Days of Our Lives - Wed. Sept. 2, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wow, just keeps getting better & better. Hope is with Caroline, who is going home today. While they wait for paperwork, Hope tells Caroline about Aiden's proposal, which does not set well with Caroline, who tells of the bad dreams she has been having about Bo, she thinks he is in trouble. Hope talks of being abandoned, having to move on with her life, not being able to wait for Bo forever. Caroline still is not agreeable, & Hope tells her that she has not yet come to a decision, is taking her time.
Later, Maggie & Victor are with Caroline, with Maggie wanting Caroline to convince Victor to approve Hope with Aiden. But Caroline says she & Victor are on the same page, so the person she has to convince is Maggie.

Hope is with Kayla, talking of Aiden, the proposal, Kayla lets Hope know that whatever she decides is fine with her, she only wants her to be happy.

Chad sits in the club, remembering the last time he saw Serena, & how he got the cut lip. A reporter sits down, wanting to get an interview about that evening, but Chad gets up & leaves. Outside, a cop says Rafe wants to talk to him down at the station.

Rafe has called in Paige for questioning, since she was at Club TBD the night Serena was killed.She only saw Serena rushing out as she was coming in, and then as she came in, saw Chad leaving in a hurry, looking upset, blood on his lip. Later, she calls JJ, leaving a message about the cops, and she has to talk to him.

Rafe talks with Chad, who finally admits that he kissed Serena, she got mad, slapped him, her nail cut his lip. Rafe mentions finding the napkin with blood on it in the park, asks Chad for a DNA sample, the cheek swab thing. Chad figures if he says no, he will look guilty, so sure, go ahead. (Earlier, Rafe had told Hope the blood DNA did not match anything in the system ......guess the hospital files are really very confidential, as we know it is there). Chad waits, Rafe returns, got a match, Chad denies any wrongdoing, just doesn't remember where exactly he went on the walk to clear his head. Justin comes in, he & Rafe go outside to talk privately, Justin wants to nail Chad badly, Rafe is not so sure. Later, Justin comes into the room, looking over a file, but tells Chad he can leave, but to get a really good lawyer.

Kayla is on the phone with Joey's school, learning they do not want him back, think he is not a good fit for St. Basil's. She starts lecturing Joe, who pulls out his phone, ignoring her. She is trying to get him to pay attention, Steve arrives with flowers, sees the tension, learns Joe is no longer welcome there. He sort of sticks up for Joe, and he & Kayla start yelling and arguing about Steve's lack of parenting all this time, etc. Joey listens, finally telling them to stop it, all they do is fight, and finally storming out. Steve & Kayla realize that was all very bad, they cannot do that to their son again.

Aiden finds Hope in the square, wants to have lunch, she can't, has to get back to the station, they kiss, she spots Steve, calls him over to introduce them. Steve lets Aiden know he & Hope go way back, and that he is Bo's best friend. A bit awkward there. Hope has to leave, will see Aiden later. Steve asks Aiden if he can join him for lunch, Aiden agrees. As they sit, Steve talks of how he & Bo were in the Merchant Marine together, lots of adventures, became fast friends for years now. How Bo & Hope were soul mates. But Aiden is right back with how Bo deserted Hope, and even if it was a job assignment, there is no excuse for a man to abandon his wife and daughter.

Hope is walking thru the park, smiling, remembering a lot of scenes from when she & Bo were young, (yes, flashbacks) and then how she left messages which he did not return, then agonized over her decision to wait no longer.

At Kyle's apartment, JJ has come to, staggers a bit, and seeing no one around, grabs his backpack and starts to leave, only to open the door and find Clyde returning, and pushing JJ onto the sofa, he is not going anywhere. JJ asks where Kyle is, Clyde is washing his hands, Kyle wasn't reliable, so Clyde took care of some business. JJ sees a blood smear on the carpet, says "you killed him". Clyde figures he is going to have to get some cleaners in there.
And now he questions JJ, sits down next to him, grabs the back of his neck, wants the truth, he better not lie. JJ starts talking of psycho Eve, his girlfriend's mother, who hates him, told Kyle that story, as she wants to make sure JJ and her daughter are done. Clyde questions further, JJ tells of making out with the mom, who then told her daughter, so that was the end of JJ & the daughter. Well, ol Clyde gets the biggest kick out of that, asking JJ how was she? They go on, JJ swears he is not working for the cops, never has, never will. They go back & forth, the upshot being Clyde is going to let JJ take Kyle's spot in his business. Warns JJ not to say a word to anyone, especially his son. He takes money from the safe, tells JJ again to make sure he keeps his mouth shut, or his girlfriend will be the one who gets hurt. Clyde leaves.

Paige is at the Horton house with jennifer, worried about JJ, tells Jen how she figures her mom told Kyle about JJ being undercover, JJ is in danger. Jen is worried, JJ comes in, says he lost his phone, so did not get Jen's messages. She is worried, he wants her to go to work, she is hesitant, he convinces her to go. Paige has just been listening, and when Jen is gone, starts to say something. But JJ puts his finger to his lips, goes and turns on some music, then takes Paige aside, whispering to her that Clyde is the head of the drug ring, he killed Kyle, is dangerous, telling Paige to act natural if they meet up, but stay away. He is not going to tell his mom, because she would call the cops, and the next thing is Clyde would go after all those he loves, and then he himself. Paige looks scared, but understands, and agrees.

