Days of Our Lives - Thu., Mar. 31, 2016


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Gabi arrives at the Nurses' Station, Eduardo is not in his room. The nurse informs her Ed checked out against medical advice.

At the police station, a uniform brings Rafe a stack of Papers. Rafe sarcastically thanks him. Later, he's talking to Hope, who informs him that Chase is out on bail, has a high-powered Chicago attorney working for him, and was released because the attorney argued that Chase was singled out because Ciara's a cop's daughter. (They do mention he confessed, Rafe is confused how he was let out.) Hope's trying to figure out how Chase is paying for this when Ciara comes in, angry because Hope promised she'd be safe. Hope assures her there will be a trial, apologizes because she just found out and couldn't warn her. Ciara says she saw Chase in the Square, Rafe is protective, but Chase didn't touch her. Ciara feels that Chase (who's in her head) is driving her crazy. Later, Hope is assuring Ciara that she's much stronger than Chase will ever be. Ciara worries that Chase will look for her at Jennifer's, wants to stay "at Claire's."

Rafe, later, is talking on the phone with a judge, gets batted down, worries something will happen with Chase. He sees Adriana (Mami), who knows something's wrong. He's helping a friend, but says no more. Wonders about Eduardo (Gabi has updated him), Mami doesn't want to know. They ruminate on Eduardo's return, Mami says she's going to concentrate on what's good in her life. (By the way, according to Rafe, she only left her home "a few days ago".) They arrange an impromptu family lunch gathering, Mami "would love" it, then asks about Hope, and whether Rafe likes her or not.

Earlier, Eduardo had been stalking about his hotel room, packing. It's clear he's in much pain. Now Gabi arrives and is (as per usual in Salem) about to knock when Eduardo leaves. She's upset that he's running out again, he says "it's been suggested" that he leave town, he does think it would be better, because of the danger to Arianna and Adriana. Gabi rebuffs this idea, thinks Eduardo's doing it because it's easier for him. She's upset, she doesn't want to miss her father. She didn't growing up, because she never had one, doesn't care what Dario and Rafe think, she wants him here. Gabi thinks Rafe and Dario will come around, Eduardo thinks Rafe the Cop can't forget or forgive the criminal things Eduardo did. Gabi believes Rafe will forgive Eduardo, since it's the "first time we've all been together, ever." She implores him to stay, to give their family a chance. Eduardo wants to remain in her life, but isn't sure of the next step. She tells them about the Pub gathering, invites him; he says nobody wants him there. She does, but finally agrees to go, after getting an assurance that he won't leave town today.

At the Pub, Dario arrives and Mami gushes over her "handsome" sons. Dario vows to leave if Eduardo shows up, wants him to rot. They've left a message for Gabi as they wonder whether or not Eduardo will really live. Dario wants Eduardo arrested, Rafe tries to explain why that's not so easy, Mami orders they stop it, wants a nice family dinner. Rafe gets a text from Hope, who's going off the grid with Ciara. (I'm sorry, I don't believe the 60+-year-old Hope would use texting abbreviations.) A bit later, Gabi arrives, Arianna is at the sitter's. Dario wants everyone on the same page, ready to get rid of Eduardo. This starts an argument about giving Eduardo another chance, or not. Rafe admits he's willing to give Eduardo another chance, Dario thinks it's a mistake. Meanwhile, Eduardo is approaching the Pub, but sees the family inside, and does a think-take. He enters and the family erupts.

At DiMansion, Abby is cuddled up with Chad, who's asleep. She gets up quietly. There's a banging on the front door. She opens it, it's Ben. Don't worry folks, 'twas only a dream. Abby awakens and there really is a pounding on the door. It's a guard, with Chase, who's looking for André. Chad excuses the guard, asks why Chase wants to see André. Chase knew André was in prison, but figured he would have made bail, was looking for a place to stay. Chad informs him there is no bail for André, this is his house, get off his property. Later, inside, Chad has updated Abby about Chase. Abby worries about all the bad things happening, Chad points out the good (their marriage and baby). They talk about Abby's stress and she admits she's not slept a full night since learning she was pregnant. He asks if she's still having visions of Ben. (They're hugging.) She's wincing, says no. His face is flat, says good; he promises to keep her safe.

