Days of Our Lives - Tues., Apr. 24, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days got pre-empted last 15 min. for press conference. Usually that is best part.

But........what I did see.......Replay of Rafe subduing Chad, who is really a basket case, ends up being cuffed, as they are charging him with assault. He tries to explain, goes on and on about Stefan brainwashing Abby, in bed with her, his comments are disjointed, he is taken to the station. Hope has called 911, but they already have ambulance on way, a woman called.

That woman was Gabby, who is in the square. Steve appears, having heard her agitated voice, calls out to Abigail, who is silent. But Steve comes up to her, says he knows it her, Gabby calls him Uncle Steve, just says she is upset over a fight with Chad, nothing really important. She quickly leaves, despite Steve trying to get her to stay.

Ciara comes into square with Wyatt, assuring him she has forgiven him. All is o.k. He goes to the bathroom, Tripp comes up, tries to get Ciara to forgive him, to no avail. He really is puzzled that after all Wyatt did, she easily forgave him, but Tripp's one little thing, he is banished forever. He walks away, runs into Steve, they sit and talk (boy, Tripp is at work, but must be on break). He tells Steve all about the contest, voting for Claire as Ciara was so far ahead, etc. etc. Steve is puzzled if that was so, how did Claire come from so far behind, win by one vote?

Claire comes into the club, Julie is going over reservations, Claire is upset that tho she won the contest, no one is really happy for her. She cannot get hold of Gramma Marlena, her parents, Gramma Hope, no one. She thinks Julie is still mad at her for telling Hope about Rafe cheating, no, she isn't, and just wants Hope to be happy. Claire starts telling Julie all about calling Theo to rig the contest for her, she bad mouths Ciara, Julie is commenting that Claire won the contest fair & square, without cheating. This causes Claire to flashback, (long ones) to running into Wyatt, asking him to hack into Titan and give her more votes. He is reluctant, until Claire tells him about Ciara & Tripp *(who voted for her) & if Claire wins by one vote, Ciara will get mad at Tripp, and be Wyatt's for the taking. He agrees.

JJ is at the hospital, talking to Kayla about a patient he brought in, he gets a call to get over to DiMansion. When he returns with Stefan, internal bleeding, etc. Kayla is concerned.

At the cop shop, Hope questions the upset Chad, he talks in spurts, keeps wanting to go look for his wife. He says Stefan raped her, he raped her. He talks of Abby not being herself, is insistent Stefan brainwashed her. He comments Stefan came to town with one goal, to take everything he considered to be his. Chad's company, home, job, and then went after Chad's wife. Hope tells of how she & Rafe figured out the woman in dark hair, Hong Kong, was Abby. This confirms Chad's theory. Hope assures him Stefan will pay for what he did.

Back at hospital, Rafe is waiting to hear about Stefan. Gabby comes in, hides, but overhears Kayla telling Rafe they have to wait for CT results, but if internal bleeding, less that 50/50 chance of survival.

Anyone who sees that last 15 min. Please add on. That is as far as I got.
O.K. Here is the last 15 min.............

After all the flashbacking, Claire does not tell Julie about rigging the contest. Julie has congratulated her, Claire is happy, but Julie gives a piece of advice she learned when she went thru stuff like Claire, at Claire's age& can barely remember what she thought so important then. Be true to yourself, be a good person, family.....that is all that really matters.

Wyatt has to get back to his classes, enjoyed the ride w/Ciara, hopes they can do it again. She says sure, he wants to drive next time.....nope, this is her baby, no one handles her baby except her. He figures he has to earn her trust, will do so and drive the bike. He leaves. Tripp comes up with a cell phone, Ciara says not hers, oh, well, Wyatt left it in the bathroom. Beep, beep, a text comes in from Claire (to Wyatt). How is everything going with Ciara? Tripp sees this.

Hope returns to the interrogation room, tells Chad she cannot locate Jennifer, remembers her saying she was going on out of town assignment. She tells Chad that Stefan is badly hurt, and if he dies, Chad could be facing murder charges. Chad doesn't care, hopes he is dead, but actually, wants him alive only to tell what he did to Abby, she even told Chad her name wasn't Abby........ he wants his wife back.

At the hospital Gabby listens as Kayla tells how badly Stefan is doing. She leaves, Abigail steps back, as Steve appears. He stops in front of her for a second, then continues to Kayla's office. She is so glad to see him, gives him the news about Stefan, Chad beating him up.

Rafe is filling JJ in on what happened with Stefan, that it was Chad who beat him. He tells JJ about Abby not being herself, wearing the black wig, being the woman seen in Hong Kong, and undoubtedly the one who went into Andre's office on the video footage. Rafe gets a call, says What? Oh, my God. I'll be there. He hangs up, tells JJ that Gabi was in a fight at the prison, is hurt. JJ is going with him. This leaves Stefan's door with no one there, Gabby has heard it all, sneaks into Stefan's room. She talks to him, it's me, Gabby, I'm here. I won't leave you, I cannot do this without you.
Eve & Brady: Claire says that nobody cares that she's the New Face of Bella. This can't be good news for Brady and the woman who's the object of his affection. And if the whole Bella thing flops, imagine the snark the Eve-Brady team will get from Victor.

Claire: At this point she's starting to look like the second coming of Sami Brady: manipulating the foolish Wyatt and dancing around the ugly truth with Julie. To reach full Sami status, Claire now needs to shoot somebody, cheat on a significant other, and work on her screeching.

