Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Mar. 14, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Eric is in the hospital chapel praying, Sarah arrives, no change for Marlena, they sit in pew, he asks her to pray with him. She does, but doesn't really believe in it, Eric says it means a lot to him. She wonders why he left the priesthood, he relates the whole sordid tale of Kristen drugging him, getting him to bed, videotaping it all, editing so it looks consensual, and how his mom accidentally played it at the wedding. They go on, talking about her & Rex, about his brother Brady and them being on the outs over Nicole, etc. etc.

While they talk, Chloe has brought some homemade cookies to Rex, who opens the door....and yayyy, towel is back in starring role. Rex obviously just out of shower, but invites her in, he is about to try a cookie, towel begins to drop, Chloe will just put the box on table and leave, no, he wants to talk. So, the scenes go back and forth between Chloe/Rex and Eric/Sarah discussing the love lives of Sarah & Rex.

Nurse Shelly is with the evil Diana, going to blow the whistle, knows she is the one who took the vial of penicillin and poisoned Dr. Evans. Diana denies, but Nurse Shelly knows she gave Diana her key card to look for Haley info, knows she accessed Marlena medical info and thus stole the vial, etc. Diana at first pretends to still be the reporter, but when Shelly starts to call police, Diana comes out with her claws extended, has looked up Shelly's history, she has a problem with authority, been in trouble, been reported, yada, yada. Shelly says that is all over, but Diana has an idea, knows how to blame someone else, thus neither of them get in trouble.

John is apologizing to Brady for not telling him about Leo, intended to once he got results. Sorry he heard the way he did. Kayla comes along, thinks she knows who took the vial of liquid penicillin, Nurse Shelly. It is gone, and not used on any other patients. John calls the cops, Shelly appears, wasn't me, says a woman came, convinced me to give her my access card. It was Kristen DiMera. John, Kayla & Brady shocked.....Kristen is dead! But Shelly says she has seen her, it was her. Cops notified so are searching. Brady cannot believe this, John tells him he has learned never to assume anything.

Gabi is at DiMansion, trying to convince Stefan to give the green light to her Home Collection. He thinks the pillow is ugly, super ugly, refuses. They argue back and forth, lots of one liners about her being jealous of him with Chloe, her denying it, sarcasm flying all over the place. (Someone forgot to tell the actress it is still winter in the midwest, as Gabi wears a right mini-skirt barely covering her bottom, midriff, sleeveless top) They continue to argue back and forth, he is boss, refuses to allow it. She hits him with the pillow, Leo walks in, jokes about their foreplay. He offers inside info on Titan to Stefan, for a price. Hears a lot from Victor and his boys. Willing to turn it over for a price.

Gabi says he is not to be trusted, is a con man, etc. References now made to her tying him naked to the bed, using her pillow. She says she burned that one. Leo now refers to getting info from his new brother, Brady. Gabi figures a lie, he insists yes, Brady his brother. Stefan asks about DNA tests, Leo says John having one done as hospital, but he is sure how it will come out. He wants a deal, info for remuneration. Stefan knows he is not to be trusted, bring me something of interest, and I will reconsider. He leaves. Stefan asks if she really tied him naked to the bed. She asks who is jealous now? Gabi thinks Stefan a fool, takes her pillow and is leaving, telling him she is giving the go ahead for the entire Home Collection line. In comes Chloe (they yakked about her some, too). Gabi says he is all yours, and goes out. She then calls Brady, leaves message to call her, she has important info.

For some reason Diana is still alone in Marlena's room, talking of having failed, but.....she did save some of that penicillin, holding up a small bottle half full. Kristen failed, I failed but 3rd time is the charm. She looks at the IV.

Marlena is being wheeled back to her room, John stops and talks to her, promising to never leave her side. He sits in the visiting area as Diana arrives, asking can she get him anything. She asks questions, John fills her in about it being Kristen who did this, cops on the lookout, guard on Marlena's door. Diana does her “look”.

Eric says something about Sarah trusting Rex, she says perhaps it is Rex who should not trust me. Eric thinks Xander, but no, not him. She grabs Eric's face and kisses him passionately. Brady walks in...what is going on? Eric jumps up, not what you think. Sarah stays seated, not knowing what to say, and in comes Rex! He sees them all looking uncomfortable...what is going on here?

Marlena lies in her bed, still unconscious. Camera focus on her IV, drip, drip, drip. And the monitor, with it's lines, and numbers ...75...95.
Did a lot of eye rolling while a lot of yawning, & looking at my watch!

LisaK lucked out today,
By the way, since I was able to do today, she will be doing tomorrow, (my appts. were changed)so the summary will not be up til later in the afternoon.
I did not know Gabi Chic sells experiences, inspiration and self esteem. I liked Stefan's "snake oil then". I just didn't know Gabi Chic was so deep. I also liked his ugly with a capital U in response to her billions with a capital B. I also thought he'd fling that pillow when Leo said it was used to hide his privates. It is just a matter of time before Stefan and Gabi with one b and an i are hitting the sheets.

