Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Nov. 7, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Thursday, Nov. 7, 2013

Sigghhh, not too much going on as most of the show seems to be repeat conversations. But...not all. A nun comes into the rectory with Nicole's last check, wants to know if Father Eric will be seeing her, and can give it to her. NO, he is emphatic. Mail it. She leaves, Father Matt comes in, wants to finish the conversation they were having about what was troubling Eric. He says he confessed to God, but Father Matt can see he is still not at peace about it. (Cue flashback) Eric is getting ready for the wedding, will be fine. He has his white robes out,. checking them.

Sami is trying to get a reluctant EJ to tell her what he & Kristen were arguing about. She is all schmoozy, but all he will say is Kristen did something, and he doesn't know how to handle it. Then she continues with her up close pestering, stroking his hair, knows there is something else, she can smell it, blah, blah. He is really reluctant, but finally complains that Kristen is going on her honeymoon for 3 months, father is gone, and he has to clean up all their messes. (Sounds ridiculous, I know)

Upstairs, Kristen has been getting dressed, fondling that gun, and finally putting it in her white purse. Suddenly, she is all dolled up, hair, gown, and eavesdropping on Sami & EJ. She pops in there, all smiles, Sami compliments her, and takes off to get dressed. EJ & Kristen have another long chat about him not telling Sami, having her back as she is family, yada, yada. Finally, he reminds her she is late for the church, and they take off.

Sami is already there, teasing and chatting it up with Brady & Eric, even brought champagne to toast before the ceremony, They do that in the rectory, Brady takes a pic of the 3 of them, they talk of good times in the past a bit, then return to the church.

Elsewhere in Salem, Jen sits with Hope in her home, with Jen going on again about Daniel being with Theresa to hurt her. Hope tries to protest, to no avail. JJ has overheard, comes in, greetings all around. Jen & Hope are going to the wedding and leave. JJ calls the hospital, finds out Theresa has been discharged.

Over at Theresa's apt. Gramma Caroline has brought some chowder and pot pie, but Theresa is not hungry right now. Caroline says when all the drugs are out of her system, she will be. Daniel arrives, Caroline is rather curt, but Theresa says this is her doctor. Caroline leaves, Daniel wonders if she has remembered anything. Nope, in fact, she can't even recall the last few days before the OD. He asks her to call him the second she begins remembering anything. Next Anne comes to visit, putting pillow on the sofa, a blanket, so she can take a nap, talks of being there for her, lets her know she still has a job. Yada, yada, Just get healthy again. She leaves, and here comes JJ. Theresa wonders how he knows where she lives, a bit of small talk, she is tired, wants to nap, he goes. (she never even lets him in the apt. )

Over at the Kmansion, Victor stares in disbelief at the video. He takes out the DVD as Brady comes racing down the stairs, a bag in hand. They argue ever so slightly, Brady doesn't want his day spoiled, but Victor isn't going to say another word. Brady checks to make sure he has his video that is to be played, takes off. At the church, he checks with the tech guy hired, gives him the DVD, says to play it at the beginning, right after the music.

Meanwhile, Victor has called Marlena, tells her he has seen the video, get over to his place. She does, he tells her Kristen is hitting the sheets with a man, it is disgusting. He wanted to show it to Brady, but he was in a hurry to leave. So Marlena has to take this and swap it with Brady's. She protests, she is not going to the wedding. Which is why she can slip in and out easily. She wants to sit down and view the video, Vic says no time. But she wants to see who is on it. Victor says it doesn't matter. If we don't get this over there, Brady will be already married. She takes the CD and leaves.

Daniel is with Parker in the Square, Anne spies them, comes over with her usual vitriolic accusations. Daniel gets her off to the side, issuing her a warning about talking in front of his son like that.

Marlena arrives at the church, just as Eric, Sami & Brady go to the rectory for their champagne toast. She slips into the booth at the back, pulls Brady's DVD out of the player, and the tech guy returns, asking what she is doing there. She claims Brady asked her to bring this CD, wanted to switch them, as different music or something. He smiles, says fine, inserts Vic's DVD into the player. Oops, gets a call from another place, a problem, he has to go, asks her to take care of this. She protests nervously, he says, just press this button for the music, and this one for the video. She says she can't stay, he tells her to get someone else. (this is so lame, lol). He dashes out, she starts to go after him, people are arriving, she ducks back behind the curtain. But she manages to let Victor see her there. He comes in, she complains about the tech guy leaving, he tells her to just do it, and takes off.

