Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Dec. 5, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Not too much going on in Salem. Daniel arrives home, Nicole is typing away, he was in surgery all night, 5 car accident. They both want to talk about Eric, she explains about the story she wants to do, while Daniel talks of being determined to find out exactly what it was that poisoned Eric. He knows she was there and thinks she might remember or know something, or would be able to get Eric to remember something. In fact, Eric is on his way over...Nicole quickly gathers her things and leaves, she is not going to run into Eric.

Meanwhile, Eric is meeting up with Sami at the Pub. They talk EJ, with her saying how EJ is as upset as she is, but Eric notes EJ won't lift a finger to help. That shuts Sami up, but not for long, as before you know it, she is on Nicole's case. Eric is feeling bad about accusing her with no proof, but Sami figures Nicole deserved it. Eric tries to calm her down, no, Nicole did not wrong, Sami has to admit that. But then Eric mention Nicole doing a story, and Sami is running off at the mouth again. Eric just wants his life back, wants his priesthood back, that is all.

Sami then shows up at Nicole's office. (yes, folks, an office...well, at least there is a desk, lol). And the following scenes are really ugly. Sami should really be ashamed of herself. She gives Nicole a hard time about doing a story on Eric, tearing him down after all he has done for her. Then, Sami calls Nicole a baby napping, husband stealing piece of crap, Nicole comments how great that is, makes her want to really do Sami a favor. Sami backs off, but only an inch, because before you know it, she is reciting Nicole's transgressions, but Nicole gives it back. Sami notes the 5 million dollars Nicole took to marry Lucas, Nicole notes Sami shot EJ in the head, and then is going to marry the fool. Sami throws up Nicole attempting to blame Jennifer when she lost her baby.....but then goes overboard when she taunts her over having lost two babies, and maybe she can find a man to get pregnant with a third she can lose. (I said...really ugly). Nicole tells her to shut up, and then tells her how she was going to do a good story on Eric, one to help him, but after talking to Sami now, she won't lift a finger to help Eric.

Jennifer spots Maggie sitting at a table, joins her. Small talk, Maggie is sorry she has not returned Jen's calls, but has been busy. Jen asks if she has a minute now...nope, she is expecting someone momentarily, and there is Theresa. Jen tells Maggie to drop over to the house later (she has decided to work "remotely" today) and gets up to leave, but Theresa stops her, tries to tell her how she was mad at Jen, so tried to make it appear she had something going with Dan....but there wasn't. Jen doesn't believe her, knows what she is trying to do, but Dan was at her house when she OD'd, she knows that. Jen leaves, Theresa joins Maggie, telling her she was only trying to make amends, as the AA program guidelines say. Maggie says she has to go to a meeting first, Theresa wants Maggie as her sponsor, but Maggie refuses. Daniel is her son, his reputation has been maligned, she gives her the name of two other women who would be happy to be her sponsor. She notes there is a mtg. in 10 minutes at the Community Center. Theresa doesn't want to go alone, Maggie spots Brady coming in, calls him over, asks him to take Theresa, but he has tons of work, has to go. Maggie is a bit suspicious, asks if he is o.k. Oh, could not be better. He takes off.

Earlier, at home, Brady had snorted another line of coke (Gad I hate this) and is very self-satisfied with himself. He keeps looking at his little packet, which doesn't have too much left now. He checks his phone, happy he has no appointments today. He sees messages from Nicole, deletes them, is not going to play with her today. He leaves, runs into EJ in the square, short conversation, where Brady confidently claims he is over Kristen, doesn't care where she is, has no interest at all. EJ talks again of Kristen really loving him, but Brady figures that may have been true, but means nothing to him now. He goes home, checks his little packet again, calls someone, says he has only half a G left, so needs some help.

At the Horton house, Will has brought JJ some CD's, then talk, with JJ ending up telling him how mad at his mom he was that she was with Daniel. He was thinking that she did not love his dad enough, or wasn't missing him, but all the while, JJ was mad at himself for just not having been there himself. The guys talk a bit, Will figures all will work out. Jennifer returns home, telling JJ about running into Theresa. JJ is very curious at what she said when apologizes, but Jen says it isn't important. Maggie arrives, JJ leaves. They talk a bit, about Gran, yes, Tom & Alice, and how when troubled, they try to figure out what Gran would say. Jen invites Maggie to stay there at the Horton house. Maggie will think on it, and let her know.

Theresa runs into JJ at Horton Square, asks directions to the Community Center. He tells her, she thanks him, starts to mention the night she OD'd...then stares at JJ. That!!

