DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Tuesday, May 20th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

Episode #10,830 Taped 4/23 Director – Noel Maxam

Where do I begin? How about with Abe, who is playing with Theo on the floor, trying to teach him how to do something with blocks. Lexie is reading the paper, but telling Abe he should not try to push him. She gets down on the floor, tries to get Theo to say the work, “block”. It seems Theo rarely speaks, and goes to a therapist to help. Abe feels when he is ready, he will talk. Theo seems tired, Lexie puts him to bed. When she returns, Abe has poured wine for them both. Lexie complains of her back hurting, Abe gives her a short massage, leading to a couple kisses, and they start to “go upstairs”. She gets a phone call from the hospital, he has gotten Theo back to sleep. Abe tells her that Theo can sense the tension between them, and Lexie once more talks of seeing a marriage counseler.

Nick comes into the Pub to talk to Max. He talks of the heavy scene at the hospital, asks after the Johnson baby, then talks a bit about the breakup with Chelsea, he is convinced she is into Dr. Jonas. Max thinks it is terrible if Jonas went after her, but no, Nick thinks it just happened, and they talk of Stephanie, saying that it is good Chelsea is there for her (HA!)….then starts in again on the grant. Max claims he only cleaned up the work, but Nick prods, so Max claims that the beer obscured a couple equations, so he asked Professor Simmons to look at it. Nick wonders why Max just did not give it back to him, but Max reminds him he got the funding, his proposal was approved, so what is the big deal. Stephanie comes in, Max goes to her, she tells them the baby is in ICU, and no one will tell them anything, nor let them see the baby. She goes outside to call the hospital, Nick goes to call Professor Simmons, while Max also tries to reach that professor. Fortunately, he is not in, Nick leaves a message on his voice mail. Nick leaves & Stephanie badgers Max about what he did to the grant, knows he worked on it all night, talks of honestly between them, yada, yada, and finally Max admits to her that he fixed Nick’s equation mistakes.

Chelsea & Daniel are still passionately kissing in the locker room, he pushes her away, saying this cannot be, turns away, she pulls him back and begins kissing him again. They hear a female voice, he pushes Chelsea into his locker, and in comes 2nd year resident, Amber Kress, who takes one look at the towel only clad doctor, and tells him it looks like she caught him at a good time. LOL. Major flirting now, as she comes on strong. She researched him on the internet, knows all about Dr. Jonas, talks of his environmental work in Sweden, and too bad he already took a shower, cuz they could have saved water by showering together. She also is a surfer, thinks they could go together for a weekend sometimes. She mentions Lexie offering him a staff position, him turning it down, etc. Daniel is very aware of Chelsea in the locker, awkwardly stumbles around in his replies, finally saying he is seeing someone. Amber gets a call, has to go, gives him her phone number “in case things don’t work out”, leaves, and Daniel lets Chelsea out. She is smiling, knowing that the someone he seeing is her. He tells her she should not be there, she agrees to leave, and does so.

At the jail, Lucas is so happy he is going to be able to leave, but Mickey warns him he is only completing his sentence while under house arrest. Someone brings in papers for Lucas to sign, and Mickey goes over them with him. He has to wear the ankle monitor, cannot go more than 10 yards outside the perimeter. Lucas is o.k. with that, but not sure how Sami will like him being underfoot all the time, the apartment is not that big. Now Mickey lets him know Sami is living at the DiMera mansion, with John & Marlena. Lucas is shocked, but Maggie & Mickey explain she needed help with the twins, and was running out of money, Marlena offered. Why is Marlena there? Maggie explains how she thought it might help John remember. Lucas realizes he would have known about this if he had accepted Sami’s calls, or agreed to see her. Mickey assures him John knows he is coming, even tho he does not remember Lucas, and actually has to sign the agreement before Lucas was permitted to leave. Mickey tells him he would not be able to leave the mansion without permission, and a police escort…….and that if he did, a light will activate, telling the police he has broken the agreement. He sends Lucas to get his own clothes, Lucas leaves. Mickey comments they did not tell Lucas that EJ was living there, too….but Maggie replies that it will be up to Sami to tell Lucas about EJ, not them.

