Days of Our Lives - Wed. June 10,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Episode #11,000 Tape date 5/6 Director – Grant A. Johnson

The show really jumps around today, which is rather annoying, but you will still need a few tissues…… Sami sits on her sofa, one twin on each side, reading a story to them, a story about two little boys, whose friend, Katie got very sick, had to go to the hospital, and was never coming back. Sami’s voice is beginning to break, as she gets to that part, & Will, in spite of his tears, takes the book from her, and finishes reading for her. Sami is tearful, as she tells Johnny & Allie that they will not be seeing Grace any more, but she will always be in their hearts. Later, she is on the floor, playing with them, while is talking to someone on the phone (Mia?) about taking the twin for some breakfast. When he hangs up, he tells the twins he is going to take them for a treat, and they are going out for breakfast, and taking each by the hand, they all leave.

Arianna sits with a despondent Rafe, trying to comfort him, as he says he is really worried about Sami. Arianna makes the mistake of referring to Grace, as “only being adopted”, Rafe has a fit, what difference does that make, your heart is still ripped out. Arianna apologizes, and for some reason, Rafe tells her that Grace was Sami’s bio daughter. He leaves, but calls Sami to check on her. Meanwhile, Sami has fallen asleep on the sofa, hears a baby crying, wakes up talking to Grace, going over to the crib where Grace sits, smiling. She talks to her, and goes to get her favorite blanket, only to find the crib empty, she frantically calls her name………and then actually wakes up abruptly, having had a bad dream. Sami is a bit upset, tells him Will took the kids out for breakfast, and she wants to just be alone for a while. She hangs up, sits on the sofa, burying her face in her hands, throws the handset across the room, and holds Grace’s blanket, as she cries.

Max is sound asleep, hearing Chelsea’ voice, muttering about it being a dream, only it isn’t. She is really there, courtesy of Grampa Victor’s private jet. Kiss, kiss, snuggle, snuggle. Yep, they soon are rolling around, scrumping, and when in afterglow, she tells him she has decided to stay in London permanently, and wants him to join her. He wonders why she didn’t mention this to begin with, but she wanted to “warm him up” first. She claims that at first it is very different, but in a couple weeks, you get used to it, and is awesome.

Replay of Stefano tapping a startled Nicole on the shoulder, wanting to finish their conversation. He tells her if she had not done what she did, they would instead be preparing for a funeral themselves tomorrow, and it all was brilliant. She assures him there is nothing she would not do to keep her DiMera family together. Stefano also tells her if she had not continued to fake her pregnancy after she lost her child, Sami would probably have told EJ about her own pregnancy, instead of hiding it, and that would have been disastrous. He thinks what Nicole did was so good, it far outweighed lying to his son, and notes that Sami and EJ must never ever know that Sydney is really Sami’s baby.

Brady is talking on his cell, and of course bumps right into Arianna (this is getting wayyy too old) and her purse spills out. As he helps her pick things up, she mutters about first Rafe, now him, mentioning Rafe being upset over what happened. Brady nonchalantly wonders what Sami has been up to now, Arianna realizes he doesn’t know. Later they are sitting having coffee, and she has told him of Grace’s death.

And let’s go over to Smith Island, where Chloe is standing outside in the shrubbery, drinking in the glorious day, and Daniel appears. She tells him he should not be there, but Daniel is not to be denied, He kisses her, she protests slightly. (We keep going back to these scenes which appear among others during the show). They kiss some more, and are really starting to get passionate….and yep, Chloe is actually in bed, having a dream, waking up suddenly. Lucas comes back to bed, apologizing for waking her, but she just was having a dream. He talks of them not having secrets from each other, and has to tell her something…..and now proceeds to tell Chloe that Sami never really lost her baby, that Grace was her child, the bio daughter of Sami & EJ. Chloe can’t believe he kept this from her, he tells her he only learned of it a few weeks ago. She jumps up, can’t talk about this now, has to go.

