Days of Our Lives - Tues. Dec.29th, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Episode #11,239 Taped 11/2 Director – Phil Sogard

Vivian talks with Victor about Carly’s “love child” and how she is going to find out just who and where this child is. Victor looks a bit disconcerted, Vivian thinks that perhaps he is worried this child might be his grandchild, another heir to the K fortune. No, Victor doesn’t think that, Bo & Carly were over years and years ago, but he doesn’t want Bo hurt now.
Arianna meets up with Rafe at the Pub, talks of a new lead, Rafe admits it is huge, tells her of the boots, and how Nicole thinks she knows the woman’s voice. His friend at the FBI is compiling a list of everyone who bought the boots, and hopefully, someone will be on it who they can tie to Nicole.

Mia & Gabi are strolling along the pier/park as Gabi checks her phone for texts from Arianna. Mia thinks Gabi is rather lucky to have a big sis worry about her, Gabi laughs and talks about the FBI brother who is even more so. Mia asks what Gabi is into, what interests her, Gabi talks of being in a medical club at her old school, but she doesn’t know if she wants to be a doctor, a vet, a nurse. Mia talks of this female doctor she met, doesn’t like her, too many personal questions, and it turned her off from anything medical. She mentions the woman even wanting to move into the house she lives in, but that is not going to happen.
Over at Maggie’s, Nathan is asking Melanie why the rush to get married, it is not like her bio clock is running. Philip arrives, quick to put his claim on Mel and Nathan takes off. Melanie says she has not told Maggie yet and wants to do so now, so Philip leaves, in comes Mia & Gabi, who notice the rock on Melanie’s finger. They are gushing as Maggie comes into the kitchen, the girls go upstairs to Mia’s room, I guess, as Maggie talks to Melanie, who seems sad for being newly engaged. She knows Melanie had feelings for Nathan, tells her to just be sure this is what she wants and will have no regrets. Melanie leaves, the girls come back, Gabi is leaving, tells Mia something about seeing if there is a med club at Salem High, and then mentions wanting to be a candy striper at the hospital. Maggie volunteers to talk to the co-ordinator for her, when Mia pops up saying she would like to become one, too. Maggie is a bit surprised, says, o.k. Gabi leaves, and Maggie asks her what that was all about, she never was interested in it before. Mia denies volunteering just because of Gabi, then talks of how her mother always put her down, telling her she is not the center of everything, calling her names, even on Christmas. So from now on, she has no mother, she is dead to her.

Philip comes into Java Café, running into Nathan, once again staking his claim on Melanie, telling Nathan she is taken. He accuses Nathan of being responsible for Melanie being called into work on Christmas, he denies that. Philip tells him again, Melanie is his, Nathan leaves. Melanie comes in, kiss, kiss, Phil talks of New Year’s Eve plans. Melanie tries to guess, talking of parties, cruises, but Phil has better plans. They are going to elope! Melanie is rather disconcerted, and her face shows it. Meanwhile, Nathan is back at the hospital getting a bit of a lecture from Lexie, who has commented on him not checking on a patient last night, getting another doc to do it for him. She talks of him being distracted, mentions Philip & Melanie being engaged, knows Nathan & Melanie had feelings for each other, and advises him to put up a fight, and not just stay back and do nothing.

Chloe meets with Brady at the Pub, is worried, tells of how Victor told Daniel that Arianna is a drug dealer, and she knows how he was on drugs, and what he went through. Brady tells her that she knows the things Victor can come up with…yes, Chloe remembers only too well all he said about her. She is relieved and takes off. Arianna comes in, Brady tells her that time is running out for her undercover work, that Victor told Daniel and Chloe about her being a drug dealer. Arianna is on her way to meet Troy, will try to hurry things along. Brady returns to the K mansion, confronting Victor over telling Daniel. Victor admits what he did, doesn’t care about Arianna, wants her out of Brady’s life completely.

Anna is smiling, telling Sydney that she soon will be a very rich woman, the second note is all ready (she has another brown envelope in her lap) and as long as no one messes things up, all will going according to plan.
EJ, meanwhile, questions Harold the butler about the envelope, but he knows nothing. EJ sits and contemplates the ransom note as Sami arrives, asking what he has there. He puts her off, returns the note into the envelope and into a drawer. She can see something is going on, tells him that she thought at Christmas that she, Rafe & EJ were all in sinc, working together, but she can tell he is keeping something from her. He denies it, Harold comes in with a phone call in the library, EJ leaves, Sami snoops, is shocked when she sees the note. EJ returns, (as if he did not know she would do this, lol) she is furious, they argue. She wants to tell Rafe, he is adamant she doesn’t, and won’t tell his father either. She will not keep anything from Rafe, he makes a crack about her boyfriend being more important than her daughter….there is a knock at the door, Rafe arrives. He can see something is amiss, Sami is about to tell him, EJ is giving one of his disapproving looks. Rafe tells them the lead with the list of boot buyers has not panned out, as most of those who purchased those boots paid with cash, so they cannot trace them. EJ gets a phone call, has to leave. Sami says she has something to tell Rafe, she has to do what is right. She is hesitant, but resolute, he asks if this is about Sydney. .

Carly is in tears inside the Brady house, Bo is trying to reassure her, they kiss. Hope is rushing up to the door, ready to go in, and spots them thru the window. She turns away, very upset, but straightens herself up and just knocks on the door. Bo opens it, she claims to have come for a couple things Ciara forgot. She looks at the upset Carly, says…”Happy Holidays”. Carly grabs her coat, has to get back to the hospital, Hope confronts Bo. She thinks their marriage is over, tells him she only wanted to know Carly’s secret because she thought it could affect him, put him in danger perhaps, her husband, and she wanted to protect him. Bo starts to say something about “if you had been here with me, this never would have happened”, Hope blows up, insulted that now this is her fault (yeah, Hope, think about it!). She leaves.

