Days of Our Lives - Tues. April 30, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ahhh, the Conspiracy Capers....good show! And we have conspiracies galore. Replay of Ciara giving Kristen the decorated envelope, asking Kristen to open it, she hopes they will like it. Yes indeed, cue Hope to come rushing up, wanting to talk to Ciara, who doesn't want to leave. Seems teacher called Hope, Kristen is apologizing, Hope is telling how Rachel's mom said Ciara was having this long conversation with Kristen. Hope is very curt with Kristen, finally managing to get Ciara to take Pinky the backpack and come with her. Brady & Kristen talk about it a bit, Kristen finally opens the envelope. And guess what, my friends? It is the decorated card Ciara made for her daddy! Ciara had a lot of envelopes in her backpack, must have pulled out the wrong one. Brady talks to Kristen about how well she dealt with Ciara, so natural, and how she must have always wanted children. Kristen agrees, but knows it would not happen, so accepted it, moved on, and now the most important thing is the day she marries Brady. They kiss, and part company.
Brady calls someone to meet him immediately.

Over in the Kmansion, Sonny & Sami are getting desperate in their attempts to find the flash drive. Nick's voice is heard outside the room. Adrienne is there, attempting to get Nick to help her with something downstairs. He will, but give him 10 minutes, he has to do something. He opens the door to an apparently empty room, Adrienne notes that, breathes a sign of relief and leaves. Nick is busy, opening his briefcase and putting in the envelope of money, opening the lined box and taking out a flash drive. He is on the computer, gets a call, closes things up, and leaves. Sonny & Sami have been hiding in the closet, which has louvered slats, and evidently have seen what Nick was doing. They come out when Nick leaves, rushing. Sonny had texted his mom, telling her to stall Nick long enough so he can get out the back way and over to the coffee shop. He texted Nick to meet him there right away.
Adrienne is pushing some heavy box, as Nick comes down, and wants him to help her get it into a closet so Gabi won't see it, it is for her. Nick tries to get out of it, but finally picks it up and takes it to the closet. Upstairs, Sami & Sonny have the little box open, but it contains a whole bunch of flash drives, they don't have time to figure out which one. Sonny tells Sami to grab them all, take them home and check them, find the right one, he will stall Nick, and get them back before he returns home. He rushes out, she stuffs all the flashdrives in her purse, closes the box, then has second thoughts, opens the briefcase, finds the envelope of money. She examines, ponders, then takes it, closing the briefcase, muttering.."let him sweat".
She runs into Adrienne, thanks her, they are a bit chilly, but Sami mentions how much she loves Sonny. Adrienne worries that Sonny is involved in something dangerous, but Sami promises to protect him. The two women may not like each other, but both want the best for their boys, and are o.k. with each other.
Will has come into Sami's office, EJ is there. Will is worried how things are going, EJ assures him Sami is experienced, (too funny) and will be fine. Later, she rushes in, passes out the flash drives so they all can quickly check them on their own laptops. EJ finds something interesting on the one he has and I believe downloads it to his computer, but brushes off questions. Will find the right flash drive, everyone is relieved.
Sonny gets back to the coffee shop just in time for Nick to come in. (this is all very fast and rushed, truly). He makes up some story about Will not studying, eating, sleeping, worried about seeing his baby. Nick is once again saying it is all up to Gabi, but Sonny notes that while Nick seems to be so agreeable he is really a jerk, all the time. He has made Will sign away his rights, and now pretends it is up to Gabi, but is still being a jerk. Nick says he doesn't care about Will's grades, his lack of sleep, or how he eats. All he cares about is Gabi and our baby. He has gotten a call from Gabi at the spa, goes to meet her.
Sonny rushes back to Sami's office, grabs the other flashdrives, and rushes back, knowing Nick went to the spa, so he has a few minutes. He thanks his mother, loves her, promises not to involve her again, runs upstairs, returns the flashdrives. Nick returns, Adrienne stops him, but Nick is in a hurry. Sonny has left Nick's room, hears Nick, sneaks into another room, leaving when Nick goes into his. He quietly closes that door, makes his escape. He joins Will at the coffee shop, where Will thanks him profusely, noting that these past couple of months has been all about him, and they have neglected "them". Tis fine, they kiss, and decide to get out of there.