Rafe is at the hospital, come to make arrangements for Grace. The nurse asks his relationship, he says he is the father. She goes thru the file, noting no father is named, he insists he filled out all kinds of paperwork last night. The nurse is adamant, until Nicole’s voice vouches for him being the father. The nurse is still reluctant, until Nicole gives her name as Mrs. EJ DiMera. Now the nurse is all apologetic, will go down to the office, and see if paperwork is there. Rafe asks Nicole why she did that…..she tells him she knows he is Grace’s true father, the only one she has known, and how much he loved her. She left her cell there last night, she called and they have it put aside for her….her reason for being there. She leaves.

And over at Sami’s, as she sits despondently on the sofa, there is a knock on the door. She answers, to find EJ standing there, come to check on Johnny and her. She sadly tells him to come in, that the twins are out for some breakfast with Will. Yes she told them, but she is not sure they understood it all, she felt there were a million questions in their eyes. He asks about her boyfriend, Rafe, Sami talks of how strong he has been, how much he did for her, how well he protected her in WP, and how he loved Grace so much. EJ is sympathetic, they are talking quietly, and Sami says there is something she has not told him, then breaks the news that it was his daughter who died. EJ thinks Sami is just thinking right, that his daughter is fine and safely at home, but Sami is insistent, telling him she not delusional, & if he thinks about it…. EJ is disbelieving, not understanding what she is talking about. She asks him when Grace was born, he says Jan. 28th, same time as Sydney, and Sami spits out he should count backwards 9 mos and remember who he was sleeping with back then. As the realization hits him, EJ is shocked, his face contorting as it sinks in that she is saying she herself gave birth to Grace, and he was the bio father. (Kudos to James Scott for his reactions here). He asks why she never told him, how could she keep this from him, and now he is getting angry, raging and ranting.
Sami tells him it was because he was a DiMera, because of the evil family. She spells it all out, how he lied to her, threatened her, tried to take Johnny away, how his father ordered the mayor killed, and then for the killer to go after her. EJ keeps asking why she never told him, and she says she was going to, she came over, and that is when she saw him with Nicole, and she witnessed the murder. And how she had to leave her kids and go into witness protection, and when she got out, he was marrying Nicole, and even then plotted to kill Philip, not once, but twice. That he is evil, just like his father. Sami’s lips are pursed and teeth clenched as she talks of how Nicole acts, the queen of the castle… EJ is ranting and raving, screaming that Sami should shut up, this has nothing to do with Nicole, that Nicole never lied to him about something so important, and has never betrayed him.

Great write up (as always). I wish I had your talent for writing.

Looks like great scenes with EJ finding out he was the father and Sami's pain of losing her Grace.
Arianna is so thoughtless. I don't like her and I'm also getting tired of Brady, Arianne and the cell phone. It looks like something is going to develop between the two.

Counting back nine months from when Sami's baby was conceived won't work. She was conceived in mid/late May and born in late January...eight months later. Of course, we are talking about Salem time.

Thanks, Barb!
Wow! sounds like EJ is really getting what is coming to him. Thanks for the write up Barb!
Thanks for the write-up Barb!!
Wonderful job as always!
Yep, looks like Chloe was just looking for an excuse to be with Daniel. She has no right to be upset with Lucas at all. Especially because the last secret about Sami being pregnant she went and blabbed. She really needs to be with Daniel and both runaway and leave Salem forever. They deserve each other. Then they can bring in a new wonder Dr that won't be so pervy.
Thanks for the write up Poirot. Sounds like the EJ and Sami scenes are going to be great. I see that the preview was wrong. Rafe tells Arianna that Grace is Sami's bio daughter. It was Rafe tells Arianna that Grace (Was) Sami's bio daughter. I was so hoping that it was not a misprint and Grace would still be alive. Oh well now that Lucas has told Chloe all of Salem will know about Grace being Sami's and EJ's.
I can't wait until EJ finds out what his Nicole (who would never lie to him or deceive him) actually did from the time she lost her baby up to and including stealing Sami's baby. I wonder how he'll act then. I'll be glad when truth comes out and hopefully Sami would get a decent, honest judge who would give her full custody to both baby & Johnny.
Days of Our Lives

Replay of Stefano tapping a startled Nicole on the shoulder, wanting to finish their conversation. He tells her if she had not done what she did, they would instead be preparing for a funeral themselves tomorrow, and it all was brilliant. She assures him there is nothing she would not do to keep her DiMera family together. Stefano also tells her if she had not continued to fake her pregnancy after she lost her child, Sami would probably have told EJ about her own pregnancy, instead of hiding it, and that would have been disastrous. He thinks what Nicole did was so good, it far outweighed lying to his son, and notes that Sami and EJ must never ever know that Sydney is really Sami’s baby.


