Days of Our Lives - Wed., Aug. 21, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2013

Interesting show, but a lot of jumping around. Today is the opening of the Club, and Theresa is all dressed in her black, spaghetti strapped mini dress, pink bra straps showing, of course, as she arrives at Vargas apt. Chit chat, he eventually shows her a vial of white powder, which makes the party girl very happy. He takes some money out of a huge stash of bills, kept in a jar in his cupboard, and off they go.

Will, Sonny & Gabi are all dressed up, ready to go. Gabi's hair looks lovely, and she is wearing a skin tight, champagne colored mini, Sonny's hair is all slicked back. Arianna is sleeping, they await Kayla to babysit, but she calls, is stuck at a meeting. Will volunteers to stay behind, then Gabi, all argue, but eventually, Gabi sends the two guys off.

Abby arrives at the club early, surprised no one is there yet, except Chad. ( Honestly, do not like the decor, but that is just me) He fixes her one of the abi-tinis, they dance a bit, then Tad & his date, Robin come in. Chitchat. Will & Sonny arrive, eventually Theresa & Vargas. The club fills up. Robin barely says a word, Tad tells Will she doesn't talk at all, there is small talk all over the place.Theresa wants to party, Vargas slips her the vial, she goes off to the ladies room. When she returns, eventually Vargas is gonna go "powder his nose" as well, she slips him back the vial, and he goes off. She flirts with some guy a bit. When Vargas returns, she spots Will, and has to go say hello. Vargas sort of meanders around, drinking a beer, looking around.for Theresa. Someone asks about Chad, he & Abby are outside, where he is explaining how they grow all their own produce up on the roof garden. Vargas comes out, spots Theresa in close personal conversation with that guy she flirted with. He stares at them for a bit.
Brady & Kristen come out, have to go around them to hurry on their way. Vargas continues to stare, then goes up to Theresa, arm around her, tells the other guy to get lost. Theresa is claiming lshe could not find Vargas, he says he was right where she left him, she claims she is talking to this guy, who asks if Vargas is bothering her. Sure enough, pushing, shoving, Chad jumps over to break it up, gets a punch to the jaw, and is down for the count.

Replay of Marlena holding Sydney, overhearing Kristen on the phone talking of never letting Brady find out she had sex with someone else. She hangs up, hears a noise, but Marlena is outside, running right into Brady. Small talk. Kristen comes out, hangs onto Brady's arm. Marlena talks about loving to spend time with her grandchildren, and retorts to Kristen that she doesn't consider it babysitting. Well, the sitter arrives, goes to take Sydney to the goldfish pond, Brady going along. Marlena has a few words for Kristen, but Brady returns before she can say anything. They go inside as Marlena expresses concern for Sami, who saved a man's life, and in that instant, her own changed drastically. She needs the support of all the family, so Marlena wants to bury the hatchet, they all have to pull together. Brady readily agrees, and Kristen seems to, but the minute Marlena is gone, she doesn't trust her for a second. However, she tells Brady they have to go to the opening of Chad's club. And bingo, different dress, ugly hairdo, (sorry, but it looks like a horse's tail to me, and I apologize to all who love it). She greets Chad, Brady talks to Will a bit, looking a pics of Arianna, but Kristen comes for him, dances just a few seconds, but claims she knows something she would rather be doing, and thus, they hustle out of there in a hurry.

Henderson has brought Nick a box of things Gabi left behind, Nick will take care of it. He rummages a bit, finds a pic of her in a magazine I think, smiles. Victor comes in, says something about things that are lost. And then, in his very nice, very quiet, way, remarks that tomorrow will be one year since he was released on parole, and his time will be up. Nick laughs, says yes, if the parole board signs off on him. And then Victor, very nicely begins talking of how he will be free, can go anywhere, get a job with whomever he pleases, even leave Salem. And then, quite firmly tells him to start packing his bags, so he can leave Victor's house, he can no longer live there. He made a quick, cryptic mention of Nick's transgressions, blackmailing, etc. But he wants him out tomorrow.

Marlena is trying to call Victor, who isn't picking up. She needs to talk to him now.

Gabi is bored, reading a mag, when there is a knock at the door, and there stands Nick with the box of things. He comes in, they have a rather hesitant, but nice conversation. She explains about being dressed for club when the sitter cancelled, he offers, she declines, there will be other nights for the club. She remembers the anniversary and realizes he is off parole tomorrow. He talks about the past year, how he has rewound the days in his mind, how the happiest and best were spent in her room, how they talked, etc. He talks of ideas for Kate's company, that she pays him well, but he would like something more steady. Gabi wonders if he will leave Salem. Well he was happiest here. But he doesn't know. He wonders if she would want him to go, would miss him if he did.

Kristen & Brady are rolling around in bed, clothes discarded on the floor, she is clutching him, telling him to hold her closer.

Marlena arrives at Victor's door, smiling as it only took 1 day to learn that Kristen has a secret. She fills Vic in on what happened, & how she had to make up the bury the hatchet business, because Brady came in. She knows Kristen did not believe her, but neither of them has any idea who the man could be, even remarking that any man in this town would know better. They figure they have to find out more, and wonder who Kristen was talking to on the phone. Victor thinks that would be a key.

And more rolling around in bed for Kristen & Brady, as Kristen is going on and on about she can never lose him, never again.
T looked like he was wearing a 1980's Members Only jacket! LOL
Tad & his date, Robin come in. Chitchat. Will & Sonny arrive, eventually Theresa & Vargas. The club fills up. Robin barely says a word,
Perhaps the Love Doctor should take up with silent Robin. After the endless, tortured blather of Jennifer and the non-stop busybody chatter of his egg-mommy, this girl would be a relief.
What struck me about "sitters" they went thru that whole roster of names, Hope, Kayla, Maggie, Adrienne & Justin, Lucas, with every single one so very busy. And no one said "Marlena". LOL.
Now, I know, Daniel has a special sitter for Parker, and evidently there is one for Sydney as well.
Kayla was supposed to be at a meeting. Weird, having one late at night, especially after working all day.
But, NONE of those adults were probably going to be at the club, either. it strictly for the very young? Can't be, Vargas has to be around 40.
Really hated that he evidently was into drugs as well as that idiot Theresa.
Truly is a shame that the show brought such unlikeable family members (Theresa & JJ) to Salem. And I thought Jeremy Horton was bad...Ha!
looks like it will be Marlena who unwittingly uncovers the truth about her own son, the priest. Then she will have to decide if it is worth exposing Kristen's evil.

It's worth exposing Kristen, because Eric has nothing to lose and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. He was raped, he was the victim of a crime perpetrated by Kristen, period. So Marlena not only should tell, but should bring Kristen to justice, if she can refrain from killing the devil woman herselfs. Maybe Marlena still has some of the poison she had injected Stefano with a few years back.

As far as the show is concerned, I'm sorry to say : :zzz::zzz::zzz: But thanks for the summary, Poirot, as always !
When Kristen came into the club with that hair, as I noted in the summary, my jaw dropped.

The thing is, Marlena would not know from the video that Eric was drugged. And the show has made sure that there is no evidence. Whatever may have been collected from the room was destroyed, there seemingly was nothing specific found in the tests run on Eric. All he will ever have is those vague remembrances of that woman with the dark hair and sunglasses who was at the counter in the hotel.
Don't you wonder if that hotel has video surveilance???