Hope: She ought to check up on the Illinois Criminal Code. It has an aggravated assault provision, but it doesn't cover Chad's offense, which is actually simple assault. That said, when darling Melinda hears about the extensive nature of Mr. Slimy's injuries and learns that Chad shouted, "I'll kill you," she'll be foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog at the prospect of trying a DiMera for attempted murder.
This teen thing. Haven't I seen this same story line recently?????

So how old is Tripp again??? 15??

This Hope/Chad police office thing, I'm not feeling it.

JJ is a paramedic, not a police officer. He is NOT responsible for handcuffing someone to a bed, or guarding a door.

I am so sorry I watched this live. I should have watched it from the DVR.
The first 40 minutes of mine was interrupted with the special report so all I saw was the last 15 so this recap was good for me! :rotfl:I'm hoping NBC will replay entire episode overnight. Got the recorder set just in case! Gabby has to be caught being at the hospital I would think.
Stefan is supposed to be seriously injured. Why is he not in ICU??? He is very wealthy, so a private room.....and yet, no one constantly checking on him? sigghhhh.

The room is right across from that busy nurses' station, and yet.....Gabby was able to easily get into the room. Yeah, yeah, da plot, da plot.....
This causes Claire to flashback, (long ones) to running into Wyatt, asking him to hack into Titan and give her more votes. He is reluctant, until Claire tells him about Ciara & Tripp *(who voted for her) & if Claire wins by one vote, Ciara will get mad at Tripp, and be Wyatt's for the taking. He agrees.
I was enjoying the story for Claire, but she is ruined. Note: I hate Ciara even more than I dislike Claire. The only thing that could redeem this story is if Wyatt lied and didn't rig the results, and Claire actually won by a mass of support.

Meanwhile Ciara whom, I think, the writers intend for us to feel for, is acting just as self-centred as her niece by excommunicating her attempted-murdering roommate for his sympathy vote.

I want StefanNo to die. This story has ruined Chad, Abby, and almost Vivian but she could be saved. I'm actually wishing Thomas were Ben's so he could be saved and the DiMansion could be torpedoed from the air.
Thanks, Poirot.

I laughed when Ciara asked Tripp for a table that had privacy.

Chad finally understands there is something wrong with Abby and that
Stefan hurt her.

Claire is mean, mean, mean. She had Wyatt fix the contest so she would
beat Ciara by one vote.

Steve told Kayla Abigail not missing. He just ran into her. Did he notice her
in the hallway? Maybe she's wearing perfume.
I think Steve meant earlier...on his way to the hospital....

however, his other senses have become more acute.....he did stop for a second as he passed her a bit later
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Kat, it appeared Steve had a sense of Abigail's presence in the hospital. It could have been perfume or other cosmetics. Too bad it wasn't strong enough for him to have the certainty to confront her.

Jason, I'm sorry Claire was ruined for you. During today's episode I kept thinking how much she is reminding me of Sami. Neither of them seems to truly think the things they do (cheating, lying, etc.) are wrong, even though Claire gives lip service to it. On the other hand, if the writers are trying to make us feel for Ciara, they have failed miserably, as far as I'm concerned.

I wonder if Wyatt will go to jail for hacking into Titan.
At least Abigail is still around. When Steve was talking to Gabby, you could hear Abigail's voice reaching out to Uncle Steve for help. I would like to know where Dr. Laura has been during this past week. She's a lousy gatekeeper allowing Gabby to hit people over the head with fire pokers and candlesticks and then letting her sleep with Stefan when she specifically told her that Abigail was the primary host and as she is in love with Chad, that they needed to preserve her marriage.

I have no words about Claire. She does sound more like Sami everyday. She was whining to Julie about nobody was happy for her winning the Bella contest and neither of her grandmothers have called her about it. Well, Claire, Marlena and Hope are both a little busy right now. They can't be thinking about any contest right now.

When are people going to realize that Marlena, Kate, and Vivian are missing, and also, who is watching Thomas right now? Chad asked Kate to watch him last week but she's now locked up. Chad has been arrested, Abigail is not herself, Hope tried to reach Jennifer but she's out of town on business. I hope Harold is able to keep up with a busy toddler.
Billy Flynn (Chad) really has been doing great work this week. I feel for Chad and I like how he is slowly putting together the pieces. Who honestly would think their loved one has multiple personality disorder? So I'm ok with him thinking brainwashing for now.

Loved that Uncle Steve started to trigger Abigail to come out. That's why Gabby ran away. I also think Steve sensed her in the hospital later on. I bet it was her perfume.

More Steve and Kayla please. I like them separate and together.

I hated that Claire said her parents didn't call and that's not unusual. Belle and Shawn a NOT deadbeat parents! And Julie, Ciara is not Claire's friend. She's her Aunt. I did like the dynamic between Julie and Claire though.

I'm not sure how I feel about JJ as an EMT. I kind of feel he should have remained a cop. I did love that he went with Rafe to see Gabi though. I wonder if Rafe will blame Hope for Gabi getting hurt?
I just wanted to know since when is it the paramedic's job to handcuff a prisoner to a bed? That was Rafe's job, if he felt it necessary. And it should have been Kayla he asked about that.

Paramedics do not usually operate alone, although I think JJ said something about being "in training" there at the hospital.