Days of Our Lives--Tuesday, 3/03/15


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Dec 30, 2012
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Jennifer walks in on Eve and JJ in bed, saying "no!". They turn around, JJ gets up and puts his pants on as Jennifer shuts the door. She jumps on Eve, calling her a "pathetic wh**e", hitting her (all really weird, because Eve is still naked under the sheets). JJ grabs his mom, holding her back. Jennifer brings up all the times Eve was making all those sick hints about the man "who wants everything she has to give"--JJ looks upset here. Jennifer keeps talking about how Eve was vicious in the past, about Jack and Frankie, and now she's so disgusting that she'd steal her daughter's boyfriend just to get back at Jennifer. Eve is teary-eyed, saying nothing the whole time. JJ takes some of the blame, tells his mom how they didn't plan this, it's just as much his fault as it is Eve's. Jennifer can't believe he would hurt Paige this way, realizes that Eve was "the other girl" all along, she gets mad that JJ did this with her after the lawsuit and Eve's terrible past with Jennifer. JJ looks down as Jennifer asks if he has feelings for Eve. He can't answer, and Jennifer decides they'll talk later about it. She's getting ready to leave, but Eve stops her by blocking the door, begging her not to tell Paige because she's just a kid. Jennifer tells Eve that JJ is also "just a kid", but Eve had no problem treating him like an adult. Eve tells Jennifer that she's not vicious, but Jennifer tells Eve "you only hope". Jennifer throws Eve's keys at her. She gets ready to go, but Eve grabs Jennifer's arm and Jennifer slaps her, telling her never to touch her again. Outside the room, JJ tries to talk to his mom, but she is upset with him. Later, Eve gets into her apartment, sees that Paige called, and listens to the message. In the Square, JJ and Jennifer are yelling, Jennifer asks how JJ could do this...and Paige is behind that big tree, listening and watching with interest.

Earlier, Paige came and met with Kayla at the hospital. Some chit-chat about JJ after Paige sees a Deveraux family pic (without Jack). Kayla asks Paige if she wants to be another doctor's mentee, since Kayla is a family friend of theirs. Paige refuses, claims to be over JJ, never thinks about him, has a date. Paige insists she'll never fall in love again, because it's a weakness, people always let you down. Kayla insists that Paige will find Mr. Right, she's pretty and smart, love is never wrong. Paige says that JJ can't hurt her anymore than he already did.

Also in the hospital, Nicole walks in with a gift for Daniel, but he wasn't in his office. She comes and asks Maxine to give it to him, but Maxine doesn't trust Nicole, especially after how she hurt Daniel on New Years. Nicole begs, really likes Maxine, but Maxine walks away. Nicole leaves.
Serena is in the Club flashing back to arguing with Eric over the elephant (he is in his apartment, also remembering the incident). She then flashes back to talking on the phone with Navidad. Melanie calls her, wants Serena to come over to talk about Mandrake, but Serena's stressed, doesn't know if she can. She hangs up because Eric calls her, wants to make things right and have lunch, but he doesn't want to talk anymore about the elephant. This upsets Serena, she makes some excuse about being busy, can't do lunch today. She hangs up, and Nicole walks in, asking if there's trouble in paradise. Words are exchanged, though Nicole's trying to be nice.
Serena leaves and goes to Melanie's. They chat about Mandrake, some talk of tax returns, immoral doctors. Melanie makes a joke about Serena being one of them, but Serena thinks she's serious. She mentions something about running into Nicole, and how stressed she is. Then, she decides to go since she's running late, but Parker wakes up, wants to play with his favorite toy (the elephant has been sitting on the lazy boy chair the whole time, partially covered by a blanket). Serena guesses that it's a tablet, since all kids are obsessing over them these days. But Melanie says it's something more old-school, and goes to get it to show Serena.

