Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Feb.18,2010


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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Episode #11,274 Taped 12/18/09 Director Herb Stein

A rather emotional episode on all fronts today…..
However, a short snynopsis of Wed. 2/17/10 show first…Melanie was rushed into surgery after being shot by Carly, Daniel operating w/Lexie assisting. Evidently she went into cardiac arrest. Meanwhile EJ has gotten some of Sydney’s baby clothes, which Anna has washed to get rid of DNA (??) but have some of Sydney’s blood on them from a nosebleed she had incurred at some point in the past. He takes them down to the pier, throws them in the river, where they are eventually found and identified as belonging to Sydney.

And on to Thursday… In the O.R. .Daniel is desperately working on Melanie, telling her to hang in there, seemingly to no avail. He finally asks for time….a nurse says 10 minutes (!!) he asks Lexie if they should call it. Out in the waiting area a sort of quiet bedlam. Vivian is insisting Carly be arrested, that she because she missed her intended victim, someone else is at death’s door. Carly is talking of protecting Melanie from Viv, that she was about to smack her over the head with a lead pipe, Vivian denies, Kate comes waltzing in with Lucas, agreeing that Vivian did plan to off Melanie. Victor is silent, Philip worried. Vivian is telling Phil how much she adored Melanie and would not hurt her, Kate is telling him Viv is a liar, he tells both to shut up.
Lexie comes out, somber face, but says the surgery is over, she still needs blood, Carly volunteers, talking of having negative blood as Melanie probably does. Victor gets hold of Vivian, warns her that her life will be over if anything happens to Melanie, that he had warned her previously, and his son’s happiness means everything to him. Carly & Bo seem to be in another area, where she tells him everything that happened, including the business about the comb, Victor switching it, how she took Hope’s gun, only for protection, but everything happened so fast, she still doesn’t know how. Vivan wants Carly arrested, Bo hesitates, she asks Abe, who tells Bo, if he doesn’t arrest Carly, he will have another officer do it. Then Abe tells Viv she is also arrested as a suspect, and HE reads her the Miranda rights. Lol. Now Bo finally is sorry, but has to arrest Carly, gives her the same “rights” speech, and cuffs her.
Kate has come up to Philip, so sorry for what has happened, yada, yada. Hugs as she tells him how much she loves him, always has. She later talks to Victor, wanting to know what exactly happened, and Victor changes the subject. She won’t let go, knows he was involved, is surprised he allowed Vivian back in his house, knowing she was out for revenge against Carly, babbling about him hiding evidence Viv was trying to do away with the love of Philip’s life. Victor retorts something about evidence being hidden when the love of Lucas’s life was nearly killed. Philip comes up, Victor assures him he had nothing to do with any of Vivian’s plans, that all he wants is a long and happy life for him and his bride. They hug.

Down at the cop shop, Bo is trying to question Vivian, who reminds him she has the right to remain silent. He asks a couple questions, she replies with “yada, yada, yada” and then with blah, blah, blah. (gee, these are my favorite expressions to use here, lol). He gets a call, then tells her she is free to go. Now we see the cuffed Carly, talking with Bo, moaning a bout how she should not have returned to Salem, Bo reassuring her all she has done was to protect her daughter, but Carly figures Vivian would never have come to Salem if she wasn’t there already. And all she wanted was to be a part of her daughter’s life, Bo again saying that it was not a mistake, and when Melanie comes out and learns everything, she will be happy to have the mother she never had. Now, in the empty room, Carly is pacing, and, of course, getting a visit from the very dead Lawrence. He is very happy, could not have done better himself. She is crying, telling him to go away. Eventually Bo returns, taking the cuffs off, has to take her to her cell.
Vivian comes into the Kmansion, looks around, talking out loud to Lawrence, telling him she has gotten revenge, may he now rest in peace.

