Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Aug. 19, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Episode #11,400 Taped 6/18 Director – Albert Alarr

Stefano, Kate & Will sit in the Pub, talking of the project Will is working on for DiMera Enterprises. Will mentions wanting Chad Woods to work with him, Stefano putting the kibosh on that. And then how withdrawn Chad has become, dealing with his mom’s death, spending time alone, especially down by the lake. Kate excuses herself, needs some air and leaves.
She is down by the lake, where Chad sits on a bench. Kate talks to him a bit, he tells how his dad won’t have anything to do with him, is in Chicago, won’t take his phone calls, he leaves messages, etc. His dad blames him for his mother’s death. Kate has a flashback memory of a conversation with Madeline about her big secret. They are arguing, but the upshot is that Chad is the son of Stefano DiMera and must never know, and neither must Stefano. Kate tries to reassure Chad that his dad needs him now, and will come around, but Chad leaves.
Now Kate runs into Lexie who has Ciara & Theo in tow. Theo loves the stars, likes to count them. Kate asks Lexie, given the state of her father’s health, does she think Stefano would be able to handle unsettling news? Lexie talks of him taking his insulin, no alcohol (ha) watching his diet, should be o.k. Kate is on top on all that, Lexie thanks her, and now Kate asks how she felt when she first learned Stefano was her father. Lexie talks of him being in their lives, doing so much for Theo, loving them both…..but admits that given all the things he has done thru the years, that yes, it was unsettling to learn he was her bio father, and sometimes she wishes she had never learned the truth.

Stefano gets a call, gets up to take it to the side, Will sits alone as Chad comes in. Will calls him over, hasn’t seen much of him. Chad talks of his dad refusing to talk to him, being in Chicago, and how he won’t have time to work with Will on his project, however he gets the drift that Stefano doesn’t want him to, anyway. Will offers to hang out later, maybe catch a movie, but Chad puts him off, starts to leave as Stefano returns. He says hello to Stefano, takes off. Will doesn’t understand why Stefano doesn’t like Chad, but Stef says Chad was raised by untrustworthy parents…and… they say…”the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”.

EJ is pacing around, talking to himself …well, really Nicole…and calls her, leaving a threatening message about keeping her mouth shut. He decides to go see her, but as he opens the door, Arianna is there, about to knock, they have a meeting. Oops, EJ forgot. He has her come in…..and evidently she has papers to sign, wherein the Salem PD will erase the arrest from her record, in return for her agreeing to not sue them for unlawful arrest. Arianna still wonders why Hope tried to frame her, he doesn’t know. He breaks the news now of his engagement to Arianna, who is rather surprised, but takes it in stride, claiming her brother has moved on anyway.

Sami is gleefully on her way to see Nicole in handcuffs, telling herself she probably would not be able to talk to Rafe anyway, then has this fantasy of walking in, seeing Rafe clamp shut the cuffs on Nicole, telling Sami he did it all for her. Nicole is protesting she has already been to prison for kidnapping Sydney, but Rafe is saying the governor has changed his mind about the pardon. Sami pushes Nicole aside, telling Rafe how much she loves him, he doing the same. Ahhh, but she comes back to the present, and here comes her dad around the corner.He wonders what she is thinking about, she says a decision she is making, he says if it is about marrying EJ, the answer is obvious – definitely NO. Sami says nothing, has to go and starts up the stairs.

In Nicole’s apartment, she is bouncing on the bed, all eager for the “Rafe takes his shirt off” show, but he buttons his shirt back up, he can’t do this. Nicole gets ticked, thought they were friends, but figures he was just using her. Rafe denies this, talks of how they both have been drinking, how they both have been thru the same sort of betrayal, that they ARE friends, he knows she has been abused by the men in her life. Nicole doesn’t seem to want him to leave, tho he tries, in fact, thinks maybe they do need each other, no strings attached, let’s try it again. They start kissing, her top comes off, she gets his shirt off.
And now we have one of most miraculous things I have seen on Days, tho maybe I just have not paid much attention. Out in the hall, Sami is rushing up to the door, and there is a side window which has appeared next to the door. Now inside, I could not see it at all, but there it was….and Sami sees the semi-naked couple embracing. Nicole spots her, and turns up the heat. Sami leaves. Nicole breaks it off with Rafe, goes into the bathroom to freshen up a bit, taking her purse.

Vivian is on the phone, talking to someone, all happy because whatever it is, will be attended to quickly. Gus comes in, she talks of having figured out a way to get Maggie out of Victor’s life permanently.

At the hospital, Victor comes out of a board meeting to find Maggie going over a list of therapists for Hope, as she promised Bo. Victor tells her if the state won’t cover the complete cost, he will. Hope has been in his life for so many years, he has grown to love and respect her, she is family, and he never abandons family. In walks Vivian, who makes some nasty crack about Hope, igniting Maggie’s wrath. But oblivious Vivian continues on, talking of something that will make Victor very happy. He asks if she is going to divorce him. LOLOL
No, she takes him on the side, they sit as she explains she was thinking of his daughter, just having that little niche in the mauseleum, and that really doesn’t honor her. So she thinks that a beautiful, but tasteful sarcophagus would be more fitting.

Sami has rushed back to DiMansion, yelling for EJ as she comes in, spotting Arianna, refusing to tell EJ what has upset her, she will see him later. Arianna beats a hasty retreat, thanks EJ, and takes off. And Sami, as rashly as always, is kissing EJ like there is no tomorrow, and telling him that is exactly when she wants to get married. Tomorrow. He is totally shocked, what about St. Lukes, so last minute….nope, Sami wants to dump all previous plans, get married right here, it is only us and the kids that matter anyway, who needs all that other stuff. More kissing, and Sami tells EJ “I love you”. He asks her to repeat it, she does, he loves her, they love each other, and should get married right away.