Back at the Horton House, Lucas and Adrienne's faces are closer, but they pull away. They chat some, Lucas and her both appreciate their friendship with each other. However, Lucas insists they stop seeing each other so that she can get things back on track with Justin. He knows what he wanted to happen just now, and thinks Adrienne feels the same. She leaves to go get Sonny.
At the hospital, Will has walked in to the room, is very rude to Paul, but Sonny says that Will made Paul get involved in this whole situation. Sonny remarks that he needs time away, and is going to visit Alex in Phoenix. Will asks how long, and Sonny says he doesn't know when he'll be back, but isn't giving up on their marriage. Will can't believe he's supposed to just wait in limbo (gee, Will, just like you made Sonny wait without any contact while you were in Hollywood?). He brings up Arianna needing a family, the good times they had, love they shared. Sonny just thinks he has to take some time to sort things out. Will asks Paul to give them a moment alone. Paul leaves, runs into Adrienne outside the elevator. He makes a remark about thinking physical therapy will take forever, something about Sonny leaving the hospital today, and tells Adrienne to take care of herself. Adrienne wonders how he knew about Sonny being released. Back in the room, Sonny tells Will that making Paul leave doesn't mean that Sonny has anything more to say to Will. Will asks Sonny the same question about if he married Will because he couldn't have Paul. Before Sonny can answer, Kayla and Adrienne walk in, Sonny signs release forms. Adrienne asks if Will is taking Sonny home after all, but Sonny says that Will is busy, and asks Adrienne to take him to the airport, explains about Alex. Adrienne asks if Will is coming, Will hopes so. Will hugs Sonny, kisses his cheek, tells Sonny never to forget that he loves him. Adrienne has a strange look on her face as Will leaves. Will runs into Paul by the elevator, knows Paul wants Sonny back, but Will says that will never happen.

In the Club, Eric walks in and runs into Nicole, who fills him in on seeing Serena there. Eric doesn't want to talk to her about his issues with Serena. But Nicole thinks Serena is the one, wants her & Eric to be friends again, they chat more. He smiles, thinks anything is possible, tells her to take care as he walks away. But he stops, turns around and thanks Nicole, before giving her a big hug.
Oh, I was kind of cheering her on as well. I don't really like Jennifer, but her reaction today was really understandable and realistic. Melissa Reeves (Jennifer) really acted her butt off!!! So did Kassie DePaiva (Eve); she may not have said much, but her facial expressions were perfect.
LOL, Didn't realize you were going to do the summary today, daysdg....Good thing, tho, as I had an unexpected business conversation right after the show ended, so was just going to start writing, and came here to say, the summary would be late. LOL. Thank you!

gotta say, I was cheering Jen on, laughing like mad as she jumped on that bed, going physically after Eve, who could say absolutely nothing. Jen is throwing punches, while Eve holds a pillow in front of her as protection. Toooo funny. But Jen was soooo mad. All the scenes there were truly so fun to watch. Worth waiting for. :)
It was a go Jen go kind of day. The look on Eve's face one of devastation, embarrassment and shame. Glad Jen did not let JJ off the hook either and ask how could you do this to Paige.

I have no problem with Will asking Sonny how he really feels about if he thinks he is second choice. I read other posts on another site where they were saying Freddie Smith (Sonny) was not at his best today and thought Guy Wilson (Will) did a better job. It was a tender moment Will hugged and kissed Sonny saying I love you even though Sonny kind of stood there, although did not move away. Had to roll my eyes when Will asked do I just have to wait around while you are gone; what about LA Will?
The Eve/Jennifer thing was definitely weird. I've missed so much between the first time Eve and JJ... Became intimate... And now, I'm going to have to go read back on summaries. I didn't see a whole lot, just Jennifer being held back by shirtless JJ because she was screaming at and trying to hit naked Eve, and I saw Kayla asking Paige if maybe she should have another mentor.
Eric and Nicole hug???? I'll take it! You gotta start somewhere!

I CAN NOT WAIT to see Jen tackle and smother naked Eve before leaving her with a parting slap.

