Days of Our Lives Wed., Dec. 4, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The nuns spend a lot of time chattering away about why they are there, what they did in Salem, how they are taking their final vows today. Lani calls Abe, tells him she is now devoted to someone new, learns Jen is out of the coma. She tells Kristen, who calls Jen, glad she is awake, & to say how sorry she is about Haley, how upset she was when she lost her baby, did not even quite know what she was doing.

Now earlier, JJ came to visit his mom, looking worse than before. She can see he is in pain, suggests he talk to Marlena as she did when she lost Jack. He gets mad, doesn't want to talk to anyone, storms out. Discovers he doesn't have his pills, spots a tray of meds, nurse is on phone, her back to him. He cops several little cups of pills, swallows one, goes back, hears Jen saying goodbye to Kristen, grabs the phone, trying to learn where Kristen is. She cannot tell him, he just wants to talk (he has claimed he has forgiven her) but she nicely refuses, he slams the phone down. Jen tries to get him to open up, and in comes Roman.

So, previously, Chad & Abby sit in Pub, ready to order, Kate comes along, Chad smiles, is so odd to see her doing this. She says it's been a year, you should be used to it. Flashback to her at the bar, complaining to Roman about the corporate world, he says she should try something new. Then says he needs some help, tells her to take the tray of drinks to Table 5. She is taken aback, but agrees, and evidently works the rest of the day. She gives him all her tips, he refuses, she earned that money, & evidently she decides to stay on. Back to Chad & Abby who order their usual. Chad gets a text from Steveano about Kristen donating her stock to the church, wants him to fly out, make her an offer she can't refuse. Chad agrees, tells Abby, leaves.

He sees Gabi & Eli at a table in the square, tells her he needs the DiMera jet, business deal. Eli asks what, Chad nicely says he was talking to Gabi, & also none of his business, tho Abby told him how Eli was snooping around his computer. Eli bluffs the security software excuse, Chad says his computer is secure. Gabi gets rid of Eli, tells Chad she wants to go with. Sure, he will call & tell the people. She then can't go today, Ari has a recital. Chad leaves. Eli returns, somehow they come up with Rome (flight plan for jet) & figure Kristen is selling her shares, she wants Eli to grab the jet, go to Rome, get to Kristen first. JJ overhears, follows Eli.

Lots of jumping around today. After Chad leaves, Roman brings chowder for Abby to take to Jen, they talk a bit, she tells how she visited Eve, doesn't think Eve pushed her mom. Told Jen, who thinks the same. Roman says since case is closed, she has right to see all evidence in the case. This pleases her no end.

Gins & Steveno chat away, he has eyes and ears all over, learned Kristen was taking final vows, donating shares to church. Texts Chad to go, get her to sell to him. Gina gets call from Abby, is going to ignore, Steveano says take it, she does, agrees to meet Abby at the station. When she hangs up, he says you always have to keep tabs on what others are doing.

Abe runs into Eli, tells him Lani called him. Eli is not interested, ends up telling Abe he doesn't care what Lani does, he & Gabi are happy together now, so Lani can move on to whoever new she pleases, in fact, don't ever mention her name to me again.

Chad is outside the Pub, texts Steveano he is on way to airport.

Roman chatters away with Jennifer (wonder why he didn't bring chowder himself??) , brings up Abby not thinking Eve was guilty, Jen tells how she doesn't either. She talks of JJ, Roman says he had Eric talk to him, but JJ punched Eric out! Roman says he gave Abby some advice, maybe between her & Hope they can figure things out.

Abby is waiting when “Hope” arrives, hugs. Tells about wanting to look at evidence. Gina says why, Eve found guilty, case closed. Abby reveals she doesn't think Eve is one who pushed Jennifer. That doesn't set well with Gina.
What is with Jen propping up Kristen?

1) Jen was in a coma for the past year.

2) In the past, Jen has been unable to forgive Kristen for the things Kristen allowed Peter and Stefano to do to her family.
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I have no clue to what kind of pills JJ has been using, but when he stole meds today, they could have been anything. And he first took one, then decided what the heck and took all the rest. How did he know what he was taking? I mean, all meds are not pain pills or anti-anxiety pills. Meds to stop diarrhea, or move the bowels! Meds to regulate heart, lower blood pressure, prevent acid reflux, fight infection............that was a really weird thing for him to do.
Missed the first half the episode because of the hearings, but here are a few comments on what I did see.

Kristen: She actually prays for forgiveness about the Haley incident? Since it's doubtful that she knows any real prayers, maybe her plea for absolution goes like this: "Rub-a-dub-dub, sorry for the flub, OK, God."

Abigail: If she actually sees the Eve file at police headquarters, she might be in for something of a shock. Given the utter incompetence of the Salem P.D., the file might resemble something that was thrown together by first-grade class at St. Luke's Academy.

Steve-ano: Every day in every way, he shows that he's a mere shadow of the real Phoenix. Stefano wouldn't send poor Chad on some fool's errand to Europe. Instead, he'd just crush Gabi like the cockroach that she is.

