Days of Our Lives - Tues., Jan. 24, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Belle is back at last, Nicole goes off the rails, the teens supposedly get their apt. in order, with the help of some parents, while a filler scene has Gabi once again getting Chad some clothing advice. Where to start...Princess Claire is taking tons of selfies for her followers, I guess, ignoring the work to be done, as Joey, Jade, Ciara & Theo carry in boxes of "stuff". Ciara asks Claire to help her unpack the kitchen, but Claire wants to do her clothes. Ciara says they have to eat before changing clothes of any kind, Claire ignores her, they argue a bit, Claire answers the door, Ooooh, mom & dad. Joey & Jade have gone who knows where, they took the truck? Shawn is helping bring in boxes, Belle helps Ciara unpack the kitchen, Claire goes to unpack her clothes.

During all this, Claire has whined to Daddy about Ciara calling her princess, and how hard she is trying to be understanding, knowing she is worried about her mom, etc. Shawn talks with Ciara, who in turn, is concerned that Theo & Claire are together in the apt. now, hoping they don't take anything to "the next level".

And then Abe arrives, has a little talk with Theo & Claire, about living together, going to school, not letting things get out of hand (drugs, parties, etc.) but he wants them to have fun. The parents all help, with whatever had to be unpacked, Pizza gets ordered, paper plates, Parents leave, kids eat, Joey & Jade return & join in. Talk of parents watching some English mystery series on TV which the kids don't like. Finally, Joey & Theo go up to play some game, Ciara & Claire argue about Ciara always translating Theo to Claire, then clean up, Jade says she will do it, Claire hands over her dirty paper plate, and trips off upstairs. Jade mutters some "all for one" phrase the kids came up with when toasting each other with their pizza slices. (forgot the exact phrasing, sorry). Yawwwnnnnn.

Meanwhile, Chad has run into Gabi & Ari in the square, has a fun conversation with Ari on his lap, tells Gabi about a dinner meeting with a CEO, and he has to give a big presentation tomorrow, but the CEO mentioned color blocking and his attire. Gabi explains how it means putting about 3 colors together, that go together, in an outfit. Sorry, but I nearly fell asleep she goes and buys a couple shirt items, returns, tells him to pair with his tweed jacket, green slacks, will be looking good. Chad is a bit hesitant, agrees, more unimportant chit chat, she finally is going to leave, he promises to either ask Kate or Abby if he needs any future clothing color advice. zzzzzzzzz.

Belle, Shawn & Abe are at the Pub, having a badly needed drink after leaving the kids, talk about them, about themselves when younger, Abe mentioning how he & Lexie always wondered how Theo would fare, ever go to college, be on his own, get a girlfriend, now he has done all 3. It is the Lexie in him. Cheers!

And over to the police station where a puzzled Nicole doesn't understand what Brady just said, he repeats it, she is still in a quandary, he insists the reluctant Chloe tell, she tries to leave, Brady firmly sits her down, telling her she has to tell, and now. Chloe does, Nicole is dumbfounded, disbelieving, is crying. Chloe rocks the baby, as she tells why she did not tell Nicole, who is having a meltdown, screaming at Chloe, sobbing, etc. She wants to take the baby, Chloe says NO, then talks of Nicole being here in the police station, because she stabbed someone, and see, while she supposedly was saving Deimos's life, he is the kind of man who causes people to want to kill him. If Nik marries him, she will be doomed, and she cannot fail Daniel, and let Holly be doomed as well.

Nicole is beside herself, Brady has mostly been quiet, but is trying to be supportive. Nik begins insisting that Chloe give her the baby, but Chloe goes in the doorway, handing the baby to a policewoman. Nicole is screaming, Brady calms her down, the door is shut.

Nicole is berating Chloe, who is again explaining, but Nicole is crying, how they had a plan, she was going to call Chloe every day so the baby would hear her voice, be bonded with her, how could Chloe fail her like this. Nicole just goes on and on. Finally she goes for the door.

Brady stops her, where is she going. Out to get my baby. She bursts out the door, towards the policewoman, but a male cop stops her, handcuffs her, she is under arrest. Chloe takes the baby from the policewoman. Nicole is crying for her baby, her baby, she is the mother. But Nicole is going to a cell.
he promises to either ask Kate or Abby if he needs any future clothing color advice. zzzzzzzzz.
Woe is Chad if he takes advice from Kate on what to wear. He will look like he got dressed out of a rag bag, too.

Nicole is beside herself,
Sorry, Barb, I just couldn't help myself. :)
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The Scooby Gang's loft is definitely parts of Sami and Rafe's loft. The fridge is the same, and in the same spot. The door is in same spot (different door, though) and the kitchen island and the doorway in the far wall are in the same spots.

You all can probably tell how I felt about the teen scene, and the "what color blocking means" I have to only comment on the baby parentage reveal scenes. While I think Ari Zucker (Nicole) is a terrific actress, and was very good in the scenes........I think all the histrionics were overdone. They just went on for too long, and not once did Nicole smile, look happy, which she should have been. She cried and cried, sobbed and yelled, took forever to want to hold her baby. This could have, should have, been a glorious scene for Nicole, to take her baby in her arms, HER baby, hold it for the first time as it's mother.

