Days of Our Lives - Wed. June 10,2009

In the DC area there was the shooting at the Haulocaust Museum and NBC did a report on it during the scenes of EJ and Sami. Months of waiting and I do not get to see it. :mad:
I am SO tired of the fantasies between Chloe and Daniel. I love Sami and Rafe. I am sick of Philip and Stephanie.
Thanks for the write ups!

I was watching that on CNN yesterday. It happened around 1pm.
We had some short power outage but it was enough to only Tivo 15 minutes. I had to go on Youtube to watch the rest of it. I was not going to miss EJ's reaction.
I thought James Scott was outstanding today . His shock, disbelief, grief, then anger. I thought he did a wonderful job today. I still can't believe they killed Grace but that's another story. And Stephano keeps saying to Nicole it could us planning a funeral if she hadn't switched the babies. That's not really true. Meningitis isn't something Grace was born with, she was exposed to it somewhere. Have it missed it or are they not concerned about Sami's other kids being exposed? Grace was contagious at some point wasn't she? But kudos to James Scott.