Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 23, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Snap, Crackle, Pop! Another not to be missed show.....and on a Wednesday. Eve is in Rafe's office, explaining to the disbelieving detective how Paige was actually his half sister. They talk of Eduardo abandoning not just one, but two families, Rafe promises they will get this person who killed Paige, and after this is over, maybe he & Eve can get together and talk of Paige, he would like to get to know her. Eve would love that. A hug, Rafe asks how old Paige was when Eduardo left......age 10.

Adrienne & Justin are having somewhat of a date, sit at a table, get to talking about his new job, he brags a lot, she is not all that thrilled, wonders if he wants to nail Chad, as he put it, because of the DiMera/Kiriakis feud. He claims not, but their date ends earlier than planned. He gets a call to the station, she decides to go home, early to bed.

Nicole is telling off Kate for sneaking in the back way to Basic Black (via Theresa), saying she will never work with her. She recites of a whole litany of Kate's crimes against various Salemites, talks of Kate blackmailing, forging, lying, manipulating, kidnapping, holding hostage, attempted murder, including trying to kill Victor, setting a fire which injured her own son. Kate is silent, says she was letting Nicole vent, figures they can work together and become rich, puts out her hand for a shake.... but Nicole was not venting, pushes Kate's hand aside. She tells Kate in no uncertain terms she will never work with her and leaves.

Chad arrives at Stefano's room, finding it empty, gets scared, but Abby happens along, Stefano is downstairs for some tests. They sit in the room, she asks about his session with Marlena, Chad explains it will take time. She is reassuring him, she knows him, he just would not do something like murder.

Ben runs into Marlena in the square, is all happy & cheerful, brags how Daddy is doing so well, Marlena cannot talk of patients. He now goes on about marrying the girl of his dreams, never thought he would be interested in favors and flowers, etc. She laughs, glad he is happy, has to leave for the hospital. He goes with her, is going to surprise Abby.

A nurse opens the door to Stefano's room, saying "Mr. DiMera...." oh, I'm sorry. Ben is passing by, sees Abby with Chad, stops, comes in, reams her out, breaking her promise not 24 hrs. after making it. She pleads, she loves him, he knows that. Nope, he is listening no more, he is done, all she does is lie. He leaves. Chad is sorry (Ben ignored him when he tried to interject), he walks with Abby to the elevator, telling her that Ben was right about one thing, she should stay away from him. He gets in the elevator, the door closes.

Eduardo is in the square, sees Gabi sitting with Ari, having ice cream. He stops, sneaks a couple of pics. Ari's bunny falls to the ground, Gabi calls out "sir, would you help me. He goes over, picks up the bunny, they exchange a few words, he notes how beautiful Ari is. Rafe comes along, spots them, comes over, telling Gabi that she should get Ari home, it is getting colder out. She tells of the kind gentleman who helped out, agrees she should get Ari home, grabs the buggy and leaves. Rafe snarks at Ed about which abandoned family he wants to connect with, Ed says he is leaving soon. Rafe says yes, right after Paige's funeral, meanwhile, stay away from me and MY family.

Chad goes to see Marlena, wants another session, apologizing for no appointment. She notes he seems upset, warns him he has to calm down, and leave that all behind. She has another session, but he cannot recall anything after being in front of Paige's dorm, he is then in his hotel room. She has him go back further, talking of Serena slapping him, leaving after cutting his lip. And Chad begins to have very hazy visions of someone attacking him, he is saying get off me, what is going on. We see these dark flashes of a figure, but marlena pulls Chad out of it all. Tells Chad that they have opened the door, more will come, now that the gate is open.

We hear music, a song, a woman singing....where has all the love we see a montage of Salemites by themselves in different settings.....Justin, Adrienne, Eve (who seems to be down by the docks) Chad. Rafe....who returns to his office, looking at the picture of Paige, then up at the wall of notes and pictures. He suddenly gets up and leaves.
The music has ended.

Abby sits alone on a bench, is crying. Suddenly she feels her baby kick, she stops crying, gets up, and leaves.

Chad has left Marlena's office, the door is open (wonder why such dim lighting) a dark figure enters, unseen by her.
At Club TBD Eduardo comes in, gets a beer. Kate eyes him, watching intently. He sees her, finally lifting his glass in her direction, she does the same towards him with her martini.
Chad is down on the docks, when suddenly, memories come flooding back, he is there, another man (seems to be a bum or homeless guy, long curly hair) the images are fleeting, but they are in a struggle. Chad is shocked, quickly goes back to the hospital.
Marlena sits at her desk, gets a phone call from Rafe asking about the profile, she has not gotten to that yet. She hangs up. From behind, a dark figure wraps a tie around her neck, a huge struggle ensues. She is pulled off her chair, things come off the desk, she is pulling at the tie around her neck, gasping.

Chad gets into the hospital elevator, punching a floor number as the door closes.