Ciara and Hope are in a hotel, Ciara worries about the expence, Hope says no problem, let's get room service, stream movies, do some online shopping. Anything to get Ciara through the night. Later, Ciara laments how Hope was falling for Bo at [Ciara's] age, and she's never been in love. Plenty of time for that, Hope states. Ciara can no longer imagine being in love. Hope promises that the pain will pass, little by little, she'll get better. Ciara worries that nobody will want her because "everything's ruined after what Chase did to me." Hope assures her that what Chase did does not diminish Ciara, nor define what she is. Hope tells her that one day, Ciara's prince will come, and he'll be lucky to have Ciara.

Meanwhile, Chase curls up against a half-wall in the Square. Later, he steals a lady's purse.

Later, Chad has laid out a picnic in the garden, he and Abby drink champagne. Later, they're basking under a blanket as she muses how she got so far with Ben, who did everything because of her. Abby suddenly is worried one of the guards might have seen them, Chad says he made sure nobody would see them. Later, Abby goes in to get Chad a sweater (she's wearing his shirt). She sees a guard in the corner: it's Ben. She closes her eys, says "You are not real," twice, and he's gone. She turns around, and Ben (in a guard's uniform) is there (at the open doors), tells her he's real, but nobody will believe her. Out in the garden, Chad is holding Thomas when Abby calls for him, saying Ben was there, he touched her (her hand is on her face where he touched her earlier), and vowed he'd never leave her alone.
Nice to see so many extras.

Ben could still be just a figment of Abby's imagination. My speculation.

Hope, please take the awful Teen Ciara away and never return. I thought we left the Hope/Rafe nonsense in the past.

Dario, go join Hope, please. Mami's okay by me, she's the one who can and should hold the longest grudge against Eduardo. Dario just sounds whiny.

Where are Kate, Steve, Eric, Kayla, Jennifer? I know Jennifer called Abby the other day but every story seems stalled.

I have no words for the terror of Chase. I'm surprised Aiden was mentioned by name. And, we get it, writers...the previous writers' characters were all evil to the core. Let's move on.

And as good as the Chad/Abby scenes have been, if there's an escaped maniac stalking you, why have a boink session in the garden? Who does this? Who thinks this is a thing that humans do?
Hope, please take the awful Teen Ciara away and never return. I thought we left the Hope/Rafe nonsense in the past.

I had hoped too! I had to laugh when his mom was questioning him and he said she's my partner. I have her back. She has mine. I was thinking "I hide her dead bodies and she'll help me if I ever have one." :rotfl:

And Chase. It makes me so sad what they have done to this poor teen character. I do not see any way to redeem him. There was no reason to do this. It's not even good story.

Ben, still not sure. He disappeared pretty quick so I'm thinking still her imagination. But he was wearing a security jacket which would be weird for her to imagine. Chad's security is probably so inept they either actually hired Ben (you look familiar, but seem like a good guy) or he knocked one of them out and took his jacket. Either way, inept. And seriously, he and Abby having sex in the garden. Sure seems like a good idea. If Ben shows up, we'll chase him naked!
Jason, haven't you heard that the FBI has recommended there are two things you should ALWAYS do when being terrorized by an escaped maniac: 1) If you're a teenager you should always run to the creepy ramshackle house at the edge of the dark woods. Because you know there's a probably a nice attic or cellar to hide in. And 2) if you're married with a child an outdoor boink session is always the thing you should do because hey, you only live once, right? Yes I believe that's the actual wording the FBI uses, I thought this was common knowledge.

Line of the day goes to Abigail: "Doesn't it seem like a lot of bad things are happening at the same time?" Methinks someone has been reading this board. LOL

So a high-powered Chicago attorney was able to get Chase out on bail but that same person couldn't have arranged for a place for him to stay? I've said this before and I'll say it again I am willing to suspend a certain amount of disbelief but I draw a line at pure idiocy.

Now without further ado my pick for the best scenes of the episode (for the record I've never been sure what "ado" means but I just think we should have no further of it):

Drum roll please

The Eduardo and Gabi scenes (waits for the applause to die down). I loved how my girl called Eduardo out on how his leaving was about it being easier for him. Then she showed her naivete in insisting that it would be a good idea to join the family at the Brady pub. I loved every minute of it.
thanks, Jason. And I know people in their 60s & 70s who text all the time, and yes, use abbreviations.

What the heck are Chad & Abby doing being NAKED in the garden in MARCH? They ARE in the midwest, right?
I think everyone was having dinner, it was dark outside. Dario needs to get off his high horse...or is he afraid daddy might be able to nail him for his own unsavory doings?

I find it interesting that A Martinez (Eduardo) is able to portray a man, with recent surgery from a gun shot wound, so well. No strength, no energy, but having to get things done. Swinging that suitcase off the bed...very realistic. Contrast that with Brady, who had a HEART TRANSPLANT & was home in a few days, active, not really showing any visible signs of weakness, taking plane trips, diving into ocean, carrying a full grown woman with NO signs at all of effort. Amazing.

