Days of Our Lives - Tues., July 25, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Jennifer is with Brady in the Kmansion, (now has pure white sofa, and 2 pure white easy chairs) going over their talk after last week's AA mtg. She accuses him of using her, trying to push her at Eric because he was jealous of something that happened between Eric & Nik. Eric told her of a "close" moment, she is really giving Brady a piece of her mind. He denies being jealous, claims just trying to make her see she & Eric still have something, yada, yada, blah, blah, they go back and forth, saying more or less the same thing, (both actually giving us good acting) until finally Brady admits that yes, he is jealous, and eventually, without saying so, Jen that there is still something she feels for Eric, but she assures Brady there will never be anything more for them than just friends.

Brady knows Nicole loves him, wants a family life with him. Jen reminds him Eric is his brother, loves him, Brady loves his brother, should tell him so. Jen departs, telling Brady not to let jealousy stand in the way of his happiness, while Brady replies she should not let pride stand in the way of hers.

At the cop shop, Dario wants his phone, Rafe & Hope say no, he makes excuses, wants to call lawyer (he already did), his wife, (he only gets one call), no special favors from his brother. Raines comes in, scolding Hope & Rafe for some reason, and takes them off the case, he will take charge of the prisoner. They remind him he was not around to issue the warrant, so they went around him to get it. Doesn't care, but in comes ELI, (lost his beard & mustache!!) who lets him know this is FBI case now, he is pulling rank, and takes Dario into interrogation room. Dario proceeds to want to make a deal NOW.

Abby is with Theo, who has not yet gotten into Dario's phone and account. He is working on it. She pleads with him, doesn't want to say what is in the pic, finally does. Theo is taken aback, but does want to protect Chad. She realizes she is distracting him with all her questions, so leaves for the cop shop. Theo finally manages to get where he wants to be, sees the picture of Chad over Deimos's body, contemplates, and hears his dad saying his name. He looks up, Abe & Val are standing there.

Eric asks Nicole what she is doing, gets angry, takes the letters from her. Nicole protests she was only looking for a tissue. They talk of when Eric was in prison, sent the lst letter, she read it, then sent back the ones that followed. Eric just thinks they should get back to work. They both do. She begins discussing some budget they are working on, Eric is snapping at her, finally says to just stop. He brings up the letters again, how he was writing them, hoping they would help him, but it is better they be destroyed. He grabs a lighter (gee, he doesn't smoke, where would he get a lighter, or why is one there?) and is going to set the letters on fire. Nicole cries, don't, don't. She wants to read them. He looks sad, goes for a walk. She reads....we hear the first heartfelt one in Eric's voice. When he return, she has apparently read them all, they are in a pile on his desk. He picks them up, Nicole has to leave, get back to Brady & Tate. She starts to go, turns, and asks Eric if she can have the letters. He hands them to her. She goes to the door, stops, turns and in soft, quaking voice, says "Eric.....I forgive you". She leaves. Eric's stands, silent, near tears.

Gabi comes back to a waiting Chad, begins babbling, and I do mean babbling. She finally sees something is bothering Chad, he says he lied to her. She jumps up, non-stop guessing. I know, you did not see Abby because of Thomas, it was something else. You remembered something from the part, the Halo, did you do something, did you kiss. She is pacing and won't let poor Chad get a word in. Finally he manages to say "Dario", and she is off again, Chad says counterfeiting, she is saying no, no, Dario would not, he promised me, goes on and on. He finally says he stole money from lots of people, hacking, counterfeiting. No I have not gone to police. He found out from Abby, who think she can get Dario to give the money back. She tries to leave, is going to go see him, but he manages to at last convince her to stay put, let it all ride out. He goes to take a shower, she is straightening up a bit, picks up his jacket, a ring falls out of the pocket. She picks it up, stares, glances toward where Chad went, does this a couple times.

Abby has run to the police station, demanding to see her husband. Hope says it is not possible. She is insistent, is his wife, Nope, sorry, he is with FBI...there with Eli. She spots Dario's phone, grabs it, Hope takes it back. Abby claims she wants to call the lawyer, number on Dario's phone. He already called his lawyer. Eli comes out, Abby can now go in to see Dario.

Hope & Rafe ask Eli what happened. Eli says Dario made a deal, gave up a big name, but Eli has to check with his superior before he can say a word.

Abby sits down across from Dario, wanting to know what happened. Yes, Dario copped a deal. Did you tell about Chad. Dario smirks, that all Abby is worried about is how Chad is, not whether he will be in jail forever. She repeats her question. No, he did not rat out Chad, and he didn't for her. He gave up a big name, in exchange for going into witness protection. The sleazeball places his cuffed hands over hers, and he wants her to come with him.
So who is Dario giving up? I can't wait for Abby to confront him about lying about needing to marry an American citizen.

Gabi and Chad, trouble in paradise already.

I'm glad that Nicole forgave Eric finally. Brady being jealous I think is ridiculous. And why was Jen so shocked that Nicole and Eric kissed? Eric said they had a close moment, is a kiss not believable then?
Thank you, Poirot.

WOW!!! Nicole finally forgives Eric. It is about time. If he won't be a priest, please at least put these two back together. Nicole is a smart lady (most of the time), and being with Brady pulls her IQ way down.

Putting on my dancing shoes...Dario in witness protection can't come soon enough.

Gabi, don't get your hopes up. That ring isn't for you. While you're at it, why don't you go into witness protection with your Bro Dario.
You know, I had been thinking that perhaps Anjelica was the "silent partner" of Dario's......but today, while TYPING UP the summary .....what if it is RAINES? He is the one who "confirmed" Abby's request to check the war lord threat to Dario, and today he comes roaring into the room, taking Rafe & Hope off the case, scolding them, taking custody of Dario, and about to lead him off, when Eli walked in, took charge despite Raines protests. Raines angrily then said he was going to give Eli's superior a call.

Could be why Dario is so cocky, and why he claimed he could give them someone BIG! JUST A THOUGHT ON MY PART!
I sure hope SuperTheo is the one to swoop in and save Chad from the Kriptonite LexDario has leashed on the innocent lad.

Gabi, oh good Lord, go away, you whiny, 25 year old brat.

Just when I thought Jennifer might be fun to watch again, she opens her judgmental mouth, not letting anyone get a word in edgewise, talking right over the person she berating.
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First of all, if Abby goes with Dario thinking she is protecting Chad, let her go and be off the picture. This is insane.

Second - Raines has been a sanctimonious martinet with a Napoleon complex since he arrived. I often wondered how the actor felt spewing the dialogue they have written for him.

There was a preview for today that indicated Tuesday would rock our worlds. Guess I didn't see it.
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Thanks Poirot.

Kerry816, you did mention Raines in Friday's show topic, then Poirot made a comment about it, then
I did. If it is Raines, I hope we learn his first name. Unless his first name is commissioner:)

I laughed when Abby kept asking Theo when he hacking Dario's cloud "are you in yet?" Reminded me of kids in a car "are we there yet?"

So, Nicole finally forgives Eric. Can he forgive himself now?

Maybe Jennifer had her hair too tight and that's why she reacted the way she did when she
found out Eric kissed Nicole.
Thanks for the summary, Poirot. I haven't watched this one yet but from your writeup, it sounds a lot more interesting to me than yesterday's episode. I bet you and Kerry are right about Raines. I would never have thought of it myself but it makes a lot of sense. IF it is true, I will enjoy watching him go down.
Thanks for the summary, Poirot. I do appreciate them, especially given how busy you are. As far as the episode goes, I liked it.

I'm still rooting for Chad & Gabi. That said, Gabi needs to chill! Her babbling would give me a headache if I watched today's episode. Her attitude lately has been really off-putting, and I wonder if it will drive Chad away.

That's a very interesting theory about Raines. One I hope is correct, because I really don't like him; it would explain his bizarre behavior today; and it would be a creative way to settle this investigation nonsense once and for all.

Brady is being ridiculous. I realize I'm getting bored of his relationship with Nicole. I'm so relieved she finally read the letters and forgave Eric. Hopefully he can do the same and smile a bit more. As far as him and Nicole, a small part of me wants to see them back together. I'm glad he and Jennifer appear to be moving on from their strange fling. She was too old for him, and they really are better as just friends. Brady really needs time to be single.

Abigail was annoying me today with her constant distraction of Theo. She should've let him do his work and then chatted with him when everything was in the clear. Ridiculous.
I agree about Brady having time to be single - but I remember feeling the same way with Sami!

I bet you and Kerry are right about Raines. I would never have thought of it myself but it makes a lot of sense. IF it is true, I will enjoy watching him go down.

I can't take credit, someone else suggested it elsewhere but it was the only time I ever heard his name as a co-hort and it really got me thinking!!