Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Aug. 5, 2010

Thanks, Barb! And you're right...all Julie knows is what she sees. Can't wait to see this episode!!
Thank you SO much Barb and I totally agree with you 100%!! Poor Ciara! Julie is completely justified in chewing Bo out and I hope she ISN'T done!

Hope's SL is the ONLY one keeping me entertained (and I'm sure I'm not alone), the rest of the show is so blah boring.

edited to write out text-speak phrase - JS
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Will watch later tonight. I have a feeling I will be crying so will bring tissue to use.
Oh, man. I just watched this episode. When Ciara asked "Mommy, is 'some day' a long, long time?" I lost it. Hope, Bo and Ciara were all so convincing in these scenes. Heartbreaking.
And yes, the St. Mary's stuff was ridiculous. Too bad everyone was so serious, cuz I was waiting for the Marx Brothers, or Abbot & Costello to pop out somewhere. But that was just me.

Barb, you did an amazing job of following those crazy scenes and writing them up. When I was watching, I kept wondering if the actors were having trouble keeping a straight face while saying their lines. Especially when Daniel was outside the curtain talking to Chloe. I even found myself laughing. Your thought about the old comedians popping out was perfect!
Wow, another fabulous episode and summary. Ciara and Hope broke my heart. Not to nitpick, but Grandma Julie is really Aunt Julie. I guess they don't want to make Ciara's head explode, so they just refer to Julie as Grandma since she's married to Grampa.

The Chloe/Daniel scenes were embarrassingly drawn out and farce-like. And Melanie blurting out the reason the patient was there after Carly had said it's confidential is ridiculous. Shut up Melanie. I guess now she qualifies to practice medicine in Salem because she's as big a blabbermouth as Lexie.

So sad that Philip's only appearance of the whole week was on Wednesday in scenes with Nathan. Bleh.
Ciara should refer to her as Aunt Grandma. ;)

Priceless scenes with Bo/Hope/Ciara today. When Bo hugged Ciara and said don't for her and for us, man oh man. Priceless. I wish Julie would've been able to spit out more, but...
Wow, another fabulous episode and summary. Ciara and Hope broke my heart. Not to nitpick, but Grandma Julie is really Aunt Julie. I guess they don't want to make Ciara's head explode, so they just refer to Julie as Grandma since she's married to Grampa.

The Chloe/Daniel scenes were embarrassingly drawn out and farce-like. And Melanie blurting out the reason the patient was there after Carly had said it's confidential is ridiculous. Shut up Melanie. I guess now she qualifies to practice medicine in Salem because she's as big a blabbermouth as Lexie.

So sad that Philip's only appearance of the whole week was on Wednesday in scenes with Nathan. Bleh.

Carly should have went off on Melanie for blurting out that the patient was there for a paternity test since this is suppose to be confidential. I don't care if Daniel is a doctor, Melanie had no business telling him why the patient was there. She should be reprimanded for that when she gets back to University hospital. Maybe she will be and that is why she considers taking the job offer at St. Mary's hospital.

Also I liked the fact that Philip and Nathan were bonding. If it weren't for the fact that Philip is paranoid about Melanie running back to Nathan after she finds out about his ONS with Chloe, I could see them being friends and hanging out together talking about guy stuff. There aren't too many guys on this show that hang out with each other anymore that aren't related to each other.
Don't step grandmas get to be called grandma?
Yes, Julie is Hope's sister, but she is also her step mother. I think Ciara calling her "grandma" is appropriate.
OMG! You were right, Barb!! This was really a tearjerker!! Can't wait for tomorrow.
It truly was heartbreaking when Ciara came home and Hope, knowing she was leaving her beloved daughter, was trying so hard not to let her know the truth, but assuring her she loved her. Heck, I am sniffling here just writing this...maybe it is just me.

I haven't read through the other 4 pages of comments yet, but trust me, it's not just you. I teared up reading the summary and again here. If I ever get to watch this episode, I imagine the tears will be flowing.