Days of Our Lives - Thu., Sep. 14, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Another could-have-been-over-in-10-minutes episode today, but certainly not the worst we've seen.

At the Teen Loft, replay of Theo telling Claire he wants her to be his girlfriend, smooch, what does she think. She wants that, too. To keep their relationship in the clear, she fesses up about her lies (wanting to be Tripp's girlfriend, and being OK with just being Theo's friend). Theo admits he was never okay with being friends either, and feels Claire's support of Abe through the crisis outweighs that. He is worried about Tripp's feelings, which Claire confirms was a ploy on Tripp's part to make Theo more jealous. They will move forward because it was not Claire's idea, though she was happy to allow it.

At Statesville, Sheila visits Adrienne. Adrienne learns that Bonnie offered Sheila more, and Sheila feels Bonnie is not trustworthy but motivated to pay. Adrienne learns that "Adrienne" is living at the Kmansion now. Sheila came to tell Adrienne so she'd stop waiting for a rescue that wasn't coming. Sheila goes to leave, Adrienne stands up and gets tossed back in solitary when her pleas get physical. Sheila is unsympathetic.

At the Kmansion, Bonnie decides to get to Hattie before she's named as an accomplice. She dumps the busted figurine into her purse, and has to dodge a dinner invite from Nicole & Brady, who keep stalling her. Meanwhile, Hattie is trying to convince Justin to be her lawyer by, at length, offering up her accomplice. (The scenes really drag and are interspersed.) Bonnie goes on about the pull of first love as Nicole and Brady squirm. Bonnie zips out, Holly gets a meal. Hattie, taking her sweet time, fails to name her accomplice prior to the arrival of Bonnie, who interrupts and makes an impassioned case for Justin not taking the case. Justin questions this, and Bonnie claims she's trying to get a scoop for the Intrudaspectator by interviewing Hattie. She gets in by claiming to be Justin's associate.

At the Horton Center, Eric tells someone (over the phone) that Nicole doesn't work here any more, then has a flashback to yesterday's scene where Nicole said she considered returning, but will instead work for a Titan charity. Marlena visits, jokingly proves her identity (by naming Eric's favourite childhood food, chocolate-covered peanut butter cups). They review Eric's suspicions about the Hattie/"Adrienne" party. Unfortunately they don't put 2 and 2 together, just think the "party" was odd. Marlena wants to talk about Eric and how difficult working with Nicole must have been. It was at first, but got better, Eric reports, besides, she's gone, it's for the best. He sees a call from Nicole, smiles, but there's no message when he checks after Marlena departs.

In the Kmansion living room, a bit later, Brady flashes back to yesterday's conversation with Nicole. Nicole returns, having fed Holly, and they talk about how "Adrienne" was wrong in her assessment of first loves, and Nicole gets double-dog confirmation that it's OK for her to go back to the Horton Center. He is okay with it, she will call and let Eric know that she will return to work. Nicole can't reach him, leaves; Brady ponders drinking.

Nicole goes to the Center, tells Eric she wants to work with him again, and Brady is OK with it. At the Kmansion, Marlena has come to investigate "Adrienne." Brady (who also tests Marlena) admits "Adrienne"'s not been herself since moving back in.

Bonnie and Hattie go back and forth about whether or not Hattie should give Bonnie up. (What exactly is their motivation here? Give up Anjelica, do time, and move on. Stupid.) Big dramatics but no forward progression, Justin enters and is suspicious.
Jason, you hit the nail on the head on all points. Glad it was not just me feeling it all dragged. Bonnie stalling Nicole & Brady, then pleading forever with Hattie....Overkill??? Gosh, hope things improve tomorrow. Or have we all gotten spoiled with the final quick wrapup of Higley's interminable stories?
Bonnie: This one couldn't be more over her head. How bad is it when she has to rely on the loyalty of the likes of erratic Hattie and greedy, conniving Sheila? She'd be better off relying on the human kindness of Andre.

Hattie: There certainly isn't any honor among thieves as far as this one is concerned: she's going down so Bonnie should too. She appears to have never heard of the concept of group solidarity.

Sheila: This one left her common sense back in her old cell block. She actually passed up sure cash by refusing to help Adrienne and opted for Bonnie's pie-in-the-sky promises. Hasn't it ever occurred to Sheila that the desperate Bonnie is doomed and that when Ms. Lockhart goes down, she could easily be on the hook as an accessory to her crime?

Claire & Brady: The less said the better.
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I actually liked the Claire and Theo scenes and I LOVED that she 'fessed up to her trickery right away. Other than that, blech.

I have a conference call for my non-profit at 2 tomorrow, and am debating whether I should watch the show live or watch on DVR later. This week has been a disappointing one for Days (but maybe I'm setting my sights too high?).
Thanks, Jason.

Poor Adrienne, she's back in solitary. I hope someone saves her soon.

