station: JJ and Haley talk. She has to go take the vitals of a woman who just got the worst news in the world. He had plans tonight, but will move them to tomorrow, a better day. Haley leaves; JJ pulls out a ring box.

Adrienne's Room: Justin is alone; Kayla enters and gives him Adrienne's rings. She leans on him.

Lounge Area: Sonny is grateful Will is here. Will admits he caused the accident that claimed Adrienne's life.

Sarah's Room: Xander brings Sarah a baby.

Kristen's Room: Haley enters, surprised the doctor isn't here. Kristen knows something's wrong. Haley goes to look for the doctor, Kristen chases her and forces her to tell her the truth. Then Haley goes to get Kayla, using the stairs for some reason, and Kristen chases her, yelling, and shakes/pushes her near the top of the stairs. Haley takes a tumble.
Victor says no, casts a glance to the cradles (marked "Baby 'Horton'" and "Baby 'Black'").
There were also two other cradles behind those two. One marked with what looked like "Baby McCloud" and the one behind Baby Black's cradle was "Baby Williams", although both of those appeared to be empty at the moment.
Xander calms her, and asks if she saw the other driver. Sarah didn't, she was focused on Adrienne
Although she did note she thought the car was black, but that's all. She asked Xander if Maggie knew about the accident. He doesn't think so and Sarah says good, because Maggie would only get upset and worry.
They haven't chosen a name yet
I'm surprised Kristen didn't want to name the baby Rachel after her late mother.
There were also 2 other cradles behind those two.
Yes, I'm hoping for more. I was actually surprised because it should have said "Baby DiMera" (or "Baby Blake" since I don't think Kristen ever changed her name).

At one point before the jump, I sketched out a seven-way baby switch (actually a 3-way and a 4-way simultaneous baby switch during a hurricane or tornado, I don't remember which). Because this story will be over in a few weeks.
Plus, the timing and the snippets were kind of all over the place. They were in order, per se, but in one scene Victor was home, at Maggie's bedside, then at the hospital with Xander, then in the nursery with Xander, watching the doctor trying to resuscitate Baby Horton, then he was back home, at Maggie's bedside.

One second Haley was taking Baby Black to the nursery, next thing you know, she's telling JJ she has to take vitals of a woman who just received the worst news of her life, yet Victor and Xander were still in the nursery with the dead Baby Horton.
One second Haley was taking Baby Black to the nursery, next thing you know, she's telling JJ she has to take vitals of a woman who just received the worst news of her life, yet Victor and Xander were still in the nursery with the dead Baby Horton.
This vexed me for a second; and still does, but I figured out what bothered me was that Haley went to take Kristen's vitals, assuming the doctor had already told her. But the timing doesn't make sense. Nobody saw Victor and Xander in the nursery?

This is either sloppy as all get out, or brilliant and we need to watch. I'll reserve judgment. (Not something I'm known for.)

Also - I enjoy how each flashback is framed by a perspective. But I don't like that they stray from this by having other things happen the framers couldn't have known (e.g., Xander and Victor didn't see Haley's fall).
I really want to see the show without interruptions, maybe I will get lucky and find a video. I don't have time now. but it did seem the show was going back and forth between all the various characters. I could see Will's reactions to some things, and he was doing a great job of it. I would agree it seemed he was blaming himself, which had to make Vic & Xander happy. The doc working on Baby Horton in the nursery was odd......then she just leaves, with Xander & Victor alone in a room full of babies.

Tell me, would the doctor not know that Sarah is not going home with a live baby? And Haley going to tell Kristen....would the doc not have told the nurse which baby had died?
If they switched Sarah's and Kristen's babies (which seems probable), I'm officially done with Days, for good this time. Kristen and Brady sharing a child is my breaking point. Kristen is a wholly evil, unrepentant monster who does not deserve a happy ending. Sami being paired with her rapist was bad enough but Kristen and her toyboy addict is beyond the pale. These writers peddling this co-dependent, sick, twisted mess of a relationship as "true love" sickens me. I am thoroughly disgusted. I don't need this aggravation in my life anymore. :angry::sick::angry::sick:
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This story is not over by any means. And from some actors' comments, not even they know exactly what will happen.
When the doc was working on the baby in the nursery, BOTH cribs were empty. She never said who the baby was.........Xander just anxiously inquires, she says the baby is having problems, loud beeping, he wants to know, says HE IS THE FATHER. The baby doesn't make it, she leaves the room telling Xander he can say goodbye to his child. names were mentioned at all.
All those new mothers need DNA tests pronto.
So, where do we go from here. Obviously, Will still thinks he killed Adrienne--still in jail. I guess Mackenzie will get a new name and Sarah can weep forever. Surely, some things will start happening in 2020
To tell the truth, when the time jump occurred, it was 2019, and it leaped forward a year to 2020. Well, now it is 2020 real time. But in Salem, they had New Year's, which should have put them in 2021. But the show says......."present day", and then "last Mother's Day". So......which is it? Is last mothers' day in 2020, or 2019? Is present day in 2021 or 2020? Inquiring minds really want to know.
Tell me, would the doctor not know that Sarah is not going home with a live baby? And Haley going to tell Kristen....would the doc not have told the nurse which baby had died?
I'm thinking Xander switched the ID bracelets on the babies and/or the name tags on the bassinets and maybe hurried out, grabbed the doctor to note she was working on Baby Black and not Baby Horton. (all off-screen)
Jason, thank you for this summary. I'm glad I didn't get this episode. There's too much death and sadness on it for me. I do appreciate finding out what happened though--even though it all seems to have opened up more questions.

In watching the flashback Kat posted of Justin and Adrienne, for a second there, I thought I was seeing an old clip of Conway Twitty (singer). It was mostly the hair. Lol.
On Demand wasn't on at 7 like the other day. So, I watched on my Roku.
If you have wifi at home, it might be worth getting one to watch Days. A
basic one costs $30. You have to watch commercials.

Thanks, Jason.

Will the Salem PD, take the word of Will that he caused the accident and
not investigate? Probably... it's the Salem PD.

What happened to Doctor Raynor? Did Victor pay her off and she left town?

Did Victor fly his broomstick to the hospital and back home to get there so fast?

Kristen told Brady how she used to coach baseball teams. Wasn't she his
couch when he was a child? :)
Kristen told Brady how she used to coach baseball teams. Wasn't she his
couch when he was a child?

I don't think he was ever on a team she coached (he was pretty small), but they did first meet at a game she was coaching. Later, John took Brady shopping at Salem Place and his ball rolled away. Kristen gave it back to him.

And here is the happy little "family" not long after, but we're not supposed to remember this:


Here's a random, but very cute picture, of Joe Mascolo (Stefano) holding the twins who played Brady at the time:


Here's one with John, Kristen, Brady and Belle:

Also - I enjoy how each flashback is framed by a perspective.
BOTH cribs were empty. She never said who the baby was.........Xander just anxiously inquires, she says the baby is having problems, loud beeping, he wants to know, says HE IS THE FATHER
This is a good point, and I hope my summary makes that clear, though I didn't notice that both cribs were empty, I believe you are right. (I kept the episode because it was so dense I knew I'd need to review it.) And to my point above, if some/most of this story is from Xander's perspective, it taints our view of "the truth".

They really jumped through hoops today to talk about Kristen's pre-evil past without acknowledging Brady was functionally her son for several years.