Days of Our Lives - Tues., Sept. 5, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Did a bit of eye rolling today as Claire comes into the apt,, with Theo walking out, clad only in a towel. She tells of Mr. Brinkley, the landlord stopping her, asking about the rent, they have til Friday to come up with it. Back & forth about having Tripp move in. Knock, knock, Tripp is at the door. Just wanted to say goodbye, he is moving, has donated all his money to charity, needs to cut expenses, find a job, etc. Claire invites him to move in there, Theo obviously is against it, she pulls Theo aside, questions the why, as he had indicated it was because of Joey, but Claire knows better. Just what is his problem? Theo doesn't admit his jealousy, but it appears she realizes it. She tells Theo that Tripp needs a place, and they need a roommate, and he had better get off his high horse, or he will be riding it out of that apartment. Theo welcomes Tripp, starts yakking about not drinking out of a carton in frig, Claire chimes in with not putting thermostate below 68 on the A/C or she will freeze. (really? A/C?? It is September!) Tripp leaves to get his things, Claire & Theo talk a bit, then she leaves to see if Ttipp needs any boxes.

Earlier, Steve & Tripp are at the hospital to see Kayla, who is rather cold to both. Tripp apologizes for all the trouble he has made, the pain he has caused, and wants to donate his entire inheritance to the hospital. Kayla refuses to accept it. Tripp leaves, Steve tries talking to her, but she calls it blood money. They now have a long conversation/debate about her seeing Steve & Tripp toasting beers at the Pub, her son in jail, she doesn't have him, Steve has Tripp. They go over his failure to be around when their kids were growing up, Steve comments that what Stefano did to him is why he wasn't there for Stephanie, and he left Africa only to keep her & Joey safe. She knows that. They go back and forth, round and round. She talks of Joey when little, being scared of dark places, calling her cuz of a monster in the room, lights on, examining all the corners, til he felt safe. Steve is sorry he wassn't there, but reminds her that Joey did what he did because he wanted to protect his family. Don't let Ava's ghost prevent them from dealing with everything together. More back & forth, finally Kayla agrees to accept the donation from Tripp. Steve leaves to tell him.

Replay of Gabi listening to the recording, Raines coming in, threatening her. Meanwhile, Rafe has called Eli, told him of Dario's call, the pkg. he sent himself. They both head over to the club, find the police tape broke, draw guns, go inside. a quick search, no one there, but they find the envelope. Uh, oh, Rafe then notices Gabi's purse, they realize Raines has her, and back to the station.

Raines has hauled Gabi to some house, sheets on furniture, paintings on wall askew, as if the place was tossed. He pushes her onto the sofa, then begins ranting about Dario, all he did for him, , helped him, got this place for him, blah, blah, He stomps on the recording, waves his gun around, talks of all he did, then Dario betrayed him. Gabi is not afraid of him, rants about what he did to Abigail, that he was someone people trusted and he failed them. He just goes on and on about Dario betraying him, Rafe & Hope causing problems, and now her, and she has become a liability, so has to be dealt with.

Hope is at the Kmansion, questioning Bonnie/Adrienne as to what Anjelica was doing in her room, and in her bed. Bonnie evades, fusses, Justin steps in, sort of offering various explanations, but not letting Hope question Bonnie too much, and insisting that Adrienne was with him all night. Hope says she isn't accusing Adrienne of anything, just wanting some answers. Justin says maybe Anj wanted to mend fences, which doesn't explain why Anj was naked in the bed. Hope says they will have to wait for autopsy as to cause of death, leaves.

Justin is puzzled, flashback to Bonnie not wanting him to stay in that hotel room, etc. He mentions it, Bonnie claims it is because she still has a thing about her body, after the surgery, yada yada, Justin buys it, goes to call Alexander to tell him about his mother. Oh, yeah, says Bonnie, your son with Anj. Tell him I said hi. When Justin is gone, Bonnie quickly calls Hattie, ranting over "why was Anjelica naked in the bed, and what did you do after I left".

Back at the cop shop, Eli, Hope & Rafe are going over files, trying to figure where Raines has taken Gabi. Rafe finds some list of Dario's assets, the Club, a few other businesses, and this house, bet that is where Raines has Gabi.

And at that house, Raines is walking around the sofa, where Gabi is seated, waving his gun. He cocks it, then walks behind Gabi, aiming it at her head, as she cringes.
Sorry, folks, tis 55 here today, tho we are to start climbing back up. However, in September, temps usually run in the low 70s, maybe high 60s in Illinois, as well as in just thought it odd about the warning not to set the A/C BELOW 68. Egads, don't know anyone who would set an a/c below 70, in fact, below 72!!
We still run the AC occasionally in September when the humidity gets bad, or when things that affect my allergies are bad.

Glad Eli & Rafe figured out the Gabi mess fast.