And over at the mansion, things are hot, heavy and very passionate between EJ and Sami. Make sure you have a fan handy, as you are going to need it, plus maybe a cold wash cloth. LOL. They have fallen into bed, and really going strong, when….ah, crying from the twins! LOL. Next we see them wearily returning to the bedroom, where Sami is tired, wants to go to sleep, is really not in the mood any more. EJ just stands in front of her, says, let’s see, where were we, and begins kissing her neck, and before you know it, she is removing his tank top again, and they are back in bed, rolling around in those L-shaped sheets only made for soaps. LOL. (you know, they are at the guy’s waist, but across the gal’s chest. LOL. )
Out in front, Lucas has arrived with an officer at the DiMera mansion door. He comments that this is it. I can’t wait to see what Sami will say when she sees me. And the scene shifts back to the bedroom where Sami & EJ are really rolling around on the bed, kissing chests and tummies…….and things are very hot and heavy.

Eeeek!! What a great episode. I have it set to record at home, but I might just go to the gym & watch as well!! :)
So they are just gonne throw Chelsea & Dan together & then automatically make a triangle out of it with the new Lady Doc?? Wow!! The writers arent giving the viewers a chance at all with this are they?
Thanks for the write up!
So let me get this straight. Random women now are apparently throwing themselves at Daniel while in the locker room. Am I the only one who doesn't find him THAT HAWT? Whatever.

And why must Nick continue to talk about Chelsea? I would have preferred if Max had admitted to Nick and not Stephanie he fixing Nick's formula. And how does Max know Professer Simmons.

Do I really care about Abe and Lexie?

EJami sounds hot. Poor Lucas though.
Thanks for the write up Barb.... I am fan ready!

Holy Hottness .....
Poor Lucas

Oh, Poor Lucas...........I know Sami missed him an awful lot and he wouldn't take her calls, but this will break his heart.....
You would think that Lucas would have learned by now to "call ahead". Everytime he tries to surprise Sami, he is the one that gets a surprise! I really love Lucas and Sami (sorry can't do the combined name thing..I hate it) I'm tired of the things/people always coming between them. I know, even bo and hope are not immune, but sami and lucas never get a chance to have a happy home for any length of time.

Dan and Chelsea.....Hate it, hate it, hate it.

Abe and Lexie.....same ole, same ole. I like the actors. Please give them something good. who in Salem doesn't have marital issues?????

Nick, Max, there really a purpose? If so, lets get to it quickly.

Kay & Steve.....not sure where it is going yet.

Philip & Chloe.....LOVE Philip..can't stand Chloe.

EJ & Nikki......are absolutely great together...I hope they take them there!

OK..I don't speak often, but I like to cover everything when I do!

Thanks for the write-ups. I'd be lost without them.
I'm confused that Theo isn't talking. I remember a scene at the diner with all of them and he talked his head off. Must have been something recent. Hmmm...looks like EJ and Sami didn't really go "all the way" yet.
Confused me, too, Kathy. Came out of nowhere. Speech therapist??? Outside of both Abe & Lexie spending a great deal of time with their jobs, I just do not get this "tension in their marriage", this "Theo doesn't talk" business. I guess the writers figure it is time to give Abe & Lexie something to do. Shaking head here, as no idea.

A P.S. to the summary.....Nick gives a pep talk to Stephanie, talking of how Salem hospital has one of the best ICU baby units in the country, and something about a baby born 21 weeks, 6 days - who weighed 10 oz. who recently went home at the end of 4 months, and was fine.
A P.S. to the summary.....Nick gives a pep talk to Stephanie, talking of how Salem hospital has one of the best ICU baby units in the country, and something about a baby born 21 weeks, 6 days - who weighed 10 oz. who recently went home at the end of 4 months, and was fine.

Off topic here a bit...The 21 weeks thing. Isn't that a bunch of horse doo doo? I didn't think they would even treat a baby if it wasn't at least 24 weeks. I could be wrong...
Just finding this whole Max in the "Good Will Hunting" role strange.

Love Daniel and Chelsea.

I like Sami and EJ as well. However, I think that Lucas is about to have a major personality change and that could make him and Sami a little fresher storyline than it has been in recent times. He seemed rather whiney to me before he got busted. He was starting to have more of a backbone when he got put in jail. Can't wait to see how it all plays out.
EJ's explanation

I for one am so glad that the writers have decided to address the "conception" of Johnny (I think it was on Friday?) That is really a turning point for EJ and Sami. If that hadn't happened it would have been really sick for those two to get together. Now I can really see those two as a hot couple. Lucas has always been too whiney and bossy with Sami, and she was always second place to Carrie. Sami deserves someone who didn't want her sister first, and EJ has been smitten with her ever since he came to Salem. I hope it works out (but I read in a spoiler that Sami signs annullment papers :(. Hopefully she realizes her mistake and her and EJ can have a real wedding.
Fab and cold towels ready! EJ and Sami Whoo Hooo :smile:. I can't wait! The scene sounds :hot:!
So Barb ....