Instead there was nothing but crying, screaming, scolding, (poor baby, surprised it did not wake up with it all).

Yes,....I was disappointed....guess I just was expecting or looking forward to something the writers decided would not be shown.
The baby reveal left me cold, frankly. First, because it took too long to happen. Second, because of the equally ridiculous storyline of Nicole stabbing a guy without asking questions first, ending up in jail and being accused of attempted murder. And this time, I don't feel sorry at all for Nicole. You do something, anything, yell, push the guy over, kick a table, anything, I say, except stabbing !

Now, do I feel sorry for her about Holly ? Yes, I do. Chloe is absolutely in the wrong here. Plus, while I get that Deimos truly is not a good man, that he followed Chloe around and harassed her when he thought he was the father of her baby, I can't get behind her playing God. And I can't help but think that not so long ago, Chloe did sleep with him, even considered having a life with him. So is there a part of jealousy ? Again, not saying Deimos is good, but Chloe is no better.

To get back of the reveal about Holly's parentage, had it not happened in a police station, with people yelling at the top of their lungs with no interference from police officers, had me rolling my eyes, not shedding tears. Not to mention the fact that after Nicole was (again) yelling "She's my baby, she's my baby", nobody even blinked when Chloe just left with Holly.

Sorry, this is not entertaining to me. Not at all. It's too ridiculous and badly written for words.

As far as the rest is concerned, the "Scooby Doo" gang, as you say, let me just say this : I don't care. Really, I don't ! Oh, and the phrase is : "No matter what". Again, not that I care.
I for one am glad that Chloe didn't just hand over Holly.

In the real world, Nicole have to go to court with evidence from the clinic and DNA testing in order to file for custody of Holly. (At least that's what happened with a surrogate case in my area of Pennsylvania.) Otherwise, Chloe is the birth mother of record.

I still think that the Daniel-as-egg-baby storyline with Maggie is just plain stupid, too.
In some states, the surrogate is the legal mother and she has to relinquish her rights so the bio parents can legally adopt the child. In other states, the bio parents are the legal parents and the surrogate has no rights. In the magical land of Salem, maybe Maggie and Stefano are the legal parents of all children until they relinquish their rights. :sarcasm:
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Maggie and Stefano!!!!

In my county, the surrogate decided not to sign over the child for the biological parents to adopt. The parents had to end up suing in court using all of their hospital IVF records, DNA, and the signed agreement to prove the child belonged to them. The court battle dragged out for almost 2 years.
I said nothing about Nicole having legal custody. It was only to hold her baby. Heck, she had delivered the baby, and was the first one to hold her, even named her.

I remember Philip & Mimi's surrogate, with Philip and Mimi both signing off all rights to give the surrogate custody, only the surrogate really either was unable to care for it, or did not want it any longer, thus brought the baby boy and left it at the hospital. That is the one Steve & Kayla took in for a while, called him Pocket, then it was discovered this was Philip's baby (Mimi was gone), he refused to let the Johnsons adopt the baby, but did allow another couple to do so. Was a weird storyline, to me, at the time.
Good Lord can the teens be any more annoying? All of them! Claire and her selfie, social media obsession, Ciara and her obsession with Theo again! Geez, give him back to her so she'll stop again!!

Very disappointed with how Nicole found out about Holly. I guess the writers just can't ever let Nicole be happy. This attempted murder charge is the biggest crock.
I'm still not over Philip giving up Tyler. It was SO out of character for him at the time given what we saw of him and Claire. I hope he pops up at some point.

Just a reminder that Holly is only 1 month old today. So this really hasn't gone on that long. What has gone on long is the repetitive dialogue about it.

I pretty much enjoyed the episode aside from tuning out Gabi and Chad.

Love that Belle is back and also love that Shawn was in the middle of his sister and daughter. This is how he should have been written all along. Hope too. I enjoyed his scenes with both girls and then with Belle. Like Carrie and Austin, they fit right in to the mix. Also loved Shawn referring to Ciara as his baby sister later on and Claire referring to Hope as Grandmother. They're going out of their way to show the family connection and I like it.

Claire and Ciara snarking at each other was great. Claire is annoying but she's also self aware. I think this is just a phase.

Abe, John/Marlena and Jen all watch the same British crime drama LOL.

Great to see Abe involved too. And the Pub scene was a nice touch at the end. LOL at Belle with her margarita.

I thought the Holly reveal was well acted but the climax was a little flat. Maybe it was just the police setting. And yes Nicole crying all the time has become a bit over the top. I really would like to see some scenes where she gets therapy from Marlena or even Laura. I'm also Team Chloe at the moment until Nicole starts opening her eyes about Deimos. At least she didn't interrupt Chloe today so that's progress for her. Knowing what I know about Child Protective Services, I don't think they'd allow Nicole to have Holly at this point until she gets her record cleared and maybe gets rid of Deimos too.