Abby arrives home, calls out for Ben, but the apartment is empty.
I was surprised Gabi didn't know her own father. Was she that little when he left? And she has never even seen a picture of him? Also thought Kate was giving him the eye yesterday. Really Kate? You just got rid of creepy Clyde. Do you think going after the guy that Eve detests is a good idea? He's probably not a stand up guy. Can't wait for tomorrow!
I can't see what Kate could have to gain, but it crossed my mind today that Kate and Eddy acted like they knew each other. Maybe she wanted to be fair to Jordan so she went and found Rafe's dad to? (said tongue in cheek)
Kate is a snake. And I don't think Kate & Ed have met before. She was flirting, very obviously. I agree, she just got rid of one slime, knows the guy is a bad dude, witnessed Eve reading the guy a riot act, and just cannot resist, can she. Yep, she used to be "in the life".....still is, if you ask me. Only she no longer charges.
Wow! This was a very good episode, I didn't leave my sofa during the whole thing!! Gosh, I love what they have done with the lighting, and the background music too, they change with the mood of the scene, kept me right in the now with it. Also, I am loving the clothes! Didn't get to comment on Caroline in the Monday episode but she looked fabulous, I want whoever is dressing everyone to dress ME!!!
When Nicole was reciting the litany of Kate's past misdeeds I half expected her to conclude with: "And you know those tags on mattresses that clearly say "Do Not Remove? You remove them!" LOL But I have to ask how the heck does Nicole know about the Nick cover-up? :confused:

As far as Kate checking out Eduardo is concerned I think that is more about the scene with Rafe then Eve. I think Kate believes anything having do with the Hernandez family particularly Rafe just naturally becomes her business. That's how I read it anyway.

Poirot, I hope you don't my asking and I apologize if I'm unfairly jumping to conclusions here, but is it possible you are NOT a fan of Kate? LOL

Poor Abigail. I think what she needs is someone close to her age to confide in. Will is fine for a sympathetic ear I suppose but I'm thinking of someone of the female persuasion. Possibly someone who knows what it's like to be in a relationship that started out loving but became toxic. Someone who was in a relationship with a guy who was less then stable. Perhaps someone who has recently been released from prison? Yes I think that's exactly what Abigail needs I wish I just knew who such a friend could be? :confused::confused::confused:

I love the way the way Chad's sessions are being filmed they have a very noirish feel to them.

What could I say about about Gabi and Arianna having mother-daughter time rebonding over ice cream other then :love::love::love:. Rafe was right when he told Eduardo that Gabi wouldn't recognize him if she ran into him on the street. At first I kind of was surprised that she apparently hasn't even seen a picture of her dad but then I can easily see Rafe getting rid of anything like that so it makes sense. I hope Gabi isn't kept in the dark too long she needs to be in the thick of this as soon as possible. She probably won't be since I think she could tell there was something up between Rafe and the "kind gentleman."
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It is very obvious that Eduardo left the Hernandez family over 20 years ago. Gabi may have been 1 or 2 years old, so would not remember. And in that length of time, people do change, many times a lot. Just go to a class reunion. LOLOL So, even if Gabi had seen a pic of him, it would have been long ago. Back then, maybe Longer, darker hair. Probably no beard. A bit thinner.

But then, family members come to Salem all the time and are unrecognized. Theresa was the latest. LOL
Gabi is only a couple of years older than Paige. If Eduardo left the Hernandez family and hooked up with Eve later, then Gabi would have been a baby or a toddler at best when he left, so more than likely she does not remember him.

Another great episode. I feel so bad for everything Chad is going through. His scenes with Marlena are the highlight for me when they are on. I also want to see what happens tomorrow and who the assailant will actually be.

Please no to Kate and Eduardo. She just broke things off with creepy Clyde, and needs to be without a man for awhile. I want her and Nicole to figure out a way to work together at Basic Black.
Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 23, 2015Snap, Crackle, Pop! Another not to be missed show.....
Completely agree. True colors were flying today: Justin displaying just what a hyper-ambitious DiMeraphobe he is, and stalker Ben talking nasty trash to the hapless Abigail. Other notable moments include: 1) Nicole comprehensively letting Kate have it, but in a firm, decisive way, not in a some hysterical rant. Squawking Jenny should have seen this and taken notes; 2) Marlena looking very professional while working with Chad; and 3) the lighting in the K-Mansion when Adrienne returned, which excellently reproduced the look of the late afternoon sun playing into a room. Finally, the necktie killer has made a big mistake by going after Marlena. Nobody, but nobody messes with the Doc. Ask Kristen.
Did it appear to anyone else that Rafe noticed something on the board? He flew out of the office rather quickly. Just thought it was odd.

I hope he did. He and Hope stare at that board so much I hope something FINALLY jumped out at him. Lol.
I thought it was interesting that Eduardo knew who Gabi was, even though he hadn't seen her in 20 years. Then again, she was a model for a hot minute so he could've seen her picture. Or he could've seen her picture in the paper when Nick was killed and she was arrested.