Days of Our Lives - Tues., 4/30/19

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Barb's internet went down again. She was ready to type up the summary when it went down. If anyone can do even a quick summary, that would be great.

She said the bulk of the show is everyone finding out that Nicole is still alive and Holly is missing. Sarah has a meltdown. And the end shows that Ted is working for Xander, not the other way around. Xander then pays Ted, but only half, saying the other half comes with the second part of the plan, and gives him a folder. Then Xander makes a call to someone to say the plan is on track.

Edited to add: skip down to post #3 for a longer summary
Hope goes to the DiMansion, asks Stefan if she can see his security footage. He tells her she can see/do whatever she needs to find Holly.

Ben comes back to his cottage. Ciara convinces him to take a shower and change his clothes (he's been searching the estate grounds for hours).

Hope comes to the door of cottage, knocks and is surprised to see Ciara, in what appears to be Ben's shirt. Then Ben saunters out of the bathroom, towel around his waist, drying his hair. Hope's eyes bug out of her head, while Ciara looks like she hopes the floor would swallow her. Hope asks if they're having sex. Ben goes to put on some clothes, while Ciara actually has a rational talk with Hope about her decision to be with Ben like that. Then Ciara talks about how Bo and Hope got together and how Grandpa Doug didn't like him, but eventually saw Bo had a heart of gold and they were meant to be together. Hope spits out that she is to never compare Ben to Bo ever again. Ciara apologizes, then throws Ted in Hope's face. Hope asks why Ciara brought up Ted; Ciara says he's getting in between Hope and Rafe and she doesn't want that to happen. Hope assures her she's fine. Ciara suggests they start trusting each other's judgment, as Ben comes into the room and says he can give Hope the access codes she needs, as soon as he gets his laptop (and leaves the room again), while Hope and Ciara hug, saying they love each other.

Rex and Sarah tell Maggie that Nicole is alive. Maggie's overjoyed. Then Chloe comes in, tells them about Holly, suggesting the cartel did it. They start to tell her about Nicole, but her phone rings; it's Nancy in New York, so Chloe steps away to take the call. Sarah says she'll go back to the apartment and tell Nicole and Eric about Holly. Rex then tells Chloe that Nicole's alive, while Maggie moans about the cartel having her granddaughter. She says she's going to help somehow, says she's going to tell Victor who will use his resources (and leaves the room).

Chloe asks Rex how it's possible Nicole is alive; he doesn't really know, but he offers to take her to Nicole now. Chloe can't face Nicole right now, and falls apart, saying it's all her fault. Rex keeps trying to comfort her.

Sarah comes into the apartment and tells Eric about Holly (after spending a few seconds talking about Nicole being back totally changes what had happened earlier, with their kiss, and decision to tell Rex about their feelings), just as Nicole comes back into the room (she was in the shower). Sarah explains how Holly was taken from the DiMansion, and Nicole asks why Chloe and Holly were there. She's told they were staying with Stefan, which Nicole replies "Stefano????" and Eric says no, his son. Nicole is clearly confused, but doesn't care, says she needs to go over there now, and leaves.

Ted says something about Xander kidnapping Holly, who assures Ted that she'll be safe. He said they go "way back" and her first word was practically "step-daddy". Then Xander pays Ted, but only half, saying he gets the other half after the second part of their plan. He tells Ted he needs to convince Hector to take the fall for Holly's kidnapping. Ted refuses. Xander says he used to run in the Noodle's circle so he has info that will make Hector go along with the plan, but Ted still refuses, even after Xander gives him a folder of information to make Hector comply.

Stefan sits alone, holding Holly's doll, very upset. Nicole and Eric barge into the DiMansion. Stefan is shocked to see Nicole, who says she's alive and well, then they question him as to what happened. He explains about the drug cartel to a stunned Nicole, about how he had 24/7 security. He says Hector insists the cartel had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Nicole picks up Holly's doll and says how scared she must be, but Eric and Stefan both say she's so strong and brave. Chloe comes in, runs over and embraces Nicole, who tells Chloe to get her hands off her, says she was supposed to keep Holly safe and now she's gone and it's all Chloe's fault. They try to say it wasn't Chloe's fault, but Nicole's not having any of it, yells at Chloe, for only being interested in hooking up with the newest DiMera b*****d and says if anything happens to Holly, her blood will be on Chloe's hands.

Ciara and Ben are alone again, and she tells him that Hope knows they had sex. They hug, and he grabs his coat, says he has to get back out there. Hugs, kisses, and he's out the door, while Ciara smiles at him.

Hope's back at the police station, looking at DiMera security footage on a laptop. Ted comes in, to ask what's going on. Tells her not to question Hector. He offers to do it, to offer Hector a deal to talk. Hope agrees and will have Hector brought up.

