Days of Our Lives - Wed., Mar. 10, 2021


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Mar 24, 2009
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Paulina and Abe in the town square, repeat of Abe isn’t on any side. Paulina is sure he will do the right thing for the town and his family.

Gabi is on a bench outside the pub crying, Roman comes up asks what’s wrong.

Abe always tries to do the right thing. Abe reminds Paulina that he only said he’d do the introduction. Paulina is being bossy. Abe reminds Paulina that Miami and Salem are different.

Lani opens the box of silver spoons for the babies. Knock on door. It’s Theo, he couldn’t wait to see the babies. He is welcomed home.

Eli comes into the pub, Valerie is there. She wants to know what’s so urgent.

Julie is reading her tablet and moans about poor Sami. Julie tells Claire that Sami has been arrested for the murder of Charlie Dale. Claire tells Grandma that she thought that she and Charlie were meant to be together. Claire is putting Charlie behind her and will be helping Ben. Claire explains the whole Ciara is alive thing.

Evan talking to himself tells Ciara she shouldn’t have messed with him and now he’s going to make her a widow.

Julie says so you not only believe Ciara is alive, but you are continuing to look for her. Telling the story we’ve seen about Ciara and the shark tattoo, and the glass box. Julie and Claire filling and finishing each other’s sentence. They get hung up over the book. Julie wants to get the police involved but Claire says that won’t work, not even her dad can help. Julie wants to get Hope involved. Claire is against it. (I really like mixed generations working together, this seems a stretch, but it’s good to see)

Evan is at Ben’s place wondering where Ben is.

Ben goes to the police station and gives Shawn the cell phone and explains that Evan has Ciara.

Theo thinks the babies look like Lani. He got the babies a gift. Zulus make them, I think they are bracelets. (Please let me know if they are something else) They talk about sweet Aunt Paulina.

Back at the town square, Aunt Paulina is describing the town square, old inn, old jewelry store, pointing to all the shops. Paulina wants to know who is on the square board? Martha Stewart, Mamie Eisenhower? Abe stands and listens to Paulina say this town needs me. Paulina wants to know if she can go somewhere and take off her shoes, she wants to take Abe and wine and dine him. Paulina is upset there are no places in Salem with soul.

Eli and Valerie discuss godparents

Julie can’t believe she can’t tell Doug about Ciara. Because they don’t have an idea where she is and Ciara is truly still in danger. Claire tells her that we will wait for good news and bring Ciara home.

Shawn’s crack police force has found that the cell phone pinged on 3 cell towers in Brookfield. They are waiting for the force to find the address.

Evan is still sitting at Ben's waiting.

Roman is trying to console Gabi. Roman is struggling. Gabi says that she’s been dumped by a guy who likes Kate a woman old enough to be his mother, has slept with every man in this town, Roman stops Gabi and tells her that she is the mother of his children. Gabi, right those twins that fell out of the sky, well they are nice, good people. Roman asks Gabi to not bad mouth his ex-wife, and says he has the same feelings, he doesn’t understand what Kate sees in Jake. That gets Gabi on a "Why what’s wrong with Jake?" rant.

Back at Salem PD, Ben wants to call Evan, he can’t wait for the police force to find the answer. Shawn tries to stop him. Ben won’t just stand there. He calls Evan’s phone. Evan answers.

Jules wakes, Lani picks her up offers to let Theo hold her. He says he would love to but he is frightened. He sits and gets pink Jules Doll in a Blanket to cuddle. Theo will be Jules' godfather. Theo thinks Theodosia would have been a better name.

Valerie and Eli continue to discuss godparents. Valerie does a great Julie impersonation. Valerie is happy to see how happy her son is. Eli tells his mom that he hopes to be half as good a parent as she was.

Theo is amazed to be asked, he is afraid he won’t live up to the responsibility. They hope that by offering this to him, he will be spending more time in Salem.

Abe brings Paulina to Julie’s and Paulina is less that excited by the place. Julie loves Paulina’s shoes. Abe is trying to introduce the women. Paulina is shocked that they named the little girl after that old white lady. Abe is caught in the middle. Paulina can’t believe that Julie is Eli’s grandmother. Paulina is trying to talk her way out of insulting Julie.

Theo and his girlfriend have broken up. Lani wants to talk about it, Theo doesn’t want to talk about it. Theo wants to know who will be Jules' godmother. Lani and Theo start to pack up to take the twins to see Julie, to break up the good news.

Shawn snatches the phone out of Ben's hands before he could say anything.

Evan wants to leave Claire at the door.

Roman and Gabi both think each other deserve better. Gabi starts to cry, Roman offers Gabi his handkerchief, she uses it and offers it back, he declines, he’s good.

Valerie and El come in, interrupting Paulina and Julie exchanging barbs. Paulina likes Valerie’s hair, and guesses that she doesn't get it done in Salem. Paulina asks what does she use on her hair it looks so soft. Julie goes to touch it and Paulina snaps at Julie, woman you NEVER touch a black woman’s hair. Theo comes in, hugs all around.

Ben and Shawn try to track the last call.

Claire wants to know where Ben is.

Paulina has explained off screen why you never touch a black woman’s hair.

Lani calls attention, she thanks all for coming and being together. They announce godparents. Abe is godfather to Carver, he accepts. Valerie will be Carver’s godmother. Cheers all around. Theo will be Jules' godfather; he knows nothing about this so he is going to ask his dad. Eli is going to announce Jules’ godmother, but before he can say who it is, Paulina accepts.

Evan tells Claire you know who I am, Claire says yeah, you are the guy on the stair climber. Evan wants to know who she is.

