Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Aug. 12, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Episode #11,395 Taped 6/14 Director – Herb Stein

Nearly all of Salem is reeling today from the news that Hope is the person who had been mugging men, and tried to kill her husband, it is the subject of a great many conversations, as we flit about town. Nathan is in Maggie’s kitchen, not having slept much last night after hearing the news, talking of how his mom & Hope were best friends, he just cannot wrap his head around this. Maggie gets a call about troubles with a meat order at Chez Rouge, leaves the room. Melanie comes home, greets Nathan, sees he is upset, guesses it is about Hope, gives him a hug. And outside the door, Stephanie comes up, spies them hugging, is about to go in, changes her mind and leaves.

Earlier, a rather sad Stephanie is talking to Aunt Adrienne, both upset about Hope. Yes, Stephanie has talked to her mom & dad, is still a bit worried about Nathan. Adrienne tries to cheer her up, Stephanie agrees, Melanie is married to Philip, Nathan loves her, she really has nothing to worry about. However, it still bugs her that something odd is going on with Philip, and he even acted weird that day Adrienne found him coming out of Daniel’s apt. Adrienne says he was only picking up something for Chloe, a watch. Stephanie leaves, is next at the hospital, giving Daniel some sort of press release papers to review and o.k. as St. Mary’s has given an interview about the facial reconstruction, which was a big success, and the doctor mentioned Daniel’s name.
(Gotta tell you all it was hard to keep track of all these little tidbits of conversations. )

Maggie returns to the kitchen, finds Nathan & Melanie still hugging, they break apart, Maggie mentions Hope a bit, Melanie goes upstairs. Maggie & Nathan go to the Pub, where Caroline greets them. They all talk of Hope, Caroline mentioning how unlike her this was, she has known Hope all her life. She leaves to get menus, Nathan comments Caroline seemed a bit chilly to Maggie, who explains that somehow she has become friends with Victor, and it doesn’t seem to set too well with Caroline. Nathan comments that Victor just got married a short time ago, right?

Rafe & Sami are passionately kissing, when he pulls away suddenly, apologizes, telling her she had better go. Sami starts to leave, Rafe is behind her, leans to kiss her neck, and they are now even more passionate than a few seconds before. She shrugs off her jacket, they do not care if any minute 15 agents come thru the door, they just are really into each other, Sami is nearly out of breath…..but again Rafe stops, pulls away, reminds her she is engaged to EJ. He is sorry, this should not have happened. Sami leaves in a huff. Over at DiMansion, EJ comes into the study with Sydney in his arms, talking to her about the terrible way he treated her mommy, and promising to make it up to her, never to do it again. Sami comes in, needs to talk to EJ. He gets Sydney back in her room, and she flies off the handle at him telling Rafe about their engagement. EJ denies that, only told his father, doesn’t understand why they have to wait to tell people. Sami tries to explain that she wanted to tell Rafe herself, after she sorted things out. EJ, in his ever so charming way, says he knew she still had feelings for Rafe when he asked her to marry him, but they get along well, all is o.k., right? Sami smiles and agrees.

Justin & Daniel are in the hospital talking, Philip comes up, he just got back from his business trip, came straight there. His phone rings, it is Chloe, who has news for him about the baby, wants to meet him at the pier. He agrees, hangs up, tells the guys how upset he is to learn Hope is the one who tried to kill his brother, takes off. Justin & Daniel talk a bit of how Victor is taking the news, Justin leaves. Sherlock Stephanie comes up, telling Daniel the hospital insurance company wants more info about Chloe’s accident, if it was work related or not. (Doesn’t hospital financial dept. take care of this kind of thing?) Why was Chloe at the hospital. Daniel says she had gotten Daniel a watch, was picking it up. He walks away, Stephanie tells herself it is odd the watch was in two different places.
Chloe is rushing out, Nicole is at the door. Chloe doesn’t have time, Nicole wants to cry on Chloe’s shoulder about losing Brady, the only man she ever really loved, and all due to her own fault. Chloe expresses sympathy, but really has to go.