Sarah's alone in Eric's apartment, thinking back to Eric saying he has feelings for her and their kiss, then walking in and seeing Nicole, and seeing Eric kissing Nicole. She cries, throws her coffee cup against the wall, as Rex comes in and asks if she's OK. He thinks she's crying about Holly and hugs her, comforting her.

Xander's on the phone, leaving a message for "partner", says everything went smoothly and to call him back so they can discuss the next part of the plan.
Especially since Ted seemed surprised to find out that Holly isn't Chloe's biological daughter. Is it someone out to hurt Nicole? Chloe? Someone from Daniel's past? Maybe a crazed woman who wants his child? Someone who wants to hurt Maggie (since it's her granddaughter)?
Today's theme could be characterized as "why not?"

Ted works for Xander instead of vice-versa? Why not. Very little in Salem makes sense. (My guess for the X-man's partner is his old colleague from the Nashville resurrection factory, Kristen, who has a long history of cruel, senseless plots against Salemites.)

Regarding Nicole's reappearance, big-mouth Sarah said: "You're not going to believe this." Why not? Salemites who have been presumed dead appear with regularity. In fact, Nick Fallon or Vivian Alamain could be coming around any corner at any moment.

Maggie asked, "how can Holly be missing?" Why not? Being kidnapped is a rite of passage for Salem tots. They're not real Salemites until they can get at least one kidnapping on their resumes.

Hope told Ciara not to compare Ben to Bo Brady. Why not? Bo may not have killed anyone, but he was an accomplished felon, having illegally broken into half the buildings in Salem. And, ably assisted by his Fancy Face, he once kidnapped the hapless Fake Rafe (aka Arnold Finnegar) and beat the snot out of him in an attempt to get information.

Finally, fie on the writers for creating more misery for Nicole and for having her dump all over the unfortunate Chloe. Haven't these two characters suffered enough during their stays in Salem?
As much as we complain about the writers and the stories, I want to mention a couple of positives:
1) There was no lurking around and hiding that Nicole was back. People are finding out rather quickly - thank you.
2) We did not have to deal with Nicole interrupting a Sarah/Eric wedding or a shocking Sarah pregnant with Eric's baby story. They kissed and Nicole is back - no big deal (except for Sarah). Thank you!
3) Bonus thanks for both Xander and Ben with towels today (although Xander just dried his face, but we know his turn will come!)
Of course, Sarah wouldn't be able to be pregnant by Eric since I'm still convinced there's going to be a Xander baby coming sometime soon. As much as I can't stand the writing for the character, the actress playing Sarah has done a good job the last couple of days.

I do hope they wrap up the kidnapping storyline quickly. It's starting to feel like deja vu - kidnapping, love triangle, shooting, medical crisis, put them all in a bag, shake it up, pull out a storyline, rinse and repeat. I'm begging the writers to put some new conflicts in that bag.

At least we got some Xander in a tight tank top. Woohoo!
wow....little judgmental Hopie Poo jumping down Ciara's throat for having sex with Ben..... because Bo was so much better.... unh-huh.... well maybe.....
and that little tart tossing Ted into mommy dearest's face.....

I must say that the commercials are really the show..... Cottonelle for care "down there"...... a skin disease that causes everything clothing, furniture to have spines grow out ..... an emu selling car insurance......

My guess for Xander's partner..... Eve......
While I don't enjoy these storylines in general, I did enjoy Arianne Zucker's (Nicole) performance and being back in general. I'm glad she stuck it to Chloe. I'm sorry, the drug cartel tried to get at Chloe how many times under Stafan's watch? I'm not sure why she continued to stay there.

Don't really care about Ben and Ciara. I used to enjoy their scenes but I've lost interest.
Hi folks...was told my internet would be back by 4 p.m. At 5, called again..was told still outs, would be back by 11:15 pm., offering to call when back in service. No thanks. Bu amazingly, was back. Thanks JS for the very last minute filling in.
I thought the show a good one....various characters involved..not just 3 or 4. I liked the reverse surprise of Xander being boss, and then that there is a 3rd person playing "partner. I still am thinking Kristen...but never thought of Eve, who has partnered with Xander before (he brought Jack in, plus took Rolf's diary) Loved Nicole & Eric......not snoozy for me......but I abhor children being kidnapped &... stupid triangles are overdone!
Thanks, JS.

Poor Maggie, first she cried when she got the good news Nicole is alive. Then she
cried when she got the bad news Holly is missing.

Will Victor help find Holly? Will Nicole, Brady or Maggie be upset with Victor because
he wouldn't let Chloe and kids stay at the K mansion?

Why oh why did Nancy have to go home so soon?

Did Holly change back to a baby after being kidnapped? She kept making baby
sounds in the crib.

I wasn't sure at first if Hope was upset or liked seeing Ben in a towel :)
Since Eve brought Jack back from wherever he was, why not it be her in cahoots with him, but it makes sense it could be Kristen. Did she ever know there was Xander? As for men in towels--yuk.