Hope sits with Ciara at the coffee shop, trying to get her to open up, but Ciara is distracted, cannot find the envelope she is looking, pulling all kinds of them out of her backpack, lamenting she must have given Kristen & Brady the wrong one. Marlena comes in, Hope gets up to talk to her, telling her about Ciara shutting down, is upset her father isn't coming home, frankly, she is, too. Marlena joins them at the table, trying to draw Ciara out, who just wants to draw. Marlena talks of how she used to love brides when she was a child, and that is what Kristen will be, which is why Ciara likes to talk to her. Ciara says Kristen listens to her, she likes her, but knows Marlena doesn't. But Marlena didn't say that. She doesn't have to, Ciara can tell. Hope asks Ciara to go tell Tom what she wants for dinner, and she can have two desserts. Ciara goes, but complains she knows it is only because they want to talk about her.
But, Hope & Marlena talk more about John, how he won't even talk to Marlena, pushinng her away more and more. She says he acts as tho they will not be able to get back together, and she is beginning to think the same thing.

Brady meets with a woman in the square, glad she could make it. Wants something and wants to make sure it all goes well. She says it won't be easy.

Earlier, John was in the coffee shop when Marlena comes in, telling him she heard he and Roman had words, and what was it all about. John is silent, Marlena hurt that he won't talk to her at all, it has come to this. Oh, he is glad to see her, digs in his backpack, and gives her the key he had borrowed earlier. She can't believe this is the only reason he was glad to see her. He is curt, evasive, and short with her. Victor sits nearby, watching and listening. John eventually tells Marlena to just go to Roman. She leaves. He is about to leave when Vic calls him back. He wants to talk to him, realizes he has some sort of plan about Brady & Kristen. John tries to deny, refuses to talk, Vic says then he will go talk to Brady. that stops John, who goes home with Victor, who carefully shuts the doors to the room, and questions John, who still doesn't want to say a word. But..Victor eventually convinces him to share, John makes him promise it will stay in this room.

Kristen has come home, finds Stefano and brags of how her plan is going perfectly. And now the scenes intercut back and forth, between John talking to Victor, and Kristen talking to Stefano. She has managed to convince John she still wants him. John tells of needing to know something, he now does, and realizes Kristen still wants him. John plans to seduce her, sleep with her and when Brady learns of this, his eyes will be opened, and he will see Kristen for who she really is. Kristen is telling Stefano, she plans for Brady to walk in and find her in bed with John, and her revenge will be complete, she will be able to move on. She didn't want to break Brady's heart, but it is necessary.
Victor warns John that he could lose both Marlena and Brady. He knows that. May have lost Marlena already. But he needs to save his son, and that is what matters the most.
I have to say, these scenes at the end, with Kristen talking to Stefano, and JOhn talking to Victor are excellent, inasmuch as they both are saying almost the very same things (Kristen & John).
Honestly the whole search and retrieve mission could have been a one man operation with Sonny going in by himself because Sami contributed nothing except a few laughs and taking Nick's money out of spite.

With the one liners Victor had today, it's amazing he's able to film in just one take without doubling over in laughter.

And Hope is definitely going to have her hands full with little Ms. Ciara.
And if this is not how everyone feels...........

So did the stupid twits make sure first that Stefano's connections had already removed the evidence from the police station before taking the flash drives out of Nick's room? If that hasn't occurred yet then there's a possibility Nick could find out rather quickly what happened and still blow the whistle on Will. These people are so dumb. And what was with all the celebration? Like others have mentioned, Nick could still have other copies of the confession (another flash drive somewhere else, the pen he recorded with, on the Cloud, etc.). I can understand Sami and EJ not thinking of things like that but more tech-savvy folks like Will and Sonny should have thought of that. :rolleyes:

John is just too dumb for words. At least we finally got to see what the big plans are from John and Kristen. Gee, it's only been since before Christmas that this has been going on, right? :beat:
And how do these people travel around town, in turbo powered jets, or is everything in walking distance. Sonny went from the K mansion to the coffee house, to Countess W, back to the K mansion and ended his travels back at the coffee house.
Hate those walls in the office. Hate how small it is for a big deal corporate exec. And that reminds me. EJ & Sami are so joyful over the success, they are making out, and soon it is on Sami's desk.......when EJ stops abruptly, telling Sami she has a bit of explaining to do. She is puzzled, but he is looking down at her purse on the desk, with the money spilled half out.
Gotta say the joint was jumpin' today. LOL
Still trying to figure out why John could not have told Marlena his plan. She would have went along with it, except for him actually sleeping with Kristen and they could have planned it where Brady would have just caught them in bed together BEFORE they did anything. I am sure she could have acted just the way she is acting now, but she would be in on it. Does John have no faith in Marlena??

@meldrel...What?!?!? You mean that you don't have sex on your desk at work on a regular basis??? :cool::p LOL