Days of Our Lives - Tues. Jan. 7, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, Janaury 7, 2013

Theresa calls JJ, complaining because she only got half her order. JJ argues a bit with her, talks of his hearing coming up, and he cannot afford to get caught. She tells him not to get caught then. He really hates her. Behind him, Jen has come in, and listens. When he hangs up, she asks, he talks of kids at school giving him a hard time, but won;'t give her names, he will handle it. He gives her a message from Liam, asks if she is going out with him again. Yes, and you will do nothing, says Jen. He claims he would not, just doesn't want her to get hurt, she thinks he means Daniel, but he is talking of himself. Hugs and they love each other.

Rafe is doing his exercise therapy with Pete, really wants to get back on his feet quickly. Pete credits Jordan for the great progress Rafe has made, he agrees, says she is the best, doesn't know what he would have done without her. Jordan is in the doorway, smiling, eventually coming in when Pete leaves. Rafe likes that she is wearing the coach shirt he gave her, invites her out for dinner. She accepts, he tells her to get his crutches, but she smiles, he can get them. He walks over there.

Kate meets up with Lucas, telling him the gal her detective found is coming for an interview, he should do it. Lucas declines, but she says the gal has only been contacted by a headhunter, and she will get another person in the office to do it. Lucas caves, agrees, Kate takes off, and Sheryl Connors is next seated with Lucas, talking. Kate is eavesdropping, walking by, appearing surprised to see Lucas, gets introduced. Kate babbles, mentions the relocation that Lucas talked about, and brags about friendly Salem, she will make friends quickly. Sheryl notes there is someone she knows who recently moved here. Now Kate suggests she go back to the Salem Inn, rest and freshen up a bit, Lucas can finish the interview later. Lucas protests that he doesn't ewant to tell the gal she doesn't have the job, she is so excited, but Kate says of course she does. Find her a job, let someone else go. She sees Sheryl left some book behind (address book???) but Lucas grabs it first, isn't going to let her butt into Sheryl's private life. Kate spots Sheryl returning, just as Rafe & Jordan come up behind them, saying hello. She is surprised to see them. (LOL)

Eric talks to Father Matt, telling him all about Brady not wanting to see him, etc. Father Matt encourages him to then do the interview with Nicole himself. That he talked to the bishop, told him how committed Eric is, how he raised so much money, and the bishop has said it is o.k.

Brady is downing some booze, hears Maggie calling him, hides the glass. She is hosting an AA meeting at the hospital, invites him. She comments he looks flushed, he thinks he may be coming down with something, telling her to stay away from him (yeah, she might smell his breath, lol). He will meet her over there, has to make a business call. When she leaves, he finishes off the glass of liquor.

Theresa thinks JJ is at the door, but it is Juanita, who came to get her for the meeting, not gonna let her get away with any excuses. At the meeting, Theresa complains about being hi-jacked to come there, thought it was supposed to be voluntary. Brady arrives, they exchange just a few words. Maggie starts the meeting, asking newbies to stand up. No one does, but finally Brady does, says he is an addict, and recently had a relapse. Meeting is over now, Theresa talks to him a bit, but he is rude to her. She mentions it to Maggie, asking if she could maybe do something to help him. Maggie tells her to concentrate on herself first.
Daniel is home, looking for Eric's file, wanting more results. Nicole returns home, he decides if he cannot help Eric right now, he will help Brady, is going to the park, find the drug dealer, tell him to leave Salem. Nicole wants to go along, Daniel says no, and leaves. Ha. No one tells Nicole what to do. She grabs coat, purse and keys and out the door. In the park, Daniel finds the guy, and tells him to leave town. No, he is not going to go, pulls a knife, Dan knocks it out of his hand. They throw a few punches, Nicole comes along, picks up the knife. Now Daniel & Nicole in tandem tell the guy that Victor Kiriakis is his godfather, and will not take kindly to hearing about this guy selling drugs to his grandson, Brady Black. Uh, oh, this stops the dealer, and then Nicole takes his picture, mentions working for the TV station, putting his picture up, etc. etc. It all works, he agrees to leave. Unbeknownst to them, JJ has come along, heard it all. The guy leaves, Nicole is so psyched.
Back at the hospital, Daniel is reading a file, Jenn rexting on her phone, them bump into each other, both saying I'm sorry. Someone asks Daniel what happened to his head, he only says he was clumsy, trying to help someone. Jenn tells him how she knows he is a good person, and is sorry she forgot that at times when they had issues. He says she is a good person, too. She says, yeah, too bad we could not be good to each other, and stalks off.
Nicole meets up with Eric, small talk, she lets him know the story won't be done, with Brady the way he is, they can't use what they have. Eric tells her he will do the interview and she will have the story.

