Days of Our Lives - Tues. Aug. 31. 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Episode #11,308 Taped 6/24 Director – Grant A. Johnson

A rather slow moving show today, but….a few interesting scenes. Just wish they did not hop around so much. J Philip has walked Melanie to her shift (don’t ask, doesn’t begin to make sense) as behind them, Nathan arrives at the nurses’ station. Kiss, kiss, she is in green scrubs, as is Nathan. They all greet one another, Melanie commenting that Nathan is going to do his first solo surgery. (Be happy YOU are not the patient!). Congrats, then Melanie asks Nathan about his elbow, and it all comes out how it was hurt while rescuing Melanie from the bad guy at the free clinic. Phil pulls Melanie aside, what’s with the secrets. She just says no big deal, no one was hurt, yada, yada. She would never keep anything from him, learned her lesson. Now all 3 are talking together again, and in comes cheery Mary Poppins…sorry, I mean Stephanie. Small talk, but Melanie tells her about Chloe expecting and how happy they all are, especially her dad. Time for the surgery, Nathan & Melanie take off to scrub up, are next in the O.R. with some nurse telling him that the only reason he is getting this chance is cuz his name is Horton. Oooh, downer, there. Melanie gives him pep talk, surgery begins, Nathan gets the scalpel, drops it, holding his arm, Melanie covers, he tells the other nurse he got a spasm, his hand is numb. O.K. next Melanie & Nathan are out of the O.R. scrubs, evidently he was able to do the surgery, did not request aid or anything. All is well.

Meanwhile, Philip has gone over to Chloe’s, just to say hi, happy about the paternity results and that they dodged the bullet. She tells him he cannot stay long, Daniel will be back, explains the luggage there is Nicole’s who is staying a few days, Phil warns her Nicole could be trouble. Chloe defends, Nicole is her friend, yada, yada, yada. Phil wants to know if Chloe told her anything, Chloe says no, of course not, but continues to defend her very good friend.

Stephanie sits on the sofa, flashing back to the different “DNA results” scenes with Ian. She grabs her keys, opens the door, there stands Ian. She wants to know if he can tell who changed those results, as she thinks Philip did it. And don’t ask me how….but suddenly she is on the pier, meeting Ian, evidently intending to work out some plan with him.

Arianna is berating Rafe, feeling bad for EJ, mentioning “all that Sami has done”. Sami returns, asking just how is she to blame for all this. Arianna stumbles around a few words, Rafe is shushing her, telling her to go comfort EJ if that is what she wants to do, she protests, he firmly tells her “later”, Arianna leaves. He & Sami leave. Later, Arianna is leaving a phone message for EJ, Caroline comes up, cannot believe what she is hearing. She gives Arianna what for, asking how she could possibly have any sympathy for EJ after all that he has done.

In the park, Kate is assuring Will that she knew nothing of what EJ had done until just now, Will says he believes her, then turns to Stefano asking him if he knew. Stefano repeats he was shocked when he heard today, what EJ had done. Will asks if he knew earlier, Stefano denies it. Kate & Stefano arrive home, she is warning him that Will had better not ever think she knew anything about this. Stefano is trying to reassure her, but Kate threatens to leave him, cuz she will not lose her grandson. Stefano threatens back about revealing her poisonous deeds. She retracts a bit, but Will is Lucas’s son, “my family” and if she loses him, Stefano will be very very sorry. Stefano again claims he will make it all right, he will fix everything.

Lexie comes into the bedroom, finding the despondent EJ, ready to read him a riot act, but one look at his face, awww, poor guy. He claims to be feeling homicidal, as usual not taking any responsibility for what he did. He starts ranting about Nicole, everything is her fault, he has now lost Sami forever. He is getting more and more angry, then storms out.

Daniel talks with Nicole down by the pier, George going off a bit to give them privacy. Daniel is warning Nicole not to cause any trouble, wants to know why she needs somewhere to stay, what is going on. Nicole does her usual yada, yada, yada, promising to tell him everything when they get back to the apartment. Meanwhile, she is going to get just a few things from her place. He takes off, she calls George (the FBI bodyguard), but it is EJ who comes up instead.

Will is at the Pub, talking to his dad on the phone, filling him in on what happened, telling him that Gramma did not know a thing….and then saying Stefano didn’t either. Gramma Caroline is right behind him, mouth dropping as she chides him, “you don’t honestly believe Stefano did not know about this”. Oh, Will is sure. Caroline reminds him of all the horrible things Stefano has done to his father, to the Brady family. She talks of him knowing everything that goes on, and further reminds him that it was EJ DiMera, and Anna DiMera, and does Will truly think that Stefano did not know about this?