Nicole comes out of the bathroom wearing a pink robe, tells Rafe that actually, she doesn’t think this all is a good idea. He has his shirt back on, is going to leave, totally understands. She asks him not to leave yet. Maybe he could just stay, and hold her. Sure. She crawls onto the bed, cradling her pillow. Rafe lays down behind her, rubbing her shoulder a bit. Nicole smiles, closes her eyes.
Later, Nicole is sound asleep. Rafe gets up, goes into the bathroom, coming out with her purse. He unzips it, and takes out the CD. He stands, holding it.

that fake I love you EJ, is sickening.... can I get a barf bag?
Thanks for the write-up, Poirot.

I knew that Rafe wouldn't really 'do' anything to take advantage of Nicole.
And, after her trip to the bathroom, I think Nicole thought about it, and actually respects Rafe for not wanting her, like most other guys she has run across in her life.

Sami is in her reactive/meltdown mode. What an idiot!
Vivian is so out there!! What is she thinking!!??
Wow...Sami is so quick to jump the gun! I almost felt sorry for EJ knowing she was just usng him as a crutch after she saw Rafe & Nicole!

Thanks for the great write up Barb!!
Thanks Barb. Oh Sami you can't have it both ways. You love Rafe, but push him away into the arms of another woman then you get jealous and do something stupid like rushing to marry EJ. How sophmoric of you. Good thing for you Rafe still loves you, although at this point I am not sure why.

Vivian is not playing with a full deck. I hope Maggie does not end up hurt.

Poor Chad. Why Kate is keeping this secret I don't understand. She is going to be the one who gets hurt because when Stefano finds out she did not tell him the truth, the mad italian will strike again.
I hope Maggie does not get hurt either. I also hope that Victor is fully aware of Vivian's hatred towards Maggie and is one step ahead of her. Whatever she has planned for Maggie it backfires and she gets it herself.
It really is so sad seeing Sami again only thinking of herself! Children deserve parents that truly love each other & not this fake love Sami has for him.

I do love the bogus window!! Too funny!!
Yes Rafe has the CD. Hope he sees it and makes it in time to stop the wedding. Thanks for the write up Poirot.
As much as I totally cannot stand EJ, I almost feel sorry for the putz! :evillaugh: I can't imagine living with a nutcase like that for all the days of his sorry life!........
maybe that's why it can only work with Rafe....he knows exactly how to "shut her up!" :hot: .............JT:cool:
Stephano is Chad's father. WOW what a shocker. Come on Days you can do better than that!

I actually liked seeing Nicole and Rafe together, it was very entertaining.

I think Sami is really acting like traditional Sami now- a spoiled, irrational, brat. I do feel a bit sorry for EJ too. Poor Rafe he needs someone who is above acting like that.
Thanks for the write up!

I'm so glad that they didn't have Nicole and Rafe do the deed. If anything happens, I want it to be a slow build. I still have hope...

Sami is a ditz. She deserves EJ. She needs to save herself from herself.

Can't wait to see the Chad paternity unfold. I love that Stefano indicates "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". If he only knew. Love it!
Quote: "Stef says Chad was raised by untrustworthy parents…and… they say…”the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Boy will this statement come back and bite Stephano in the kester as we all know now Chad is the apple and Stephano is the tree.

Rafe and Nicole are very good together...thank you to the writers for not having them do the horizontal mombo. But I do see a bond has developed between them. I think Rafe has some compassion for her. Although Nicole has done some awful things, she has also had some horrible men in her life that have treated her pretty badly. Unfortunately, but necessary, now Nicole will learn that Rafe also used her to get the CD.
I think in some way that Nicole will feel a bit relieved that her secret will come out (with the CD) since even she knows that she botched it up (not turning EJ in and taking the money). Which is why I think she's still in that apartment with 5 mil in the bank.

So, while I'm glad Rafe took the CD, I'm hoping that Nicole can feel a little relief. I was hoping that she'd give it to Rafe voluntarily in exchange for his protection, but c'est la vie. I can't wait for tomorrow's scenes.
Focus on Isabella?

I am wondering why they keep mentioning Isabella all of a sudden. First Brady goes to her grave - when did he ever do that before, and now Vivian wants to redecorate it? I am just finding it odd I guess.

I like Nicole. She has screwed up a lot but I like her in a quirky sort of way. Sami is the biggest idiot on TV. EJ is scum and I cant wait for Rafe to clean his clock!
Brady did go to see Isabella's grave when he first retuned to Salem. He and Melanie were locked in the when Stephanie was kidnapped by Owen. Isabella has been mentioned by Victor from time to time.
Boy will this statement come back and bite Stephano in the kester as we all know now Chad is the apple and Stephano is the tree.

Rafe and Nicole are very good together...thank you to the writers for not having them do the horizontal mombo. But I do see a bond has developed between them.

I think in some way that Nicole will feel a bit relieved that her secret will come out (with the CD) since even she knows that she botched it up

I completely agree with all of the above.

I am wondering why they keep mentioning Isabella all of a sudden.

Good point. I'd wondered the same thing.
I am wondering why they keep mentioning Isabella all of a sudden. First Brady goes to her grave - when did he ever do that before, and now Vivian wants to redecorate it? I am just finding it odd I guess.

First, :welcome: dachsie21

If you're open to reading spoilers .... the Crystal Ball section has some info about what is to come, that 'may' clear things up a bit.
First, :welcome: dachsie21

If you're open to reading spoilers .... the Crystal Ball section has some info about what is to come, that 'may' clear things up a bit.

This particular spoiler is...... I am not finding something related to IzzyB. Genehunter, would you be so kind as to a link. pretty please.