Days of Our Lives, Tuesday, Sept. 6th, 2011


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Jan 1, 2011
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No DOOL today as it is Labor Day! So here is the day ahead write up. Enjoy!

Short Summary:
•Hearts open up at Rehab in a group therapy session between Melanie, Nicolas and Carly. In the end, everyone forgave everyone... Except Carly needs to work on forgiving herself.
•Vivian angers Gus even more by praising Quinn’s thoughtfulness and not his!
•Daniel and Jennifer talk bleakly talk about Jack and a whole bunch of nothing. Kissing is included.
•Mandy can't pick the perp out of three books of mug shots.
•Taylor and Quinn have a really gross and awkward kiss.
•The Salem PD discovers that there is another attacked woman... It's Chloe Lane!

Full Summary:
We open with Melanie meeting Nicholas at the Rehab center. They’re about to go in to see Carly. “Dr. Normand” (the rehab therapist) goes in to Carly’s room, and tells her that she wants to have the session inside Carly’s room today. Melanie and Nicholas walk in and once again, Dr. Normand wants to do a group session and have both Melanie and Nicholas stay. This time she wants to talk about Melanie’s relationship with Carly.

Roman calls Taylor at the police station. He needs her to get the mug shots and bring them to the hospital.

Vivian and Quinn laugh and complement each other at The Cheatin’ Heart. Gus enters with a paper bag. He shrewdly walks over to her and announces he has a gift for her. It’s the latest book by her favorite author, that hasn’t been released yet. He proudly states that she’ll have the only copy in town. Vivian looks over to Quinn, and then declares that Quinn already gave her a copy of that book; Quinn’s copy was signed by the author! LOL. She praises Quinn for his gift. She sends Gus to get them some drinks, and he throws his gift away.

Bo, Hope and Daniel are sitting in a room at the hospital with Mandy. They’re going to get her to go through the mug shots and see if she recognizes any faces. Taylor enters with a cart filled with books. Daniel leaves. Mandy begins flipping through the books and she says that she didn’t recognize any of the guys in the first book. Roman peeks through the door and calls for Bo. When we cut back to Bo, he’s exclaiming, “When the hell did this happen!?” Roman says he’s going to go check things out and then come back. Bo tells Taylor that there was another attack.

In the rehab center; things keep going back and forth between them, Carly gets angry and storms off. Nicholas and Melanie follow. Carly apologizes. She feels stuck. Dr. Normand applauds and praises her all the sacrifices she’s made for her children but Carly needs to forgive herself before any healing can begin.

Daniel is sitting outside the pub looking at his phone and Jennifer walks over. He tells her about the questioning with Mandy. Jennifer praises him for being such a dedicated doctor. Kiss kiss! They go inside and talk about nothing. More kissing. They talk about Jack… How important they are to each other. Blah blah blah.

Brady storms out of the elevator doors with Chloe in his arms. Nicole and Kinsey follow him. Maxine tells them to put her in the room and calls for a doctor. Lexi walks in. She yells a bunch of orders to Maxine. Maxine tells Brady and the girls to get out of the room. Brady punches the door. Brady is very angry. He doesn’t know what to tell the cops. If he lies, it might compromise the investigation. If he tells the truth, Chloe won’t get Parker back. Kinsey insists that Brady not tell anyone about Chloe’s new job.

Gus hears echoes of Vivian and Gus laughing in his mind, but his thoughts are interrupted when Vivian starts yapping at him. Quinn needs to leave, but before he does, Gus pulls out one of his hairs. (I know, LOL.) Vivian tells Gus that she’s going to start reading her new book… she even exclaims that it was such a thoughtful gift. Gus puts the hair in a napkin and smiles to himself. As Quinn is walking away from the Cheatin’ Heart, we hear police sirens.

Taylor says she’s going to leave because she doesn’t want to distract Mandy. Mandy goes through the rest of the books and the man who assaulted her isn’t in any of them. Hope explains that it means he may not have a record.

Roman talks to Brady. Roman finds out that it was Chloe who was attacked. Brady gives the details, excluding the fact that Chloe was a hooker. Roman basically asks if Chloe was a prostitute, Brady denies it. Kinsey talks to Nicole about how much Chloe loves Brady. You can tell Nicole is slightly hurt by this. Roman questions both Nicole and Kinsey. They still don’t give up the fact that Chloe was a hooker. Later, Nicole slips away…

Roman is confused. Why is the attacker now attacking any women? He worries he’d widening his hit list. Bo and Hope talk outside about planning a party? (Not sure who or what it’s a party for…) Roman wants to put a warning on TV.

