Days of Our Lives - Tues., April 14, 2020


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Lots of tears, recriminations, apologies, as truths come out. Brady has found Kristen at the gravesite of Rachel - & takes forever to tell her that Rachel is not dead, she is alive, that it was Eric & Sarah's baby who died. He explains about Nicole becoming suspicious, the birthmark, DNA testing, shows her the results. Kristen finds it hard to take it all in, but is ecstatic. Eric & Nicole arrive, Kristen tells Eric she is so sorry, his baby did not live......and thanks Nicole profusely for what she did, knows Nicole hates her, but she is beyond grateful. Brady & Eric hug, Brady insists he & Kristen leave to give Eric & Nicole some privacy. After they are gone, Eric makes a heartfelt little speech to the daughter he will love forever, til the day he dies, she will always be in his heart.

Brady & Kristen go to their room, she wants to go get Rachel, he says no, that Eric & Sarah just learned their child is dead, the one they have loved and raised is not theirs, they need at least one more night to say goodbye. Kristen concedes.

Sarah really tears into Xander, refusing to say I do, berates him up and down for what he did, how he lied to her, not telling her that her baby died, letting her love and raise a child not hers, letting Brady & Kristen think their child had died. (This goes thruout the entire show). Xander tries to explain, did it for her, loves her, wanted to save her pain, etc. etc. She is having none of it, rakes him over the coals. She talks of having to say goodbye to this beautiful little girl, he says she doesn't have to, Titan jet on the tarmac, they can take Mickey (Sarah snarls her name is Rachel) , leave and never return, be happy together as a family. Sarah won't do that, says she is taking the girl up to put her to bed, she never wants to see Xander again, if he is still there when she comes down, she will call the police. She takes Mickey/Rachel, goes up, Xander dejectedly sinks to the floor in front of the sofa.

Kayla tells Steve Adrienne is dead, he breaks down in tears, cannot be, she hugs him. He asks when, she says about a year ago, Mother's Day, was driving Sarah to hospital when she went into labor, car veered into their lane, she hit a tree. She explains being brought to hospital, but injuries too severe. Steve is upset, still crying, Jack & Jen arrive. Kayla tells them Steve's memory back, Jen hugs him, is so happy. Kayla tells Jack that Steve was just told about Adrienne, Jack is sorry, goes to his brother, who is beating himself up. Kayla & Jen have left the room, the brothers talk. Steve moans about making bad choices, if he had not left town, none of this would have happened. Jack listens, is understanding. Steve goes on and on about wonderful Kayla, operated on him, saved him, he did bad things, (as Stefano) but he made wrong choices long ago, deciding to be good American, a hero, got the hacked eye, etc. etc. And now Kayla has moved on, cannot blame her, is with Justin.

Out in the nurses's station, Kayla & Jen discuss the same things, she tells Jen what Steve knows now, how she did not think she could but did fall in love with Justin. And he comes off the elevator. Jen goes to tell Julie & Doug, Kayla & Justin talk a bit. He is very understanding that with Steve getting memory back, Kayla wanting to keep close by.

Sarah is in the bedroom with Rachel on her lap, stroking her hair, (headband is off) crying. How am I going to let you go?

Kristen & Brady get to their room. She wants to go get Rachel, right now. Brady says no, give them time, they just learned their baby is dead. We have had a whole year. Our child is alive. Give them time. Kristen doesn't understand how hospital could make the mistake. Brady says it wasn't the hospital, it was Xander!

Justin kisses Kayla, she knows where he will be if she needs him. He walks to the elevator. She calls out.......Justin......wait!

Xander stares into the empty crib. Eric walks in. Xander turns....neither one says a word.
letting her love and raise a child not hers
I can't wait for the scene where she screams this at her mother, or her dead father.
who is beating himself up
I want to beat up the writer who deprived us forever (temporarily) of a Johnson siblings reunion.

I haven't anything more to say about the Mickey nonsense.
Gotta say, yesterday, seemed like I was missing scenes galore or something, and today, the opposite. Scenes were stretched out beyond belief. Brady was taking forever to tell Kristen what was going on, I really liked Jack & Steve scenes, but is hard to believe Steve just had dangerous brain surgery. And yes, it was good to see Jack & Jen finally.....but the same conversations were repeated over and over.......Steve/Kayla, Jack/Steve, Kayla/Jen, Justin/Kayla. And same goes for Sarah telling off Xander.
I can't bring myself to watch. So thanks for the summary. I am just too disgusted by Kristen having a baby after she raped Brady. I can't take the fact that Days of our Lives continues to glorify rape and present it as love stories. :sick::sick::angry::angry::beat::beat::beat::beat:
I will not be surprised if Sarah is pregnant. Also won't be surprised if she takes up Xander on running with Mackenzie/Rachel.

Steve and Jack scenes were great.

Was Eric at the hospital the night Mackenzie was born? I wouldn't imagine so since he thought Xander was the daddy. So I was confused as to how that was the best day of his life. It's very sad having to say good bye. I cannot imagine.

