Days of Our Lives - Wed., July 5, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

At their loft apt., Claire & Theo talk of their breakup. She wants them to be back together, but though Theo cares about her, thinks highly of her, he does not. They go back and forth, back and forth, but Theo is changing his mind.

Next, he is at the Pub, asking Roman for a job, but while Roman considers him family, he has more help than he really needs right now.

At the cop shop, Hope is yakking about finding who really killed Deimos, not JJ, who seems to be defeated, is taking the fall. Rafe assures her that the jury, after hearing the facts, would find not guilty, extenuating circumstances. But Hope worries if Raines would let JJ keep his job. Rafe decides she needs a break, to relax for a bit, has a surprise, off they go, he won't even let her take her phone.

And there they are, thru that well traveled gate in the park, a blanket spread on the concrete tiles, a pub tent set up, the bench conveniently right there, but unused. She is surprised all right, picnic basket awaits, they sit down, he has chocolate covered strawberries, she won't eat them until Rafe says what is really on his mind. She can tell there is something. So, he starts talking about how beautiful she is, blah, blah, and who comes up but Julie, hoping she is not intruding, even tho she sees it is a picnic. She joins them, sitting down, mentioning how she remembers she & Doug camping.

She munches on the chocolate strawberries, oblivious to the fact she IS intruding, Hope offers to get her a drink, goes into the tent to get it. (weird, her shoes are in her hand, do cops really swear heels, even clunky ones, while on duty?). Now Rafe is whispering that Julie has to get out of there, she cannot be there, he is going to propose. Ah, but Julie says he can't until he asks Doug's blessing/permission. He is right over there, having a cup of coffee. (So, julie leaves her husband having coffee in the square, to go to the park for ????)

And now Rafe goes running around town, first to square to ask Doug's permission. Oh, he is happy, gives it, but suggests he also ask Victor, as Bo's father. Rafe dashes over there, Vic is amused, but appreciative. Rafe mentions Bo asking him to watch out for Hope, & his family, Rafe loves them all, will do so. Vic gives his blessing, but suggest he should really be asking Roman. Thus, now Rafe is dashing over to the Pub, gets Roman's blessing as well.

Meanwhile, Hope is getting antsy over where Rafe has gone, but Claire arrives, down in the mouth over Theo breaking up with her. She moans to Hope that he once said they were forever when they first fell in love, Julie remarks he probably meant it at that time, Claire decides that is true, and he can do it again. She is smiling, Hope tries saying not to rush into something, but Claire declares that is who she is, someone who is impulsive. She figures Theo will fall in love with her again.

At the hospital, Seth Burns is beating around the bush but finally gets down to brass tacks, about the meds Kayla had listed, both in the case of the late Mr. Morales, and recently, Hope Brady. Nurse Shelly has reported this all to Burns, Kayla is protesting she would never do that, Steve proclaiming he is an investigator, will look into this and prove his wife is o.k. Tripp speaks up for her, since he has been shadowing her for 2 weeks, talking of how she treats patients, etc.

Burns says an autopsy will be done on Morales (Tripp changed the pain med to something way more potent, plus the amount of med milligrams in Hope's case) He is gone, she is pacing, cannot believe she did this, has to be an explanation. The autopsy results are in. No potent pain killer found, just the amount that Kayla claimed is what she had ordered. Burns is going to be keeping a very close eye on her now. Tripp has heard it all.

Claire returns to the apt., where Theo is attempting to write up a resume', but is discouraged as he has no experience. Claire sits down, grabs his laptop, starts talking of how he fixed Chad's computer, which means experience with big. Corporation, tutored that kid in Trig....more experience, helped gramma with organizing files, which is Salem P.D. Lots of references, she will type it up for him, he has a good resume' now.

Hope has gotten real antsy, figures something is up, Julie must know what it is, demands she tell her. Julie does know, promised to keep lip zipped, Hope gives her one minute to spill. Julie is just about to, when Rafe returns, huffing and puffing. Julie takes off, Hope wants to know what is up. Rafe goes thru this whole spiel of how wonderful Hope is, and finally, gets down on one knee, pulls out the ring box, asks her to marry him. Hope's jaw drops, she does the "uh, uh" thing a couple of times, but is not saying anything.
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A few comments on today's doings.

The writers: Kudos for the scenes of Rafe bustling about Salem trying to get blessings for his marriage proposal to Hope. It was a rare example of intelligent humor and a nice break from the usual rubbish.