Daniel talks with Eric, telling him of his research, how he narrowed the area of drugs, and there are new tests, but more painful, yada, yada. He mentions all his research last night (and gee, I thought he was in surgery with all those accident victims??) They talk back and forth, Eric is willing to do anything he can. Nicole comes home, is glad Eric is still there, says she just wanted to tell him that she will never ever do anything to help him ever again.

Sami arrives home, enters the study, sitting on the sofa, is a bit tearful. She hears the door, wipes her eyes, looks up and there is Nick. She screams, gets up, taking a few steps away. Nick's image is gone and there is EJ standing there, asking what the hell is the matter with her.
I know Sami thought EJ was Nick when she screamed, but I find it perfectly believable that Sami would scream anytime EJ walked into a room. I also think it is hilarious that EJ, the guy who is always claiming to know Sami so well, doesn't have a clue what is going on with her.

Sami and Nicole snarking at each other is always entertaining.

I don't know who I disliked more today - Jennifer, Maggie, Eric or Brady. Vivian and Kristen aren't in Salem so is there anyone else Brady could bury alive?
Good luck to those accident victims, being operated on by a doctor who was up all night doing research on the Eric case. Then again, the Love Doctor is such a miracle surgeon that he could do probably do heart transplants while sleep walking. And pity poor Eric -- with friends like Sami, he certainly doesn't need enemies. On the subject of Samantha Gene, it's amazing how she can rip into people for their past failings when she herself is sharing a bed with Elvis Junior, the biggest sociopath in Salem. Finally, thanks to his dramatic disappearance beneath the cold, dark waters of the Salem River, Tricky Nicky has achieved his goal -- he is constantly on the minds and in the dreams of Salem women. That said, these women should count themselves lucky. Instead of an image of Nick thrashing about in the water or simply standing near them, imagine how bad it would be if they were seeing Nick posing with his cute little red heart-shaped pillow, with a come-hither look on his face.
The only thing today's show accomplished was reminding me why I now loathe Sami Brady more than any other character currently on screen. So many damn (can I please say that) kudos to Nicole for not backing down from that witch. She looks like a complete jack-butt when she tries to tear other people down by throwing their past in their face. Yes Sami, you kidnapped your SISTER. Seriously, is there ANYTHING to like about this woman?

And that contrived hallucination where she imagined EJ as Nick - where was this attack of conscience when she was dragging Nick's body through the woods and spewing to shell-shocked Gabi that he got what he deserved. Hoping there's a Salem sniper story line coming real soon and that Sami is the first victim.

EJ would do better to just take up knitting or stamp collecting because him walking around town questioning people about Sami's whereabouts is just pathetic.
For someone who lost a child (Grace) I find Sami's remarks to Nicole about losing 2 babies absolutely appalling and deplorable. Shame on the writers for putting that in there. Nicole has done enough bad things to be called out on but the way people like Sami and Chloe throw losing children in her face as if she is a child murderer is so beyond the pale.

Brady is high as a kite and no one notices. LOL. Would have been kinda funny to see him go to a meeting with Theresa while high. Seems like Theresa is perhaps remembering the events of the night of her OD. I really wish Daniel would just say NO I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH THERESA already. I'm sick of everyone assuming this is what happened and Daniel just gives them a guilty look and says nothing. Ugh. I'm sure Princess JenJen and Ruffles McRed had a nice conversation but I just can't with these two anymore.
I'm fine with Sami hating Nicole. Nicole kidnapped Sydney (Sami's baby) twice.

If Theresa remembers what happened, what will she do with the information?
I don't have a problem with Sami hating Nicole. It's Sami acting like she's above Nicole, or anyone, that royally ticks me off. Sami has killed, attempted to kill, drugged and raped, blackmailed, faked amnesia, kidnapped, and faked paternity tests. And if I can remember correctly, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong, the only one of the two that has slept with someone else's husband is Sami.
@SnowFox....I have no problem with these two hating each other and trading barbs. It's the fact that they had Sami throw in Nicole's face the fact that she lost TWO babies as if that was on par with kidnapping or attempted murder. And the fact that Sami herself has lost a child I found the remarks even more cold and callous. I could have even let the comment about Nicole blaming Jennifer for losing her son except that the way Sami phrased it was "blaming Jennifer for something YOU did". Nicole did NOT cause her son's death!!! :mad::beat::mad: OMG, nothing gets to me more than people attacking Nicole about her babies!!!
I wouldn't put it past Theresa to use the information against JJ and for her own good. Once she remembers everything the old Theresa will be back.
I didn't pay much attention today so may have missed a few things.

