Days of Our Lives - Wed. Dec. 11, 2013

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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Egads, There is enough shouting today to last me for a year. A day of confrontations, and nasty conversation. I don't think Santa is going to be too happy with all these naughty people. Rafe continues to tell Kate very nicely that she doesn't need to hover any more, as Jordan listens, but then goes away. Kate is not to happy about this, does a few protests, but Rafe is smiling, but firm. She can go back to her life and her business, he is getting out of there, into his own place. Kayla comes in, talks to Rafe about moving into his apt. tomorrow, and getting a new therapist, Phil Clarke, that Jordan is off his case. Kate quickly leaves, spots Jordan getting on the elevator. The doors close, but Kate presses the down button, and soon has followed Jordan into Horton Square. She confronts Jordan, starts in on how Jordan has played it all perfectly, and perhaps can now stop pretending. Jordan is puzzled, Kate is warning her about Rafe not getting hurt, and that she is no one to cross. Ask around.
At her place, Jordan looks at the drivers' licenses spread out on the dresser. Nope, she has something to hold on to here, and Kate is not going to ruin it for her.

Will is wanting to talk to Gabi about Nick, says he knows everything.Naturally, Gabi misunderstands, (cue that infernal flashback) and they have one of those conversations where each is talking of something different. Will finally says something about Nick never bothering her again, she goes on and on about being upset and scared to tell him, and then he says Nick can stay in NY forever. Gabi falls silent, Will goes on a bit. She decides she needs some air, and leaves, goes to the park area, sits on a bench. Suddenly, there is Nick standing there, saying hello, Gabi. She jumps up, backs away, falls to the ground, but it turns out her mind playing tricks, it is Tad. She jumps up, hugs him, is so sorry, just other things on her mind. She asks him to sit with her for a while.
Back at the apt. Sonny comes home, Will tells him of how odd Gabi has been acting, then tells of seeing her with his mom, & Kate, huddled together at the Pub. Well, ol Will has figured it all out. They are planning a surprise party for him. He hates surprises, hates parties, so wants Sonny to head them all off. But Sonny knows nothing. Will asks him to find out, Sonny says o.k. And later, Gabi returns home, calls Kate, tells her that she thinks when Sami, Kate & Gabi meet tomorrow, it should be at her apt. Will & Sonny will be gone. Kate agrees. Sonny is eavesdropping, smiles, nods his head and ducks back in the bdrm.

And now to evil Theresa, who hates Jen, badmouths her to JJ, who tries to stop her to no avail. When JJ tries to leave, Theresa stops him cold with a video of him smoking a joint, I guess. She wants him to get her some primo weed, he thinks she is nuts, she almost died, but Theresa is back to her nasty, uncompromising self, threatens to show the judge the video if JJ says a word to his mother. She is enjoying Jen thinking she & Daniel are a pair, yada, yada, blah,.blah. JJ claims he doesn't care if he goes to jail, and leaves.

Over at the Horton house, Abby comes home, happy to see the boxes of decorations out, and they can get the house to look like Christmas at last. Jen worries about JJ not being back yet, but is taking out a few items, placing them here and there. She notes Abigail toying with her angel wing that her dad gave her, is glad Chad sent it back. Abby mentions it being the Rafael angel wing, so EJ said. Jen laughs, probably the only thing cultural that EJ knows. Now JJ arrives home, wants to talk to Mom, but of course, she is babbling about decorating, egg nog in the frig, making him a snack. O.K. he will have egg nog. She & Abby go to the kitchen, he answers their phone, a man's voice says he is Judge Goldberg's clerk, that some new video evidence was delivered and he had better see his lawayer right away. JJ gets a bit panicked, but just Theresa playing games, having her neighbor pretend for her. She tells him this is a warning. He hangs up, Jen & Abby bring out the eggnog, and Jennifer toasts to their new lives.