Quinn is sitting on the steps at the pier. Taylor walks up to him. She tells him that another girl was attacked. She’s angry that he lied to her about stopping his operation. After a lot of back and forth, but somehow Taylor says that she misses him and they have a gross kiss. (I’m not kidding you. It was not pretty)

Vivian needs Gus’ help. She wants him to book her a vacation somewhere on a beach online. She tells him to be sure to get two rooms. Gus tells her he can be ready to leave anytime. She snorts. He isn’t coming! The second room is for Quinn! :rotfl: :clap: :rotfl: Gus looks at the hair in the napkin and smiles.

Lexi announces that Chloe has gone into a coma. She doesn’t know when or if she’ll wake up. Nicole sneaks into Chloe’s room from the secret side door and cries over one of her only friends.

Next Time:
•EJ says, “Nicole is an opportunitunist, Brady, as long as she gets what she needs.” Nicole angrily slaps EJ.
•EJ asks Brady, “Why do you defend her … she’s done to you?” (Doesn’t make sense… I know!)
•Brady tells Nicole something really weird. “Whenever I’m with you, I’m wondering when I’m going to hear that other shoe falling.”
Oh, wow, Nicole, thank you. Can anyone appear more oblivious than Vivian? She makes Forest Gump look like Albert Einstein.
And so now you are making me really want to see that "gross" kiss. LOLOL
And so Quinn doesn't notice or feel Gus pulling out that hair?? Guess it must have already been loose. :rotfl:
Well it was a strange situation, Poirot! Gus just lunges up as Quinn is walking away and plucks the hair. Quinn turns around like "Whaaah?" then Gus replies, "Oh, you had something on your back." :rotfl:

...You know when Sami and Rafe kiss? It's slow and sweet... then they stop kissing and look into eachother's eyes. You see that furious passion as though they can't get close enough to eachother? Yea.

Well, Taylor and Quinn's kiss was like they looked at eachother and decided to have a "lip wrestling" tournament. Extra points if you can pop your shoulder out of it's socket.

None of that will make sense until you see it. LOL. :rotfl:
Thanks for the summary, Nicole - I do love your descriptions!
Say It Isn't So! Nicole used the 'secret' side door to get into Chloe's room....In this one room Hospital everyone has been using the side door to access Mandy's room. Now I'm so confused.
I had the feeling that Mandy's room was the same one we have always seen, just her bed was moved to a different wall, thus the "side door" entrance.

Gee, what WILL they do with Chloe? I know...discharge Mandy. :wink:
Brady is waiting on the other shoe to fly? What the heck does he mean by that?
NicoleM, I do so appreciate your summary! I love that you put the condensed version first and then the descriptions to follow.

It makes me shudder to even imagine the kiss between Quinn and Taylor. I've already been looking for those barf bags when Jennifer and Daniel are on. I'm sorry, I have been FF their scenes for the past few days. They are just too ooey gooey for me.

Honestly, the hospital scenes, including poor Chloe, are about the most interesting parts for me at this point.
Thanks for the summary Nicole!

I'm looking forward to the continuation of the Brady/Chloe/Nicole stuff. Not so much to the kiss between Quinn and Taylor. Barf. Although, I just read a spoiler for 9/14 that made me barf even more so I guess I'll survive today's kiss.
Yea... I saw the thing and it didn't make sense. When I googled it, I found one that said,
"... the shoe to drop." and not fly. So... I have no idea.
Well, just saw the show. Melanie is dressed like she was going to a big party (in my opinion) while Taylor ...let's just say she must have gotten to wardrobe late and had to take the bottom of the bag.
Kudos to Brady, he really showed how upset he was and how much he still cared about Chloe.
Boo hiss to the hospital staff who manage to hook Chloe up to IVs, but cannot wash the blood off.
To NicoleMarie........I had my closed captioning on....and while it did sound like Brady said "the other shoe to fly......he said the other shoe falling.

The Taylor/Quinn kiss.....yep, described accurately above. LOL
Daniel/Jennifer scenes........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Gad, could their dialogue get more trite?
Vivian has become the world's most callous, oblivious, ungrateful woman. Gus pullis that back hair of Quinn's.....ridiculous.

Thank you again, NicoleMarie. :)
Boo hiss to the hospital staff who manage to hook Chloe up to IVs, but cannot wash the blood off.

They didn't even bother to change her out of her clothes and put her in a hospital gown! :rolleyes:

To NicoleMarie........I had my closed captioning on....and while it did sound like Brady said "the other shoe to fly......he said the other shoe falling.

Was going to comment the same thing. :)
Thank you for clearing that up Poirot. For whatever reason 'waiting on the other shoe to fly' sent me into a fit of giggles every time I read it. :rotfl: