Days of Our Lives - Tues., Dec., 23, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Replay of Nicole finishing up taking Pictures of the printed e-mails, putting the file back, and Melanie bursting in, wanting to know what she is doing there. Nicole can explain, Mel gets a call from her father asking where the heck she is. She ran into a slight problem, will be there right away. Nicole thanks her, Mel wants the explanation, Nicole admits she had checked up on Serena, just wanting to know who she was, Eric caught her, so she brought this plant and an apology, showing her the card. Mel is hesitant to believe, Nicole has proof, and next the bellboy is there, backing up Nik's story. Mel tells Nicole she did not rat her to Daniel because of her help with the casino guys, at least for now. She gets a box from the dresser, and makes sure they both leave together.

At Daniel's, he has come in with the pizzas, finds Mel gone, calls her, then cuts the pizza, chomps on a piece, talks to Serena about her adventures with Melanie in Europe. Later, they are gone, he is cleaning up, Melanie returns, full of small talk, wanting pizza. Daniel makes her show him what was in the box she brought, and it was a special engraved photo album she found in Denmark, but the engraving wasn't done when Mel had to leave, so Serena brought it back for her. Dan is touched, likes it, Mel begins chattering about Nicole and how Dan likes her (as a friend). He agrees, but doesn't want to chatter about that with Melanie, who is talking about Nicole not being the kind of person one can always trust.

JJ is meeting with Kayla, needing a favor. This is the first Kayla has heard of any problem with Shane, JJ explains all that is going on, & how he figures Eve is using this as an excuse to keep Paige in L.A. away from him. Kayla calls Kim, learns Shane is fine, just a few tests, all is good, he just has to stay away from spicy foods. Kayla asks if Eve knows this, but Kim gets a light bulb moment, figures she will talk to Eve when she returns, hangs up, calls Paige to come home. (Paige is in Dr. Green's office with some questions, but he has pretended sudden call to surgery and has left). Now Paige is with Kim, who clues her in about Shane being fine, but Paige is insisting he is so ill. Kim is trying to be diplomatic, Eve misunderstood. But Paige is wondering why her mom wanted them to stay in L.A. instead of going home to Salem.....and her lightbulb moment arrives.

Nicole sits on a park bench (yep, just what you do in mid-winter instead of going home where it is WARM) and looks thru the pics she took, reading the e-mails. She comes across one where Serena tells Eric how sorry she is that woman destroyed the evidence that would have cleared Eric, blah, blah. Nicole calls Serena the "b" word.

Eric & Serena are elsewhere in the park, just chatting, somehow she mentions wanting to have children, with Eric remarking she never has talked of that before. She gets a call from her mother in Montreal, who cancels meeting Serena for Christmas. Eric invites her to his home, wants her to meet all his family. She declines at first, but he really wants her to come. She accepts, K I S S!

Hope & Aiden are in the Pub, talking of having to kill 3 hrs, what should they do. She is wondering if the Salem Inn is completely booked up, (Hope, they really do not rent by the hour) they are kissing, and Doug is bellowing "what is going on here".Hope is startled, goes to hug Daddy, who doesn't hug her back. He is pretty mad at her, she tries to introduce him to Aiden, Doug won't even shake his hand. Well, it seems he wasn't told about her dating Aiden, that Hope had told Julie 2 mos. ago, but Julie let it slip out. He is livid, wants to talk to Hope alone. Julie & Aiden go for a drink somewhere else, while Hope tries to explain over and over that she wanted to tell him in person, not over the phone, or by e-mail. He is still mad, figures she was keeping him in the dark again just as she did when she met Bo. She said that was years ago. He is very upset. She asks him, how long was she supposed to wait? 2 yrs.? 5 years? 10 years? How long. Bo deserted me.
Yes, Doug understands that, he doesn't fault her for the divorce. But what does she know about Aiden? She tries to say Aiden is a good man, but Doug interrupts. How do you know that? For sure. He refuses to listen to any more, doesn't want to hear any of it. Meanwhile, Julie is with Aiden, sorry for having slipped and told Doug. Aiden understands as it is hard to keep something from a husband. She agrees, and it was 2 months already. He is glad someone is on their side...ooops, nope. She has to trust him, trust must be earned, and she doesn't know him well enough to even begin to trust him.

Eve arrives home, has the letter about the royalties so she can get the lump sum, shoves a bunch of stuff into a carryon bag, muttering how she is not going to have all this furniture shipped out to CA (thought it belonged to cousin Joan??). She gathers all her stuff, her purse, checks and has plenty of time to get to the airports, opens the door, there stands JJ. And they really face off. She is claiming Shane is so ill, he lets her hang herself, knows better, she is such a liar. She figures he is talking to Paige, despite claiming they are broken up, so who is the liar. Back and forth they go. He is going to let paige know Shane is really o.k. Well, then Eve is going to tell her that JJ had sex with Eve. JJ says no wonder no man wants her. Oh, yeah, your could not get enough just a short time ago, could you. She goes on and on. He grabs her phone, she is not going to tell Paige. Oh, yes she is, doesn't care if Paige hates her, she is going to protect her from having anything to do with anyone named Deveraux. Both are super angry.
She has grabbed her phone back, picked up her stuff, going to dash out. But JJ grabs her stuff, throws it down on the floor, things spill out. She pushes him, he falls on the sofa, she in on top of him, but suddenly is taking off her jacket, making him take off his shirt.
Wow! Amazing! More angry sex, and during the holidays, how wonderfully spectacular. And before that, a father giving his grown daughter a piece of his mind and his wife telling the boyfriend she doesn't yet trust the boyfriend.

I can't begin to let you know how many warm fuzzies just reading this gave me.:sarcasm:

Thank you Poirot for watching this, I'm going to miss this day
Eve is the aggressive one here since she berated and egged JJ on telling him how he could not get enough of her. And if Eve cries rape, what grounds does she have except being the woman and the police will automatically believe her. Eve is a lying conniving witch and glad JJ told her so; no wonder she cannot keep a man.
No, he had it for a while, when he turned his life around. Unfortunately, the Salem Brain can only be used by one person at a time. Right now, it's being used by the Salem Inn manager, who needs it to count his money, as so many dumb Salemites (Hope, Aiden, Nicole, Serena, etc.) are willing to pay the room rates (which have gone up for the Holiday Season) so they can keep living there, or going there to have sex. :rolleyes:

So, as far as the show is concerned :

- I can't stand baby Melanie, anymore. Put the pout away, it's so not endearing. And seriously ? A special gift ? A picture book that had to be bought and engraved in Berlin ? Yeah, cause one can't find one of those at a nearby mall or drugstore. :rolleyes: And since she wanted to give it to Daniel for Christmas, she absolutely needed to get it at Serena's room and miss the oh, so entertaining pizza party ! :rolleyes: (If I keep rolling back my eyes, I'm going to fall off my chair !)

- Serena and Eric have apparently shared everything via email. Yeah, right ! :rolleyes:

- Nicole, this is going to come back to bite you in the *bleep*... again. I love this character, but this woman needs to get a grip ! Unless she finds something, which I really hope she does. Then again, if she does, nobody will listen because of the way she went about it. :rolleyes:

- Serena and Eric : Keep kissing, that way, I don't see Eric's gloom and doom face.

- Doug, Julie, Aiden, Hope : really not entertaining, not fun at all. Hope is all kinds of wrong for not trusting her own judgment, Doug was way over the top, so was Julie. Really, not fun. So... FF !

Thanks for filling the blanks for me, Poirot.

Edited to add :

Paige : zzzzzzzzzz
JJ/Eve : Pass the barf bags ! :sick::sick::sick::sick:
Eve is definitely the aggressor here. Shades of EJ and Sami to the 1000th degree. This was no different. I'm glad Kimberly figured it out so quickly.

So, Serena has been badmouthing Nicole since before she came to Salem. Something tells she knows all about Nicole already and her questioning about Nicole to Eric and Melanie is all an act. Just like Paul seems to know all about Will.

Kimberly, Kayla, Doug and Julie were the entire show today. More of them please and less Daniel, Melanie and Serena. The scenes with Kimberly actually made Paige bearable to watch.
Wow! Amazing! More angry sex, and during the holidays, how wonderfully spectacular. And before that, a father giving his grown daughter a piece of his mind and his wife telling the boyfriend she doesn't yet trust the boyfriend. I can't begin to let you know how many warm fuzzies just reading this gave me.:sarcasm:
Indeed. What better way to give the viewers some holiday cheer than foisting the JJ-Eve Hate Boink II on them, while also providing the spectacle of Doug doing his own imitation of the Grinch. Get a grip, Doug (and you too Julie), in case you haven't noticed, your daughter is no longer a teenager. Speaking of Eve, she's probably wrong about Paige being able to do better than JJ. What other young man could put up with her fickle daughter and not gag on the thought of Eve as a mother-in-law? Finally, if Serena couldn't find anyone better than sourpuss Eric after they parted ways, the pickings must have been mighty slim wherever she was.
I cannot believe they are going there again with JJ and Eve. It's amazing how often angry sex happens on soaps. Real life, not so much. But they are absolutely ruining JJ. He and Paige can never be now that he has had sex with her mom not once but twice! Why are they doing this!? Ugh.