Justin. I don't think you should have kissed Kayla. And if you were a man, you would walk away. You know she and Steve are the real thing. And Kayla, you could thank Justin for being there for you and say that you do love him but . . .gotta end up Kayla and Steve!

I am again disappointed that Kristen did not go off the deep end and want to go right NOW to get her baby! Please let there be another twist in this baby tale. Brady and Kristen need to end.
Was Eric at the hospital the night Mackenzie was born? I wouldn't imagine so since he thought Xander was the daddy. So I was confused as to how that was the best day of his life.
No, Eric was not there. But he was saying that her being born (just existing) was the best day of his life.
All sorts of doings today: the a woman with a past like Kristen's saying that she'll pray for Eric, Justin's fears of losing Kayla, Xander saying he switched babies out of love for Sarah and suggesting that they go on the run, and Steve admitting that he's unreliable. All of these could be the opportunity for various Salemites to become authors.
  • Does God Hear the Prayers of Evildoers? by Father Louis.
  • Odd Man out in the Game of Love by Justin Kiriakis.
  • On the Run with My Sort-of Baby by Sarah Brady.
  • Babyswitching for Love by Xander Kiriakis.
  • Facing up to Your Inner Unreliability by Steve Johnson.
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There were a couple things today that bugged me......But I know Days has gone thru so many writers over the years......but when Kayla says she told Steve about Adrienne, Jen says to Kayla....something about how much everyone loved Adrienne, but the ones who loved her most were you, Steve and Sonny.

I guess the other 3 sons really did not love her, huh? Nor her mother, Jo, or brother Jack,......was an odd statement.

And then, Kristen, who would not let go of that baby she was holding, then running to the cemetery with flowers, learning that Rachel was alive, and then that it was Sarah & Eric's daughter who died......knowing how she herself had grieved and mourned, just wants to run right out and snatch that little girl up and take off with her. Not a thought for how they would be feeling. Thank goodness Brady did.
First Governor Ducey is speaking so I saw about 15 minutes of the show BUT it will air in it's entirety at 2:05 so my complaints and those of my fellow Arizonians didn't fall on deaf ears.... AND for those of you curious, no Ducey is not speaking in a towel, even though I have suggested it to him.....

Sarah won't do that, says she is taking the girl up to put her to bed, she never wants to see Xander again, if he is still there when she comes down, she will call the police.

Isn't this Xander's home? Why should he leave his house so the redhead can stomp and scream???? And really does she think Xander is fearful of Salem PD???

Jen goes to tell Julie & Doug,

Earlier in the show it looked like they (Doug, Julie, Jack, Jen) were meeting for a party? Dinner? some place? did they run into each other or were they actually meeting for a reason?
Thanks so much for the update, I just can’t get myself to watch the show right now. I am still hoping that Mackenzie/Rachel baby switch is a mistake and that Mackenzie remains Eric and Sarah’s daughter. Don’t know how Sarah is going to be able to say goodbye to a daughter that she has loved and raised since birth and just hand her over to Kristen. The idea of Kristen and Brady with a child make me sick, much the same as years ago with Sami and EJ.
That is just so weird, @robinsnest that we both live in AZ and we had no governor and the whole show was on at its regular time. Anyway, was Jack even alive the last time Steve was here? I just thought that Steve was not around when Jack came back and missed that whole stupid story with Eve, but if someone told him that Jack was back, I must have missed it. I was glad that Sarah ripped Xander's heart out, but I also think she will be pregnant, do a quick grief hook-up with Rex and then have the next story be another who's the daddy.

Trying to find a positive note - I loved Jen's trench coat and her hair seemed to be freshly colored.
I'm no fan of Eric but he must have felt like crap handing over his "daughter" to the woman who ruined his life through her malicious & criminal actions. She has not even "paid" for her misdeeds by going to prison. When Kristen said she'd pray for him I half expected Eric to justifiably lose control and say something nasty, I know I would have.
Anyway, was Jack even alive the last time Steve was here? I just thought that Steve was not around when Jack came back and missed that whole stupid story with Eve, but if someone told him that Jack was back, I must have missed it.
Jack was "dead" the last time Steve was in town. Then Steve left Salem before Eve brought Jack to the New Year's Eve party at Doug's Place.
I found myself really annoyed with the impending break up of Kayla and Justin today. I think over the years there's too much breaking up and bringing back of Kayla and Steve and I'm just over it. At least Justin and Kayla have new chemistry between them. At this point I feel like every story we get with Steve is about the two of them finding their way back together an oh isn't that great. Boring! I want Justin to fight for Kayla. Otherwise we already saw this script when Eric drop kicked Sarah in 15 seconds.
I think she'll stay with Justin briefly too but I think it will be short. She'll probably get back with Steve for sweeps. I'm just really liking the chemistry with Justin and since we didn't see them getting together, now is a chance to explore that with him trying to keep her. We never get any real romance or dating at all anymore.