Days of Our Lives - Tues., Apr. 2, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Not too much going on today, as Brady as called Eric to meet him, Eric says he won't be blackmailed, while Brady claims not blackmail, just helping. Eric says Rex knows, Sarah told him, Brady taken aback. Tries to talk Eric into helping anyway, sorry we went around it the wrong way. Eric reminds him how his actions resulted in Nicole now dead, so leave Chloe alone. She is who Nicole wanted to raise Holly, so it is Chloe's decision to be at DiMansion. Brady brings up Daniel's death, then is sorry, Eric tells him he will have to convince Chloe to leave himself. Brady calls Gabi, wants her to distract Stefan, as he is making moves on Chloe.

Will & Sonny jabber about the “curse”, Gabi has come to see Will, they tell her about Leo, the curse, blah, blah. Sonny leaves, Gabi tells Will he is going to be fine, his daughter needs him, etc. Sonny returns, then in come Roman & Kate, grandparents visiting. Gabi & Sonny leave the family to their jabber, Kate is all “how come no one called me, Rex comes in, starts to tell Will some test results, Kate keeps interfering, asking questions, Rex reminds her he is talking to his patient, Roman tells her to zip it. Everything came back o.k., except his white blood cell count is a bit low, so....more tests, blood, urine, CT scan. He chases Roman & Kate out, Will needs to rest. Rex leaves, tells somewhat the same to Sonny outside, Gabi leaves (see above), Sonny goes in, tries to convince Will no curse. The amulet chain breaks, Sonny says good, takes it. Rex comes in with wheel chair to take Will for tests, the guys kiss, will see each other later.

Sarah is pouring herself coffee, remembering kissing Eric in the chapel. Rex comes in, just with towel, they chat a bit, she drops his towel, and later, both are in bed, afterglow. They talk of their engagement, joke around a bit about her ring, the wedding, yada, yada.

At the Kmansion, Victor is going over Sonny's annulment papers, glad to be rid of Leo. Maggie finally learns of Will being in hospital, Vic thinks it is nothing really, will soon be home. Sarah comes in, tells her news, she is engaged. Victor asks in what. LOL. (yes, Vic makes all those snarky comments he does so well). Maggie is getting upset with him, finally shags him out. Sarah tells of confessing her feelings to Eric, who doesn't share them. Maggie wonders if she accepted Rex because she could not have Eric. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Stefan is in Chloe's bedroom, and why he is shirtless is beyond me, but there he is. He assures her he has everything covered, all the protection, blah, blah. She is taking kids to their day care school. Later, she returns, holding adorable Holly, who is running a fever, and is disappointed because there was to be a picnic at school. Stefan figures they can have a picnic right there in living room, takes Holly to kitchen, mentioning peanut butter & ketchup sandwiches, lol. Later, he & Holly on floor, Chloe on chair, talking of how good peanut butter & jelly is, better than ketchup. Holly is munching on sandwich.

Eric is at Pub with dad, who is telling him about Will, tests, etc. Is sure he will be fine. Then mentions Rex telling them his news, Sarah accepted his proposal. Eric did not know, but is happy for them. Roman suggests that later they can watch a Cubs game together. Eric agrees, has nothing else to do.Eric is leaving the Pub, Sarah comes in. They stare at each other.
LOL, I stopped a couple times, as .....well, just could not think of a way to make lemonade from this one. Talk about "filler"...........
Ooops, left out Kate joining Vic at his table in square, wanting her job at Titan back, no dice, he's even changed all the locks.....she feels she would be asset. Nope, sez Vic...over my dead body.
Why is Eric such a jerk? He doesn't think that Stefan could possibly be dangerous? He is just absolutely dead set against getting Chloe away from him. I'm glad Brady said did you forget about Daniel. Eric is just so unlikable. Remember when he was played by Jensen Ackles (Dean, Supernatural)?

Victor was funny today. I liked when he locked his lips.

Ya know before Sonny and Will didn't push me either way. Didn't love them didn't hate them but now they are just so annoying. Really gonna play out this curse thing now? What's gonna happen in the MRI?

Roman, the Cubs don't play tonight and after last night's game I'm grateful for that!!
Thank you, Poirot. This one is definitely an A-1 snoozer.

