Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec.11, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Wonder of wonders, characters on Days are actually bringing out boxes of decorations and do the house decorating themselves! Fantastic. No little elves coming in middle of night to do the job for them, then return after the holidays to take down and pack up.

Eli is with Lani, kissing a bit, but has to go to his gramma's, he promised to help with the tree and decorating, asking Lani to come with. She is reluctant, that is family time, but that is exactly why he wants her to come, she agrees.

Julie sits in the square, has a memory of when she was young, talking to Tom Horton on the phone, Alice nearby, encouraging Julie to come home for Christmas. There are two different really nice clips of Tom & Alice, talking on phone to the young Julie.

Lucas is with Will, letting him know he has to return to Italy, be with Allie, etc. He is happy that Will & Sonny are able to be together again. Hugs. Lucas then goes to see his mother, tells her he is leaving town to be with Allie, they go back & forth a bit, as Lucas wants to be there for Allie, since Sami is wound up with other things (EJ) as Kate was for him. She says she over hovered, he says no, she was a good mom, he appreciated all she did or gave up to raise him, loves her, always will. Hugs.

Julie is at the club, Chloe is near tears, tells of Lucas leaving town, they broke up. Julie gives a nice talk about being so broken up after various guys, but became stronger, and was glad they all happened, because it ended up with her meeting the love of her life, her soul mate, she is soo very happy! Julie leaves, Kate arrives, she & Chloe have a rather nice talk, Chloe saying that Kate did raise a wonderful son, ending up having a glass of wine together and toasting Lucas.

Doug & JJ talk at the Horton house, Doug making sure JJ is o.k., knowing he hit a rough patch last year at this time. JJ says he is o.k., but doesn't want to date anyone yet, when Doug mentions Julie talking of a lonely nurse at the hospital she was going to invite over. Doug promises to squash Julie's idea. Doug is getting lights out, they are unpacking boxes, Julie arrives, glad to the the guys at work. She brought new batch of mistletoe. Eli & Lani comes in, Julie figures they are together for a reason, yep, she is right. Eli helps Doug set up the tree, Lani is hanging wreaths, chats a bit with JJ, more boxes are brought in. Lucas arrives, more good-byes, hugs from Julie. She notes that Salem will always be his home, as it is hers, that she had given her son up for adoption (Eli's dad) but when she came back, twist of fate and miracles, she got to raise David, and has two wonderful grandsons now, Scotty & Eli. She hugs Eli. JJ comes with a small box he just came across, tells Lucas that since he is not going to be here, would he like to hang this now. Yep, he sure would. Lucas takes his ornament, hangs it on the tree, Julie with Doug is a bit emotional.

Over at the Kmansion, Leo comes in to harass Sonny again about marrying him. Same conversations as before, Will arrives, no, not gonna do it. Leo says fine, excuse me, have to go to police station with some photos I have. Will stops him, more arguing, back and forth, no proof, blah, blah, Will says he will say he did it and why/how, Leo tells him that both of them are in the photos wrapping him in the rug, so both are going down, doesn't matter who “tried to kill” him. He has defense against the accident claim, or rather another story about how it all happened. Sonny is not going to let Will take the blame for anything, thanks Will for wanting to step in, but he caused this, he is the one who was “into” Leo. He is taking responsibility.

In the square, Lucas has his suitcase, on his way to airport, stops at the Horton plaque, pats it a couple time, pulls his luggage and is gone.

Back at the Horton house, everyone is gone, Julie suddenly remembers, calls out to Doug they forgot the cake. In he comes with a cake, some decorative candles on it, and a “50” sign in the middle. He did the math, figured out it is exactly 50 years to the day, the time, when she decided to come back to Salem, they met, and she made him the happiest man in the world. He lights the candle, and we get this beautiful fantastic montage of scenes of Julie, especially of young Julie & Doug, as he sings “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World”. When it ends, back to the present, he tells her to blow out the candle, make a wish. No, she says, I already have everything I could possibly want. Kissssssss.
Wonderful episode today minus the Will and Sonny saga, and Kate being propped as a rational and loving. I also don’t like that the writers are making it seem like Chloe and Lucas truly had something. It was nothing more than a glorified friendship. One of the best episodes of the year though in my opinion. I’m so glad that Doug and Julie & John and Marlena are taking lead lately. It should’ve been like this a long time ago.
She brought new batch of mistletoe
Turns out it was a bunch of pot leaves tied together to look like mistletoe. Julie bought it at a pop-up Christmas stand on "University Parkway". They all kind of laugh and talk about the book club gathering with the pot-laced doughnuts. JJ apologizes for that night, but Doug tells him not to, as it gives Julie a funny story to tell now.

I wonder if they intended to show a clip from that episode but it was cut?
, as Lucas wants to be there for Allie, since Sami is wound up with other things (EJ) as Kate was for him. She says she over hovered, he says no, she was a good mom,

Kate a good mom????? based on what???? holy cow does he have a low bar to work towards......
but I am looking forward to seeing the show tonight....
Very nice scenes of Julie and Doug in the old days. Sadly, events in modern-day Salem aren't nearly as pleasant or romantic.

