Days of Our Lives -Thurs.June 11,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Episode #11,101 Tape date 5/6 Director – Grant A. Johnson

The day continues, as we pick up all our Salemites just where we left them yesterday. Max has brought some breakfast on a tray to bed, he & Chelsea munch on donuts, as he brings out some papers he is looking over. They kibbitz about him perhaps writing a book, and finally she takes the papers from him, learning he received a full scholarship to medical school, all expenses covered. She is very proud of him, and apologizes for trying to get him to come to London with her, never thinking about him moving on with his life. No need, Max has decided to go with her back to London, no regrets, just wants to be where she is.

Nicole once more expresses her sympathies to Rafe, tho he is hard pressed to figure out why she is so upset, when she only saw Grace a few times, hardly knew her. Nicole claims being a mother herself makes her really feel for Sami and what she is going through. She abruptly leaves, nearly forgetting her cell, the one she left behind the day before. The nurse has returned, apologizing to Rafe, telling him she only needs to get his signature and he can go downstairs and get his daughter.

Daniel still wants to know what Kate is doing there, what is it she has already gotten. Kate does a song and dance bit in her usual manner. She talks of him working so hard to save that baby, and then it died, and how much she has despised him in the past, but then remembers how much he cares about his patients, how he saved her life, how many times she woke up in her hospital bed to find him in the chair alongside her. So this puts him at different level, and she wants a favor. She talks of a Meet the Doctor or something segment for her TV show, wanting him on there, he says no, there are plenty of others probably very willing….she applies some pressure, he says he will think about it, but right now is going for a run or a swim or something. She leaves, smirking outside the room as she fingers the prescription blank.

Lucas has followed Chloe to the Java Café (wonder how he knew where she had gone, and that ferry captain must be making a mint these days, lol) telling her not to run away like that. She wants to be alone, but berates him for keeping Sami’s secret from her. She complains at how Lucas has been badgering her not to keep secrets. Hey, it is not like they are having an affair (ooh, that hit a sore spot) retorts Lucas. She gets ticked, saying how hard she tries to work on keeping this marriage together, he says it should not have to be work, she says something about there being someone else in this marriage, not just the two of them, and he bats the ball right back at her, saying well, if so, it is not Sami. She takes off to be alone.

Kate meets some young guy in the park, dressed in hospital green scrubs as she requested. He evidently has done lots of favors for her in the past. She gives him the prescription, which is now filled out. Later, he returns with the pkg., handing it to her as he tells her to be careful with it, as the pharmacist said it was very toxic. She hands him a envelope full of money, surprising him as it is way too much, but she tells him he has to leave town for some time now. That should cover it.
Later, she is at home, fingering the bottle when Lucas comes in, wanting to know what that is. She claims liquid vitamins, he cannot understand why she needs vitamins by prescription, what is wrong with her. Nothing, she assures him. Lucas isn’t buying it, why should she need liquid vitamins. He takes the little bottle (it has one of those eye dropper caps) from her, asking what is going on.

Chloe comes walking thru the park, spots a green hospital scrub top on the ground. She sees Daniel’s I.D. badge on it, as he comes up, all wet, having just had a dip in the lake. He can see she is upset, she mentions Lucas keeping something from her…about Sami, and what it was is not important. Daniel wears the common sense crown now as he asks why she is upset over something so minor. That she herself is keeping a secret from Lucas. Out comes the promise to God line, and a comment that perhaps what is happening now is a sign from God. That brings Chloe up short, Daniel continues on, asking her if she doesn’t still love Lucas. Of course she does, but “I love YOU more”.

Nicole is at home, holding Sydney and counting her blessings, telling the baby how she is her mommy, the only one she will ever have. Later, she is talking to a florist, making arrangements to send flowers to the funeral home. Signing the card, With love, from Nicole, EJ, Johnny & Sydney. Stefano comes in, disappointed that she did not include his name, so he will send his own arrangement, and condolences. He talks of having this happy healthy baby with them, due to Nicole’s cunning, o/w it would be he, EJ & Nicole mourning the loss of a child.

EJ is ranting at Sami in the apartment, how dare she keep his daughter from him. And he doesn’t want to hear anything about his family, she had no right, she is rotten to the core, the man screams,yells. He fingers Grace’s blanket, and Sami pulls it away from him, holding it as she cries. EJ doesn’t let up….and have to say that with all the terrible things that EJ has done, this is very difficult to listen to him being so pompous. He promises she is going to regret this, and finally leaves. Outside in the hall, he punches just one button on his phone and gets the nurse’s station, telling them he wants to see his daughter, Grace Brady.

Rafe is at the funeral parlor, talking to the Director, saying he is sure Sami would want Father Matt to do the service, that he Christened Grace. The director assures him Father Matt has done many services for them, leaves to get the catalog of options for Rafe to look over. And of course, in comes EJ. The two men stare at each other for a few seconds, and EJ punches Rafe out, knocking him down, as Sami comes rushing in. She runs to Rafe, telling EJ to stop it. The Director comes in, wanting to know what the problem is. Sami says she is the mother, EJ says he is the father, which alerts Rafe, who says he is the adoptive father. Rafe assures the man they will all be civil, just give them a minute or two. The Director leaves, and EJ starts up again, yelling and screaming, accusing Rafe of helping Sami deceive him. The injustice done to him will be paid back. Rafe says what happened to Grace could not have been prevented, and now EJ prattles on about pre-natal visits, and where Grace was when Sami first returned to Salem. She talks of needing to protect Grace from him, of leaving her with the nuns, someone she could trust, but EJ explodes that HE would have taken care of Grace, not hidden her, he would not have been ashamed of her existence. That gets him a slap across the face from Sami, and she begins to pummel him on his chest, both screaming and shouting at each other. Rafe pulls a sobbing Sami away, holding her as EJ screams YOU killed my baby. You killed Grace!