Over at DiMansion, EJ, Sami & Rafe are awaiting word from forensics about the blood on the clothes. EJ fakes his positive attitude, insisting many girls have dresses like that, it doesn’t mean anything. Sami is very upset, Rafe asks if she wants to go home, no, she wants to stay cuz Sydney lived here, then she asks EJ to tell her stories about Sydney. He talking about how she likes music, he hums when she is on his lap, and she hums along with him, and nursery rhymes, mentions English ones (aren’t they all originally from England???). Rafe gets a call from forensics….with the bad news. The blood was Sydney’s. Sami gets more upset, rather hysterical, EJ is looking at her, (and boy, we know he is happy to see her this way) with his slight downturned mouth. Sami tries to be a bit positive, as they did not find a body, Rafe notes the depth of the river, and the speed of the current, they might never find any trace. Rafe has his arm around her, she goes on about how all the woman wanted was her money, and when she didn’t get it, she just “threw my daughter away”…just threw her away. She doesn’t know how she is going to tell the twins, Will, her family. Rafe asks if she wants to go, and they leave. EJ sits alone, flashing back to sitting on the sofa with Johnny, telling him that in a few weeks, he may be hearing some terrible things about his sister, but not to worry, they are not at all true. And soon he, his sister and his daddy will all be on an island together, but this is their secret and he can tell no one. Johnny nods in agreement.

Rafe sits at a table at the Pub, as Sami returns from the back. The twins are asleep, so is Gramma, & Will is out somewhere with Mia…so much for telling my family. She sits down, no, she doesn’t want coffee or tea. Rafe has to make some calls, gets up and goes to the side. She takes out her cell and calls someone, asking the person to come over, she needs to talk. And in a few minutes, in comes Lucas, telling Sami how sorry he is. (this is all perfect). She hugs him, he holds her, she talks of how Allie was asking when she was going to see her baby, she calls Sydney her baby. Lucas tells her not to worry about that now, that they don’t have to tell Allie til morning, and they will figure something out by then. They hear Rafe telling someone to drag the rive, all the way…and Sami just cannot stay there. Lucas agrees and hustles her out the door.

Anna is admiring a baby sunsuit, telling Sydney how she is going to love it, be in such a warm place, etc. A bit later, she is holding Sydney, as EJ comes in the door, takes Sydney from her, pops a kiss on her head. He evidently tells Anna all went well, but she is appalled that Sami thinks Sydney is dead. EJ repeats his mantra of making her suffer as he did. Anna says Sami already suffered with Grace’s death, and Grace really died, Sydney is still alive. Oh, no, Grace was not his child, Sydney is….but Sami kept Grace from him, he is keeping Sydney from her. He is going to provide a stable life for Sydney, something she would not have with Sami. Anna protests, she is a mother herself, and tho Sami has done awful things in the past, she doesn’t deserve to lose another child. Nope, EJ is adamant, his kids are much better off with him, and they are all going to disappear…now.


P.S. This show is the last time Lucas will appear in Salem, he is no longer on the show.

At the end of the show today, there is an "In Memoriam" for Frances Reid, who passed away a couple weeks ago. There are 3 pictures, 2 of her alone, one of her and Tom.
Thanks for the wonderful write up!

I cant believe this is how they are writing off Lucas. Seems like the writers have no respect for their actors. I mean he was not just a recurring actor that was on every once in a while. He was a main character for a long time. Lucas/Brian deserved much more than that as an exit scene. i am dissappointed!!
Thank you so much for the write up Poirot! Wow! This show sounds amazing. I can't wait to watch it. I can't believe this is Bryan's last show (sniff! sniff!) I'm glad he was there for Sami but I wonder how they'll explain his leaving. He would hardly leave Will and Allie I would think. . . I feel so bad for Sami. She is going to be livid (to say the least) once she finds out (if the writers let her find out) EJ staged the kidnapping and Sydney's "death". I know Anna is a bit of a ditz but I don't understand how she can go along with all of this. I'm wondering if it will be her or Johnny that will spill the beans? Let's hope it happens before EJ actually gets to the island with the kids.

The drama with Melanie sounds really good too. Everything on Days is the best that it's been in a while! Lots of action and drama! I love it! :clap:
Great Write-up. Finally some February sweeps action.

The whole thing with EJ telling Johnny is going to come back and bite him. Johnny almost spilled the beans when Sami had told him she was pregnant with Sydney right before she went into witness protection. I think Johnny will say that "Daddy said that his sister is not gone and we are going on an island". Sami being dense will dismiss it, and Rafe will be the one to start getting suspicious. Of course EJ is going to play the grieving father to get closer to Sami and drive another wedge between Sami and Rafe. Can someone please slap EJ? Better yet can someone kick him in the family jewels and make him unable to bear anymore children. James Scott is a great actor because I just love to hate EJ.
Thanks for the wonderful write up!

I cant believe this is how they are writing off Lucas. Seems like the writers have no respect for their actors. I mean he was not just a recurring actor that was on every once in a while. He was a main character for a long time. Lucas/Brian deserved much more than that as an exit scene. i am dissappointed!!

This is nothing new for DAYS. Does anyone remember Neil Curtis? He was HUGE character back in late 70´s and all 80´s yet he simply disappeared one day never to be seen since. Or Marcus Hunter, another fairly popular character who just went away never to return. And more fresh Nicol and her infamous strip scene with Roman.

I heard they wanted to keep Brian as recurring so there was never some big goodbay planned for him. He refused, so this is his last scene forever (or till they ask him to come back).
While I would agree about Lucas's last scenes. what I liked was that when Sami truly needed a friend.....she called her best one, and he came immediately. She wanted him to lean on at that particular moment in time, and he was there for her.
And right now (in these scenes) she is a bit put off by Rafe....who promised to find who is responsible, and she yells at him she doesn't care, she doesn't care who is responsible. Her baby is gone. (This was at DiMansion, EJ smirking)
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Glad that Melanie came though the OR. I Just don't get it. Why should only Carly be in jail and Vivian gets off. Victor should have the comb that he switched to prove that Viv was planning to kill Melanie. The lead pipe that she droped is on the ground and would have her finger prints on it. That should be enough to keep her in jail. I wanted to see her dressed in orange. Ohhh well. This is days. So nice that Sami called Lucas when she needed a friend. So sad that Lucas is gone now. It could have been a great way to get Sami and Lucas back together.
Me feeling about the Lucas thing is that they are leaving it be, and not saying anything in the story about his leaving, so that if they hire a new person to play Lucas, or bring Brian back at some point, he can just walk right into whatever and life goes on. They seem to do that so much on that show with characters, here today-gone tomorrow-back in a few months! I bet we either see a new guy playing Lucas in the future, or they hire Brian back, and he returns. I don't feel the character of Lucas is totally gone from the soap itself though. Right now they just don't really have much of a storyline for that character. Its all about EJ, Sami, Rafe, Sydney, Anna, and others. For the longest time we didnt see Victor either and now he is on regularly again. Stephano comes and goes with the wind all the time! LOL.
I heard they wanted to keep Brian as recurring so there was never some big goodbay planned for him. He refused, so this is his last scene forever (or till they ask him to come back).

Not exactly, Bryan had the option of filming one more scene that would have been about 2 seconds long and he opted out - there was no exit story planned.

Considering Sami's destruction and that of the show in general, Lucas leaving out the door with Sami is the most fitting exit I could expect. The only glimpses we've had of the real Sami in the past two years have been her scenes with Lucas. With him leaving, so is any hope of ever seeing her again. It works for me that they both exit their last scene together.
Thanks for the writeup! I'm glad we finally get the In Memoriam.