And now over to the DiMera house, where EJ & Samanther are having a knock down, drag out verbal brawl. The majority of the show deals with this, they yell, scream and shout at each other a lot. When he grabs and kisses her, she is not responding at first, but then does, and they are kissing, he has lifted her up, is carrying her, seemingly over to the sofa, but suddenly she is pushing him away, no, no no. He is furious, they spit back and forth about each keeping secrets, withholding something, lying. He realizes whatever is bothering her is not something small. More talk about keeping him from her bed, and Sami is yelling, unbuttoning, disrobing, screaming at him if that is what he wants, after all, there has to be places in there they have not christened yet. How about the piano, right on the piano keys. She is practically down to her bra, he stops her, she is embarrassing herself.
How is that, her voice drops, their faces are awful close, she is telling him this is what he wanted just a minute ago, sex, purring like a kitten. He starts to kiss her, she pulls away, slapping his face. Oh, no. More yelling and screaming, and I do mean yelling and screaming. Oh, she loves him, but doesn't trust him. And he did that. broke the trust. How can he fix this, she doesn't know. Tears, sad faces. He has screamed at her that he only found out about Kristen sleeping with Eric an hour before the wedding. She regretted it, so did Eric, evidently. He will not admit he knew about the drugging, she knows there is more he is not telling her. There is a yelling fit about her leaving or not. (This was all really bad to watch) and Sami finally, tearfully, is going up to check on the kids. She has been holding a seated EJ's head to her chest, kissing the top of it, saying she misses him, but she just doesn't know how this can be fixed. She leaves the room, pulls herself together outside the door, and goes upstairs.
EJ sits alone, looks at Stefano's portrait, mutters, I know, I know, Patience.
My, my I didn’t know little junior was such a saint, well, according to him he is! Two years of this BS between them is ENOUGH! There is no connection, just anger and it’s not entertaining, it is disgusting! Gee, junior wants a second chance, from where I sit he’s at least on his 20 chances with Sami.

How dense can great grandma be? Rafe tried to explain to her how he feels, Kayla told her that Jordan is no longer Rafe therapist, but she feels compelled to stalk Jordan and intimidate and threatened her. I was glad to hear Jordan say she had something to hold onto, Rafe?

The rest I tuned out!
Good grief -- it's a good thing that the DiMansion is on a large piece of property. Otherwise, the neighbors would be making domestic disturbance calls to the Salem P.D. And poor T -- mistaken for the missing Tricky Nicky. When Sami mistook EJ for Nick that actually was a step up for Elvis Junior, but for T it's definitely a comedown. As for Jordan, she's to be commended for standing up to the potentially-homicidal Kate, but she'd better watch what she eats. Finally, JJ should get some kudos for not caving into to Theresa's threat to give a video recording to the judge. If Will had stood up to similar threats from EJ and NIck, he might have saved himself a world of hurt.
Sami doesn't trust EJ? Well Duh! Sami hasn't trusted EJ since 2006 when she discovered their friendship was all based on lies, EJ was the one sending her threatening blackmail notes, and he raped her. Sami has tried to call a truce and to get along with EJ because of Johnny and Sydney, but she gave up even that effort after the Fake Rafe fiasco. From then on Sami merely tolerated EJ all the while looking at him with contempt, and like she wished she could set him on fire. Sami has never loved EJ (with good reason). Rafe was the one she was in love with from the time she went into WP. EJ is just the obsessed rapist/stalker who had a foothold in her life because he got her pregnant with Johnny when he raped her.

At least Sami managed to get EJ off the topic of her secret, and onto the topic of his lies.

Sonny and Will are on the wrong track, but I think that will change.

Both Gabi and Kate were annoying today. T was funny though.
well at least there is a fire in the fire place in the living room at Sami's and Ej......What is heating Jenn's house? or is Jenn having Personal Summers these days??? And when has EJ EVER protected Sami successfully?????

15 minutes in and I think I'll finish gift wrapping.....I don't need all this anger...
Well... Where to start ? Oh, easy : Thanks for the summary, Poirot. :) Though I made the mistake of watching today. All of it. :eek: Like a car accident on the highway, sometimes you just can't help yourself and you look, even if there's a chance to see something awful. And something awful I did see today.

First : Wow ! Sami and EJ : what a load of cr.. this all is ! Seriously ? All this yelling, kissing, yelling again at the top of their lungs. I mean, it was a disgrace. I swear, I thought for a while they were both going to explode or pop a vain... In fact, I was hoping both of them would fall to the ground, having had a fatal brain aneurysm (I know, that sounds mean, in real life, I would never wish that on anyone). Still, EJ being all red, Sami and her darn crocodile tears, right after she acted like a... a... well someone who gets paid to have sex. Like I'm supposed to buy she loves EJ soooooo much. :sick: Oh, there goes the gag reflex again. I better... :sick: stop now.

I went back to my post to add this : I can't believe Sami and EJ did all that screaming while the kids were in the house ! How big is that house ? Not big enough for sure. I'm sure the poor kids are hiding in a closet somewhere, covering their poor ears. Sami and EJ : great parents. Yeah, right ! :rolleyes:

JJ and Theresa : Poor guy. He does not stand a chance. And Jen Jen and Abby sure aren't going to be very useful. Those two looked so ridiculous today, waiting for JJ, shining each other's crowns, and finally when JJ does show up, acting like giggly school girls talking of "Oh, let's have a snack altogether now". How ridiculous can these women get ?

Gabi : Enough, tell someone or live with it. I'm already tired of The Three Witches and their "victim".

Kate : Get a life, woman !

Jordan : Not much to tell today.

