Days of Our Lives - Wed., Aug. 1, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Gloom, misery, betrayal…….not too much to smile about today. Abby calls Chad who has not been home all night, he says he was at the office, working. No, he hasn’t thought about being able to accept her having Stefan’s baby, he then fakes being in the office, Victor walking in, has to go.

Stefan meets up with Kate, gets on her case about supplying him with info on Titan, so he can best them, blah, blah. She is reluctant, telling him to let go of her arm, he warns her he will blow HER out of the water if she doesn’t comply. She continues thru the square, overhearing Chad above. She comments to him that he is not in the office, so what is going on. Next, they are at the bar, having drinks, he has told her his about Abby’s pregnancy & Stefan being father. Kate suggests maybe Abby has feelings for Stefan, Chad says no, she hates him. But that “integration” thing pops up, so part of her did. Yada, yada. He talks of wanting to take DiMera down, has a plan, wants her to look at it, give her opinion. She resists, protests she doesn’t want to see it, but Chad is insistant. She finally agrees, is impressed, something about a shipping company that DiMera needs, but Chad plans to take over or something. He gets a call about the shipping, goes out to take it. Kate takes out a thumb drive, plugs it into Chad’s computer, & while constantly checking the doorway, proceeds to download the info. Chad returns, she quickly removes it, takes off.

Brady is going to call Jennifer, tells Eve how Jen suspects Vic of planting the drugs to frame Theresa. Eve gets all nervous, tries to talk him out (flashbacks thru out the show from yesterday) but Brady determined. She talks of letting go of his anger, he really could not want to get back at Vic who is family, blah, blah. Brady isn’t swayed, she suggests sex to celebrate making up with Eric, and they hit the sheets. In their afterglow, Brady says he is so lucky to have her in his life, loves her, good to let go of the anger, etc. etc.

Jennifer is surprised by Eric, who sees she was in deep thought, she claims being distracted by a story, which if she tells the secret she learned, will hurt a lot of people. She is not sure all the pain would be worth it. He says honesty is best. She has to leave, he asks her to dinner, they will meet later. Jen goes to see a despondent Abby, finally gets told about her having Stefan’s baby. She holds her daughter, yes, Chad knows, he left, hasn’t been home. Jen comforts her daughter, wishes she had told her sooner, Abby admits considering an abortion, but changing her mind, not sure if Chad will come back, with the baby always being a reminder of the the brother he hates. Jen reminds her that Chad loves her, she knows that. Abby talks of how Gabi was there, wonderful friend, and again takes responsibility not only for being pregnant, but that Gabi was beat up in prison, surgery, scarring, and now may not be able to have children. Jen is surprised Gabi has no hard feelings. Jen has to take off now, will talk again.

JJ is finishing a run, in the square of course, where else? He is digging in his pockets, can’t find something, Gabi comes running up with his keys that he dropped about a mile back. They chat, he mentions maybe he will get his job back, tells of all Jen did in tracking down the Child Services guy, etc. Gabi is happy for him, mention Abby and her pregnancy, JJ did not know, so obliging Gabi fills him in on all the details, how she was there for pregnancy test, even advised Abby to change the results, say it was Chad’s. She refused. Yes, Chad upset, walked out. JJ ends up thanking her for being such a good friend, not only to him, but to Abby as well. They are lucky she is in their lives.

Kate meets up with Stefan, who asks if she has anything for him. She hands him the thumb drive, saying “choke on it”. As Stefan walks away, we see Gabi behind Kate, having seen them together.

Stefan comes to visit Brady & Eve, blathers on about acquiring Basic Black, papers need to be signed, them on board running it. Eve has the papers, shows him she added a few things, some extra shares to her & Brady, a bonus down the line. Corporate chatter, he signs, as does Eve, he talks of taking down Titan, Brady nods to Eve, yep, they are on board with that. Stefan leaves, Eve wonders if he really wants to take down Titan. Brady feels that if Victor caused him to lose his son…..then he will take him down, along with anyone else who helped him.

Eric is happily chatting with Roman, telling him about making it up with Brady, putting the past behind him, how happy he is with Jen, and has a date with her. Roman offers to close the Pub, stay in the back, let them have all the privacy they want. Eric declines, he wants this very special, to show Jen how much he loves her, but thank you anyway.

Jen stands in front of the club, all dressed up, flashing back again to learning about how Brady forced Nicole to leave town. She mutters that Eric deserves to know the truth, goes inside. Eric, (who obviously has shaved off that beard, thank goodness) is lighting candles on the table, sees Jen, tells her how beautiful she looks, (she doesn’t even mention him shaving!!!) but Jen says she has something very important to tell him before they go any further.

Abby is finishing up fixing one of Thomas’s toys that was broken. She hears the door, calls out to Mom, did she forget something. She gets up, Chad walks in.
Abby is finishing up fixing one of Thomas’s toys that was broken.
It was the same toy train that JJ said was Grandpa Bill's, and gave to Thomas at Christmas. Glad to see them using it again, since it was supposedly handed down through the family. Nice touch.

Today's not-too-exciting episode did pose a few questions.

Abigail: Does she have a future in toy repair?

Chad: How could he trust backstabbing, homicidal Kate? If she sold out her own son, why wouldn't she do the same to naive Chad?

Stefan Sleaze: Why does he go out in public? Everybody hates him and all he gets is verbal abuse. In fact, small children probably call him names and kick him in the shins.

Turncoat Brady: Will he go down in history as Salem's Benedict Arnold? Like Arnold, Brady has his grievances, but in the long run he could be remembered only as the traitor who treacherously sold out the family company.