Thank you for the day ahead.
Wow! Going to be an interesting day at that funneral parlor. EJ sounds like he is so hurt by all of this. Sami got what she wanted --someone to yell at her and make her feel guilty.
Still do not know why she told him at all after she was so deciteful, lieing and conniving for so long to hide the facts... her whole family going to be so upset with her again when they all find out.. EJ is the first of many to yell at her.
What a rotten person EJ is! What's with him and the holier than thou attitude? He only seems to think of revenge. Hopefully, Nicole will discourage him from pursuing this revenge, because she knows the further he goes, the more chances of the truth about Sydney will come out. I'd like to see Stefano discourage him from pursuing revenge also, because he's happy with Sydney because even though Sami dispises him and is a Brady, he always admired her spirit.
I do not think anyone in the Brady will blame her for not telling EJ about her pregnancy. They feel the same way as her.
Thanks for the day ahead. This story line is killing me. Nicole gets away again and Sami suffers. Not fair. She needs to be punished and by the time the writers do something about it, we won't care anymore and it won't matter. Sami always gets punished. This story line needs to end soon.
I understand that EJ is upset, but he is just acting like a horse's behind. I also don't like that everyone keeps blaming Sami. Meningitis is not caused by a lack of prenatal or post-natal care. Sami has been taking Grace to the doctor since she has had her home, and Meningitis is very quick. Certainly not something she picked up a month ago in the convent. In another thread someone mentioned that Days missed an oportunity to educate the public about this disease. It seems like they are giving us falacies instead of facts.
I am so dissapointed in the writers with this storyline. Let's have a baby die and then compound it by having the EJ character really lay into a grieving mother with such awful things.
Thanks for the write-up Barb!! Great as always!

I have a HUGE problem with EJ telling Sami that she killed Grace. First of all meningitis can be and sometimes is deadly no matter how fast the treatment. Who is HE to judge when him & his father put out hits on the entire Brady family over the years and the Kiriakas family recently? I realize that he is hurting, but COME ON! The writers went a little far with that pot calling the kettle black.
Thanks Barb for the write up ...

Just watched today's epi (US) amazing acting by James and Ali - Emmy worth!!!! I suspect this episode will be great as well!
I think EJ was a bit harsh, but I can understand his anger. I don't think it is Sami's fault that Grace contracted menigitus and died from it. I suppose the pain he is feeling is clouding his rational thought (but he hasn't been too bright lately anyhow I guese). EJ does not like to be betrayed. I think he is going to be just as angry with Nicole when that comes out, she did betray him too. Also, he did not get a chance to greive for his daughter with Nicole properly. So maybe the fallout from that secret will be just as bad.

As for Sami, she always lies and schemes and then when everything comes out I end up feeling very bad for her. She should have came clean with her family at least; they would have helped her keep her baby safe from the Dimeras.
Sounds like a very wide range of emotions for this show. Can't wait to see. I can't stand EJ and his "I am better than everyone attitude"

Thanks for the write up Barb!
I think EJ's rage comes more from being duped than from grief over Grace. He wasn't in control of that situation just as he couldn't control Sami and win her heart, and that's what he can't stand. If he has any sense, he will realize later that Sami didn't cause Grace's death but that won't stop him from wanting revenge on Sami. Look out, Salem!!!
All a bad dream !!!

Could this just all be a very very VERY bad dream ???

Please let it be...
But she yet again lied to everyone...

Yes, but I think they will understand that the reasons this time are much more valid than past lies. Not only is Sami right this time, but the writing for Roman and Caroline this time has had them much more understanding of Sami in general. Caroline in particular should understand because of her own decision to hide Bo from Victor, a fact that the show has made a point of emphasizing lately. Roman is no fan of EJ either and he has accepted Caroline doing the same thing, so I think his perspective should be a lot different this time around. They may initially respond out of their own grief over Grace and shock at the news, but I think they will come around pretty quickly this time. Since the show seems to have forgotten that Sami is related to anyone else, she should be in the clear. ... Well, except for Will, but that is a separate matter - he practically begged Sami to tell him what was going on and she refused. Another part of Will's reaction will be his own grief over Grace. Plus, Will hasn't had the life experiences yet that would allow him to understand human failure and how Sami could have made the mistakes she did while trying to do what she thought was right.
I think EJ's rage comes more from being duped than from grief over Grace. He wasn't in control of that situation just as he couldn't control Sami and win her heart, and that's what he can't stand. If he has any sense, he will realize later that Sami didn't cause Grace's death but that won't stop him from wanting revenge on Sami. Look out, Salem!!!

I agree. As always, it's all about EJ's pride and need for control.
I also wanted to comment on Chloe's reaction to Lucas' keeping Sami's secret. That woman has as much nerve as she has boobs! Talk about pot and kettle.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Sounds like it is not going to be a calm funeral for Grace. Will see the show soon.
I think EJ's rage comes more from being duped than from grief over Grace. He wasn't in control of that situation just as he couldn't control Sami and win her heart, and that's what he can't stand. If he has any sense, he will realize later that Sami didn't cause Grace's death but that won't stop him from wanting revenge on Sami. Look out, Salem!!!

I agree! EJ does not like not being in the know & he was duped about this baby thing. Little does he know Nicole has done much much worse!!!