Will: He's right. He and Sonny should call grifter Leo's bluff. Imagine if the village idiot trotted down to police headquarters drooling at the thought of Will and Sonny being arrested only to hear either or both of the following remarks from Hope and Rafe:
  • "Go away, we're too busy trying to nail Ben Weston";
  • "You're accusing Sonny Kiriakis and Will Horton? Forget it. Arrests would be a waste of time. Victor would never allow Sonny to be brought to trial, and if we bust Will, we'd get high volume screeching from Sami."
Abigail: She needs the "best lawyer in town." That automatically excludes Justin and Ted.

Leo: He thinks that he's a "hunk of burning love." Really? If he's a hunk of anything, it's what gets processed at the Salem sewage plant.

Ciara: It might have made for a good scene if she'd interrupted Julie's walk down memory lane to ask about a Ben ornament for this year's Horton tree.

Lucas: He actually said that Kate was "always there for me," and that he loves her "with all his heart." Does this mean that he'll change his last name back to Roberts?
Ciara: It might have made for a good scene if she'd interrupted Julie's walk down memory lane to ask about a Ben ornament for this year's Horton tree.
Secretly, she had one made, just to see Hope's head explode. (kidding)


and if we bust Will, we'd get high volume screeching from Sami."
"Plus, he's a Horton, and they're above the law."
I really hope that Kate was ashamed and embarassed at Lucas's praise of her raising him, since she knows she was horrid to and about him. And maybe Lucas just got sentimental when thinking of leaving his whole family behind.....then again, maybe he gushed at Kate because he wanted her to keep an eye on Will. Poor Lucas, Kate already stabbed Lucas in the back a few times now.
Thanks, Poirot.

A good show today with memories of Julie when she came back to Salem.
I enjoyed the montage at the end.

JJ got a surprise phone call from Theo.

I was shocked when Lucas talked to his mom about being a good one.

Will lied to Lucas how things were working out with him and Sonny.

Julie needs to make sure when she talks to Abigail again on the phone to do
in her office or somewhere else so no one can listen.
Thanks for the summary. Sounds like a mostly good episode.

I guess I missed hearing how Leo got videos of him being wrapped up in the rug. I know Ted was helping at some point with evidence but I didn't know he was inside when the rug ordeal occurred. This is one of the worst stories I can remember. I can't stand to even look at Leo or listen to him. Sonny and Will have become unbearable too. Why don't they just get Victor to remove Leo once and for all? Please make him go away!
Ted hired a P.I. to keep an eye on Leo, the P.I. took photos (not video) of Will & Sonny wrapping Leo in the rug. Leo hit his head on the mantle, after trying to strangle Will, and Sonny pulled him off. They thought him dead, did not want to call cops. Pretended to Maggie the rug had been stained, and was off to the cleaners. The P.I. took the pics, followed Will to where he parked the car with Leo in the trunk, alerted Ted, who came, popped the trunk and found Leo still alive, took him to hospital, hot wired the car to drive it away. Thus, when Will & Sonny returned to deal with the car and it's contents, it was gone.

Now see, I want to know how a new rug appeared in the Kmansion, how come Maggie did not ask about the cleaners, etc. etc.
I guess I missed hearing how Leo got videos of him being wrapped up in the rug.
I don't think the explanation was overly clear on that. He only had pictures, though, not video. Something about Ted, a PI, and a hidden camera in the K-Mansion. If there was a better explanation, I missed it too.
In the square, Lucas has his suitcase, on his way to airport, stops at the Horton plaque, pats it a couple time, pulls his luggage and is gone.
Yay! Lucas hung his ornament. And he got final good-by scenes (unlike Don Craig, or even Lucas's last exit)!!

BUT BOOOOOOO!!!! I don't want Lucas gone. He's one of my top-5 favourite Days characters (one of whom is dead and one of whom is exiled).
Leo: He thinks that he's a "hunk of burning love." Really?
Yes, really! But I think he can do better than Sonny. Sonny & Will should fix Leo up with someone. After all, given the starts of some Salem romances, this "we tried to kill you then you tried to blackmail me into marriage" story could be the beginning of a long & beautiful friendship.
He and Sonny should call grifter Leo's bluff.
However, once Commissioner Hernandez is done with Weston, she'll toss the book at any relative that she needs to. She was ready to send cousin Lucas up the river for cousin Nick's murder, and poor Joey was done in (though not by Hope directly, by Salem's law enforcement system) when he confessed to a crime without evidence that had already been investigated and closed. So Leo's claim could get Sonny/Will anywhere from a slap on the wrist to a million years in the Phantom Zone (depending on the actor's contract negotiations).
Lucas: He actually said that Kate was "always there for me," and that he loves her "with all his heart." Does this mean that he'll change his last name back to Roberts?
God I hope not. Lucas changing his last name was the only good thing to come out of that awful vendetta storyline. Lucas and Sami seem to suffer from the same disease. Being able to forgive and love unconditionally the person who has destroyed them and their life over and over again. The only women that were actual mother figures to Lucas were Alice Horton, Maggie and Vivian Alamain. Vivian may not have been the best role model, but she was on his side and didn’t intentionally try to hurt him.