Days of Our Lives - Tues. Nov. 17,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Episode #11210 Taped 10/2 Director – Herb Stein

And the fallout continues….fair warning, have a few tissues handy, Nicole is going to break your heart today.

Hope sits with Ciara and her coloring book, finishing up one picture, and urging her to start another. Ciara doesn’t want to color any more, she wants to go home. Hope promises to take her to see Daddy, but Ciara doesn’t want to visit, she wants to stay. Over at the Brady house, Bo gets a call, mentions Lawrence, hangs up, telling Carly Justin wants them down at the station. They hurry to the cop shop, where Justin tells them that evidently someone has confessed to killing Lawrence, so Carly is off the hook, no more extradition worries. Later, Bo & Carly return to the house, Carly determined to pack & leave, Bo making her realize that someone is still out to get her, and until they find out just who confessed, she is still in danger. She finally seems to accept this, but insists he go take care of his wife, and fix things with her. And over at the K mansion, Justin returns, fills Hope in on the news, but it doesn’t make her happy, as Bo did not call her to tell her. She realizes that if Carly no longer faces extradition, tho probably still in danger, Bo will continue to want to protect her…..thus choosing Carly over her. She is a bit upset, feels she has no one to turn to, Justin assures her he is there for her, always will be, as Bo appears behind them. They hug, Bo watches.

Mia comes upon Will in the Pub, he asks about the DNA results, Mia reports that Chad was not the father. Will has studying to do, Mia goes outside as Maggie comes up. Seems they had a dinner date together, but Mia doesn’t want to go back in the Pub with Will there, he hates her. Maggie is reassuring, tells her she is her friend, then realizes something else is wrong, asks, Mia admits there is, but promised Nicole she would not tell. She seems to leave.

Chloe is still trying to tell EJ there is something he should know involving Sami & Nicole, but they should tell him, not her. She advises he go over to Sami’s and runs out. Next we see her coming into the Pub, asking Will for Lucas’s phone number at rehab. He refuses, she tries to tell him that both she & his father learned something, kept it a secret, and now it has come out, it involves his mother, and she thinks Lucas would want to be there for his mom now. Will still refuses, tells her to go see Lucas at the place if she wants. Chloe backtracks, says Will is right, perhaps his dad doesn’t need the stress right now, but assures him it is all good, life changing, and affects Will & his mom. Will leaves. Now Chloe calls Nicole, is frustrated again getting her voice mail, & says she wanted to talk to her in person, but if this is the only way…..and proceeds to berate Nicole for what she did. Bad enough trying to pass off Mia’s baby as her own, but to have taken Sami’s baby, and then pretend it was Mia’s……..Ooops, there is Mia behind her. (Amazing how these Salemites make all these “private” phone calls in public, with their backs to the room/door. Lol) Mia wants to know what she means, Chloe is silent. Maggie comes in, asks what is the matter. Mia is saying Chloe won’t tell her what she means, that Chloe said Sydney is Sami’s baby. Maggie tells Chloe to tell Mia that is not true. Again, Chloe is silent, just looking from one to the other.

Vivian sits in the Java Café with her tiny cup of espresso, waiting for Gus, who finally shows up, telling her the deed is done, it is as she wanted. Vivian mentions her “retainer” confessing to killing Lawrence. Gus is puzzled, if she wants revenge for Carly killing Lawrence, why not be swift and get it over with. Vivian smiles sweetly, saying that here in Salem is where Carly cemented her marriage to Lawrence, so here is Salem is where she shall pay. Later, Carly is on the computer when there is a knock at the door. She figures it is her police guard, goes to answer and there is Vivian, holding a potted plant. “Long time no see” purrs Vivian.

Nicole & Sami are arguing about Sydney, with Nicole insisting she is Sydney’s mother, and Sami reminding her she stole her. Nicole is not going to let her take Sydney, she is hers, as a threatening Nicole picks up a heavy glass. The door opens, both women look to see Rafe standing there with Sydney in his arms. Sami smiles, Nicole drops the glass, then rushes over saying “give me my baby”. No, says Rafe, she is not your baby, she is Sami’s. Nicole is insistent, but Sami, smiling with tears in her eyes, slowly takes Sydney from Rafe’s arms, as Nicole looks and sobs. She is crying “but I am her mommy, I am her mother, the only one she has known, I have loved and raised her since birth”. Rafe only says to Nicole that it is over, & that he has called the police who are on their way, then turns to Sami who is taking Sydney’s jacket off, talking to her. Nicole grabs her things and rushes out the door, right into EJ, who asks her what is wrong. They are in the hall, she is crying, shaking her head, he is concerned, she just shakes her head and takes off. EJ dashes after her.

