Days of Our Lives - Tues. Nov. 17,2009

Thanks for the summary, Poirot.

@Jade, I agree. I'm not feeling any satisfaction in any of this. I'm not even feeling the joy that I'm sure I should for Sami. A child was just taken from her mother, I can't find anything to rejoice about in that. I don't care that Nicole was wrong, she is the one that is evoking empathy with me and so far, Sami's not. I haven't been able to buy into Sami's happiness, so that just leaves me with heartbreak for Nicole. More than ever, I truly want Sydney to turn out to be Nicole's after all. I didn't expect to feel that way. I thought that if Sami were to think Sydney were her child even for a minute, I would hate the thought of Sami losing her. But, Sydney does not seem like Sami's child to me (so far anyway). Maybe it is good in a way that I can't seem to invest in what is playing out onscreen so that if it later turns out that Sami loses Sydney just like Nicole is now, I won't feel as heartbroken for Sami as I now do for Nicole.
I think that's what makes this such great drama and proves that Arianne Zucker as Nicole is a great actress. Even though she is the villain, so to speak, she strongly believed that her heart and motives were in the right place. And we were in on this whole thing from the beginning, understood her motivation even if we didn't approve of it, and we fell in love with Sydney through Nicole. Nicole and Sydney had great chemistry. That may sound weird, but the baby clearly didn't like everyone, especially the men. So the bond between Nicole and Sydney was very believable. It will be sad to see them apart. Looking forward to the episode. Thanks Poirot.
Thanks for another great write up, Barb.

Adrian Zucker really looks like she might be having twins? We know she is pregnant, Does anyone know when she is due?

This episode was taped beginning of Oct. I think I read awhile ago that she's due in Dec. So, that would make her about 7 mos at time of taping.
Yes, Jason 47's site says Dec. 2009.
For the most part I enjoy your posts. They always leave out a lot and I'm not sure why. This one falls short by leaving out how angry EJ is at Nicole and that he takes his ring off and throws it into the river. To me, that is a hugh omission.
Considering that Poirot does these summaries on her own time and for our enjoyment, I'd rather not bite the hand that feeds me. I think she is very thorough and objective. If I didn't, I wouldn't read them and would look for my Day Ahead fix somewhere else.

The part about EJ's ring is in a later post in this thread.
I agree with KathyLu and Old Cowgirl WHOLEHEARTEDLY! Poirot does a super job with her previews and keeping this place going. I picture her completely bald after pulling out all her hair! - is that why she has so many hats?

We forget to say thank you, but we sure do appreciate you, Poirot!!!!!!!!!
thank you, KathyLu, I do understand that not only you, but many, many others here appreciate my efforts. I got up at 5:30 this morning, after only 5 hrs. of sleep. watched Days, then typed up this summary from what I remembered as I typed.
If I suddenly realize I have forgotten something, I come back and add it in another post.
@Deb4Ejami..Gee......hmmm, did you miss this line in my summary ...EJ wants to know what the heck she is talking about, he is angry and yelling, demanding she explain.
When I type this up in Word, it is 2 1/2 pages long. If you want a transcript, there are sites that provide those. I do not.
If you check the description of this forum, you will see it says "a short and sweet summary of the show - a Day Ahead". When I started doing these the summaries were just that, only about 1/2 page. Some days, it is now 3 pages long. I hold a full time job. I am very glad that 99.9% of those who come here appreciate what I do, and probably get a kick out of seeing something they did not know was going to happen when they get to watch the show. Thanks for the compliment, tho. Maybe TV Guide, or your local newspaper can fill you in with more detail. :rolleyes:

All in all it comes down to, I am human like everyone else.
I'm jumping in to say that I appreciate everything that you do. If you give us a one paragraph summary--that's one paragraph that we would not have without you. I believe you are amazing to watch and then to be able to give the manydetails that you do.

We are The Day's Family and just like any other family--if you don't like it--don't let the door hit you in the rear as you leave.

I'm proud to be a member of this nutty group---I'll even admit that I'm one of the nuttiest nuts!

Please know that many apprecaite you!

Thanks Barb for all you do!
Monday's show for some reason did not record on my tv except for the last 15 minutes. I knew if I logged into your Days Ahead site that I would not miss a beat. I would miss terrific acting, but not the storyline.
Your write up was fantasticly written that day and this day's. I cannot tell you how many times I wish I could have had this site to reference like 15 years ago.
Thank you for all your efforts!:clap:
Bow wow

So I watched today's episode, was I the only one that thought Vivian seemed like Cruella De Ville, all you needed were a few dalmatians.

Can't wait to see Carly's face, priceless. And I love the way it made it seem like God's littlest angel, Grace, was guiding her daddy's, Rafe's, plight. EJ does give the best hurt faces...

Vivian's " Robe " was a hoot! Ididn't think of the 101 dalmations I kept thinking of The queen of hearts. I could almost hear her saying " OFF With her (Carly's) HEAD!!
Thank You

Thank you to Poirot for taking time out of your LIFE to provide us Days fanatics our short and sweet summaries a day ahead. I greatly appreciate it. I haven't been a member of this forum for a long time, but I have been reading the days ahead for quite a while before coming on board. I appreciate the fact that you provide as much detail as you do as succinctly as you do, earlier than any other site I have come across and rarely missing a day. Bravo to you. I usually can read your posts quickly in the morning or late in the evening with great satisfaction. I like that fact because I doubt I would have time to read a daily dissertation. Don't change a thing. :clap::clap::clap::clap:
I can not wait for more of Sami/Rafe/EJ/Nicole &Sydney. :hot: i really want to see Ej's interaction with Sami & Sydney. EJ is now indebt to Rafe, which will be interesting to see how that goes. I really hope they don't push Rafe out and EJ back in. I think Rafe has shown over and over again how much he loves Sami and her children. I have been rewatching episodes from last year when Sami was in witness protection. Sami gave him such greif as only Sami can do. I used to be such a die hard Ejami fan , but I am now all for SAFE.

Hope I am so beyond her crap, she brought her situtation onto herself. She needs to grow up. There is no way I would let my husband be alone let alone with his Ex. O-well it wouldn't be a drama without this issue.

the one a truly feel sorry for his poor Mia. she has been used and abused so much. I hope Maggie can help her keep being strong. I also think Carly is Mia's mother.
Thanks Barb for all you do!
Monday's show for some reason did not record on my tv except for the last 15 minutes. I knew if I logged into your Days Ahead site that I would not miss a beat. I would miss terrific acting, but not the storyline.
Your write up was fantasticly written that day and this day's. I cannot tell you how many times I wish I could have had this site to reference like 15 years ago.
Thank you for all your efforts!:clap:

@ downtown: you can go to youtube and type in "days of our lives sami vs nicole" look for 11/16/09 and see those scenes. They were too awesum to miss. :hot:
So glad someone else thought the same thing I do! Who needs a tissue- unless seeing Sami re-united with her child is a tear jerker.

I totally agree. I've actually been laughing and cheering as Nicole's treachery is revealed. :clap:

Brady deserves to suffer from all the guilt he earned. He should have told Nicole "NO" a long time ago. He's supposed to be in a 12 step program. Which step covers the dishonesty he's been perpetrating? He should be arrested, too - for aiding and abetting.

Poor Mia. As if she hasn't been through enough, she has to deal with the death of Grace all over again, all the lies and betrayal. Now, the poor kid has the evil Vivian sniffing at her heels. That can only end badly. Afterall - it's Vivian! That poor child.

Rafe standing in the doorway bringing the baby to Sami, that was a tender moment worthy of reaching for a tissue. :)
I can not wait for more of Sami/Rafe/EJ/Nicole &Sydney. :hot: i really want to see Ej's interaction with Sami & Sydney. EJ is now indebt to Rafe, which will be interesting to see how that goes. I really hope they don't push Rafe out and EJ back in. ... I also think Carly is Mia's mother.

EJ has another problem. He took over the drug biz from Victor and now Brady is determined to find the Salem kingpin. Victor set EJ up! :patch: Brady won't let his lady go back to jail. He'll follow the trail to EJ. (oops! Buyer's remorse??)

I got that feeling about Carly and Mia, too.
In regards to Carly and Mia, Why else would you think Vivian would follow a young teenager for information?
Considering that Poirot does these summaries on her own time and for our enjoyment, I'd rather not bite the hand that feeds me. I think she is very thorough and objective. If I didn't, I wouldn't read them and would look for my Day Ahead fix somewhere else.

The part about EJ's ring is in a later post in this thread.

ITA! I love her write-ups. I usually read day ahead write-ups at two different places because each gives me a way of looking at the episode that the other doesn't.