Will and Sonny : Get a clue, dudes ! You're in for a huge surprise. I do smell some more secrets headed Will's way. :rolleyes:

And lastly : Where is Nicole ? Must we have the same characters on every day ? :rolleyes: Jennifer three days in a row is much too much for me.
I hope James Scott(Ej) and Alison Sweeney(Sami) drink some tea to sooth their throats after the screaming match!

Kate Kate..Oh Katerina please move on honey...Once you broke up with a guy you no longer have the right to hover over him...You are starting to act like a STALKER!
And when has EJ EVER protected Sami successfully?????
Sami has always needed protection from EJ not by him. What bothers me about this relationship, and there are so many things, is EJ has been rewarded for his obsession and stalker behavior. Sami spent her entire marriage to Lucas and pregnancy with the twins being terrorized, stalked, threatened, and blackmailed by EJ, Andre and Stefano. Sami had to go into WP and miss spending time with Allie and Johnny because she saw one of Stefano's hit men kill the mayor. Nicole stole Sydney, and when Rafe finally brought Sydney to Sami and told her the truth, Nicole kidnapped Sydney again. Then EJ kidnapped Sydney, pretended to worry with Sami, and used the kidnapping to get close Sami. Then after everything else, EJ put Fake Rafe in Sami's home and bed because he couldn't handle the fact that Sami was happy, married to, and in love with Rafe. EJ even admits to his obsession. He told Kristen he was honest about it. When Kristen asked him in the hospital about the Dimera curse of jealousy and obsession, EJ shrugged it off, and want to find Samantha (because she had been out of his sight for like five minutes). When Eric and Brady say something about EJ's obsession with Sami, EJ gloats to them about how his tactics got him what he wanted.

Who finds out the truth about Nick first - Sonny, Will, EJ? or will it be someone we are not expecting to know?

I like Theresa being evil and bad. I hope she stirs things up.
Sami and EJ are the most toxic unstable couple almost as worst as Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston. "Oh I love you" slap him, "I hate you", slap her around again, " no but I love you!". Gosh they are really needing an break up fast before one another kills each other. They almost seem as domestically unstable as Kate and Curtis as a couple were portrayed to be as.I'm hoping more so now for an Abby and EJ coupling then for Sami to squash in the middle of Jordan and Rafe, at least another thing her and Kate can team up on again. I loved how Sami took her clothes off and basically shoved sex in EJ's face making him in a sense feel guilty a woman flaunting herself at him means HE IS NOT IN CONTROL.

Theresa the terrible at it again. I still missed what video evidence she had exactly on JJ. I enjoyed the ending of her getting her neighbor to pose as the judge on the phone. I almost fell for it being an real judge too. Abby seemed to defend EJ in ways too in speaking with Jennifer it's pretty much getting there and frankly I look forward to that potential storyline.

Rafe did let Kate nicely politely as anyone can possible down. He said take care of what you need too meaning "LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE FOR RIGHT NOW!" Though it seems Kate may actually know what is involved in Jordan's past.
I just have to say - how long has Rafe been in the hospital!? Apparently Salem hospitals are different from the ones I know cause he would have never been able to stay at the hospital for this long. And he doesn't really seem like he needs to be somewhere that he is assisted. Soaps are usually known for their miracle cures but they sure are dragging out Rafe's recovery. Does anyone remember when he was beat?
Theresa had her neighbor pose as the Judge's clerk, not the judge. And the video showed JJ (at least his back) smoking some pot.
If the video is dated, then JJ definitely is in trouble. I just wish he had smashed the phone, thus destroying her blackmail.

Rafe landed in the hospital last May
I have a feeling EJ and Sami are going to go the route of EJ and Nicole, and Abigail will be the Taylor in the situation.

I'm really not sure I even want to watch today, as The Writer said, Jennifer three days in a row is much too much.

Also, this JJ and Theresa junk is going to get really old really fast. I wish they would have just made her lose all memory of that night, it would have made a better story.
If EJ gets involved with Abby, he's going to have to put up with Abby's whining, and Jennifer's self-righteous shrieking. EJ is going to want Sami to shoot him in the head again. Sami is not the pathetic doormat Nicole and Taylor are. Sami will leave EJ, and fall in love with someone else. Then EJ will be back in stalker mode trying to ruin Sami's relationship, and get her back.

I wonder why it didn't occur to JJ to just go along with Theresa until his hearing, and then rat her out to her parents afterwards. The SLs would be so much better if half the characters weren't required to be brain dead.
Unless the picture or video was sent in a message, I don't think they could be retrieved through the service provider. If the phone wasn't smashed well enough, though, it could be hooked up to a computer and gotten that way. He should have dropped that phone in her massive wine glass.
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