Days of Our Lives - Thurs. May 22, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, May 22, 2014

There has to be a reason why I felt as though I was watching paint dry. Perhaps it is because it does seem as though 5 minutes of moving forward took a whole hour. Daniel is trying to put off Jen's inquiry as to what is going on with Nicole, but she has all the time in the world, sits down, and says...o.k. tell me. Knock, knock....& there is Abe & Maxine, with apple pie and potato salad, as it seems they were invited for lunch. Oops, Jen forgot, offers to out for the salmon. Abe goes with her, Maxine talks with Daniel about something that is troubling him. He tells her that he feels perhaps he failed someone as a friend, goes on about how someone who was dying did not want him to tell her family, but he did, and eventually the patient forgave him. Abe & Jen return, I guess they all had lunch, because then Abe & Maxine decide to leave, then Jen again demands to know what is going on. Daniel tells her he is waiting for a phone call, and when he gets it, he will fill her in. Fine, she leaves, laughing over leaving him to do the dishes. He is getting frustrated, as no call from Eric OR Nicole.

EJ is leaving the Pub, when Abby calls, has decided to tell the truth as to what she knows. EJ convinces her to wait for his text. She agrees. Rafe happens by to meet EJ, who wants to show him the custody agreement, which gives Rafe full rights to see Ari if anything should happen to Gabi. Rafe is pleased, but convinced that EJ had an ulterior motive, something is in it for him, else why did he take this on. EJ claims only that Gabi asked him, but Rafe thinks there is more to it.

Ben is being questioned by Hope (Ben is now being played by new actor), is straight forward about his argument with Nick, and why, and that he really did not know Abby that well, but he did not like the way Nick was treating her, and he would have done the same for anyone. Abby meanwhile, runs into Jordan, who can see she is upset a bit, as Abby tells of getting Ben Rogers in a bit of trouble and she feels bad. Jordan pretends to not know the name, then "remembers" he works at TBD. Later, Ben talks with Jordan, assures her that no one knows they are siblings, it did not come out. No one is going to find them. And then he runs into Abby, who is apologizing again for involving him, but Ben assures her it was all fine.

Jordan & Rafe are sitting at a table at the club, talking about Ben, she is so very appreciative that Rafe has not questioned her any more about why no one in town can know they are brother and sister. He respects her privacy, they both love each other, kiss, kiss, she leaves. (Oooh, looks like Jordan now shops at the store that sells only "don't bend over" dresses. LOL)

Kate continues to question Lucas, knows he had to be the one to take her gun. He gets defensive, why would she think he took it because of Nick, he did not like Allie spending so much time with Kate with a gun nearby. Kate protests it was in a locked box, but Lucas admits he took the gun, says he popped her locked box in 2 seconds, and then says he threw the gun in the river.
Later, he is called in again to be questioned by Hope, has to relate his long story of what he saw, did, taking Allie away, etc. That is all he knows. Hope says that he gave a lot of info, but is still lying, like he did about the text. And he is definitely lying now.

EJ has texted Abby to come to DiMansion, she arrives, he shuts the study door. She repeats she made up her mind to tell the truth, he pulls her close, runs his hands over her body, she is puzzled as to what he is doing. She protests, what is going on? He then grabs her purse, shakes everything out of it, takes her phone, turns it off, I guess, says he wanted to be sure she wasn't wearing a wire. He then plops himself into a chair, and tells her point blank that yes, he hired a hit man to take down her cousin.

And in Nicole's hotel room, she is trying to convince Eric they should elope, citing his family, his mother, his sister Sami, how they feel about her, how they could cause trouble for them, so why not right now. We can go to Vegas and be married right away. Today. Eric is a bit reluctant, but agrees, only saying they have to wait a couple of days to give Daniel & Jennifer time to adjust their schedules. This does not set well with Nicole, who wanted it to be "just us". Eric realizes there is something she is not telling him, she is lying. She finally admits that is true, then claims that Daniel doesn't want them to be married.
Eric is taken aback.....why not. And Nicole then says, "because Daniel is in love with me".
Really Nicole... that was the best you could come up with???? Really?????
Dang and I completed my errands yesterday.... guess I'll just miss this story moving forward with glacial speed episode.....

thanks so very much for viewing this and writing it up....

it has to pick up soon doesn't it??? Summer is coming don't we have to have some good old Summer fun coming soon??
Honestly, here it is Thursday, and I feel like nothing really has happened. Except for new Ben showing up today........Jen continues to pry, Nicole continues to lie, Maggie continues to cry, Hope continues to try (and find the culprit). Jordan continues to hide her past, trusting Rafe's love for her will last. LOL, I swear, it like everyone riding a stationary bicycle...peddling away and going no where.
:rotfl: "don't bend over" dresses :rotfl:

Why did Elvis tell Abigail he hired a hit man to kill Nick? :confused: What's the point?