Philip has met Chloe on the pier, learns of the paternity test at a different hospital. Phil reminds Chloe that he will stand by her if the baby is his, be responsible for it, etc. She is worried that even if the baby is Daniel’s, they still might break up. Phil hugs her, and along comes nosy Stephanie, smiling and asking “together again?”. She apologizes, Phil explains he’s been out of town on business, just happened to run into Chloe, who is already late for an appt. Chloe leaves.

Justin is in the park remembering how Hope had no clue what he was talking about when he mentioned them kissing. Adrienne comes along, she was looking for him, knows he has to be taking this hard. She is very empathetic, can understand, truly, just how he feels and how much he is hurting.

Chloe sits in the Pub, sipping coffee, Melanie comes in behind her, startling her. She apologizes, mentions having seen her dad (this was earlier, in Maggie’s kitchen, where Daniel came in to talk about Carly, and how badly she must feel). Melanie is making small talk, but really is babbling away. She starts talking of Daniel’s and the facial reconstruction consult, but Chloe would rather not hear this technical stuff. Then Melanie babbles all the more about Carly being there, too, her patient who was getting an amnio secretly cuz she had this little affair….Chloe cuts her short, telling her she should not be talking about this patient’s private business, and abruptly leaves.
She meets up with Daniel at the hospital, suggests they go home together. He is all for that.

Rafe has come into the Cheatin’ Heart, ordered a beer, hears Nicole behind him asking him to get her one, too. He buys the lady a drink, next they are seated at a table, drinks in hand, toasting the future, may it not suck as badly as the past. LOL Adrienne is in the Pub, sipping a glass of wine, Caroline comes up, asks if she is expecting anyone. Nope, just dinner for one. Adrienne asks about Bo, then mentions Stephanie.

Stephanie, who seems to be wearing her invisible Sherlock hat, along with the investigative magnifying glass :)sarcasm:) is outside Daniel’s apt. door, remembering Aunt Adrienne telling her about the spare key. She looks under the mat, then up on the ledge, finds it, lets herself in, returning the key, and locking the door behind her. She wants to find something that will perhaps tell her what Chloe & Philip’s big secret is. Next she is trying to hack into Chloe’s computer, wondering if she keeps a journal, getting aggravated as she doesn’t know a password, and even angry at herself for breaking into the apt. and then trying to hack into the computer. She gets a call from Caroline, tries to tell her gramma she is very busy, but Caroline won’t let her off the hook so easily. Suddenly, Stephanie hears voices….Daniel & Chloe outside the door. She seems frozen where she stands.
hey barb since I'm a huge phelanie fan and have been going through phelanie withdrawls. would you mind giving me a description of the phelanie scene for me?

thanks for the write up.
oh sorry barb I've forgot about the combination rule again. when I say phelanie I mean philip and melanie.
I love the Sami/Rafe hot scene, but what is up with Sami getting mad if EJ did tell Rafe, this woman is off her noodle.
What is Stephanie's deal?? Why is an of this her buisness at all??
Thanks for the wonderful write up Barb!!
hey barb since I'm a huge phelanie fan and have been going through phelanie withdrawls. would you mind giving me a description of the phelanie scene for me?

thanks for the write up.

I would love a little recap of the Philip and Melanie moment as well.

But Barb you are truly gifted to keep all those conversations straight.

Thanks for all you do.

Am I the only one amused by snooping Stephanie? She is finally getting interesting.
Thanks Barb!!

Well I have to say that both Stephanie & Melanie are on my nerves with this epi.

Stephanie is too much of a busy body and needs to leave on the fastest jet available to the farthest destination.

Melanie has absolutely NO RIGHT talking about a patients condition or procedure in public like that, much less with someone who is not hospital staff. We had a case similar to this a couple of years ago when a news anchor was brutally murdered in her home. Nurses not associated with the patient evesdropped into her file and then started blabbing. All lost thier jobs and I believe were fined for it. If this weren't Salem, Melanie would have just seen her career ended before it ever really began.
You're right, Mae. Melanie is turning into a big gossip, probably a prerequisite if you work at the hospital.