Inside the apartment, Sami sits with the adorable Sydney on her lap, Rafe along side. Sydney is cooing and making all kinds of sounds, and will definitely make you smile. Sami talks to Sydney, but also tells Rafe this all would not have been possible with him, she is sorry she ever doubted him. She knows this now is reminding him of Grace, & he admits it is so, but thinks Grace helped him to bring Sydney to her mom. Rafe talks of wanting to see a smile on Sami’s face, and tells her he loves her. She tells him how much she loves him, too. They talk about Grace, about Sydney, are obviously very happy. Rafe gets a call, tells Sami a friend in the police dept. promised to let him know, and they have to go now.

Down on the pier, EJ is chasing after Nicole, catches up with her, insisting she tell him what is going on. Nicole is still crying, sinks to the ground, sobbing that she only wanted to give him what was his, his own daughter. EJ wants to know what the heck she is talking about, he is angry and yelling, demanding she explain. Bit by bit, she gets it out that Sydney is Sami’s baby, Sami’s and his, and all she wanted was to give him his daughter, and she did. He was loving and raising his own child. EJ sits on the stairs, a bit shaken, not understanding at all. Nicole had Mia’s baby the minute she was born. Nicole is still sobbing, as she very painfully goes thru the steps…how she learned Sami was pregnant from Chloe, found out she was at the Convent of the Holy Cross, went there, heard Sami praying and saying she would never let EJ know about the baby. And how she mentioned to the nun that Baker’s Clinic is a perfect place to give birth, so very private. She goes on at how Mia gave birth, and she took the baby to the clinic, not knowing that Sami was giving birth right then. She managed to switch the babies, Sami left immediately after giving birth. She just wanted to give him his own daughter, and she did. We hear sirens, Nicole tries to leave, but a couple cops arrive, putting her under arrest, handcuffing her, just as Sami & Rafe arrive with Sydney.

OH, thanks for the great write up Barb!!, So glad to see all of this finally happening, I am only fearing the twist, as this is Days and nothing is ever how it seems.
I also can't wait to see Vivian and Carly interact, this is a reunion many years in the making.
Thanks for the writeup. The scenes all sounds great.
Interesting how EJ will react to all this. It was because of Nicole that he was raising his own daughter, but then again she also let him think his baby died!

I actually feel bad for Chloe in these last couple episodes. Perhaps now she will start keeping her mouth shut about secrets. But I do like her for trying to get a hold of Lucas.

Wow is all I can type...... Thanks Barb....
I can't tell you how excited I am to see what happens with Carly and Vivian. If Vivian is going to come right out and tell her that she plans to make her suffer or if she is going to play nice and pretend she is her friend, you know, like the good old days before Vivian buried her alive.
I am so glad it is out! Finally we can move from the baby switch story. Not saying the story with the baby is over....but at least the switch is!! I cant wait to see EJ's reaction to the info that Sydney really is his bio child!! I do feel bad for Mia also! Her poor life has been turned upside down in order to protect what she thought was her child. And to now learn that the baby has died. So sad!!

And what can I say about Hope. The whole comment of Bo chose Carly over me! Get over yourself woman!!!! You chose your selfish needs over Bo a while back. Moving out, sending Ciara to a private school. And then moving in with Victor. What a crock!!! She is taking no responsibilty for her actions....& its driving me nuts!!!

Wonderful write up Barb... THanks!
Boy Wow, what a great write up Poirot. Thanks. Can't wait to see this one. Bet EJ is going to chance his mind about throwing out Sydney. So looking forward to Sami, Rafe, and Sydney together. I am more heartbroken for Mia. She has lost so much protecting Sydney not knowing that her little girl was dead.
Thank you, Barb. Sounds like an all around good show. I feel sorry for Mia having to keep going through all of this. The poor girl has been put through the wringer.

