Days of Our Lives - Wed. Feb. 17, 2016

I don't know if I'd call Steve & Ava rape. I mean, she definitely coerced him, but she laid out her terms and he agreed to them. He could have told her to sod off and flown home and found Kayla another way.

Regardless, the LAST thing this show needs is a virgin teenage rapist. Are they intentionally trying to write Chase into a corner?

edited to write out text-speak phrase - JS
So they have Chase force himself on Ciara to eliminate the character and have the teen dating pool of non related kids reduced for what?

I did not, in any way, feel that Andre had directed Chase to be so aggressive. I thought his advice to focus on love was okay, even if he was being manipulative.

The hand over the mouth is what did it for me.

They could have ended with the kids on the couch, Ciara saying no and resisting with Chase seeming not to respond and then on Monday opened same scenario but Chase jumps up and is apologetic, Ciara hurt and untrusting and Chase then working to regain her trust and eventually, hopefully her love in the years to come.

But that would be too soapy and interesting for these writers. I wonder how they will resolve this?
I am wondering too from the other comment here, that Theo made "if he ever hurts you, I will hurt him" is going to come true and it is Theo who comes to the house?

That would be good, and only if Ciara does not somehow stop Theo from beating him to a pulp! She needs to stop defending him to Theo.
In Salem lies and assorted nastiness is a way of life, but today, the writers pushed things beyond all limits. Over at the loving Johnson home, Steve was dishing out his highly edited version of his "encounter" with Ava on poor Kayla. Then there was Rafe sinking deeper into a quicksand of lies, lying not only to Chad, but also Roman. Add to the mix Salem's new candidate for mother of the year, lawyer/tramp Belle, suggesting to Claire that she become a truant and accompany her to Paris on Stefano's dime, before blabbing the ugly secret about the lost DiMera millions. (How long will it take before this is common knowledge?) As for slimy Ava and her nasty little recording and Ciara-Chase the less said the better. These are more evidence that the writers are dumpster diving for cheap and easy-to-write plot lines. Finally, amidst the slime, lies, and stupidity, there were a few good lines: Andre -- "befriend every ugly impulse"; Shawn mentioning Hope's "killer instincts" (he's more on target there than he realizes); and Roman calling the Rafe-Hope theory of Stefano's death "a stretch." Is it ever.
And these are the rapes of our lives, even if it is attempted, or thought about. :beat: I was hoping it was a dream when he kissed her. I, for sure, hope this is a nightmare of Ciara's (to warn her of him) or a daydream of Chase's. If not, Ciara is one of, oh gosh, what is the percentage of rapes in Salem of main/recurring/minor characters alone, 75%? Laura, Jennifer, Sami (2+), Adrienne, Billie, Kayla, Maggie, Jan Spears, Stephanie and so on.
Deplorable, there is no other words for Rapist Chase. I am ashamed of the writers, Corday and everyone involved in any way with this storyline. I feel dirty having watched it and apologize to all those who have.

So they have Chase force himself on Ciara to eliminate the character and have the teen dating pool of non related kids reduced for what?

So Theo can play knight in shinning armor. I had this feeling back when Ciara was begging Theo to give Chase a chance just before the texting storyline started. Even then Theo was giving Chase the cold shoulder because of what Chase's dad did, which made me laugh at the time considering who Theo's maternal relations are.
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plus even though it aired on the east cost and thus was fair game to post about in the discussion thread, I wanted to let people catch up on what happened.
Even though the show had already aired on east coast, it had not aired central, mountain or Pacific, thus a great many people had not seen, nor would have even understood what was being discussed.
By the time this summary is up, the only time zone that perhaps has not seen the show is west coast.
Discussion of events in the daily show are usually in this thread....not always, as there ARE specific things that at times are discussed at length in perhaps a thread of their own.
I am wondering too from the other comment here, that Theo made "if he ever hurts you, I will hurt him" is going to come true and it is Theo who comes to the house?

My thought, too. Unless she ends up telling him about it, and Theo takes it upon himself to do something about it after that, thus getting into trouble himself, opening up a whole new can of worms. I can totally see Ciara telling Theo or Theo somehow figuring it out, her not telling anyone else.
I can just picture the writing room about 8 months ago...

Person in Charge: So, now that we're through the holidays, let's come up with some real shock factor for 2016.
Writer A: How about Hope goes insane and kills Stefano? Then Rafe can help her cover up the murder and frame Andre. It will be a real titillating love story!
Person in Charge: Sounds great! What else do we got, people?
Writer B: Are we allowed to mess with supercouples?
Person in Charge: Supercouples, schmupercouples....
Writer B: Well, I was thinking, what if Ava kidnaps Kayla and then dupes Steve into having sex with her in order to save Kayla? I mean, we'll have Joey walk in on them, Ava videotape it, the whole shebang.
Person in Charge: That sounds fabulous, like a brand new storyline and everything! :rubs hands together gleefully:
Writer A: Wait, wait, wait....I can one-up that. Picture this....Chase takes advice from the evil Andre to go after what he wants and literally takes in forces himself on Ciara.
Person in Charge: You mean Chase rapes Ciara? Tell me more.
Writer A: Yeah, it'll be great. We can even have him accost her in the revered Horton living room so that every Christmas from here on out Ciara can remember being violated by her step-brother every time she hangs her ornament.
Person in Charge: Wow, this is the best idea I've heard since it was suggested to have EJ and Sami be soulmates. Let's run with it. Good meeting, folks! I think the viewers are going to LOVE these ideas.
Since I knew what happened at the end, I listened closely to what Andre said to Chase. Andre told
women like strong men... and some other stuff. I think Chase took it the wrong way. If this had
to be done, I'm glad they cut away to blackness.

I laughed when Andre and Chad were
talking about Andre and Hope's Wikipedia pages.

Interesting Claire has known all along Sami took the DiMera money. Now she knows Belle
has it a
nd told Shawn.

Rafe tried to convince Roman, Andre took the money. Roman has no idea Sami took it.

Shawn told Hope about her and Bo being good cops. That's right.. good cops kill people
and cover it up.

Steve told Kayla what Joey saw.. And we find out later,
Ava has a sex tape of what happened
on their trip... haven't we seen this before