Days of Our Lives - Wed. Aug. 25, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Episode #11,404 Taped 6/18 Director – Albert Alarr

Ooooh, delicious episode, especially the first half, and the dialogue is full of zingers, conversation that will have you laughing, cheering, even a bit of clapping. LOL. We begin with the last scene in yesterday’s show, Sami telling Rafe she is sick of this thing he has with EJ, and Rafe telling her that it is over, turning to EJ, and saying again it is over, talking how for months he & EJ both knew what EJ had done, but that he had to get proof, cuz otherwise Sami would never believe it. EJ does his usual bluffing, then grabs Samantha, telling her not to listen to Rafe any more. Rafe smacks EJ’s hands away, telling him to take his hands off of her. Sami gets between the men, but tells Rafe that there isn’t anything he could say that is going to make her change her mind. Ah, but he has something, and pulls out a tape recorder, pressing it so they can all hear the beginning of Nicole’s “confession. Sami is not impressed apparently, Nicole is a liar, a b****, would say anything, she brings up Rafe’s roll in the hay with Nicole, he denies it, wasn’t what it looks like. He is reminds Sami he has never lied to her, he loves her, EJ has had enough, snatches the recorder from Rafe’s hands. Sami doesn’t believe anything, slaps Rafe. EJ tells him to leave NOW, but Rafe is not going anywhere, he is not done.

Vivian sits with Victor in the Pub, showing him pictures of the sarcophagus, the memorial to honor his beautiful daughter. Victor asks Vivian if she thinks Isabella was a Pharoh. LOLOL. Then tells her that she, Vivian is what the Greeks call……what is the word for it....crazy! He asks what ever made her come up with an idea like this, as Maggie walks in, Vivian spots her, replies “divine inspiration”. Victor calls out to Maggie when he sees her, asking her to come look at pictures of coffins. LOL. Viv babbles about them, Maggie says they are the most beautiful sarcophagi she ever saw, Viv talks of the soft silk pink interiors, Maggie comments that she never knew sarcophaguses came with such soft interiors. Victor finally reminds Vivian that Maggie doesn’t need to see all this, Viv remembers Mickey died only a few months ago, apologizes, Victor says Maggie needs to be able to eat her lunch in peace.

Evidently Viv has left the Pub, as she is on the phone, calling Gus who comes in…am guessing this is the mauseleum. She is laying on the floor, hands crossed over her chest, asking Gus how she looks. Dead, he replies. LOL. She gets up, now talking of Maggie being in the sarcophagus for all eternity, with her ugly red hair clashing with the that beautiful pink pillow.

In the courthouse, Bo sits with Roman, talking of how lucky Dr. Baker is to have drawn easy going Judge Davis for his trial. Roman leaves for a bit, Bo sits a few feet behind Baker, they go back and forth about Hope. Bo is blaming Baker for Hope’s woes, while Baker reminds Bo that he is the one who drove her to what she did. Bo knows that, intends to help Hope and stand by her. Baker tells him of Hope showing him their home, and he saw their daughter, and berates Bo for what he put her through. Carly has come in, and has heard some of the exchange, tho Bo did not see her. The judge arrives, Baker’s trial begins, Roman testifies, has to admit the person who confessed to the muggings is in custody, and is his sister-in-law. Defense also gets him to admit that Hope Brady was the detective in charge of the case, who accumulated the box of files on the muggings that he has on the table.
Now Bo testifies, Baker asks his attorney if the entire Salem PD all has the same last name. LOL. Bo talks of how Hope was a wonderful mother and wife, a loving and caring person, and how he knows his actions are what drove her to do the things she did. He still blames this money grubbing defendant for all that happened. He returns to his seat, Carly sitting beside him. The prosecution needs to check her notes…decides the state rests. Defense calls it’s first witness….and all are shocked, as Hope is brought in by the baliff.

At the K mansion, Brady enters the library, only to find Nicole waiting for him, all upset because EJ is going to kill her. He doesn’t want to talk to her, she is insistent, and proceeds finally to tell him about giving the CD to Rafe…then has to explain how she got it. When Brady hears that she knew what EJ had done, and told no one, instead blackmailed he he blows up, reminding her how Sami had taken her in, letting her live in the townhouse, and instead of telling the cops, she keeps the info to herself and gets money instead. She is whining about needing protection from EJ, he tells her to go to the cops, she is reluctant, as she would have to incriminate herself, he thinks she would be better off in prison….it is where she belongs. He takes off…..and there is Victor, coming in clapping his hands. Bravo. Here he was having just come from having to looks at coffin pictures, very depressing, to find Brady washing his hands of Nicole. He thinks he will havc a drink to celebrate. She doesn’t find it funny, EJ will be out to get her. Victor grins, asking if she will get cement shoes and be tossed in the river,,or a garotte….then says “how do I kill thee, let me count the ways”. LOL. Nicole is about to storm out the door, when Victor says something about Rafe Hernandez accomplishing his goal. This stops her in her tracks…as Victor grins, asking if she wasn’t curious as to who put Rafe onto her. “It was MOI, says Victor…told him all your vulnerabilities. Call Vivian, she will help you pick out your coffin.