Kudos to Eduardo.
Ben, still not sure. He disappeared pretty quick so I'm thinking still her imagination. But he was wearing a security jacket which would be weird for her to imagine.
Good point, but as the viewers know, Abigail has a very good imagination.
So a high-powered Chicago attorney was able to get Chase out on bail but that same person couldn't have arranged for a place for him to stay? I've said this before and I'll say it again I am willing to suspend a certain amount of disbelief but I draw a line at pure idiocy.
Agree. Chase bailed out and left to roam the streets is beyond ridiculous. If the lawyer had done his job, It might have made for an interesting scene if purse-snatcher Chase had been put up at the Salem Inn and Hope's idea of "going off the grid" with annoying Teen Ciara was to stay at the inn of choice for almost every sketchy person who's ever come to Salem. As for Dario, he needs to shut his big mouth. His morally-superior attitude toward the hapless Eduardo is bad enough, but coming from a cheap conman it's absolutely absurd. Finally, Chad and Abigail repairing to the garden was beyond belief -- the DiMera grounds are crawling with security and Salem cops, Ben could be hiding behind any bush, and it's cold enough that the unfortunate Chase looked uncomfortable in his light jacket.
I actually enjoyed today's episode. At first I was disappointed because there was more Abby and Chad since I feel they been having a lot of airtime lately. However they threw that twist in with Chase out of nowhere being caught by security, I didn't see that coming! I wonder if Chad can be used as a witness in Ciara's trial since Chase admitted to Chad when he asked if he really did it, Chase shook his head yes.

Anyhow I have no idea who bailed Chase out. Perhaps before Andre went to jail he had bail money and a attorney set up for Chase in advance. What I speculate. I was glad to see spoiled little rapist Chase homeless on the streets. Now he is a common thief raping or robbing women.

I wasn't impressed by the Hernandez clan really too much but great acting between Gabi and Eduardo. I hope the storyline doesn't drag on whether they want Eduardo around or not for another few months.

I was glad Abby actually mentioned to Chad "What if the guards saw!". My thoughts were honey that didn't stop you before lol.
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Thanks Jason.

Rafe mentioned it was 10:00 dinner. Interesting you mentioned "handsome". I looked up what
Adriana said and found that.

I laughed when Abby mentioned bad things happen all the time. Lately, that's all we see in Salem.

I don't text and if I ever do, I'm not sure if I could. I would take time and spell correctly.

I wonder why Hope didn't go to Doug and Julie's B&B instead of a hotel. I'm sure they
would have gotten a family discount.

Was Ben there this time? I'm sure he's going to show up and even Abby might not believe it.
Thanks, Jason! A client kept me on the phone the entire hour that Days is on. Sheesh, don't they know that I'm busy at that time??!
JS, you're supposed to block your calendar for "lunch" at that time like I do.:rotfl:

I kind of tuned this one out even though I watched it. I too caught the time differences. And why didn't we see Victor and Maggie today? I'm tired of these cliffhangers with no immediate follow up. Really bad pacing.

I'm not interested in Mama H propping Hope and Rafe. Especially with no mention whatsoever of Sami and her kids.

Dario adds no value to the show at this time. I'd much rather see Shawn.

While the acting by Abby and Chad is great, let's move on now. For 4 days, we've seen the exact same scenes with Abby "seeing" Ben in multitude. This is now at the expense of us not seeing other characters.

On another note, I discovered today that I have Pop TV. :)
People keep saying that Mama H is "propping Hope and Rafe" because she asked one question about Rafe "liking" Hope. Isn't that jumping the gun just a little? I mean I could see it if it's something that she does continually but just doing it one time?
I doubt Mama H would ever mention Sami and her kids because by now we are supposed to forget Rafe was ever married to Sami......or at least we have to remind the writers they were lol!

I expected more with Dario's return but he is acting more immature then JJ first was when Abby was going to marry Chad. Even Mama H didn't kick Eduardo out and she had the most reason too in which would be understandable. My speculation is Dario is a criminal, how he knows Summer, and will blame it on Eduardo.

I don't like that Ciara mentioned that she ran into Chase in the town square in which viewers did not get to see it on-screen. (Sounds to me like ANOTHER cut scene). We went straight into Ciara at the Police station overhearing Hope and Rafe. It confused me and had to reread Wednesday's summary thinking I missed something!