Will Horton does not get to play the "Ari needs her family" card. And how nice of him to try to make Paul feel bad when he alone is responsible for his husband leaving town.
It's clear that "Hate Boink V" was one hate boink too many, devolving into the mother of all cat fights followed by one of Jenny's best-ever rants. Although most of the dialogue for the great discovery scene consisted of Jenny's rant, the best lines went to JJ for " Mom, I can explain," and Eve for "You don't even know what's going on here." Unfortunately for Eve, Jenny may be clueless, but she's not that clueless. And things ended in a typical Salem way, with JJ and Jennifer apparently about to discuss the dirtiest of Deveraux secrets in the middle of the Town Square. Elsewhere, Melanie needs a reality check if she thinks that Serena is "level-headed," and Maxine should cut Nicole some slack. Speaking of Serena, a fitting end to the story of "Fred the Elephant" would be for the Love Doctor to walk in on Serena fighting Parker for possession of it.
Hate Boink V
Hate Boink V - Hatier and Boinkier
Speaking of Serena, a fitting end to the story of "Fred the Elephant" would be for the Love Doctor to walk in on Serena fighting Parker for possession of it.
I only hope it would be as epic as Sami and Ciara fighting over the diamond earring.

This could end up with Serena having to take Parker to the local Salem hobby shop and buying him thousands of dollars worth of model trains.
...This could end up with Serena having to take Parker to the local Salem hobby shop and buying him thousands of dollars worth of model trains.

How would they know he wants them? LOL

Loved Lucas & Adrienne's scenes, Lucas is the stand-up guy of this show, and should be its hero instead of that slimy doc and his dim daughter.

I'm tired of Maxine propping Dr McScruff. I don't get why Sonny has to leave town. I don't understand why Jennifer is making this all about her, and Eve. I did like how neither Eve nor JJ tried to defend their actions. But, they're adults, this should not be shocking.

And let's stop pretending that JJ and Paige were in "love." They are both barely out of high school. Jen acts like they were engaged. I really hope Paige is so mortified that she leaves town forever, never to be mentioned again. (Like that one guy - you know, who left Salem without a trace....)

I didn't hate the Eric/Nicole scene but I'm a long way from wanting him to be alive, let alone with her. I'm also hoping that in the fight for the Elephant, Parker accidentally conks Serena on the head with it (à la Lisanne Gardner) and her good twin can come to town. (And seriously, what parent lets their kid play with a 10 lb ceramic elephant? LOL)
This could end up with Serena having to take Parker to the local Salem hobby shop and buying him thousands of dollars worth of model trains.
Sounds good. Maybe Parker would end up with so many trains that Dr. McScruffy would have to buy a bigger place so the whole collection of locomotives, cars, and track can be set up. Maybe Kate could give him a good price on the DiMansion. As for Ms. Priss blaming the JJ-Eve hate boinks on Ms. Larson's long running rivalry with herself, that's way too Jenny-centric. Jen Jen should realize that a better explanation is that Eve is a frustrated dime-store Mrs. Robinson with a taste for college guys and her son is so interested in sex that that he just might mate with a tree if the opportunity presented itself.
I did not like how the Jen/Eve scene started. I thought it was ridiculous that Jen would jump on the naked under the sheets Eve and try and smother her with a pillow. The rest of it I liked and I liked that Jen said to JJ "oh really, was you too? Way to be a man and own up to it" or words to that effect.

I was afraid she'd make him be the victim. I realize she does think Eve started it. I don't even remember what started it. What they were yelling at each other about? Just Paige? I was glad that Jen didn't say in the middle of Horton square "how could you sleep with Eve Donovan!" But Paige definitely knows something is up. The fallout should be interesting.

Is Serena gonna man-handle poor little Parker to get that damn elephant? Now that she knows it's there she can just swap them. Of course Parker, being in child, will know that is not the same elephant.

Will. No one to blame but yourself. Paul did not know you were married because you didn't wear your ring but you knew you were married. All your fault.