Claire: She's making a big deal about Theo saying that they were "forever." Doesn't she realize that in Salem "forever" generally means until the middle of next week. She also says that she'll get Theo to "love her again." Does she realize how many Salemites have tried this trick before: NuJade (Joey), EJ (Sami), and Deimos (Nicole)?

Seth Burns: Fie on him for his rush to judgment with poor Kayla. Would he ever have pulled this stunt with the sainted Love Doctor or even Dr. Fynn "Dingo" Thompson?

Little Trippy: Will today's misadventure with the patient who then died be a wake-up call? Even Stefano, Andre, and Deimos would be aghast at the idea of somebody messing with the dosage instructions of ordinary Salemites. (Of course, if the medications of one of their enemies were involved it would be full speed ahead.)

Julie: She certainly seemed to enjoy Rafe's chocolate-covered [strawberries]. It might have made for a good scene if the Horton Cabin raccoons had invaded the picnic and made off with the goodies.
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Thanks, Poirot.

It was interesting how Rafe was going around town to make sure it was ok to ask
Hope to be his wife. I was surprised when Victor said to see Roman and that
Roman was on again today.

Nice seeing Doug and Julie. I wish they had scenes together.

Why do I have a feeling that Kayla is going to get in more trouble and it won't be
something Tripp did? I keep wondering if nurse Shelly might do something.

Mr Burns said he was taking steps to insure that it won't happen again. He said he
was going to watch Kayla. I hope he'll do more than that. Someone needs to watch
the tablets and there needs to be a better place for them to be stored than
the nurse's station.
I hated seeing poor Kayla in trouble. I wanted to slap that nurse across the face!!! They turn on you quick, don't they? So glad autopsy vindicated her some. I hope Steve dusts her tablet for prints and sees that Tripp's are on there doing her passcode!

I liked it better when Claire dumped Theo for not believing her. I don't like her begging him to take her back.

I do not like Rafe and Hope. I do not think they are truly in love. They were rushed together. This proposal was so dragged out. It was ridiculous. And hey, if he's asking everyone how about her kids??!!! She looks like she's gonna say no, but that's probably just me being hopeful.
@KathyLu Chocolate covered strawberries. It actually annoyed me because I thought this was a John/Marlena thing. Just like camping was a Sami/Rafe thing.

Hope is a 50+ year old woman with an adult grandchild. She doesn't need Dad's permission to get married for the 5th time. If anything, it should have been Shawn and Ciara's permission. Bo already gave his blessing. No need for Roman and Victor too. Give me a break.

Who the heck brings their spouse and sudden stepson to meet with their boss? Those hospital scenes were horribly written. I'm glad Seth Burns told Steve to stand down. And is that a new actor playing Seth?

I'm on the fence with Claire and Theo. I liked their discussion even though Theo was a bit obnoxious. But then I didn't like what Claire said to Hope. But I liked Claire helping with his resume. So she said one thing and did another.

Theo was cute asking Roman for a job. I felt bad for him when he turned him down. Maybe Uncle Chad can give him a job.

Awful editing throughout
It's pretty bad when Theo and Claire were the best thing on today's show, and that's not saying much.

The scenes with Seth Burns, the nurse, Kayla, Steve, and Tripp were painful to watch. It should be obvious to any competent hospital administrator that the medication was changed after the patient had died. Since Kayla quoted the correct medication that the autopsy proved was right, Seth Burns should now be looking into who had access to the tablet and the time the medication was changed instead of telling Kayla he would be closely watching her. It would be obvious that Kayla was not responsible for those changes. But this is Salem and HIPAA laws have never been enforced there.

Rafe and Hope were extemely ridiculous today. Rafe annoyed me by not seeming concerned about JJ's arrest, a fellow coworker and someone he mentored when JJ started at the Salem PD. Instead, he was so anxious to propose to Hope and it reminded me of Dario rushing Abigail into marrying him. Why he could not wait a few days until the issues with Deimos murder were more settled is beyond me. And it was so stupid that he had to go around asking Hope's father, her former father-in-law, and brother-in-law for permission to marry her. Why in the world does a woman in her 50s who was married before need their permission?
I just got to watch this show and have some thoughts or wishful thinking, lol. Steve promised to investigate what happened at the hospital concerning Kayla. Maybe Steve will find out Tripp was behind everything (for the wrong reasons) and cover for Tripp like he did for Joey. Tripp can then find out about Steve covering for Joey and finally understand.

Just an aside, Tripp could already be a doctor, went to med school or pre-med. I don't remember Tripp saying what his degree is in, but he seems to know medications quite well, eh?