Days of Our Lives - Tues., Aug. 23, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days Of Our Lives
Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2016

Oh, wow, THIS should have been Monday's show. First off....JACK appears! Jennifer enters what is obviously a motel room, pulls out a small pkg (booze), and rummages in her purse for a packet of pills. She opens it, takes out 2, starts to open the bottle, and a voice behind her says "Jennifer". And there is Jack, who sits down beside her at the small table, and carries on a long conversation, encouraging her not to go this route, to know that Abby would not want that, that she is stronger than that. Jennifer in turn. (these scenes are powerful, and so very good!) tells Jack how much she misses him, wishes he could really be there, knows he is not, just wants his arms around her, to help ease the pain. She cries that he has no idea how much pain she is in, losing their little girl. But Jack does know, does feel it, because he lives in her heart, so feels what she feels, knows when her heart is breaking. She still wants to take the pills, he tells her to look at their grandson, to have faith, see what a beatiful, wonderful boy he is. She looks at a pic of him on her phone, is smiling, but then up comes one of Abby. She looks up, Jack is gone. She pours the booze into a glass, takes the pills, drinks the booze.

Ciara runs into Theo in the square, is in a hurry, was in Chicago, left her cell at home, tons of messages from her mom, brother, she has to catch up. Theo catches her up, tells her the news of Abigail being on the plane that went down, no survivors. She feels she has to leave right now, runs off, Claire comes up to Theo, figures Ciara knows about Abby and has run off to Chad. They talk a bit, begin talking of her music, etc.

At DiMansion, Belle is talking to the distraught Chad, trying to get him to think of his son, and pull himself together. Another set of wonderfully done scenes. He feels he failed Abby, not getting her out of the hospital, where she felt alone and trapped, not getting her another doctor. (Billy Flynn is giving another Emmy winning performance here). He has been trying to figure out where it all went wrong, they were so happy. Belle assures him he did nothing wrong, that Abby had an illness, an inherited one, buried deep down inside her before they ever met. They talk of Ben, Chad hope he rots in jail til he dies. Belle does her best, but Chad is so despondent, he has decided Thomas would probably be better off if Jen raised him. Belle does her very best to try and make him see that is not so, how Thomas lost one parent, should not lose another, she is going to fight like mad to win their case. Nope, it is over, thank you for the support, and the services. You are no longer needed here. She insists on not leaving him, but in walks Ciara, telling Belle that it is o.k., she is there, will take care of Chas & Thomas. They argue about who will stay, Chad stops it, tells Belle Ciara has done good for him & the baby when they hit a bad patch, it is o.k. Belle decides to leave.

She runs into Claire & Theo in the square, talks to Claire privately, tells her that her parents have decided to let her defer college for a year, and if things don't work out, then she will enroll in a university...but Claire is jumping for joy. Oh, she will be on the charts by then, she is thrilled, hugs, thank you, etc. etc. She runs off with Theo, Belle gets a call from Paul, who has news, Jennifer has fallen off the wagon.

Belle meets him at the Pub, seems Paul saw her buying a bottle of vodka, followed her to the park, where she bought some illegal drugs, and then went to the seedy motel just outside of town. He took pictures, is sure Belle will have enough to win her case. (remember this is his sister). She is not too interested in them, though, really doesn't respond much to his info, takes off.

Claire & Theo are at the apartment, she is singing the tale end of her music, he claps, very good, wishes Ciara could have heard it, would help her. Claire notes that Ciara went to see Chad, nothing they can do about that. Theo knows, wishes he could do something. She takes his hand, says maybe she can help. Kiss, and kiss again.

Belle enters Jen's motel room (wonder how she got in?), sees Jen passed out on the bed. Pulls out her phone to take a picture, decides against it. Goes to the bed, lightly brushing Jen's hair away from where it is hanging across her face.

Ciara sits with Chad, urging him not to give up, not to relinquish custody of Thomas, he is near tears, giving reasons Thomas would be better off. She is refusing, won't let him do this. He is not going to give up on life. Chad murmurs... Why do you care so much. "Because I love you", says Ciara.
Great seeing Jack! Bring that man back alive! If they hadn't have brought Shawn back, and Abby was written off, I think I could've gotten behind a Chad and Belle pairing. Truth is though, I think they could put Chad with any one and he would make it magic. Claire said that Abby really isn't much older than they are. I know ages don't matter, yada yada, but isn't Abby about 6 years older?
Well, now she is, but originally, Abby was over 10 years older than these kids.