Sami & Rafe are in his room, they are kissing, her sweater comes off, but Sami calls a halt. She cannot do this. She sits on the bed, talking of how she was going to marry EJ tonight, asking Rafe if he knew why. It was because she saw him kissing Nicole. She explains how she went looking for Rafe, but when she saw that, she rushed back,insisting EJ marry her right away. She is berating herself, how impulsive, rash, she is, that she thought she had grown up, matured, but she is still doing this. That she loves him so much. Rafe asks why she went looking for him…cuz she wanted him to stop her from marrying EJ. (This is really a good conversation). Rafe tells her he knows exactly how she is, after all they lived together in WP a long time. And that is who he fell in love with, tho it took him a long time to realize it. He admits he wanted her to change, but not really, cause then she would no longer be the woman with whom he fell in love. He never stopped loving her, ever. Everything he did, was for her. She talks (via flashbacks) of They begin to kiss..and..well, a few clothes come off…and ………..

Later, in afterglow, both are very happy. Sami falls asleep, so does Rafe, she is having bad dreams, is crying and saying no, no, not Sydney. Rafe wakes her up, trying to assure her she is safe, the kids are safe, but she says she was dreaming how she would never be safe, and EJ took her children away from her. Rafe says he will pay, Sami doesn’t think so, he never does. Rafe tries to promise he & her father will do everything they can, but Sami is not reassured. EJ will get off, he is a lawyer, he always gets around the law.

On the pier, a frightened Nicole faces EJ who rants about his interrupted wedding, how Rafe arrived with audio information that Nicole gave him. She denies this, backing away from EJ, warning him this is a public place, cops patrol all the time. He chases her around a bench.. EJ laughs, indicating that he took care of her bodyguard, making a choking sign. They are both yelling at each other, she accusing him of appearing on the surface as the doting father, loving his kids, but she saw what he did to Sami, You don’t care about them, & you go after people cause you are dead inside.

Rafe says he will pay, Sami doesn’t think so, he never does.

Wow, the show noticed EJ never and I do mean never pays, and no I don't consider Lucas shooting him to be "payment," since he continued his merry life of crime after that. I just cannot stand this self-pitying hypocritical jerk, and it's too bad because EJ used to be very entertaining. I hope he has another personality change in store, to one that I can live with.

Also unclear why Arianna is feeling sympathy for EJ, since as I recall she had plenty of judgmental remarks to make about evil kidnappers when it was Nicole doing the kidnapping.

Thanks for the writeup! Much appreciated.
. Time for the surgery, Nathan & Melanie take off to scrub up, are next in the O.R. with some nurse telling him that the only reason he is getting this chance is cuz his name is Horton. Oooh, downer, there. Melanie gives him pep talk, surgery begins, Nathan gets the scalpel, drops it, holding his arm, Melanie covers, he tells the other nurse he got a spasm, his hand is numb.

Seriously anytime I see Nate near a patient I get worried. And if Mel is next to him...ugh. He really needs a new line of work. He always has some issue. And isn't Mel still in her last semester of school? How is a resident and a student nurse doing a surgery? Talk about budget cuts....

thanks for the write up
Yahhhhh! Not one but TWO Lucas mentions! It's good that he's still kept in conversations through other characters, it gives the appearance that he can be back in Salem at any given moment. Yipee!
Boy oh boy ~ Sami moves fast~ that girl has problems... one minute she was marrying EJ, the next bedding Rafe..... do not care she stopped first, she should have stayed stopped... I think that would have been the better way to go. Re-group not re-grop...
I agree why is Ari feeling sorry for EJ? The only reason he helped her was for his own bennifit
thank you for tomorrow's day ahead Barb
Melanie should not be covering for Nathan, and both Melanie and Nathan should be considering the welfare of the patient, not the welfare of the surgeon. If something happens to the patient, the hospital will be in for yet another malpractice lawsuit.

I'm surprised Philip would ask whether Chloe told Nicole about the one night stand. With Chloe's track record of blabbing, I would think he would assume she has.