Brady walks into the Pub, orders a scotch on the rocks as Maggie comes up. He doesn’t want to see her, didn’t know that sponsors hung out in bars. Maggie sits in front of him, she isn’t going away, he tells her this is not coke, just a drink, she wonders just what sent him to the bar needing one, reminding him the people like “you & me” are not the same as others, and suggesting that perhaps they both need to go to a meeting. Brady has changed his order to club soda & a twist of lime, and now, tho a bit reluctant, agrees with Maggie, they should go to a meeting. (and perhaps when he gets home, he could shave! )

And back to the DiMera study, where EJ’s frown and downturned mouth seems glued into place. He already tried to tell Sami that Rafe had manufactured stuff, which Rafe denied, he doesn’t have to manufacture anything. If that was the case, he would have done it long ago, would not have gone half way around the world, trying to prove what he knew. Sami is clearly conflicted, it shows in her face. Rafe reminds her how EJ said he’d do anything to keep his children from her, remember, Sami, At Grace’s funeral. EJ confesses that yes, he was angry back then, but he has changed, he loves her, asked her to marry him. Rafe just continues on, at how EJ is the one who brought Sydney back, but never explained about it, tho they asked. Rafe asks Sami to remember that night, she does, they were at the Pub. Rafe talks of how EJ called her, told her Sydney was dead, had to get one last bit of satisfaction, then an hour later, walks in with Sydney. Where did he find her, how did he know where to go…he never told, did he? EJ again is ready to toss Rafe out, but Rafe says,….oh, there is more. Pulls out the CD, going over to the player. EJ tells him to get away from there….but Sami says no…..and just like in the movie “Casablanca”……Play it, Rafe, play the CD.

Great write up Barb!!

I cant wait to see this episode!!! Victor makes me laugh!!
Thanks for the write-up. The suspense is killing me. I want the cd to be played. Days sure knows how to drag it out for dramatic affect. Victor sounds like he is on a roll today. Vivian-Been there Done that. What a waste of a great actress to do the same storyline that has already been done. It would be much more interesting if Vivian was planning to put Victor in a tomb to keep him away from Maggie.
Thanks for the summary, Barb.

Victor/Viv/Maggie sounds good.
Victor/Nicole sounds great.
Maggie/Brady sounds interesting.
Bo/Baker sounds good ... so, Carly & Bo actually in same room ... a courtroom.

And, they're dragging the 'great reveal' out for yet another day?!! Enough already!!! Can't wait to see EJ squirm!!:evillaugh:
Oh, how I love Victor! Too funny.

Can we please get the Ej/Sami/Rafe thing over with now?
LOL, EJ already is starting to squirm. He keeps trying to say how Rafe is making everything up, but Rafe just stays on track, stays firm, and thank goodness says enough to give SAmi reason to want to hear the CD.
Play it Rafe...Play it... Love the part where Sami slaps Rafe...Boy is she going to have to do a lot of apologizing later...Wonder how she will do it????:kiss:
I wonder if EJ gets the same look he did when Nicole played the recording for him. You know where all the color drains from his face and the look of sheer panic comes. I wonder if he will try to go after Rafe like he did Nicole. Probably not because Rafe will beat him to a pulp
when did EJ and Nicole get a divorce? I don't remember anything about that or do soaps not have to follow the same rules as the viewers! I'm just sayin I don't remember them getting divorced.
Barb, I know you don't post the previews for the next show, but I was just wondering if the previews Thurs looked as good as Wednesday's episode. You don't need to say what they are, I am hoping that Thursday will be even better than Wednesday.
Go Victor !~~!

I must say I usually just enjoy reading the spoilers and the comments people have about Days, as I am not much for conversation, but this episode just has me LMAO !!! I have watched Days from the 1st episode, and I have one question. Where have they been hiding this side of Victor??? I absolutely love it. I never remember his character being so bright, witty and funny. It's like a fresh breath of air for the show.
First, :welcome: pchuffman!

Don't know where you've been, but whoever is writing Victor's dialogue has been doing a pretty good job for more than a year or so ... since before Vivian & Carly reappeared. Quite a few 'zingers' given to Vic! :)
@GAgirl.......yes, I don't post the previews, as they are usually taken out of context, and the scenes don't always play out the way the previews indicate. But, there is EJ begging Sami not to listen to the CD, Maggie telling Melanie she thinks it would be good for her (Maggie) to get out of town for a while, and Bo trying to end Hope's testimony on the witness stand.

I honestly no longer base any iopinion about the next day's show on the previews.
If Maggie leaves it open that she's leaving town .... that will maybe make Viv putting her 'away' so much easier to pull off! :(
Interesting Carly came to Dr. Baker's trial, she had no relationship at all with the Doc. Now Hope will see her and Bo sitting together in the courtroom and probably stew on how could Bo be there for her when he's still with that woman. I think Hope will remember that the Doc has feelings for her and try to exonorate him by taking the blame for the muggings (planning, executing & stealing the wallets). Admitting Dr. Dick only came into posession of the wallets when she gave them to the Doc. And she will remind the court that Dr. Baker was resposible for saving Bo's life by making the anonomous phone call. The big question is Dr. Baker going to prison or just leaving town as his exit from the show? In either case leaving an opening for him to return some day, yeah! Just some crazy thoughts.
Baker mentions that if it wasn't for him, Bo would be Bo. Carly is there, in my opinion, to hear Bo talk about Hope, and to see his emotions.

As to Hope......regular Hope does not remember what she did as night time Hope, so she only knows what she has figured out.........not what she remembers. Whatever she says, well, we won't know til Thursday. :)
Thanks for the write up Poirot. I love reading them before I watch the show. Boy what a great show it was today. Just loved the Rafe, Sami, and EJ scenes. So glad that she is going to listen to the CD. EJ looks so scared at the moment. Just adored Victor and Nicole. What gets me is if she is so scared of EJ why did see leave protection and go to the one place she knew would not help her. Brady said he was though with her already. Just loved Doc Baker in court. His line about any cops in Salem without the Brady name was so funny.