At least someone thought to let Lucas know what was going on.

Can't wait to see Carly open the door to find Vivian standing there. Its no secret that I can't stand Carly. I can't wait to see how Vivian tortures her. :clap:
Wow! Am buying Kleenix by the case these days!! EJ will probably take Sydney back, but I bet he'll never forgive Sami for not wanting him to know about her in the first place. Wonder who'll supply another new headstone for poor little Grace? Actually, I'd love it if Chad were EJ's son from one of his encounters when he was EJ Wells on the racing circuit. That would make him Grace's grandpa!
I probably sound mean...but I'm not sure I'll need a tissue as far as Nicole is concerned. There have been SO many lies and SO much trickery from her! Poor Mia... I am glad to see her caught! I wonder how long it will be before Stefano comes back?
Hides ~ I don't think Chloe has learned to keep her mouth shut. As soon as she learned what had happened she went running to EJ. Gads, I wanted to duct tape her mouth!!!!

Thanks for the write-up, Barb. This sounds like another great one.
I couldn't believe anyone could beat Maggie on spreading secrets but Chloe surely did today.

Hope admitted she made a mistake and wanted to go home but Bo talked her out of it. The blame for their continuing to be apart is Bo's, not Hope's. When Poirot stated, "Justin hugs her. Bo watches." I knew we were in for another round of misunderstanding between Bo and Hope. I wish the writers could think of something else for this couple.
FINALLY, it's out! I would love to see EJ's reaction to Nicole's ultimate lie-that she took Sami's baby! Is she taken away so soon or is that for another day? How about Brady? I wonder how he will react-helping Nicole-not knowing the baby belong's to his step sister!! How come these men are so dumb? I will NEVER feel sorry for NIcole. (must say she's a good actress!)
I can't stand Hope now. Going back to her spoiled selfish ways like when she was a kid!! It's too bad there are no super couples anymore. And no elaborate adventures; must be the budget cuts.
I probably sound mean...but I'm not sure I'll need a tissue as far as Nicole is concerned. There have been SO many lies and SO much trickery from her! Poor Mia... I am glad to see her caught! I wonder how long it will be before Stefano comes back?

So glad someone else thought the same thing I do! Who needs a tissue- unless seeing Sami re-united with her child is a tear jerker.
So I watched today's episode, was I the only one that thought Vivian seemed like Cruella De Ville, all you needed were a few dalmatians.

Can't wait to see Carly's face, priceless. And I love the way it made it seem like God's littlest angel, Grace, was guiding her daddy's, Rafe's, plight. EJ does give the best hurt faces...

:smile:All I can say is Finally''''''''''' Boy Adrian Zucker really looks like she might be having twins? We know she is pregnant, Does anyone know when she is due?:hot:
Vivian is definitely a bit over the top....I mentioned in another thread that if you watch the Movie Quotes link (Daze and Knights) just a few in is the Nora Desmond clip, and there is Vivian.

That said.....I have abhored Nicole theft of Sami's baby, said so many times, but that does not stop me from appreciating and being moved by Ari Zucker's (Nicole) performance in this episode. The tears just came. Her expressions as she realized the game was up, there was no more hope, she had lost her baby (this is how SHE looked at Sydney).

At one point, on the pier, EJ looks at his wedding ring, says something about he did not know why he was still wearing it, and takes it off, throwing it into the river as Nicole cries out, No, No.
I know Nicole deserves this but I'm sorry I cannot help feeling some sympathy and pitty. I mean even though what she did was horribly horribly wrong she is still the only mother Sydney knows and she is losing her daughter and Sydney is losing her 'mother'. I cannot help but feel sick to my stomach over this aspect of it.

And yes I totally do feel horrible for Sami in this as well. I can't imagine the pain, anger, and confusion she's feeling.

It's a messed up situation and I can't help it but I feel NO satisfaction in seeing Nicole lose it all again. If Days wanted us to cheer seeing her destroyed then they shouldn't have had Arianna (Nicole) playing Nicole so sympathetically. I know some hate her but the fact that many of us do feel for her, even if we hate what she did, makes it really hard for us to cheer right now.