Thanks for a super summary, Barb!
If Sami is so scared about her kids, you think she would have spent the night with THEM, not Rafe. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........
There was a dozen cops at the Pub, plus Roman. I do think Sami would have wanted to be with them just to keep her mind at ease, but there was really no where for her & Rafe to talk. There can only be so many rooms upstairs, and with Caroline, the twins, Sydney, Arianna, Gabi, (maybe Will, too) all occupying rooms.....?????
I guess I don't understand why Sami just had to talk to him right away and then end up sleeping with him so soon. I want her to take a breath and take care of herself instead of rushing headlong into yet another relationship! I just want Sami to finally grow up. She has always been one of my faves, but I feel like her character development has stalled. The details may be slightly different from S/L to S/L, but it's really all just a rinse and repeat when you break it down. I want her to be a strong, confident, independent woman that just doesn't "have to have a man" at all times! I feel like she is turning into a huge, almost offensive cliche.
While I also think it was too soon for Sami & Rafe to reunite physically, there is a reason and it is yet to come.
With Marlena's penthouse gone, SamI & Rafe did need to talk, and they DO talk. She blames herself, is mad at herself, how could she have been such a fool, etc.
But you get to realize that Sami really did not want to marry EJ, she was being foolhardy, and wanted to "pay back" Rafe, and she admits it was stupid on her part, because she loved Rafe, never stopped.
I think the reason Arianna is suddenly feeling sympathetic to EJ is that there is always at least one female character being sacrificed at the altar of EJ Dimera. With Sami having just been set free of that role someone was going to have fill that spot and apparently the straw fell to Arianna this time.

Why is Daniel involved in this story as anything more than the reluctant, temporary roommate. It's like they made Brady "dark" just so that there would be an excuse to insert Daniel into his role in the storyline with Nicole. So pointless, but Days seems to have a habit of inserting certain characters into storylines where they don't belong.

Thanks for the summary!
I don't know why Sami & him didn't just find a room upstairs... But I do understand that Rafe & Sami were tired of letting all of the **** that was pulled on them interfere with them being together, though I think the sex was rushed. I do think it could be forshadowing us seeing Rafe's place, yes people Rafe has a place...

I predicted Ari feeling for EJ. And EJ sounds like a mad man, what else is new? I wonder if he did choke the body guard? And at least Lucas, Stefano, Ari, Hope, Sami, Rafe, "" "" "" ""-- have seen the other side of a jail cell has EJ when he wasn't visiting?
I think the reason Arianna is suddenly feeling sympathetic to EJ is that there is always at least one female character being sacrificed at the altar of EJ Dimera. With Sami having just been set free of that role someone was going to have fill that spot and apparently the straw fell to Arianna this time.

Why is Daniel involved in this story as anything more than the reluctant, temporary roommate. It's like they made Brady "dark" just so that there would be an excuse to insert Daniel into his role in the storyline with Nicole. So pointless, but Days seems to have a habit of inserting certain characters into storylines where they don't belong.

Thanks for the summary!

Suddenly? she's been feeling for him for a while. Matter of fact, I think Ari is in love with EJ.
Good Point

Boy oh boy ~ Sami moves fast~ that girl has problems... one minute she was marrying EJ, the next bedding Rafe..... do not care she stopped first, she should have stayed stopped... I think that would have been the better way to go. Re-group not re-grop...

I agree with you. I mean really she was just about to marry EJ and then she is bedding Rafe. The writing makes me sick. Really can they not let Sami have some much needed space way from men for a moment & focus on her children since they seem to be forgotten then handed off to various family memeber most of the time and they are the victims here. I have no doubt that EJ loves his children no matter how misguided he shows it as Sami does love them as well they just show the love diffrently. They both need to grow up and act like adults and take resposibility for thier actions. I am sorry I am talking reality here.
...there was really no where for her & Rafe to talk. There can only be so many rooms upstairs,

That pub is expandable just like Sami's old apartment. At any rate, there didn't seem to be any customers so I think they had plenty of privacy there.

But I do understand that Rafe & Sami were tired of letting all of the **** that was pulled on them interfere with them being together,

Sami is the one who let that happen. EJ couldn't have done any of it without her participation.

GeorgiaBelle said:
I want her to be a strong, confident, independent woman that just doesn't "have to have a man" at all times! I feel like she is turning into a huge, almost offensive cliche.

From your mouth....GB. :)
I have a great storyline for tptb

Why don't they match Stephanie with EJ and end the ha ha relationship with Nathan and the witch. We could all hate them both and fast forward them out. That would bring Patch back in a hurry and everyone in the Brady family could start hating EJ more than they already do if that's possible.

A lot of you out there do not like Nathan, but he isn't a bad guy at all. He's been drinking a bit too much of the Salem Stupid Juice for getting involved with Stephanie in the first place but we all know his love and heart are with Melanie. Philip is a sleazeball for having sex with Chloe and I don't like him at all. I don't think he really loves anyone but himself.