Everyone gets seated. Cue the music. Marlena now stumbles and bumbles around, evidently not remembering which button she was to press, so she presses a half dozen or so. And the traditional "Here Comes the Bride" begins to play, two men open the doors, and EJ escorts a smiling Kristen down the aisle. When they reach the altar, Eric starts the "Dearly Beloved" part, but the music doesn't stop. He calls out to Kent...Marlena stumbles and bumbles around pressing a lot of buttons, and finally the music stops. Eric welcomes everyone, Brady announces his surprise. He knows not everyone here in the church are in favor of him & Kristen, but he wants them all to know her as he does.

Cue the DVD. Marlena bumbles around again, with nothing happening. She notices she disconnected a cable accidentally, plugs it back in, and .....yep, it plays. Dumbfounded looks from those on the altar, shocked expressions as they look up at Kristen & Eric in the throes of passion.
Seeing Eric, Sami, and Brady bonding with each other, and happy is heartbreaking knowing what's coming.

Victor has no problem throwing Marlena and Eric under the bus.

I hate how every couple of years the writers turn Sami into a brain dead idiot to pair her up with EJ.
Wowza!! What a great episode...finally!

Love Marlena being the comic relief behind the curtain. I agree--she will be livid with Victor though. Hope she actually gets to watch the video herself.

Not a big fan of Anne getting more airtime than Hope or even Maggie. There is a difference between attending a wedding and doing a cameo. Most of the vets just did cameos today. Sad.

I like the 3 idiot siblings(Brady, Sami, Eric) interacting with each other before the wedding. As awful as they both are, EJ and Kristen play off each other very well. Another episode more interesting because EJ and Sami were not together in every scene.

Sami's dress is growing on me. It's the shoes and hair that are killing the look. Cute purse though!

When did Kristen inherit Princess Gina's compact? :rotfl:

So glad they aired this on a Thursday rather than a Friday!
You can bet your sweet bippy that the end today will be the beginning tomorrow.
I loved when Vic called Kristen a succubus, but could not remember what else he was saying then, so not in the summary. Thanks, Mandi.
And folks, Marlena is going to be absolutely livid. She is still behind the curtain, as far as I could tell. I truly want to see the last 5 minutes again, because I usually check folks in the background, etc. And obviously, no time. LOL
I must say I'm surprised at the progression today. I thought for sure things would be dragged out and that today's ending would be for tomorrow's cliffhanger. I'm glad we don't have to wait over the weekend to see people's reactions to the video. Yay!

Victor, I'm guessing, assumes the sex between Kristen and Eric was consensual. Even if he thinks there was something fishy there I think in his mind it was all about exposing Kristen for who she is. He knew time was of the essence and had he told Marlena who it was or showed her the video first she would have been in such a shock they might lose their chance to out Kristen before the wedding takes place. Victor is definitely going to be facing Marlena's wrath and probably Maggie's as well. And I bet Brady, Eric, etc will find out Marlena was the one who played the tape and will blame her even though she had no idea who Kristen was doing. Can't wait to see all the fallout. Especially can't wait for Nicole to find out about this and be vindicated.

Hated the stupid headband on Kristen and Sami's dress is ugly. Brady looked very handsome in his tux. Too bad he has mashed potatoes for brains.

Anne just knows no bounds does she? How despicable to confront Daniel with more of her garbage in front of Parker. This character needs to be gone.
Victor said Kristen had the morals of an alley cat - oh my goodness LOL. I've seen many comments other places today about how Victor is evil for doing this but isn't this vintage Victor? You have to know who Victor Kiriakis is to know that he'd do whatever it takes to get what he wants and is not above mowing down other people in the process.
Victor is a brave man -- ruining the Brady -Kristen nuptials with the sex tape. Sure, he may have to face the wrath of Brady, Marlena and Father Eric, but that probably will be nothing compared to the reaction of Maggie. She'll probably huff and puff and send him to bed without his usual warm milk and home-baked cookies. To defend himself, Victor should point out that ruining weddings is a time-honored Salem tradition. Kate threw a wet blanket over the Sami and Lucas "Green Wedding," Will shot EJ right off the altar, and, most recently, Chad stopped the Gabi-Tricky Nicky church affair by uttering a few inconvenient truths. As for Kristen, it's a good thing that she's not running a bridal shop. Image the reaction of the future brides and their mothers when the Salem witch suggested the perfect pistol to coordinate with the gown and veil. Finally, Anne is truly losing it -- ripping into the Love Doctor in the Town Square in front of little Parker. If Ms. Snarky doesn't watch out, she'll join the long line of Salemites who have run off the rails and ended up disgraced, dead or in jail.
Kristen drops her bouquet of flowers on the ground when she first sees the video. She backs up. No idea where that purse is, she did not have it when she began marching down the aisle. So it is either out in the foyer, or in a bride's room, if there is such a place still.