Vivian comes to the hospital, pretending to be just visiting Carly, who tells her to knock it off, she knows Vivian arranged for that corpse to be put in her patient’s bed. She thinks Viv’s obsession with dead bodies is macabre. Vivian tries to deny any knowledge but does slyly mention murder. Carly gives her short shrift. Later Carly returns to see Bo (now why would she do that, when she knows she left Hope there with him???) upset now over Vivian’s visit. She changes the subject, knowing that Hope must have seen them kissing, says she is sorry.

Hope arrives back at the K mansion, is about to go in, when she hears Vivian bragging to Victor about her visit with Carly at the hospital, and how easy it will be for them to destroy her.

Arianna meets with Troy at Java Café, talks of having moved a large amount of product, and pesters again about meeting the head honcho. Troy brushes her off, tells her no way, and takes off. He goes to see EJ, starts to talk of how well Arianna has done of late, then pats himself down, he doesn’t have his phone. Over at Java Café, Arianna is getting up to leave, spots the phone in the corner of Troy’s seat, picks it up, opens it.

Thanks for the write up!! And thanks for keeping us posted thru the holiday!
Thank you, Barb. Oh man, I hate EJ even more now. He's definitely playing his little games again.

Carly, come closer. I need to whisper some advice to you......SLAP! STAY AWAY FROM BO!!!!! Boy, that felt good.
If Carly did not want to come between bo and Hope why did she go straight to Bo from the hospital knowing that Hope was there when she left. What does she think she is doing? Coming between Bo and Hope. this storyline is almost the same as the Bo/Billie. how gross. They have to know Hope saw them. The big story line could it be trouble that Hope gets into with Vivian?::):):)(
Thank you, Barb. Oh man, I hate EJ even more now. He's definitely playing his little games again.

Carly, come closer. I need to whisper some advice to you......SLAP! STAY AWAY FROM BO!!!!! Boy, that felt good.

RoflMAO! tell us how you really feel!

truthfully, I don't want to see Bo end up with Carly...really...and I like Carly...but I don't think that every time a couple have problems, they should roll into someone else's arms. This trivializes the issues that Bo and Hope appear to have and actually reinforces the whole negation of "trust".
Thanks Barb for the write-up. I am wishing you warmer weather for the New Year. EJ is so desperate to have someone to control and obsess over that he wants to return to Sami. Please Sami do not fall for those evil tactics again. All I want is Sami to be happy for once in her life. Sure she has done some evil things, but I think she has also paid for her sins. EJ on the other hand. Well I will leave that for another day. I can also see the Teen love square starting. Both Will and Chad will like Gabby, and Mia will like Chad and blah, blah, blah. I was hoping they would do more with Carly and Vivian then break up Bo and Hope for the 15th time.
Thanks Barb for the write-up. I am wishing you warmer weather for the New Year. EJ is so desperate to have someone to control and obsess over that he wants to return to Sami. Please Sami do not fall for those evil tactics again. All I want is Sami to be happy for once in her life. Sure she has done some evil things, but I think she has also paid for her sins. EJ on the other hand. Well I will leave that for another day. I can also see the Teen love square starting. Both Will and Chad will like Gabby, and Mia will like Chad and blah, blah, blah. I was hoping they would do more with Carly and Vivian then break up Bo and Hope for the 15th time.

yeah.... I hear ya...its just a vicious circle. :rolleyes:
Wow i think im the only one on Carly's Team here lol, hope and Bo's relationship has become so boring but Carly and Bo are awesome together, they have a great chemistry,hope this leads to more:):hot:
I think when Hope hear Viv and Victor teaming up against Carly I think that COP in her will override all of her other feelings for a short time...
Wow i think im the only one on Carly's Team here lol, hope and Bo's relationship has become so boring but Carly and Bo are awesome together, they have a great chemistry,hope this leads to more:):hot:

Hey that's okay! We all get to be in the minority sometimes...stick to it... we we all agreed this would be very boring.

Besides...I like snowball fights.... heh heh heh
I have always been a Bo and Carly supporter...yes, I said Carly but that being said he and Hope have all this history and everything and I do like Hope even though I want to slap her silly. If I were to pick one person for them to pair her with right now with the pickings that she has in town I would say Daniel. I can't stand Chloe...never have. Carly and Daniel have a past of sorts together and I kind of get the feeling he either knows the father or is the father or her child.

I would love to see Carly and Hope as friends...But if the wind blows the way it looks like it is I won't complain about a B&C pairing...I loved them together...and it would be nice to see a bit of that old magic.

I am glad that Hope overheard Vivian and Victor talking and might be able to start sorting things out.
Wow i think im the only one on Carly's Team here lol, hope and Bo's relationship has become so boring but Carly and Bo are awesome together, they have a great chemistry,hope this leads to more:):hot:

Not at all I would love to see Bo and Carly together. I have major love for those two!
The Note

I don't think EJ not wanting Sami to not tell Rafe about the note has to do with control at all. I think it has to do with Sydney being his child and seeing how Rafe wants to control things himself. Each man seems to want to keep each clue to himself and tell Sami in his own way. I am sure EJ would have told Sami and Rafe about the note if not for Sami's snooping. I am just saying Each man has control issues and Sami's being happy has nothing to do with it.
TimetoDream I am with you on the Bo/Hope thing!
AND how lame can Hope get? She says she wanted to know Carly's secret so she could PROTECT him!? What? Just fess up girl and admit you're nosy and jealous!
Thanks for the write up. Boy Arianna is going to find out about EJ as I am sure he is on Troy's phone.
Just love that Carly and Bo are getting closer.
Poor Melanie. I was hoping she would look happy .