Eli: He appears to have lost his mind since the Lani affair. Ben realized that being in charge of security at the DiMansion meant protecting the family from outside threats, not getting involved with intra-DiMera battles. When all the truth is out, Eli is going to feel like a fool for going all in with the duplicitous Ms. Hernandez.
I have been reticent to say anything but here goes.

This NUN story is ludicrous. I was a nun for seven years. In one year's time you do not get the veil they have and make final vows. It doesn't matter what order or congregation to which you belong. This is stupid and a mockery. Too bad they don't have any advisers on this subject or so many others. Canon Law wouldn't allow Kristen to become a nun without a whole lot of reparation on her part. Canon Law doesn't allow people to just go hide out in a convent and make like they want to be a nun. One year of chastity and saying prayers isn't enough. These two women are troubled and the requirements to make vows demand more than a year of soul searching, study etc.

The show takes 6 months for someone to finally reveal something major and then they pull this about the Catholic Religious. Ridiculous. Minimum 1 year as a postulant, 1-2 years as novices, 5-6 years before final vows.

Time jump - epic fail so far. Steve as Stefano?? Princess Gina is the worst acting I have seen in years on this show. Pretentious and forced. Time jump would work if it were like Dallas saying, oops we messed up. Forget all that.
This is also the show that has characters becoming doctors in less than a year, running international corporations with barely a high school diploma, heart transplant patients bopping around within a week and characters regrowing missing body parts. Lani and Kristen becoming nuns in a year doesn't even make me blink.
Ahhh. Moira...thank you for the correct info on becoming a aunt & cousin were/are nuns. an uncle was a priest.
While Salem seems to have different laws & customs...these writers actually put Lani & Kristen in a convent in ROME!!! Maybe they figure special dispensation from the Pope!
They should have played closer attention even to Sound of Music....

And yes...I am waiting for the "Dallas" thing, eventually.
...these writers actually put Lani & Kristen in a convent in ROME!!! Maybe they figure special dispensation from the Pope!

It would stricter in Rome. Just beyond ridiculous. Yes the CEOS, Doctors and so on are ridiculous; but most people would know that. The general public doesn't know as much about Nuns.
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Thanks, Poirot.

It's a new day in Salem.

The hospital had a redo during the time jump, but the hospital staff still leave medication
out for anyone to take it.

Kate needs to wear a Brady Pub apron whiles she's working so her nice clothes won't
get dirty.

Nice to see Jennifer wearing PJs instead of a hospital gown.

Eli, JJ and Chad are going to Rome. Will Chad or Eli get to Kristen first? Will Eli
see Lani? And what will JJ do to Kristen?
What is with Jen propping up Kristen?

1) Jen was in a coma for the past year.

2) In the past, Jen has been unable to forgive Kristen for the things Kristen allowed Peter and Stefano to do to her family.

Yeah, but Jennifer also did forgive Kristen years back already because when she first arrived back in town in 2012, she and Jennifer I recall were sipping wine while catching up. Jennifer stopped forgiving Kristen after the explosion I believe.

As for today's episode, as I thought, much better and the advancement is starting to unravel some of the plots. So, Kristen, I take it may have attacked Haley instead of pushing her downstairs as some had thought, well who knows that can still be on the table. I wish there could of have been laughter and jokes from Stefano about Kristen becoming a nun instead of Gina having all the fun. Joseph Mascolo (former Stefano) would have made that scene quite funny.

But with "Stevano" that character seemed more irritated and frustrated with Kristen's venture into the sisterhood. Good time for Sister Mary Moira to pop up and deny Kristen's rights as a nun and decline her calling. Actually I have had suspicions that Sister Kristen is really Susan or Mary Moira mainly because Kristen does seem so out of character. I even swear I caught some Susan kind of antics with her reactions as Sister Kristen.

I wonder if Eli is playing Gabi in some ways because maybe he is suspicious of her. Eli has gone through a complete change of character. I never thought Gabi and Eli would become so slimey when they did match well before. Wonder if Eli will run into Sister Lani?
Yeah, the nun thing is ridiculous. Besides there is no way this soon they would be taking final vows I find Lani and Kristen as BFFs annoying!! And yes Lani there was something you could have done about Gabi! You were a cop!! Set her up, arrest her for threatening Julie!!

It is so past time for Gabi to be taken down a peg or 2 or 10!! Eli is gonna feel like an idiot when he finds out all Gabi did and he fell right back into her bed!

Not liking JJ as a druggie.

Hating Gina and Stefano. How is Stefano going out in public looking like Steve! And going after Marlena! I wanted Steve back! Real honest to goodness Steve!!
The nun stuff is beyond boring. Please move this along. I'm still hoping Lani and Eli are working together undercover.

I'm very disappointed so far in how little we've seen of Jennifer and her reactions to things since the time jump. I thought this was supposed to be told from her perspective. We are lucky if we see her once a week and so far she's only reacted to the deaths of Adrienne and Haley and to Justin and Kayla's relationship.

Also, do Jack, Jennifer and Abigail not know that JJ is using? Because it sure seems that way.

I'm also hoping that Kate and Roman are an item again.