I wonder if it will also come into play that Nicole is not allowed to adopt based on her record. I get Nicole being angry at Chloe but at the same time she should be thankful that Chloe did this selfless act for her. And she really isn't one to throw stones after what she did with Sydney. Her behavior reminds me of how she has been so insistent not to forgive Eric for an accident even though he has forgiven her in the past for stuff she did willingly.

Anyway, if Nicole got Holly now the story would be over so this is just another layer of it.

Seriously tuned out Chad and Gabi. Too forced.
In my county, the surrogate decided not to sign over the child for the biological parents to adopt. The parents had to end up suing in court using all of their hospital IVF records, DNA, and the signed agreement to prove the child belonged to them. The court battle dragged out for almost 2 years.
I met a woman through one of my best friends who carried a baby for her sister. It was the sister's egg and brother-in-law's sperm. The lady was just the oven to bake the little muffin.

In the lady's home state, she and her husband would've been the legal parents. They would've had to relinquish their parental rights and the sister/brother-in-law would've had to legally adopt their own child.

In the sister/brother-in-law's home state, they were the legal parents and the lady was just the gestational surrogate with no rights. The plan was for her to go and stay with them a few weeks before the birth so she'd deliver there.

But in the meantime, they had an adoption lawyer on "stand by" in her home state, in case she delivered early.

Thankfully it all worked out and she gave birth in the sister/brother-in-law's home state so there was no need for relinquishing rights or legal adoption.

And, if you remember, none of this was ever brought up with Sami and Sydney. Once Rafe got proof and pried her away from Nicole, Sami was Sydney's mother and that was that. The only time Sydney's custody was mentioned was when EJ sued Sami for full custody of Johnny and Sydney.
Are they trying to push Chad and Gabi together? It was hard to not take it that way seeing him interact with Ari.

I wasn't super disappointed with the Holly reveal. I understand Nicole's reaction, the expressionless crying could have been shock. Sadness because there's the baby she and Daniel wanted (I guess), but Daniel isn't there to see her. Should there have been happiness, yeah, probably at some point. But it's a lot to take on at the same time, I think. Still without doubt the most interesting thing on the show today.
Good to see you back MissH....

Yes, there was a fast put together "let's get them together"...(everyone thought Abby was dead) as Chad was finally able to lessen his grieving and start to move on. And Abby comes back in time to see them together, and figure maybe Chad is better off this way, without her. However Gabi was dating JJ, so she was at odds with her feelings herself. Meanwhile, Ari & Thomas became playmates, Chad is good with kids, and right now........I would guess there are other plans for Gabi.

Today was truly "filler" scenes for them, in my opinion.
After all the hemming and hawing, Nicole finally learns the truth in a police station? And what was all that screeching and sobbing about? Okay, I didn't expect her to be happy with Chloe for keeping the secret, but really? No sign of joy discovering that she finally has a child of very own? This was just wrong.

I'm ready to slap Claire senseless. Oh wait, she already is senseless.

I'm so over the whole Chad/Gabi angst. Meh.
I'm glad that the truth about Holly's parentage is finally out in the open and I especially liked that Brady forced Chloe to come clean. Mainly because I was convinced that, guy Nicole is engaged to *ugh* was going to be the one to reveal it and be the hero *again ugh*. But I'm so relieved they didn't go that route. And I gotta say I thought Ari Zucker (Nicole) really knocked it out of the park with her reaction.

The teens at their loft: You know that old tongue twister "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" Well its premise is really unfair to woodchucks. Because woodchucks which are the same critter as groundhogs hibernate in the winter so I'm sure they wouldn't just "chuck wood" I'm sure they would put it to good use lining their dens. Yep, that's me trying to focus on anything other then the claptrap on screen. LOL

I will say that I didn't like the way everybody looked coldly at Jade when she tried to join in on the conversation. Is she not allowed to talk or something? I also didn't like Claire's snide "Oh I forgot you were even here" remark when Jade offered to clean up the pizza boxes. I can't imagine the original Jade being such a wallflower, they are definitely focusing on her softer side.

Okay, it's no secret that anytime Gabi is on it brings a smile to my face. Give me Gabi and Arianna and I'm grinning ear-to-ear. Then if we get scenes with Arianna with Gabi and Chad we have in my humble opinion pure gold. But on the other hand the scenes today were problematic because as adorable as little Ari was (I love how she is being responsive and engaging with the actors) they illustrated how Chad and Gabi need to at least temporarily set some boundaries. It's clear that Arianna is coming to rely on Chad in ways that she shouldn't because her mother and Chad are not a couple.

I'm not saying Chad should never speak or play with Arianna again but he should maybe distance himself a bit. I think that's what Gabi was getting at the end by pointing out how much family Arianna has to dote on her. But then she kind of confused the issue by mentioning how much Arianna talks about Chad and Thomas. *sigh*

I appreciate how some might find the "color-blocking" talk to ave been silly and boring filler but I have to ask where else would we see this addressed? I don't see PBS "Frontline" tackling this issue but to be fair I don't really follow that program. My point is I think today proved that daytime can be educational as well as entertaining. LOL

I've come to regard Chad and Gabi as Salem's version of Rick and Ilsa from Casablanca but instead of always having Paris they'll always have the Gap.