JJ meets up with Rory, wants his stash. Rory is hesitant, but finally agrees to give him what he needs, knows it isn't for him. As they walk thru the square, first one guy, then another bump into them, knocking them down, as they run from the police chasing them. The cops have grabbed the two guys, plus Rory & JJ, talking of catching these shoplifters, and telling them all to empty their bags on the table, right now.

And now over to the Horton cabin, where EJ & Abby are kissing passionately, but he draws away. He is starting to say he is sorry, but she pulls him back for more kissing, undoing her hair. Hot & heavy, but EJ once again pulls away, walks over to a wall, then grabs his coat, and is headed out the door. She taps his shoulder, and they are kissing again, she is unbuttoning his shirt, he is doing the same to her top. Down they go on the bed, more kissing and making out. Commercial.
And back to the bed, where the sex has just ended, both look rather amazed, a bit exhausted. Finally, EJ begins to talk, but Abby interrupts him. She says she has only been with two men, they are brothers, and both DiMeras. She seems appalled at herself, asking if they will compare notes. Of course not. EJ tries a few times to say something about what just happened, she keeps interrupting him, always knowing he is going to say this or that. He asks her to let him finish, finally saying that what just happened was lovely. She is surprised at that description, but he tells her she is young, is beautiful, is smart, and it was something that just happened and really, was lovely. She thanks him, then leans over, and begins kissing him again. Round 2 coming up.
Oh my GOD..Ej and Abby went for it...Ej completing and caressing Abby's face in bed and kissing ..Sami Who?

Oh Ej tried to be a tease with the pull/push, but Abby was having NONE of it...Finish what your started Ej!

Days writers need to have better lovemaking music..tired of the porn music!

Jennifer to JJ: "I can't mourn your father forever." You've barely even started...You mourned for exactly two seconds before Maggie, Abby, Hope were shoving you with TanDan!

Kate is at her very best when she is in scheming mode...Better than lurking and hovering over Rafe!
So Sheryl Connors finally arrives :clap: and she has something to do with Jordan.....interesting...
Rafe and Jordan going on a date is terrific. I love that Juanita drags Theresa to a meeting!
The stuff with Dan and Nicole fighting the drug dealer seems pretty funny - pulling Victor's name out to scare the bad guy"Do you know who my godfather is?" :rotfl:

I'm kind of surprised that Abigail and Elvis actually do the deed, but can't wait to see what happens next!
Thanks Poirot
Thank you, Poirot.

:rotfl: When I read "Juanita", I thought of lovo's cleaning lady at her old apartment complex.

Ej & Abby = :sick: :sick::sick::sick::sick:

Is Lucas doing the interview in the "square"? If so, how silly.

I sure hope they don't hook Theresa up with Brady!

I wonder if JJ is going to get busted for the pot?
I really wondered if the timing on learning about Brady not being a Brady was leading to a Theresa/Brady connection. :sick:

I'm thinking that's the reason for stripping John of his "Ryan Brady" identity.
I just can't see Brady and Theresa together - unless two hot messes can be attractive, who knows :confused:

They could be fun to watch together!
I cannot wait to watch this evening. Thank you Poirot. I'm hoping EJ/Abby live up to how much I have hyped them:love: in my mind.

I don't think I could get on board with a Brady/Theresa pairing but heck, I didn't think I'd like EJ/Abby either. What do I know?

I'm also looking forward to seeing the Rafe/Jordan scenes and can't wait to get a glimpse of Sheryl and of course anytime Lucas is on is a good time.
WOW!!!!! Holy Moly!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! There was more passion in Ej/Abby first time then in the last 8 years of junior/Sami put together. Abby sure knows how to stroke Ej’s ego! He is tolerable to watch again. I saw chemistry between them, more then he/Sami ever had. I knew that bed was placed there for a reason! LOL Round two anyone?!?!?!?!?!

Glad to see Rafe on crutches next walking on his own will power! Happy Jordan is wearing his shirt and that they will have dinner together, again Kate is so sweet but today she looked like the cat that swallowed the mouse!

:OT: When James Scott (EL) was in Boston last year someone asked him if he ever had a SL that he regrets and he replied no but there is one coming up I wish I never done, I bet this is it!

I do like Dan/Nicole together their friendship doesn’t seem forced!

I think Theresa is tired of being poor and if she can get her hands on some of that Kiriakis money she won’t hesitate for a minute!