John Black: How will he feel when he learns that his once-beloved Basic Black has been acquired by the sleaziest, slimiest man in Salem? When he hears the news, will he say, "OMG Doc, somehow that perverted Stefan O. DiMera has gotten his filthy paws on Basic Black. That's a truly awful fact."

Gabi: How can she call the child services guy a dirtbag? Sure what he did was wrong, but messing up a child's whole future by tampering with its paternity test is far worse. Right now, Gabi is starting to look like a junior Kate in training.

Eric: What makes Mr. Romance think that the bland, thawed-out entrees at Doug's Place are better than tasty, freshly-made Pub chowder? Surely, some tasty chowder and yummy garbage can nachos at the Pub would have had Jennifer's heart bursting with love despite the dirty little secret that she's just learned.
Hey everyone, I thought I would drop in with some what II hope has been missed wit and wisdom since I 've been incommunicado where the weather is stunning. BA-BOOM-KRASH~ Get it? It's a play on words where I made it sound like Communicado is a place I've been. Well think about it a bit and I'm sure you'll see it's hilarious. But I digress.

Seriously, I've been on a posing sabbatical because even I remain firmly on Team Gabi I can't condone or defend her current actions it just as much fun so until/if she comes to her senses I probably won't be posting much.

Which leads me to today's episode I thoroughly enjoyed Gabi and JJ's scenes I'm still hoping this two will be put back together. I'm assuming there's a reason why they are having scenes again. I think JJ can see that Gabi is not okay and he figures it out and is able to make her see the light. I think since she saved him at Christmas it would make sense and actually be a bit poetic if he's the one to save her. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I know if it goes that way the fallout from Gabi's monkeyshines will make a reconciliation difficult especially at first. But I remember one of the complaints when they first got together that while they were cute there wasn't really dramatic tension. Well I think this time they won't know what to do with the tension because there will so darn much of it. Again here's hoping.
For crying out loud, I was just going to call out the dogs to go searching for missing person Troy 42. So glad you showed up. Listen up, my friend, MY fav is leaving the show AGAIN & I am still posting, so you are not allowed to desert us because your fav is acting up. LOL At least she is still appearing.
I think the writers like to play games with the characters, like turning Lucas into a drunk, & Chad into a jerk, & Abby into a martyr. So Gabi is vengeful, you could be right about JJ saving her. I already liked what he was telling Gabi about the child growing up with all the hate surrounding them all. Maybe your scenario will be the way things get back more normal?????
Well I certainly don't want you to feel to deserted Poirot. So I'll stick around. Consider me suitably chastened. LOL

Plus now I think about it where would Days forums be if Sami fans quit posting every time she misbehaved? So if they can tough it out I can too. :):):)
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Chad: How could he trust backstabbing, homicidal Kate? If she sold out her own son, why wouldn't she do the same to naive Chad?
I'm hoping Chad is setting Ms Blue Chunk up.

I no longer have a use for Abby or Gabi. I will no longer support JJ/Gabi as a couple.
Thanks, Poirot.

Today's show could be called "Close Shave"

Finally, Stefan's facial marks have disappeared.

Good news for JJ. He's no longer suspended.

Good news for us.. We can see Eric's handsome face again.

I'm really not into the business thing at all. Maybe a third party
can come to Salem and take over both DiMera and Titan.

Troy, you can't leave us. We love your comments.
It would also be a plus if Hope would dump the bump on the back of her head
and go a shade lighter in color. Brings back memories of Kate and her black
Caterpillar brows.
One more thing. Has anyone noticed how fast Eve's hair changes, and I don’t
mean the style.
A couple of weeks back it was way shorter and the way it flipped was super cute.
next thing you know it was styled the same but looked 2” longer.
I would love for my hair to grow that fast.

I have everything possible crossed hoping Jennifer doesn’t chicken out and
isn’t interrupted, (which we’ve come to expect, is frustrating and another over
used cop out stalling technique) and tells all about the Brady/Nicole saga.
It’s time to get this situation over with.
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Just an aside, but Kassie dePaiva lost all her hair while undergoing cancer treatment. So while her hair is growing back, I think they style it in such a way to disguise the fact it is shooting schedule sure does allow for fast, beards, disappearing stubble from one scene to the I notice it a lot with Brady....I remember whe Nicole cut her hair real short, then let it grow, and same thing like Eve. Was in hospital several months, By the way...she is cancer free now.
But agree at how it seems to grow quickly........operative word is SEEMS. LOL :)

P.S. THAT would bee sooooo cool, for Chad to be setting Kate up...Oh, if only!
Thanks, Poirot.

Today's show could be called "Close Shave"

Finally, Stefan's facial marks have disappeared.

Good news for JJ. He's no longer suspended.

Good news for us.. We can see Eric's handsome face again.

I'm really not into the business thing at all. Maybe a third party
can come to Salem and take over both DiMera and Titan.

Troy, you can't leave us. We love your comments.

Well, just to be clear, I wasn't going to leave forever. katmouse, I was just going to take a sabbatical until a certain story ended. But since it seems to mean so much to you all I'll stick around. But I think I'm going to be a lone voice for a while so I better get in shape. *downs egg yolks drops and does push-ups.*
Why? :huh:

Just saw a funny video about all the things a woman carries in her purse, every time hubby needed something, no matter how improbable, she dove into her purse and bingo, there it was. At one point, she cannot find her keys in the house, he looks in her purse, feeling around, and it is like a bottomless hole, swallows him up. His hand waves out holding the keys, she says thanks, mentions some store, he agrees, she grabs the bag, (supposedly with him in it) and off she goes. It was funny,