Ciara, Theo & Chase were around 10, when they became 16, and a month or two later were 18. Claire was 15 after the "aging", and is now also 18. Joey...same thing,
Sounds mostly fantastic, although that last line makes me want to :sick:.
:sick: indeed. Doesn't poor Chad have enough problems without discovering that he's the object of Teen Ciara's crush. Speaking of Chad, kudos to Belle for doing her best to shake him out of his self-indulgent funk. If he doesn't snap out of it soon, he may just get some forceful paternal advice from Ghost Stefano. (My son, you know that it is madness to let that Deveraux woman take a DiMera heir, yes?) Kudos also go to Paul who may be the first PI in Salem history to do some real PI work -- digging up dirt on a party to a family legal dispute. Usually, Salem investigators go off on some foolish quest to rescue somebody from a tropical hellhole. Finally, although it may have been a really bad day for pill-popping, vodka-swilling Jenny and the distraught Chad, things are looking up for Theo. Perhaps, a kiss from Teen Claire will help extract him from the orbit of the always-annoying Teen Ciara.
laire said that Abby really isn't much older than they are. I know ages don't matter, yada yada, but isn't Abby about 6 years older?
Abby was born in October/1992.
Theo was born in May/2003
Claire was born in September/2005
Ciara was born in December/2006

While other babies born around the same time as Abby were quickly SORAS'ed, she lagged behind for a long time. But Claire's comment was way off the mark, since Abby is much older than her, Theo and Ciara.
All in all I thought this was a pretty good episode especially the scenes with Chad and Belle and Jack and Jennifer. That was some top-notch stuff. I agree with Poirot that this should have been the return episode instead of yesterday's. To be fair I didn't think yesterday's episode was bad but today definitely had more of a punch.

I appreciated Claire and Theo talking about Abigail although I think I've seen Theo in one scene with Abigail since he was aged. And I don't think I ever saw Claire and Abigail on screen since the Christmas episode and even then I don't remember if Claire and Abigail interacted. But still it was nice that Abigail's "death" was acknowledged even if their relationship with her took place off-screen.

However when Theo mentioned J.J. I couldn't help thinking "Yeah, where is JJ?" Although I didn't hate the Claire and Theo scenes but I think the time would have been better spent showing JJ dealing with his grief and preferably being consoled by Gabi then seeing Theo and Claire talking about it. I don't get the show's priorities sometimes. *and if that sounds like an understatement that's because it is. LOL*

And the "Worst Possible Timing" Award goes to: Ciara Brady!!! *standing ovation* I said in another thread that I can't imagine Chad is going to be gentle in his response and I'm not going to be blame him one bit.
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Loved the Jack/Jennifer scenes until Jack started pushing her to get Thomas away from Chad Dimera. Then I was done. Clearly this is Jennifer's head talking but you'd think she'd pull back a bit now. After Chad and Belle's chat, I don't like where this is heading.

I did really like the Chad/Belle scenes however, I thought they would have been better with Gabi or Sonny counseling Chad.

Loved the Belle and Claire scenes. Also interesting that Belle found Jennifer on her own. I was surprised she didn't take Shawn (in recuperating Hope's place) along with her. Or call Julie. They seem to be heading somewhere with Belle and I want to see where. It's about time she got some storylines outside of Shawn and Philip.

Pop up Paul today. Nice to see him with his sister.

I know everyone is related but it was really strange that Theo had to tell Abby's 2 cousins that she was dead. Wouldn't Hope know this already?! The show seems to be going overboard to prove that Ciara and Abigail are not related. Yet Shawn and Abigail are cousins. :rolleyes:

Theo and Claire were very cute together.


And that's for what she said to both Belle and Chad!
The highlight of the show was Chad/Belle and Jennifer/Jack scenes. I liked that Belle wasn't just being all lawyer-y with Chad but actually trying to be a good friend. Chad is just pitiful right now and I hope he rights the ship soon. I get that he's grieving but giving up is not the answer. I agree with Heather too, that a visit from Sonny would be awesome right now. I think the writers have forgotten that they are friends. Chad said something like, "I have no friends" to Belle today. Um, ok. Actually, I would love it if Belle goes to her mother and asks for her help re: Chad. But that would make sense, relate to recent history with those two, and be good writing. So scratch that. :drunk:

Ciara just needs to go. Have her go away to college or something. I hope Chad tells her to get out of his face with this "I love you" talk.