Paulina starts dancing around the table, thanking them, Julie is crestfallen. Lani tries to interrupt Paulina as she lists her accomplishments. She orders champagne and asks Julie to add it to her tab. Julie says she didn’t open a tab.

Shawn tells Ben where the phone call pinged. Ben says that’s my place.

Evan wants to hold Claire. Claire tells Evan that Ciara is her aunt. Evan calls Ciara a rhymes with witch. Even tells Claire that he plans on killing Ben.
Thank you, robinsnest.

I guess I'll have to fast forward through much of Paulina when I watch this tomorrow. I don't need Days to tell me how to be "woke". Dang, I hate that expression.

It'll be good to see Theo and Lani interact as siblings.

I've never heard of grandparents being named as godparents. Here, it is always aunts/uncles or parents' best friends. I'm godmother to both of my sister's kids (now adults), and neither has a godfather.
He got the babies a gift. Zulus make them, I think they are bracelets. (Please let me know if they are something else)
They were definitely little beaded bracelets. He got them at a craft fair near his apartment.

So today we learned the Brady Pub also serves mozzarella sticks. That's a nice addition to the menu.
How could Lani and Theo talk about sweet Aunt Paulina? He wouldn't know her any more than Abe did. I agree with @redsquirrel about not needing a very heavy handed lecture these days. Days never had the need for that kind of preaching and I find it very offensive. There is the real world and soap world. Jackee Harry (Paulina) is going to suck up whatever remaining life there is in this soap. Sad.
Honestly, the highlight of today's show (for me) was finding out Roman added mozzarella sticks to the pub menu. Will be nice with a juicy Brady Burger, cup of clam chowder, a side of garbage can nachos and some EJ Chow.

RS - I thought it was odd to have the grandparents and great-grandparent as godparents too, Gena has 4 godparents, my 3 sisters and my brother, since I couldn't choose between them at the time.

JS - I agree about the mozzarella sticks, deep fried cheese goes well with everything (is my Wisconsin cheese hat showing :rotfl: )
Godparents to my children were mostly cousins, and close friends. I do know I was surprisingly asked to be godparent a couple of times, and realized it was mostly because I was same religion as parent, whereas other family members were not. LOL. My best friend from childhood and I were godmothers to each other's children...the others were family.
Honestly, the highlight of today's show (for me) was finding out Roman added mozzarella sticks to the pub menu. Will be nice with a juicy Brady Burger, cup of clam chowder, a side of garbage can nachos and some EJ Chow.

Paulina: She had some nerve dumping on the Pub sight unseen. What eatery in her beloved Miami has all of these on the menu: Wanchai Ferry, choco-puffs, garbage-can nachos, breakfast burritos, and EJ Chow? And where did she get off saying that Salem needed more "pizzazz"? Any city that leads the country in kidnappings, resurrections, comas, and surprise children doesn't need any more excitement.

Julie: Why did she throw cold water on Doug helping to save Ciara? It's about time that the old con artist got in on the action. And he could assuredly take care of himself. Creepy Evan wouldn't know what hit him when Doug used the martial arts skills that he mastered in classes at the Salem Senior Center.

Doll-in-Blanket: It was another resume-burnishing day for the accomplished doll, first starring in a scene with Uncle Theo and then surviving an encounter with Aunt Paulina and the entire Carver-Grant family.
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Thanks, robin.

I wasn't surprised Paulina assumed she would be Jules' godmother. How are Lani and Eli going to fix the mistake?

Poor Julie. Paulina said to put the drinks on her tab and she didn't open one.

Gabi and Roman were cute together. Gabi kept harping about Kate. Roman had to remind her he and Kate had
kids together. Gabi said "the twins that came out of the sky". Roman gave her his handkerchief before she left.

Both of them said Jake DiMera. Did Jake change his last name? Did his desk sign have DiMera on it? I don't
remember now.
Finally got to see this episode

I always liked Jackee Harry (Paulina), am surprised she did not balk at the dialogue for Paulina today, and refuse to do it. Guess they can't...but how horrible. Aunt Paulina was rude, obnoxious, insulting, manipulative.. better stop, as the list is long. She orders drinks, stiffs Julie for them, runs out, already having made fun of the town, its businesses, inhabitants....Shame on Ron for writing up such hogwash for the character.
I found the godparent situation very strange too. We (friends/family etc.) all chose close friends/family who were also similar in age to us. I’d have never thought to choose one of my grandparents or parents.
Grandparents or great-grandparents as godparents?! They should be someone you believe will live till the child is 18-21 years old. Their "job" is to see the child is reared in whatever religion in which they are baptized. Can't anyone at Days get this kind of detail right? At the church, the minister asks questions of the godparent regarding overseeing the religious training of the child. It isn't about you raising the child in the event of the parents' death. That is something you set up in a will. Julie is getting close to 80.
The problem is Lani and Eli do not have any close friends their own age to name as godparents. The closest friend Eli has is Rafe who is his boss, and Lani, well, she has Kristen, and it's a relief she did not go there. I do like Theo named as godfather to Jules.

Like most people, I found Paulina rude and obnoxious. Which is a shame because I loved Jackee Harry (Paulina) on Another World and on 227. It just goes to show that Ron Carlivati cannot write good characters.
Although rude to some, I actually got quite a case of the giggles the past 2 days with Paulina's racial humor! I mean I think some people are just taking it way too seriously thinking about politics when it's meant to add comedy and edge to what is a dull, depressing backdrop that is currently Days! I mean like seriously we already went through almost 5 months of a rape storyline, it's time to laugh with the sun coming out for spring!

Also, why would anyone want to include COVID in Days, to begin with? I watch Days to escape COVID, like why even use that as a comparison? I'd actually stop watching if they included the pandemic in Days, especially after the time jump! The virus does not exist in their timeline and should remain as such.
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