Could see it coming a mile away that Diana was gonna use Kristen. The only thing that will make it good is IF Kristen does actually come back!! No one is questioning Diana just hanging around Marlena's room and hospital? Just seems John is being super stupid.

Glad Sarah and Eric got caught. Not what it looks like. Oh really? Eric sure didn't push her away. I hope they don't gloss it over for Rex.
Did a lot of eye rolling while a lot of yawning, & looking at my watch!

LisaK lucked out today,
By the way, since I was able to do today, she will be doing tomorrow, (my appts. were changed)so the summary will not be up til later in the afternoon.

Thanks for the write up, Poirot! The show is so slow right now. What happened to Jack?

I cannot believe how they're writing Sarah. She just needs to tell Rex she doesn't want to be with him.
LOL - Thanks, Poirot, I did manage to miss most of today. However, I was home in time to hear that Leo said something so unbelievably tacky, that I can't believe the show went there. He said, "I am sure that the DNA test results will prove that I am half-Black." Really?????

And, also unfortunately, I managed to be home in time for the stupid kiss.

I hope your weather is better tomorrow so you can get to your appointment.
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Well, the idiot Leo did mean half John Black, but guess the writers thought it a clever line.
Raining here right now, fog finally lifted. The road out of my little area is a river........, and despite being currently 43°, temps will plummet and we will get snow. Too bad this isn't like Salem, with no rain, snow, wind, or anything else that would show Salem is part of planet Earth. LOL
All repeats of scenarios and same plots over and over again from years gone by. So predictable and disappointing but yet I keep watching in hopes the ah ha moment finally hits the writing staff. How many times can DNA tests be switched? Misplaced or stolen from the same hospital? It would be so refreshing for DOOL to have a long, long streak of fascinating, exciting, new on the edge of your seat stories.
Thanks, Poirot.

Sarah is becoming more and more like her brother (you know who) since
she moved to Salem.

Interesting to see Diana not wear gloves today when she handled the

Sarah mentioned she knew John 15:13 because she saw it when watching
sports. I saw John 3:16 when I used to watch sports, but never that one.

Diana had Shelly's "magic" card today. Doesn't Shelley have to use it when
she comes to and leaves work?
How did Diana know anything about Kristen to use her name with idiot nurse Shelly? And, yes, Shelly would have needed that card to do her job, as well as check in and out.

I am really looking forward to an exciting day tomorrow to write up the summary! I can only hope that since today had Sarah (Dr. Hot Pants), maybe I will be spared tomorrow. Or, more likely, we will start with a replay of what they did today. Hopefully, maybe this time Clueless Dr. Rex will finally catch on.
Well, the idiot Leo did mean half John Black, but guess the writers thought it a clever line.
Raining here right now, fog finally lifted. The road out of my little area is a river........, and despite being currently 43°, temps will plummet and we will get snow. Too bad this isn't like Salem, with no rain, snow, wind, or anything else that would show Salem is part of planet Earth. LOL
Unless they need a dreadful accident!! Sorry about your road situation. I hope winter leaves us in peace soon!
Thanks for the summary. I'm not quite sure why it would mean a lot to Eric to have someone who doesn't believe in prayer pray with him. I haven't watched yet so maybe she didn't tell him she doesn't believe in it. Perhaps she just thought it.

Why would Chloe be taking cookies to Rex? I guess so we could see him in a towel? When I see the two of them together, it takes me a minute to remember that he is Rex, not Brady. I liked the two actors together when they were Chloe and Brady.

It's starting to get very irritating that John is so trusting of Diana. Even if they did or do have a guard at Marlena's door, I doubt they would stop Diana from going in and out as she pleases. John would probably give her a pass.
.wish I knew what was going on with the writing.....

Is this due to Sherry Anderson being gone and know one on staff knows the characters?? I mean this is painful to watch and listen to..... I can't imagine what the actors must think.....

Thank you so much for writing this up as I won't be able to watch till this weekend...
Sherry & Ryan Quan were consultants for a very long time, both knowing a lot of Salem history, Sherry much more than Ryan, as she was writing for Days years before Ryan. This helps a new headwriter immensely, especially when they know absolutely nothing about the characters, past story, etc.
Sherry has written a couple of books using Days characters, Salem, etc. and once went on a tour with some of the cast and one of the producers when they were promoting one of the anniversary books.....she was along with her books.
Sherry was listed in credits as a writer starting a few months ago. Only ryan is listed now as consultant. (Ryan used to be a writer,....I think when Dena Higley was headwriter. But has been with Days several years)