I have to ask your opinion I can't help myself - On a scale of 1 to 10 how "hot" was EJAMI in today's epi?
Oh, Poor Lucas...........I know Sami missed him an awful lot and he wouldn't take her calls, but this will break his heart.....

I do feel sorry for Lucas, but he did it to himself. He would not talk to Sami, and she was more than devoted to him. She tried and tried to call him, see him, communicate w/him. He told her to move on, and she finally does, and then here he comes again. Come'on this is the same old story with them....I really like Sami and EJ together, they have a spark that Sami and Lucas just didn't . They seem more like brother and sister than husband and wife. I can't wait for tomorrows show!
Another episode ruined by the crap that is surferdudeman and his little lusting lolita! Poor SC, a good guy stuck in this trainwreck!:sick:

At least there are some scenes on this show that sound good.
Is it the same kid that was playing Theo before? I liked him.

I'm glad they have the twins disrupting them...only because that's real.

So, John knows that Lucas is coming back but isn't saying anything to Sami. Well, that's actually pretty believable. I wonder if Marlena knows, too.
@lela........I am not sure if it or not. It seems so, however he has a mohawk haircut, and really did not get to see him up close.

@Bugadoo......your post is not discussing the summary, but other issues. Please try and stick to the thread subject. Thank you., was waiting for you to ask that. So far.......a 9.
Let me say this. Hot it is. Very passionate & sexy. Lustful for sure. (Daniel & Chelsea also were in lust....he had her down to her bra, before shoving her in the locker) Romantic, it is not! Especially in comparison to the Santo/Colleen scene of last summer. At least to me.
Off topic here a bit...The 21 weeks thing. Isn't that a bunch of horse doo doo? I didn't think they would even treat a baby if it wasn't at least 24 weeks. I could be wrong...

My neice was born at 20 1/2 weeks old. THANK GOD they treated her. She is 6 years old now and healthy as can be. That's not to say the 1st year of her life wasn't scary as hell, but I dread the thought that they might not have treated her.

Sorry, I know I don't post often. But I read everyday and I just had to throw my two cents in about that. While I'm at it... here's how I feel about the current S/Ls.

~Sami and EJ. I love them together. I am so glad they finally addressed the rape issues with Austin, and now we can move past how bad EJ was. Sami and EJ together work. I would much rather see them all fired up and passionate, then watch Lucas and Sami and be bored with them in about 2 minutes.

~Dan and Chelsea. I love them together. However, I do hope they move quickly past this whole we can't be together bit. It is old already. I am hoping some time with him, and Chelsea will be forced to grow up a bit.

~Nick and Max. I can totally see Max being a secret genius. He's hot, smart, and pretty sweet. Just wish he had some balls and acted like more of a man.

~Mickey and Maggie. Pick a side. You can't help EJ and Sami to be together and then help Lucas. While I am all for Sami and EJ beign together. It is not fair to Lucas that they didn't even warn him. I don't care what their reasoning about why he's goign to the mansion. He has NO business being there. He is not related to one person in that house. I think John agreed to it to further make Sami choose between EJ and Lucas. (Hopefully she goes for EJ and it doesn't take until Johnny and Allie are 5).

~Steve and Kayla. Ok, I am mad a Kayla. She should have followed doctor's orders and she MAY have been able to prevent some of the complications in her pregnancy. But, being a parent that has had a baby in NICU, my heart breaks for her. I have even had to fast forward through some scenes because they hit a little too close too home.

~Stephanie and Max. I love them. But I wish he'd just be open with her about the grant.

~Philip and Chloe. I'm ok with them. I am annoyed with Philip though. I know many think he is hot and all, but WAYYYY too arrogant for my taste.

~Lexie and Abe. Boring... but I see there really is no where to go with them right now.

~John and Marlena. I love Nujohn, but hopes they merge him with old john. I think she likes the fire in him too.

~Rolf. I love Rolf. He is caring towards the babies. He is going to ****ed about ANOTHER person moving into the mansion though. Especially if Lucas is not allowed to leave at all.

~Kate and Victor. Maybe it is just me... I'd kinda like to see these two rekindle the flame. Things were always a little more exciting when they we together.

Alright that is all. Sorry to babble on.

~Kate and Victor. Maybe it is just me... I'd kinda like to see these two rekindle the flame. Things were always a little more exciting when they we together.

Alright that is all. Sorry to babble on.

For a while there some sparks flew between Caroline & Victor. I was thinking it would be nice to see these 2 hook up. It could lead to some interesting story line with the kids and grandkids. Victor is getting old we need to let him be happy for a change -in an honest light!