macgyverswife - I've said many times here that Jensen Ackles (Dean on Supernatural and former Eric Brady on Days) needed to come to Salem with his anti-evil arsenal. The half dead, brainless, and evil characters of Salem would be eliminated in no time.
Why is Brady being such a jerk? He needs a life. Eric is probably tired of all of his brothers asking him to do their jobs for them in regard to women. And, when Victor said to Kate, "Over my dead body. . ." is that a bad sign? We know he is getting older and has some difficulties filming (usually has to sit in that one chair), but has there been anything about him leaving? I sure hope not. Thanks for the summary - it made my decision about what time to see a movie really easy!
It truly is a shame that the writing for Eric is so dismal, calling for him to be sorrowful, miserable, etc. Greg Vaughan is a really good actor, but they rarely let him smile.
I was glad he told Brady to do his own dirty work.....but of course, Brady has to call in someone else. So now he wants Gabi to prostitute herself? Too bad she has admitted hating Stefan, but he gets under her skin, same goes for Stefan.
And folks, honestly.......except for seeing adorable Holly, it doesn't seem you would be missing a thing if not seeing the show today. We all know how Days loves to repeat, relive, flash back, etc. So you will probably see parts next week. Did like Brandon Barash's Stefan today.....Too bad he did not play Stefan from the getgo.
Where's the mute button?: Sarah and Maggie's discussion about her non-Xander love-life and yet another loud, pointless argument between sourpuss Eric and Brady are a perfect example of why the mute button can be an essential tool for Days viewers.

Comic relief: Kudos to Victor for providing the only entertainment today: bringing up inconvenient truths about Rexy's cheating and Sarah's romp with Xander.

The pot calls the kettle black: Big Boy Sonny, the man who once had an affair with Leo, actually had the nerve to call Gabi "stupid" for kissing Stefan Zero?

Let's try a remedy that works: Will might be better off wearing a garland made of garlic cloves instead of enduring Dr. Rexy's endless battery of useless tests.

Thanks for dressing up: Did Stefan Zero have to waltz into Chloe's room dressed like a male stripper half-way through his routine, and why was Rexy parading around the apartment doing a second-rate impression of Xander wearing his patented towel? (When it comes to towel scenes, nobody does it better than the X-man.)

Let's not scare the locals: Was it considerate of Kate to parade around looking like a leopard in a town that was once terrorized by another big cat, Horton the Tiger? As for Kate saying that she'd "consider" returning to Titan, Victor would be better off hiring the emu that's currently appearing in Liberty Mutual Insurance TV commercials.
The first thing that came to mind about Will having a low white blood cell count was I am wondering if Will contracts HIV? I am not sure the writers have ever explored that kind of storyline since it is highly sensitive. Could also be lupus, but I can see them going for an HIV storyline if they already are touching immigration political issues.
Though a story about Will having HIV would be interesting, I don’t trust the current writers to do a good job because they are doing a horrible job with everything else. It has been done with a character on General Hospital and they did a great story on that show. I don’t think Days can do a serious story with justice. Remember Adrienne’s breast cancer? She was only on once every few weeks and only a couple episodes were decent. The writers prefer to write about ridiculous stories centered around Sarah and Rex and Eric and Brady yelling at each other and lying to each other all the time.
Thanks, Poirot.

I wonder what Julie wanted to do at Doug's Place that Chloe didn't like.
Bingo.. Shuffleboard...Senior night Karaoke.

Did Rex and Sarah clean Eric's couch?

Nice seeing Holly today.

The best part was when Sarah showed her engagement ring and Victor asked if
she was pregnant with Xander's kid :)
Thanks for the summary!

Did like Brandon Barash's Stefan today.....
Have to disagree - what respectful man enters a house guest's room in their bare chested body? He's just creepy to me and I think he is so manipulative. He's probably doing all these seemingly kind things BECAUSE he thinks it will get Chloe to have sex with him! I just have to FF him.
AND...who sleeps in "nighties" like Chloe's?:confused:

Did Stefan Zero have to waltz into Chloe's room dressed like a male stripper half-way through his routine,
Good one!!:rotfl::clap:
Stefan is not a "good guy" & I was not implying he was. Just like his portrayal of sleazy DiMera. I think he comes off as the bad guy pretty well.
That said.......Rex did the same thing, but worse, as he only had a towel! Days is overly facinated with having their men barechested, sometimes in just a towel, and constantly have the men on the show answering the door, walking out into kitchens, living rooms, etc. with no shirt on. Stefan is not alone in that respect, (& yes, it was ridiculous way to have the actor barechested).
Ha ha, those "nighties" were what we called "shorty pajamas" when I was a teen, and they were all the rage back then. I must have gotten a dozen pairs of them as graduation presents from high school. It just seemed strange to me that both Chloe and Stefan were dressed the way they were, in her bedroom, while acting as though there was nothing to it. That doesn't seem normal to me but I'll admit not many of the "norms" for today seem very normal to me.

This new Stefan seems like a whole new character, as often is the case with a recast. The other one came across to me as nasty, snarly mean. Mostly unpleasant. This present one almost never stops grinning, in a way that makes him seem creepy or sleezy, like he's always got bad intentions but is trying to hide them with a smile.
I swear to God. Will has got to be the most forgiving person ever. When Kate visited him, it was like she never ruined Sonny's life! I mean they mentioned it, but they sure have swept it under the rug!