Thanks for a fabulous summary, Poirot. I would like to add my request to PRSM's and slyn's. According to spoilers, Philip and Melanie have a romantic reunion on Thursday when he returns from his business trip. I too have been anxiously awaiting Philip's return. Can you give us a little preview of that?

Thanks Barb!!

Well I have to say that both Stephanie & Melanie are on my nerves with this epi.

Stephanie is too much of a busy body and needs to leave on the fastest jet available to the farthest destination.

Melanie has absolutely NO RIGHT talking about a patients condition or procedure in public like that, much less with someone who is not hospital staff. We had a case similar to this a couple of years ago when a news anchor was brutally murdered in her home. Nurses not associated with the patient evesdropped into her file and then started blabbing. All lost thier jobs and I believe were fined for it. If this weren't Salem, Melanie would have just seen her career ended before it ever really began.

I'm glad Chloe put Melanie in her place by telling her that she should not be discussing this patient's private business. I wonder if Melanie is going to take the job at St. Mary's hospital and look at the patient's file and find out who the father is since she seems to be all up in this patient's business. I think she is going to look at the file and see that Daniel is listed as the father on the paternity test and she will go ask Daniel why he would be listed as the father on this patient's paternity test and they will figure out that the paternity test was for Chloe. This is how the ONS is going to come out even if Chloe doesn't say it is Philip who she had the ONS with.
You're right, Mae. Melanie is turning into a big gossip, probably a prerequisite if you work at the hospital.

I too have been anxiously awaiting Philip's return. Can you give us a little preview of that?


Kpatch - I really don't want them turning Melanie into Maggie Jr...or worse...since Maggie is not so bad lately.

I should have known you were missing Philip. :) The show is just not the same when he is gone for such a long stretch.
Oh, my gosh, I left out Philip & Melanie. My turn for the wet noodle. Sorry guys. Melanie comes home, into the kitchen sees a huge bouquet of flowers. Philip comes in from the living room, Melanie runs and jumps on him, "you're home, your're home. He apologizes for not coming home straight from the airport, that nothing matters to him more than she does, hopes she will never forget that. Why would I, replies Melanie, kiss, and he carries her upstairs. :)
O.K. folks......courtesy of prevuze...a bit fuzzy, can maybe tell why Sami was becoming

By the way, she actually tells him to stop her from marrying EJ! LOL
Thanks for the recap of the Philip and Melanie scenes. It was most definitely worth the wait! I know you were just trying to build up the suspense Barb. :wink:

@slyn, oh yes, you can be sure that I notice when Philip is off the air. It is very frustrating when the only scenes he's been in over the past couple weeks have been with Nathan. But something is better than nothing any day of the week.
Just another little tidbit......(there were just so many "small" scenes today!) When Chloe is with Daniel in the hospital, he wants to know when they are going to let folks know she is pregnant.....he says he can feel a small "bump" already, and soon, they won't have to tell anyone, they will see for themselves. Chloe claims she wants to tell her parents when they call her on her birthday, and doesn't want anyone else to know before them.
Man Rafe just gets hotter. Thanks for the write-up. Sami wants to marry EJ, but wants Rafe to save her. Typical Sami
Someone really needs to knock some sense into Sami... She really needs to grow up! Rafe needs to run away fast!!!
Oh, my gosh, I left out Philip & Melanie. My turn for the wet noodle. Sorry guys. Melanie comes home, into the kitchen sees a huge bouquet of flowers. Philip comes in from the living room, Melanie runs and jumps on him, "you're home, your're home. He apologizes for not coming home straight from the airport, that nothing matters to him more than she does, hopes she will never forget that. Why would I, replies Melanie, kiss, and he carries her upstairs. :)
thankyou so much barb. I cant wait for friday's show now because I'm hoping they show philip and melanie where they left off on tomorrow's show.
Great detailed write-up! I hope Chloe was drinking tea, or at least de-caf! Her pregnancy is already high risk, isn't it?

Nicole must be feeling pretty low after Chloe has to abruptly end their talk.

Rafe sure is cute!