And Nicole. Once again they have her doing things wrong. Snooping on Serena who I think may have something to hide but nevertheless Nicole is going to be the bad guy . .. again.

Doug I would have to say overreacted just a tad. Does he not care that Bo abandoned his daughter over 2 years ago? Woman can't wait forever.
I won't be in any rush tonight to watch this. Melanie has the audacity to speak ill of Nicole. Nicole should have kept her mouth shut and let the henchmen from the casino drag Melanie back to where she slithered away from.

Then we have Eve and JJ tastelessly taking the reigns of angry sex passed down from EJ and Sami.
I couldn't get past Daniel saying "dinner party" over and over for the past few episodes. Dinner party???? :rotfl: When I think of a dinner party, it sure isn't pizza being served out of the take out boxes.

It was good seeing Doug and Julie, but their appearances seemed like a bunch of filler with nothing really being said.

Melanie and Nicole scenes were so-so. Geez Days, give Nicole a good story line already.

The story about Shane's non-illness is just plain boring. I had to turn the channel when JJ was pushed down on the couch. I didn't want to see what I knew was coming next. (no sick pun intended) :sick:
I didn't appreciate Doug's pot/kettle routine. Con artist, anyone?

Poirot said:
[Serena] mentions wanting to have children, with Eric remarking she never has talked of that before.
HORRORS! I can see it all now. SPECULATION! Serena found out she was pregnant after Eric became a priest and she didn't tell him about the baby. When she found out he "dropped out" of the priesthood, she came to Salem to tell him the truth. I hope she tells him before the Fourth of July.
Oh, my gosh, KL, never thought about that. THAT would really stir the pot, huh?

In re: Doug......he was ranting at Hope.....really mostly about her failing to tell him. Yet, is this not the same man who was going with Julie, then when under the influence of a bit too much liquor, married Addie, then fathered Hope?
Yes, he eventually married Julie, but did they not divorce a couple of times? I remember Julie being on the Cruise of Deception alone, as she was divorced, I believe. ???
So yes, pot/kettle for Doug today.
Plus he was extremely rude, refused to shake hands with Aiden, ignored him, in fact, told him to get lost.
AND, in my opinion, if Julie "slipped" and told Doug, she should have let Hope know. So shame on Julie as well.
A friend of mine sent a tweet today saying how great Kayla is and DAYS retweeted it and added that "Kayla is such a boss". The phrase "like a boss" is slang and refers to someone who is cool or considered a bad _ (other word for butt lol). The DAYS twitter also just started using emojis such as the smiley blowing kisses.

I've sent a couple of tweets to @nbcdays inquiring about the age of the person who runs this account lol. And I just sent another saying that if the DAYS twitter account is indicative of the maturity level present in the writer's room, then it's no wonder this soap is in the shape it is.

I had to mention this because it's as if this soap in its entirety has been seized by a bunch of teenagers.

And don't get me started on this tweet they sent about Nicole.

@nbcdays 1h1 hour ago
Nicole weaseled her way out of trouble...for now. Do you think Melanie should tell her father about what she saw?
Not only have Doug & Julie been married three times, but on top of that, he's really a conman named Brent Douglas, who came to town to bilk Susan Hunter out of her money.

Meanwhile, I'm most interested in Serena's mom's jetsetting lifestyle. Otherwise the show had me kvetching and retching.

Eve is the aggressive one here since she berated and egged JJ on telling him how he could not get enough of her. And if Eve cries rape, what grounds does she have except being the woman and the police will automatically believe her....

This argument really makes no sense. Except, maybe, in Salem, where forensic evidence would not be used as it would shorten the story.

Furthermore both of these moron idiot characters were being physically violent with each other, grabbing, pushing, throwing things like a couple of overheated dogs. DISGUSTING.

I'm looking forward to the day when Serena punches Eric before their hate sex. NOT. :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:

Paige can stay in Californialand now. Nothing remains for her in Salem.

Oh and why was Daniel wearing that stupid scarf while inside his toasty apartment? Oh right, DA PLOT. *shudder*