I am not a Lucas fan, but for those of you who are, I feel bad for you. I do believe there was plenty of story available for him, with or without Sami, had they chosen to write it. I can certainly think of other characters I'd be happy to be rid of before I got rid of Lucas.
Did I miss something here? Allison Sweeny is not on the show anymore after today? I knew about Brian, but not Allison (Sami). I dont think her walking out with Lucas has her gone forever unless I totally missed something. I think Sami is still gonna be on the show. Yes? No?
Can't wait to see the show! Thanks for the write up. Barb, you're writing is amazing.

About Vivian's fingerprints---I'm 99% positive she had gloves on---seemed to me I noticed them when she had her hands on Melanie.

I'm so sick of the EJ/Sydney story---how much longer are the writers going to try to pull our heartstrings. James Scott is doing an amazing job---but enough is enough.

Have a great day eveyone.
Me feeling about the Lucas thing is that they are leaving it be, and not saying anything in the story about his leaving, so that if they hire a new person to play Lucas, or bring Brian back at some point, he can just walk right into whatever and life goes on. They seem to do that so much on that show with characters, here today-gone tomorrow-back in a few months! I bet we either see a new guy playing Lucas in the future, or they hire Brian back, and he returns. I don't feel the character of Lucas is totally gone from the soap itself though. Right now they just don't really have much of a storyline for that character. Its all about EJ, Sami, Rafe, Sydney, Anna, and others. For the longest time we didnt see Victor either and now he is on regularly again. Stephano comes and goes with the wind all the time! LOL.

There was plenty of story potential for Lucas but he was too much of a threat to Tomlin's plans for the show. Lucas/Sami reuniting would have always been just around the corner. I think the mistake Tomlin made was in assuming that somehow Sami/Rafe would be accepted by default with Lucas gone - I don't see that way at all. The two couples are nothing alike and Sami can't even be Sami anymore because of the way the pairing with Rafe was handled from the start. It has never been about a couple, just Rafe.

Bryan is Lucas - a recast would never work but I doubt that will even be a consideration and I think Bryan is done with Days for good. I don't expect to ever see Bryan (or Lucas) on Days again.
Thank you for the preview, Barb. This does sound like an emotional show. I am already emotional, just thinking about Lucas leaving. In the past, I would have expected and hoped for him to return at some point but now there does seem to be a finality about the departure of the long-time characters---a change from the usual, over the past year or so.

It sounds like a good show though.
I'm confused about the Sami/Lucas statement also---did I just misread it or have I missed out on something? Barb---help!!!
Did I miss something here? Allison Sweeny is not on the show anymore after today? I knew about Brian, but not Allison (Sami). I dont think her walking out with Lucas has her gone forever unless I totally missed something. I think Sami is still gonna be on the show. Yes? No?

Alison will remain on the show (at least for now) but she doesn't play the role of Sami Brady anymore - I know it is confusing because the character still goes by the same name, but the real Sami Brady is long gone. The only chance of her ever returning was a reunion with Lucas, with him gone, so is all hope for Sami.
RIOKS wrote: With him leaving, so is any hope of ever seeing her again. It works for me that they both exit their last scene together.

I have reread this a few times, and that is why I initially thought she meant that they are both leaving the show. Now, I am thinking she mean the "real Sami", which she mentioned in a prior sentence, is whom she meant when she said they both exit their last scene together.

Yes? Or is Sami really gone now too?

OK...just read Rioks response... she is talking about the character of Sami from years past and with Lucas gone, that Sami, in her opinion, wont be on anymore. Got it!! LOL
RIOKS wrote: With him leaving, so is any hope of ever seeing her again. It works for me that they both exit their last scene together.

I have reread this a few times, and that is why I initially thought she meant that they are both leaving the show. Now, I am thinking she mean the "real Sami", which she mentioned in a prior sentence, is whom she meant when she said they both exit their last scene together.

Yes? Or is Sami really gone now too?

I answered above, but on this subject, I expect there will be a new love interest brought in for Rafe and there will be more fading out of Sami/Alison. I think that's what they are doing with Bo/Peter and Hope/Kristian as well.