What was Hattie going to tell Justin before Bonnie interrupted?

And does Marlena think Adrienne is acting odd or does she think that's
not Adrienne at all?

Did Brady make Nicole leave so he could have a drink? He seemed upset he
was interrupted again.
I liked Marlena today visiting with her boys and the way they both tested her to make sure she was the real Marlena. Too bad they have both been so wrapped up with Nicole that they did not know they were talking to Hattie the past couple of weeks.

I hope Marlena puts all of the pieces together and figures out about Bonnie and Adrienne. Poor Adrienne has nobody on her side right now or believes her in that prison, except for Sheila who's keeping the news to herself. At least Marlena had John with her at Bayview. I still can't get over that Maggie of all people has not recognized Bonnie. I don't remember Maggie ever having any problems with Adrienne before, but she and Bonnie always clashed so she should know something is up since she and Adrienne are clashing now.

I liked Hattie trying to persuade Justin to be her lawyer, but I wish she had not been beating around the bush to tell him about Bonnie before Bonnie showed up and begged her not to oust her. Why Hattie could not tell Marlena that information yesterday is frustrating. They should have sent Roman in to talk to her. She probably would have told him.

Sheila: This one left her common sense back in her old cell block. She actually passed up sure cash by refusing to help Adrienne and opted for Bonnie's pie-in-the-sky promises, Hasn't it ever occurred to Sheila that the desperate Bonnie is doomed and that when Ms. Lockhart goes down, she could easily be on the hook as an accessory to her crime?

I thought about this as well. When the news finally comes out about the Bonnie and Adrienne switch, Adrienne could tell that Sheila knew the circumstances and did not pass on the information to Justin as Adrienne asked. Instead of having the sure cash, she will eventually join Hattie and Bonnie back at prison for her silence about the switch.
Thanks for the summary Jason!

Sheila: This one left her common sense back in her old cell block. She actually passed up sure cash by refusing to help Adrienne and opted for Bonnie's pie-in-the-sky promises. Hasn't it ever occurred to Sheila that the desperate Bonnie is doomed and that when Ms. Lockhart goes down, she could easily be on the hook as an accessory to her crime?
YES!!! I really hate seeing Adrienne left in prison so long! At one time I thought Sheila was showing a heart, silly me, now she leaves Adrienne in prison knowing she shouldn't be there. But I still don't get why Adrienne doesn't tell (and show?) her medical history. That would end this stupid story NOW!:angry:

I actually liked the Claire and Theo scenes and I LOVED that she 'fessed up to her trickery right away.
So glad Claire told the truth. But didn't she "sort of" manipulate Tripp into helping make Theo jealous?:confused:

And does Marlena think Adrienne is acting odd or does she think that's
not Adrienne at all?
Let's hope she is on to Bonnie. She should remember her from before. And Maggie surely should know this isn't the real Adrienne!:rolleyes:

I liked Marlena today visiting with her boys and the way they both tested her to make sure she was the real Marlena.

I used to like Nicole and Brady, but now I just don't care:cry:
I wasn't watching much when Bonnie was on before. Was Bonnie Maggie's maid before?
I wonder why Maggie didn't think more about this.
When Reilly began killing off all the major Salem character, Maggie was bashed to death on Halloween. Bonnie was Mimi's mother, and yes, became the maid for Mickey. But she set her sights on Mickey, determined to become Mrs. Mickey Horton. Big scene at Christmas when Bonnie got her own ornament, which she made sure was huge, and I believe pretty heavy. Anyway, when Maggie finally returned alived, there was a "situation" with all 3 of them in the house, Bonnie not wanting to vacate, Maggie claiming her place, Mickey caught in the middle. But, in the end, Bonnie & Mimi left Salem, I think Patrick Lockhart is still in prison (Mimi's brother. )
I'm glad that Brady finally saw the error of his ways, and gave his blessing to Nicole's returning to her charitable work at the Horton Center. She was obviously overjoyed!

I wonder if Ciara will ever return to Salem?
I'm glad that Brady finally saw the error of his ways...
I don't think Brady has seen the error of his ways, and that he was only placating Nicole for the time being. Monday's show ended with Eric and Nicole in what could be construed as a compromising situation. I expect Brady to walk in at the right (or wrong?) time. Nicole is an intelligent woman and has a lot of street smarts. It's beyond me that she can't see where Brady's jealousy and addictive nature are heading. Ah, but the characters are only as smart as the writers let them be, on any given day.
If Nicole is more attracted to Eric than she is to Brady, then she should get it over with, and openly choose Eric to be her life-long companion. I do wish that she had not "(kept) it in the family." That makes for awkward BBQs.

Brady can either be glad that a person he loves has finally found true happiness, or fall back on the "don't let the door hit you on the way out," defense mechanism.

I would like to see Brady next fall for a woman whom he has never seen before (that has no link to Salem.)

That would be a blockbuster soap opera event!