I'm still trying to figure out whether Sami's skirt is leather or pleather. :confused: I was on Team Nicole all the way today. I've watched Sami since Alison Sweeney's 1st day on the show and the only 2 times I liked the character were when she was married to Rafe and when she was married to Lucas. More so Rafe because she matured then. These writers have now destroyed this character completely. Today was a perfect example of that from the continuous denial about Jr. to the nasty comments she made to Nicole. Even teenage Sami had more of a brain than this.

I thought Jen's conversation with Theresa was equally as deplorable as Sami's was with Nicole. I can't wait to see this woman eat crow...and find her heart surgery scar.

No interest in the Brady storyline. That character was destroyed a long time ago when he left Chloe.

Also, I noticed a guy sitting at the bar in the pub who appeared to be watching Sami?

Jr. needs to go to work. Either be a lawyer or run Stefano's companies but do something. Walking around in Salem in a suit looking for Sami gets old real fast and when he looking at her photo in the beginning, that was a look of obsession not love. Sami certainly doesn't seem to miss him very much.
There is nothing remotely likable, much less root-able about Samantha Brady - what a horrible, soulless, shell of a person she is.......
So how much cocaine has Brady snorted over night? He probably should be over dosed himself by now. Or is it the same day in Salem?

I so much agree! I can't stand how she walks around with her nose stuck in air and acting like she is so much better. Sami is a piece of crap just like EJ and I am going to enjoy every moment of torture that EJ will inflict on her as long as she stays with. They both deserve the agony they put upon one another because their are only concerned about themselves and what affects them. Sami expects everyone to be so forgiving, compassionate and understanding towards her but she sure as hell doesn't know how to give that back in return. For someone who hates having her past thrown in her face, she sure has no qualms about doing to others. She is so sick and disturbed. All EJ need id for Sami to put a leash around his neck so he can follow her around every where. So sad!
When Sami slept with EJ in 2011, EJ and Nicole were getting a divorce. The only person who was cheated on was Rafe. However, I never believed Sami would cheat on Rafe with EJ, or that Sami would choose EJ over Rafe. Rafe is the man Sami was completely and totally in love with for years, the one she wanted to be with, and the man Sami wanted to be a better person for.

EJ doesn't have Sami under his thumb anymore, so he has to run around Salem trying to find her. Next up EJ will move on to once again making Sami's life miserable because she dared to have a thought of her own.

After the way Maggie and Jennifer acted with Theresa today, I think I want Theresa to cause them all kinds of problems.
I agree, Sparks, about Nicole and Sami. They traded insults, barbs, and equal sins for a bit. But when Sami tossed in the losing two babies, that was just too much, even for Sami.
And the thing was, even Eric was giving her a hard time about her "fiancee'". O.K. not a really hard time, but he knows she is trying to hide something that EJ did or knew (which she is) and called her on it. I remember when people would say something about EJ, and she would recite her "he's changed" mantra. She no longer is doing that, is she? At least she knows he has not changed, or realizes it. Hasn't made her pack up the kids and go back to her apt., which I sure wish would happen. But alas .....
The night Sami slept with EJ, Nicole had refused to get back together with EJ, and told him she was going to have the divorce finalized. Nicole went chasing after EJ when he was married to Sami. Nicole knew EJ was still in love (obsessed) with Sami, and that he married her on the rebound. Nicole kidnapped Sami's baby. If she wants to trade insults with Sami, Nicole better be prepared to handle it. It's the same way I feel about EJ. He started a war with Sami in 2006, and then got upset when Sami dared to fight back. I prefer the Sami who comes out fighting, and doesn't put up with their crap.

How can all the people who saw Brady today not realize he is as high as a kite?
For someone who lost a child (Grace) I find Sami's remarks to Nicole about losing 2 babies absolutely appalling and deplorable. Shame on the writers for putting that in there. Nicole has done enough bad things to be called out on but the way people like Sami and Chloe throw losing children in her face as if she is a child murderer is so beyond the pale.

Brady is high as a kite and no one notices. LOL. Would have been kinda funny to see him go to a meeting with Theresa while high. Seems like Theresa is perhaps remembering the events of the night of her OD. I really wish Daniel would just say NO I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH THERESA already. I'm sick of everyone assuming this is what happened and Daniel just gives them a guilty look and says nothing. Ugh. I'm sure Princess JenJen and Ruffles McRed had a nice conversation but I just can't with these two anymore.

I have to agree, I was appalled that they had Sami say "lost any babies, recently, you're about due." That was just despicable. I hate that the writers won't let Nicole have a baby anyway and that is just an awful thing to say.