I hate to say it but I have been fast forwarding thru the Nicole/Eric/Daniel/Jennifer's beyond boring and ridiculous.

I agree robinsnest - can we at least see shirtless Brady swimming at the K-Mansion every now and then?
Do they really think that by throwing us a bone once every other month like Ej/Abby doing the Eskimo kiss and then manhandling her because he is so paranoid because everyone thinks he killed Nick, is going to make our hearts fluttered and say WOW! TPTB are more delusional then any character on DAYS!

I will give them credit for not running out of excuses for Nicole! OMG I’m almost embarrassed for this show because it is SO PATHETIC!

Bring back the old Ben, this one is to clean cut, he looks like he belongs on the B&B instead of DAYS! We have enough teapot on the show!
Just when I think it's the last straw with Nicole, they come up with something worse for her to do. I agree, this is so pathetic. It is one thing to make characters turn bad, but lately it seems like they are turning some of the long-term characters into something ridiculous. Maybe they should just put Nicole and John together and be done with them. :(
Thank you, Poirot for the write up.

I will go home and delete from my DVR. I cannot watch Nicole dig herself a hole any deeper. What absolute destruction of a great actress and one of the most interesting characters on the show (IMHO). The writing is just stellar :(
Why did Elvis tell Abigail he hired a hit man to kill Nick? :confused: What's the point?
Perhaps, EJ is trying to scare her into silence about their cheap hook-ups by reminding her that he's a ruthless DiMera who's capable of physically removing people who become inconvenient. (Yes, Sami, your smoochy-moochy has really changed!!)
Just when I think it's the last straw with Nicole, they come up with something worse for her to do.
Poor Nicole, why don't the writers have a little mercy on her. Now they have her digging her grave even deeper by trying to manipulate Eric into an elopement (Sami and Marlena will go ballistic over that) and then throwing her only friend, the Love Doctor, under the bus. (P.S., some advice for Eric: if Nicole suggests an elopement again, keep in mind the old saying: marry in haste, repent at leisure.)
I'm in Orlando for the long weekend. When I get home, I'll check out the new Ben and the EJ/Abby scene and FF the rest. Should only take about 5 minutes tops.
I think Nicole has dug her hole so deep she can't get out of it now


I think we all can guess what's going to happen next. Eric will tell Jen
the lie Nicole said about Daniel. Jen will get mad and break up with Daniel LOL

Interesting stuff with Abe and Maxine. They are going to be just good friends.
I didn't realize Maxine thinks Daniel is her best friend either.

I guess the Salem PD is actually working this murder. Was the gun that Lucas threw
away found? Is that why Hope asked him back in?

How soon will it be before the whole town of Salem knows Jordan and Ben are related?
I just can't with Nicole anymore. She's compiling lie upon lie upon lie. She keeps pushing off the inevitable. At this point I sort of want Daniel to just shout it from the rooftop so it will be over. I don't understand what Nicole's problem is. How long does she think she can keep Dan from spilling it? Besides, Eric and Jennifer already know something is wrong. This story line is all sorts of bad and it's compounded by the fact that it revolves around Dr McScruffy and Ms Bellbottoms.

I guess I'll wait to see more of Ben before judging the new actor. Although it is weird for me because I'm so used to seeing him on The Price is Right and he looks a lot like my brother. Lol.

Jordan.....zzzzz zzzzz oh I'm sorry I fell asleep while commenting zzzzz zzzzz yeah.
Reading the spoilers, I figured this was the outrageous lie Nicole was going to come up with. But I was hoping I was wrong.

What a total unintelligible mess they've made of her character. As far as I'm concerned, they can sweep this May's sweeps into the trash bin. I'm rapidly losing interest in everybody on this show. Victor and John I still care about but they're never on. Rafe has been dulled down to a shadow. Is anyone still watching other than die hard rapist and rapee fans (Sami and EJ)?