Hope comes to Aiden's office, to tell him that she has not yet made up her mind, she has to think about it. Right now, she just cannot say yes. He figures that is better than saying no, they kiss, will see each other later. She is gone, Aiden is muttering, I promised, I promised. What am I going to do. What am I going to do. He throws a glass against the wall.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually interested in the JJ storyline now! What a difference it makes without Kyle in it. Clyde was extraordinarily creepy today and I loved it. The only thing that could make this better right now is getting Steve involved with it.

Love the little touch of Hope helping Caroline with her heavy suitcase. Nice to see these realistic touches. Plus the wheelchair!

I'm really thinking the Aiden stuff is a red herring and he is in trouble himself.
The Bo/Hope flashbacks complete with Hope's tear at the end :love:

The Steve/Aiden scenes were great too. I also loved how Hope cut Steve off when he started mentioning Bo.

I wish Chad would tell the truth about grabbing Serena.
Can I see a show of hands of people who were shocked at the revelation of Kyle's fate today? *Looks around* Hmm, looks exactly nobody was. I have to say that I didn't mind Kyle but then again I didn't particularly care much either. I could tell from the moment he showed up he was essentially the daytime equivalent of a Red Shirt on the original "Star Trek." (For those who may not get the reference a "Red shirt" was a crew member in a, you guessed it, red shirt that had never been seen on the show before; who would be picked by Captain Kirk to join an away team to beam down to an alien planet and then die almost immediately. This crew member's only purpose was to die just like Kyle.)

I have to hand it to JJ for reading the dirtbag correctly and playing along with his chauvinism when he was talking about what happened with Eve. That helped saved his life and for just staying cool. I really felt the tension in those scenes. Kudos to James Read (Clyde) and Casey Moss (JJ) I thought they both did a top-notch job.

But I have to ask even if you operate in a primarily rural area how do you become major crime boss if you don't have even rudimentary spelling skills? I mean the sleaze actually bragged that he didn't know how to spell failure. It's F-A-I-L-U-R-E. Any first grader could tell you that. As Bugs Bunny would say "What a Maroon!"

I was glad to see that Rafe is not thirsting to nail Chad for Serena's murder. It would have been so easy to go that route given the history between those two and how Rafe feels about the DiMeras in general. I'm glad to see that it looks like that won't be the case.
As much as I loathe to say it, the hightlight today for me was Clyde laughing at the idea of JJ and Eve getting it on, then getting all chummy and wanting the details. It was both creepy and and hilarious at the same time.

I also enjoyed the Geriatric Love Triangle, particularly Maggie's sigh and eye roll at the end.

But the whole episode was good, I didn't fast forward anything and there was no Daniel again!
I was glad to see that Rafe is not thirsting to nail Chad for Serena's murder. It would have been so easy to go that route given the history between those two and how Rafe feels about the DiMeras in general. I'm glad to see that it looks like that won't be the case.
Good point. And Justin comes across as a publicity hound D.A. who's already forgotten that he's an officer of the court and his first priority is to see that justice is done. As for other characters: 1) Joey -- so the kid got kicked out of St. Basil's. Send him to Salem High whose graduates automatically get into dear old Salem U., spend a few semesters, and then move on to greater things; 2) Clyde -- this creepy pervert can't keep two thoughts in his head at once. If anything happened to JJ, and there was even a whiff of suspicion that Ms. Blue Chunk's ex-boy friend was involved, he could forget about having a shot at Nanny Bridget's leprechaun-infested pasture; JJ -- telling Paigie-poo about creepy Clyde was well intended, but not a wise move; 4) Kyle -- so long. You should have known better than to work for Clyde. EJ would have been a much better boss.
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Troy, I thought the same thing when Clyde said he couldn't spell failure

I loved Clyde's line to JJ "Kyle is where all the bad employees go" :)

I don't think Maggie is happy that Victor and Caroline agree about
Hope marrying Aiden. Why hasn't Victor investigated Aiden?

JJ told Paige too much. Will she be able to keep the secret?

I enjoyed the Bo/Hope flashbacks. I almost had to use tissue
BUT why hasn't Patch asked once about Jack?! [Matt Ashford] That makes no sense to me.

I agree with this! I really need to see Patch getting involved with JJ and Abigail too since their worlds are likely going to collide very soon with all the Clyde involvement.

Plus why did he go to see Hope when he still hasn't seen his own sister Adrienne?

I'm enjoying the new material so far but it's still very choppy and I'm seeing a lot of holes. We still haven't seen Eric since Thursday and he was the one that had spent the most amount of time with Serena. At the very least, we should have seen Rafe talking to him about any potential enemies.
I think Justin is being way too presumptuous in wanting to charge Chad with murder. I mean, couldn't a good defense attorney argue that the club, the town square and the park are all public areas were anyone has access? It's not like Chad's blood, hair saliva were found on Serena's body. I would think Justin would need a lot more evidence than a bloody napkin to make the charges stick. Besides Chad did not kill Serena.
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Well I'm officially off Team JJ/Eve, now that the sleazy child-rapist has smarmed all over it. LOL

Meanwhile...great episode. Nice pacing, lots of suspenseful moments. I'm glad Chad is being more honest. But JJ has to be the stupidest character in Salem history. Clyde threatens Paige, and the first thing he does is tell Paige Clyde is dirty? Okaaay...what about giving her every penny he has so she can flee town? Oh well. Or calling her gramps and alerting HIM to the danger (since he's a well-connected law enforcement official and also stinking rich)??? Ho hum. LOL

I really liked the Aiden/Patch scene.