Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Mar. 14, 2019

John: Hasn't it occurred to him to wonder why Diana keep hanging around the hospital? After all, she didn't know Marlena and hasn't seen John in years. I keep waiting for John's nose to start to twitch, a sign that he smells a rat.

Diana: This gargoyle is on the road to perdition. She's spending a suspicious amount of time consoling John and then dares to take the name of Kristen DiMera in vain. If Kristen learns about this, Diana's fate could be too horrible to contemplate. Ditto for charming Nurse Shelley.

Leo: Like mother like son. This grifter is playing way over his head nosing around the DiMansion looking for a payday. A displeased Victor might just harrumph at Leo, but Stefan Zero could terminate him with extreme prejudice.

Eric: So he's praying the rosary for Marlena? Why has he never been seen praying for the repose of the soul of his beloved Nicole Walker?

Sarah: Now this loudmouth is smooching Eric in the hospital chapel? Has she no sense of place? Couldn't she have waited to satisfy her raging lust until the two of them were back at the apartment while towel-boy Rexy was otherwise occupied?