Did Bonnie really call her Anj rather than Anjelica? That should totally set off Justin's poo radar as well as Hope's.
I'm still using mine, and my bedroom ceiling fan runs all winter.
LOL, and where you live, I probably would, too. However, usually, where Salem is supposedly located, one just opens a window, but no one does A/C in that area below 72 anyway. Just thought that a very odd statement, being we are going into a cooler season in the midwest.
Well, being that this episode was filmed 5-6 mos ago in L.A. area, written even before that, lol, am guessing they all were thinking "warmer weather coming". Ha.
What world does Gabi live in that gives her the right to cross the police tape then open someone else's mail? Why doesn't this girl grow up and spend her free time with her obviously neglected daughter?
Off topic.....Pennsylvania gal here. The least bit of heat + humidity + heat flashes = A.C. until it snows. Oh yes, and the fan is on all 4 seasons at night as well.
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Today featured several only-in-Salem scenarios.

Please shut up: Was there ever a more talkative prisoner than gabby Gabi? If today's episode was an HBO production, Raines would have shot Gabi during the first 15 minutes just to shut her up.

Usurpation of power: It's a good thing that Kayla changed her mind about a gift of the Vitali millions. Who was she to refuse a gift? If Chief Administrator Burns had heard of this he would have a conniption fit and then been on the phone to Little Trippy in a Salem second.

The living dead?: The way Kayla talks about Joey, you'd almost think he'd died. Has she ever heard of visiting hours? Toward the end of his time in prison, Tricky Nicky seemed to get two a day. Besides, Joey could be out in no time because those convicted of Salem homicides never seem to serve long sentences. Kayla could ask gabby Gabi about that after she's rescued.

Afraid of monsters: If Joey was afraid of monsters in his room as a child, why did Kayla bring him back to Salem, where real monsters lurk around every corner?

The friendly Caymans: Raines wants to go there? An online ad for Caymans tourism states, "We have some of the friendliest locals you'll ever meet." If grouchy, nasty Raines ever took up residence there, the tourist board would have to modify its slogan.
Thanks for the summary. Hope I get to watch this tonight and don't let them pile up like I did last week.

A/C off and on here, probably till November. It's not unusual for people around here to set theirs lower than 68* but that would not be me. Mine goes between 78* and 80*, and I turn it off for at least half of the morning, even in summer.
Thanks, Poirot.

How cold do they keep the apartment if 68 is too cold? It has a loft area, maybe
it has to be cold to cool that area. And Claire could wear warmer clothing if
she's cold.

I kept wondering how tall Gabi is or if she was wearing heels since she was almost
the same height has Raines.

I can't believe Justin didn't try harder to find out from "Adrienne" why Anjelica was
in her hotel room. And Salem cop, Hope should have done a better job asking
her questions.

So who will save Gabi? Will it be her brother or one of her ex boyfriends? Is it possible
Chad is in the woods to save the day :) or will it be someone else?
Thank you for the summary, Poirot.

Geez, I'm so tired of the doppelgangers. I've had enough of Bonnie and Hattie.

It looks like Raines will finally be arrested. Hopefully the next few hours in Salem don't last a week or two in real time.

Thankfully we didn't have to give Kayla a slap up the side of her head for refusing the money. :whack:

No AC at my house, and I've only had to use the fans 3 times this summer to be able to sleep.
Oh, yeah, says Bonnie, your son with Anj.
This is the 1000th thing that should have fried her. Although I enjoy the performer getting some meat out of this role, this is officially the time at which it should cease.

Why isn't Hope onto Bonnie? Did she never encounter her at Statesville?

Kayla - get a grip. I wish they'd retcon things to say that Steve was with Joey when he was growing up (when did he grow up, exactly?). It was all-around lousy writing that he wasn't on canvas when Kayla returned. In a town where the dead can return and convicts roam freely (provided the actor has a good agent), why can't an absentee dad be retconned along with the SORAS?

Today's episode would have been more bearable if Tripp was also in a towel. I know I'm the only one supporting a Theo/Tripp bromance, but their immature snarking and unbelievable storyline (that loft is being paid for by a glorified intern, an unemployed guy, and a waitress?) would be easier to watch if the visuals popped better.

Furthermore, I'm over Kayla going on about how poor Joe's life has been stolen by Ava. I shed no tears for Ava; but Joey murdered her, not vice versa. (All this from a ridiculous insta-prison sentence for a crime with no evidence, too.) Let's all recall that Joe not only murdered Ava, but also engaged in a kidnapping, two unlawful imprisonments, and vandalism in Salem alone. Come to think of it...did he ever return to California over that little robbery matter? Yet Kayla and Steve talk as if he just got caught up with a bad crowd who knocked over a liquor store (à la Teenage Crime Wave or some such dreck).

I'm finding it hard to believe that Joe is gone for good, or even in any real peril (considering that actual murderers Hope and Gabi are prancing about town creating more havoc through their questionable life choices). Why must soaps pretend we don't have some awareness that the actor has left the show, but the role will be recast? As such it's hard to believe Kayla and it's a given she will return to Steve. Why bother? Solution: Cast them in scenes and stories apart from each other, and show them having a romantic evening in a month or so, with Kayla explaining that she needed time, but is adjusting.
So, Raines took Gabi hostage, eh?

Well, it's a good thing Eduardo's in prison. If Eddie found out about that, then he would have had someone Eduardo assumes Raines cares about (without double-checking) kidnapped and beaten up, and he would not be remorseful. Instead he'd call it a game. :rolleyes: