Days of Our Lives - Thu., Nov. 3, 2016

Ok I'm so behind but I finally watched this episode today.

As much as I didn't want the baby to be Daniel and Nicole's, Nicole gets a baby, Daniel is still going to be dead (really really dead, Brady still has his heart), and this way someone can rub Deimos' nose in it that its still not his baby, so all told I'm happy enough. I can even deal with this in flashbacks because we saw enough of Chloe/Nicole and Daniel/Nicole and even of Chloe/Daniel as co-parents to buy that it could have happened.

Theresa though, this feels RUSHED. Mateo should have been lurking for months now, should have been manipulating her and lauding about a big secret back in Mexico or something - there's got to be a reason he wants her back NOW, not however many years ago. Does she have info? Missing jewels or money? A secret baby back in Mexico? C'mon writers, throw us a bone!

I'll go on record that her whole "Make love to me Brady!!" means when she does pop back up in the future its with another Brady baby.

This Tate kind of looked like Theresa - similar colouring.

Edited to add: Please let Drunk Disorderly Man that Doctor Lee had to deal with be Eric, and let there be a mix up. Please?
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I'll go on record that her whole "Make love to me Brady!!" means when she does pop back up in the future its with another Brady baby.
Gosh I hope not! And you'll know why after you watch the next two weeks.
Edited to add: Please let Drunk Disorderly Man that Doctor Lee had to deal with be Eric, and let there be a mix up. Please?
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