Ha! I totally called that one. LOL
Thank you Poirot for the great write up. These are sad shows to watch so reading them first makes it easier to watch for me. Both babies were born on my Birthday Jan 28 so it makes it very sad that baby Grace died.
No that EJ has talked all high & mighty about Nicole never doing anything to betray him or lie....I cant wait till he finds out what Nicole did!!! She will also feel his wrath! :)

I am trying to figure out why all of the sudden Stefano is so anti-Sami. I mean I know the feud with the Bradys, but not to long ago, wasnt he wanting EJ to marry Sami?? Talk about back & forth!!! Sheesh!

Thanks for the great write up!
Stefano hates Sami because Sami has betrayed EJ by trying to hide his child from him. He likes Nicole now because she protected/ kidnapped that child and brought it to the DiMera home... a typical DiMera move.

Stefano has what he wanted all along A DiMera/Brady child and all his own!!!!
Waiting for the show down

that Nicole never lied to him about something so important, and has never betrayed him.

This is going to be so good when it comes to light that both women that EJ "Loves" in some way shape or form have lied to him. Sami to protect and Nicole to perserve/maintain. I have not watched the show for a while and I thank you Barb for all of your write-ups. I feel like I never miss a beat. I am just waiting for the show down. :)
Sounds like a great show, great write up. Oh, and Nicole has never lied to EJ, where has his head been???:confused:
Oh, boy, as I said, the show jumped around a lot and I forgot to include something. Daniel is sound asleep in the doctor's lounge when Kate comes in wearing her very best pirate outfit, ruffled shirt, chains on the pants, the whole 9 yards. . She stands watching him, then goes over, and carefully picks up the prescription pad that is under his hand. She tears off the top one, flashes back to when she was practicing his signature, and had it down "perfect", then slips the pad back near his hand. As she quietly tries to leave, Daniel wakes up, asking what she is doing there. She makes up some excuse, but he says he knows her, she has something on her agenda, and what is it. She just does her Cheshire cat smile, saying she has everything she wants.
It's About Time!

Finally, some movement on this freakin' story already! Thanks so much Barb for all your fabulous write-ups. I have barely watched since the baby switch storyline started but your narratives have kept me updated as to when I can stand to watch again. Too bad poor baby Grace had to be sacrificed for the writers to move forward with this s/l, though. I absolutely cannot wait for smug ol' EJ to discover that his dahling Nicole has been lying to him, too. Fun, fun, fun!:)
now it's time for the rest of the truth to come out! Mia, Sami, EJ...they all need to know the truth! Mia needs to know that her connection to Grace was genuine, that Grace was indeed her daughter!
Sami needs to know that the baby she gave birth to is alive and well, unfortunately in the care of Nicole...but alive nonetheless! And EJ, for once, is the victim here...he's tangled up by so many lies thrown at his face that he wouldn't recognize is own butt if someone showed him a picture.

this is getting old. new story please! truth needs to come out, the show needs to MOVE ON!:rant:
Just finished watching the show. Boy Alison Sweeney (Sami) and James Scott (EJ) were amazing in their scenes. Just loved when Sami told EJ that Grace was his. James was amazing in his acting. His hands where shaking and his face was so filled with pain. Sami was just biting her lip as EJ was yelling at her. It was a bit funny to hear him say that it was not about Nicole that she never betrayed him.

The outfit that Kate was wearing was so cute on her. Loved the way she told Dan that she got what she wanted.

I am now thinking that all of Salem with know that Grace was Sami's baby now that Lucas told Chloe. It did not take her long to jump up and leave after Lucas told her. Am thinking that she will tell Nicole first.

Liked that Nicole helped Rafe at the hospital. Was glad that they pointed out that the paper work was put in for the adoption, but that the actual adoption would have taken a while when Rafe was talking to his sister.

It was a very well done show.