As to Jennifer, I must say I was pleasantly surprised to see Jack show up in her scenes today. I wasn't expecting that so it made the scenes that much better. I wish they would just write whatever story they need to write to bring Jack back alive already. I mean, it's nice to see him in this capacity but his death felt like it was left relatively open. Just do it already, writers. I dare ya. I double dog dare ya! :rotfl:
Ciara did tell Theo she had a ton of messages from her mom and JJ and needed to go thru them, guessing they were about Abby.

When Theo was talking about Chad, Abby......Chad is his uncle, right?

When Chad called his home a "tomb".......first is time to refurbish DiMansion. Lighten and brighten. Make it a welcoming, homey environment for Thomas to grow up in. Dispel the gloomy atmosphere. While the paneling can stay, etc. time to change the furniture, drapes, cushions, and especially the chess table. At least move it.

I loved, absolutely loved every bit of the Jack/Jennifer scenes. I did get surprised at Jack's mention of DiMera....but...thank you Heather for the reminder that these were Jen's thoughts. And...I especially liked that I did not know he was going to be there. It made it even better.

And yes, what I liked most about Belle & Chad.....she was being his friend, not just his attorney. Trying to help. And it was not a 2 minute visit. She stayed, was not deterred by his rejections, at least until the bossy brat arrived and did her best to kick Belle out.

I just hated that Chad said he had no friends, no family. Time for Sonny to visit his friend and ex-partner. Keep Andre' far away. Time for Chad to remember Theo. (wasn't he at Abby & Chad's wedding?)
I enjoyed today's episode even though it was depressing.

Nice to see Jack talk to Jen. But I don't think Jack is Jack now. He's more
like Jen's inner self. I was rather surprised Jack told her to get Thomas,
but instead she still drank and took the pills.

Nice scenes with Belle and Chad. I hope he'll realize soon he does have
family and friends that care.

So Ciara finally told Chad she loves him. Probably the worse time to tell
him that.

I was surprised to see Paul at the Brady pub and find out he was tailing
Jen as part of an investigation. I'm hope Chad and Jennifer can make
the decision about Thomas together. Joint custody or something.
This was so depressing and yet a powerful and beautifully done show! Great acting all around! I feel for Jennifer but at the same time cannot stand who she has become! As for Ciara, the brat needs to leave ASAP. But Chad...poor dude. Hasn't be been through enough? If anyone would be hooked on something, I would think it's him and not Jennifer. I'm glad Belle was there for him, but I do hope he reconsiders dropping the case. Jen is in no shape to watch over anyone, let alone a baby, if she can't even care for herself properly.

Nice to see Paul. And I enjoyed Theo and Claire. More of this, please.
Ciara, arms crossed and gritting her teeth again, saying, "What? You think because I am a teen I can't have feelings" blah, blah, blah wretch!

They probably will back pedal, of course, I love you as a friend, er I mean, I love all mankind when they are hurting, er, I am just a lovable teen who is soooo misunderstood by my mother. You know, she never paid attention to me the whole time my Dad was missing and then I was pushing her toward Aiden, then Rafe. Yeah, I know all about true love and, Chad, we are soul mates. Can't you see I have been the only one to ever truly love you, and your whack job wife, Abigail, did us a favor. We belong together..." Sorry, just carried away.

Someone carry Ciara away. Please let Chad look at her incredulously and say, "Are you serious??!! My wife just died and you really expect me to fall for you. Go away."

*sigh* one can always hope.
Heck, sisters have shared a man, no big deal I guess about cousins. There is so much inter-relating among Salemites now, with step, foster, in-law, ex, half, etc. etc. that no one pays attention any more (evidently) to blood relationships.
When Chad called his home a "tomb".......first is time to refurbish DiMansion. Lighten and brighten. Make it a welcoming, homey environment for Thomas to grow up in.

Didn't Chad promise Abby they would redo the mansion--lighten and brighten it up, when he was trying to convince her to live there? I kept waiting for it to happen but never noticed much difference. It is definitely time to get rid of the darkness and heavy feel of the place!