Days of Our Lives - Wed., Nov. 4, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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A much repetitious dialogue....Tripp upset Steve did DNA without telling him. Steve said it was to prove you were telling truth. Kayla is doing the test again (evidently Tripp agreed to cheek swab). Kayla comes in, ran tests 3 times, Trip & Henry share DNA. Tripp shocked, still swears he did not have sex with Allie. She leaves to call Allie. Meanwhile Allie is telling Nicole all about it, how she feels bad, about it all. Tripp was still denying. She gets call from Kayla to office, goes with Nicole, hears the news. Kayla assures her she always believed her, talks of going thru this herself, just always wanted Allie to be sure of her memory, since she admitted being so drunk.

Tripp talks to his dad, still insisting he never slept with Allie. (let's all be aware that Kayla said he & Henry SHARE the same DNA) Steve asks him to look him in the eye, swear, he does.

The filler is Bonnie coming to see Justin, hoping her giving the book money to charity in Adrienne's name will have Justin forgive her. He does, Happy Bonnie almost kisses him, he rejects her, today is his and Adrienne's anniversary. Bonnie sorry.

Lani comes to Eli's hospital room, he is gone. Oh, over to see Brady, they both have nasty words for each other, Brady whining about Rachel's mother being in prison for 5 years, Eli worried Brady might break promise not to let Lani know Eli talked to Kristen, who then decided to confess. Abe comes in to see Eli, chats with Lani, who realizes she & Eli have "find the phone" app on each other's phone. She tracks Eli, goes to Salem Inn, finds them both, wants to know why Eli there. They make up a tale, he is back in hospital.

Steve arrives at Justin's, Bonnie leaves, Tripp has parked the car, comes in, gives Justin copy of the test results, off screen, has told the story. Justin reads, says if Tripp is telling the truth, he will represent him.

Allie talks to Nicole, who has told her about how her own father abused her & she never went to police. Allie debates, decides she needs to prevent Tripp from doing the same to another girl, they both go somewhere, where they see Lani. Allie tells her about the test, and she wants to proceed with action against Tripp.
If others can fill in better than me, go ahead. :) I don't understand how this legality will work, when the assault happened in another country. But, who knows what she will do.....have him named father and be responsible monetarily for Henry?

This was best I could do, just lucky my station went to regular programming, & only 2 phone calls.
Thank you, Poirot.

Well, now we know it wasn't Tripp if they only "share" DNA. Now, as many here have already said, some unknown half brother or a cousin on Ava's side will pop up.

The police and FBI here found a rapist by finding a shared DNA match through Ancestry. The rapist turned out to be a local cousin of the guy who did the Ancestry DNA test.
Trippy: As I said before, Little Trippy should start using the knowledge he gained in medical school to question the results of the test. Meanwhile, Steve should launch and investigation into whether Ava produced any more children. The way she got around, she theoretically could have more children than Sami, including twins with different fathers.

Steve: He went to see Justin? Why couldn't he find his son a real attorney. When judges and juries see an accused person walk into a courtroom with the bumbling barrister, they probably think: "This bum must be guilty."

Lani: The ghost of Bo should really pay her a visit and instruct her on how detectives are supposed to act, which includes not paying condolence calls on the relatives of convicted felons. And when Brady started whining about Kristen being separated from her daughter the proper answer might have been one of the following:
  • "Lots of mothers end up in prison who have committed far fewer crimes than Kristen";
  • "The kid will be better off without Kristen around. Call Mommy Nicole about child care services";
  • "Cry me a river. If you do the crime, you do the time."
robinsnest, Allie could also file civil suits for assault and deliberate infliction of emotional distress. Of course, Trippy could turn the tables, hire Justin and sue Allie for slander for falsely claiming that he's a rapist. He too could also throw in a cause of action of deliberate infliction of emotional distress because her campaign against him has certainly caused him stress and emotional upset. Of course, a major problem here would be that Allie wouldn't have the money to pay any judgment that Trippy could win. That said, imagine Allie calling Sami and saying something like: "Mom, I need a quick $4 million because I lost a lawsuit to Tripp Dalton."
I wonder how much Eric Martsolf (Brady) hates some of the dialogue he is given? He blathered on and on about a defense Kristen was going to use (news to viewers). The thing is, Kristen should have been arrested & charged immediately. Instead Brady claimed to be the person, then Victor saved them both. I understand wanting to protect someone, if possible, but when added to all the other horrendous things Kristen has done, and got away with, this prison sentence is nothing.

And want to bet she gets time off for good behavior, or she donates a kidney or part of liver to save someone's life, thus......Get out of jail free card. Somehow, Brady is going to blab to Lani, someone will, then it will be Lani who forgets about swearing to uphold the law. Eli took an easier path for Kristen....Gad these storylines are just hard to deal with, for sure.
I wonder how much Eric Martsolf (Brady) hates some of the dialogue he is given? He blathered on and on about a defense Kristen was going to use (news to viewers). The thing is, Kristen should have been arrested & charged immediately. Instead Brady claimed to be the person, then Victor saved them both. I understand wanting to protect someone, if possible, but when added to all the other horrendous things Kristen has done, and got away with, this prison sentence is nothing.

And want to bet she gets time off for good behavior, or she donates a kidney or part of liver to save someone's life, thus......Get out of jail free card. Somehow, Brady is going to blab to Lani, someone will, then it will be Lani who forgets about swearing to uphold the law. Eli took an easier path for Kristen....Gad these storylines are just hard to deal with, for sure.
The current story lines are just plain trash and an insult to all the loyal Days supporters. I know it’s a soap but for the love of money why are the Salemites being written as brain dead? Most of the characters are portrayed as well educated, intelligent folks so why oh why are they scripted to be so dense?
well Duh JasonDiSpeech...... we are dumber than dirt......

Ron Ron thinks a "who's the rapist" story is fresh and new.... especially when you throw in a baby as a result..... the baby came at 8 months..... and was full term..... hummmm wonder if Allie's cycle count was off and she was already pregnant when she had sex?????
but that would be giving Ron Ron too much freaking credit.....

Think you meant 8 months, not weeks, changed it...P
Thanks, Poirot.

It's a new day in Salem.

Kayla said Henry shared DNA with Tripp. Then she added also Steve. Did she actually
run the test with Steve or just say that? And how long was Steve gone? Maybe he
has another "lost" kid out there.

Brady was nasty today. Eli told him he had a nightmare about Lani finding out. Then
Brady said he hope his dreams come true.

I laughed when Steve told Tripp "to look me in the eye and tell me the truth".

Steve had good lines today about Allie learning from Sami about switching tests
and switching tests happens in Salem.

Eli was lucky Lani found him at the Salem Inn with Brady and not another
woman. It could happen.
No Days for my city - election news. Thanks
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