Days of Our Lives - Thu., May 11, 2017

I actually enjoyed the interaction between Hope & Andre. If they do this cursed amulet story right it could be quite interesting. Fingers crossed.
So wait, Victor tells Claire he doesn't give his grandkids money until they turn 21 and she'll have to wait like the rest. Then she whines that he gives Ciara money, to which he replies that the money comes from a trust, just like hers will when she's old enough.

Is Ciara now older than Claire??
Do they say he passed on the amulet in the past (before Hope shot him), or that he currently passed on the deal?
Previously - the past past.
DrBakerFan, I'm glad you confirmed what I was thinking--that the Greek language spoken today is not the same as what is taught in seminaries, which was from Bible era times.

Didn't Hope once try to persuade Ciara to give up her inheritance?

I also was appalled at how Nicole didn't want to go with Eric, and that she lolly-gagged around as she did. I was stunned that Eric was able to knock down Xander. It must have been possible only because Xander was drunk. He had already appeared close to passing out a couple of times.
Thanks, Jason.

I thought the D on the sweater meant, dumb storyline

Xander was witty again while he was drunk. He told Nicole she was smart and all the men in his
family liked smart women. Then he mentioned Victor, Brady, him, Daniel, back to Brady. Mentioned
Sonny wasn't her type. I guess Justin isn't either.

Today was one day when Nicole wasn't being smart when she didn't want to leave with Eric
because of what he did to Holly's daddy.

I hope Eric and Nicole get away tomorrow.

I wish Wyatt was a better person. He found out Ciara has money and that's what he wants
from her.

Interesting to learn Stefano wanted the amulet years ago, but didn't buy it. Chad should use
his brain and have Deimos buy it. Then Deimos would be cursed :)
Or Shawn

Hope playing detective in Greece. Just no words. I can't believe Rafe actually let her go alone.

My thoughts as well. It's actually out of character for both Hope and Rafe. Wasn't Rafe actually assigned to the antiquities case? If anything, he should have gone to Greece and not Hope.

Glad Hope finally remembered her promise to look after Chad (lucky him :sarcasm:). It's only been what, a year or so, since she made that promise?

Too bad this is at the expense of not looking after Ciara and Claire.

No words for Andre's sweater. I can't believe Chad didn't wisecrack at it.

Eric should have rescued Holly and left Nicole with Xander given her attitude. She doesn't deserve his help. And why does Nicole have 4 different men going after her while Marlena can't air for more than 5 minutes a week? And other characters remain perpetually single?

The Claire/Ciara jealousy stuff would have played out much better with Hope instead of Victor. This was just so random.
Regarding Andre's sweater, it is surprising that neither Hope nor Chad made some snarky remark about it. Since when do older guys like Andre wear letter sweaters that these days are seen on high school or college guys in old movies. As for the sweater itself, it was in remarkably good condition. Although the DiMansion is very vulnerable to unwanted visitors it apparently is moth free. Finally, perhaps the "D" on Andre's sweater stood for the grades he got back in the day.