Days of Our Lives - Tues. July 2, 2013

Thanks for the summary. Kate and Kristen's comments were tasteless, but Kristen had a point...Sami seems to just want to be in bed with anything or anyone, lol. As for her not being indicted, I am surprised, but it is not over, just as Marge said. An OK episode overall...liked seeing the interactions today.
The days don't make much sense in Days, lol. Gabi mentioned to Nick about being up all night with the baby on their first night home, when Will mentioned 3 weeks, has taken Arianna to the coffee house, according to Sonny, and Will and Sonny have had interrupted alone time, visitors, etc. LOL
Oh, and not to mention everything is already dirty, laundry needs to be done, floor vacuumed, and all! That baby must be eating well, too, for all the times they have mentioned formula in the refrigerator because Gabi was going out. Heehee...
I am wondering why they have baby toys laying around (some kind of stuffed animal on the couch when Sonny was running the vacuum yesterday). Newborns don't really play with toys. I thought it was funny that Will and Sonny were buying more baby clothes - seemed like a guy thing - don't do laundry - just buy more clothes :)
Here's you a two for Tuesday, Katmouse: Did you notice not only did Ciara have a bad booboo on her right hand, but Sami had a small bandage on her right hand, too. LOL, I saw it when she hugged EJ in the courtroom.
I am wondering why they have baby toys laying around (some kind of stuffed animal on the couch when Sonny was running the vacuum yesterday). Newborns don't really play with toys. I thought it was funny that Will and Sonny were buying more baby clothes - seemed like a guy thing - don't do laundry - just buy more clothes :)

I was laughing at Will buying more clothes for the baby, instead of, you know, just doing laundry?!!

I find it hard to believe that Kate and Marlena haven't loaded up Arianna with enough clothes for 10 babies.
The thing with babies the time you wash, dry, fold and put back in the drawer, the baby usually has outgrown whatever it was. We have already seen everyone gifting Gabi with baby clothes long before the baby was born, so sure, there has to be loads of stuff. And all that laundry Gabi was folding. Guess they change her CLOTHES 10 times a day. LOL
I am loving Will and Sonny's domestic scenes. Sonny looks beyond adorable with the baby.:love: Gabi seems to want nothing to do with the baby. Also really didn't like Kate's comment to Nick about Vargas raping him. That was really out of line. She would've never said that to a women. Only in Salem will two people have the same password to their tablets..:rolleyes:
kt, I missed the two "boo boo's", good catch.

I thought it was strange Kristen and Sami both used EJ's birthday for
their password. Was it the first time they realized they both had
the same tablet? Hopefully, they will put labels or something to
know which one is which.
DAYS spoiled that she wasn't going to be indicted earlier today before the show started airing, so yes, I'm sure it's safe to say Sami hasn't seen the last of that courthouse or her jail cell.
I was wondering if other people saw that on twitter/facebook. I noticed that on my facebook newsfeed yesterday morning when they were posting the previous days episode with the description that Sami would not be indicted. I was like, "way to go DAYS...way to spoil a pertinent piece of information you morons!" There were some really ticked off comments about it too! LOL. They need to fire their social media person anyway...too much attention to a certain couple... :eek:
Okay, so everyone in Salem owns the same tablet, cell phone (not to mention cell phone ringtone) and ooh maybe same car?! :rotfl: And talk about hilarious that both Kristen and Sami have EJ's birthday as their password! Kristen still holds a special place in her blackened heart for "John Jr.".

I liked seeing Eric and Sami in their sibling moment and I absolutely loved the moment with Eric, Victor and Nicole. That was fun and hilarious.

Oh my gosh somebody was doing actual housework! :rotfl: