Days of Our Lives - Wednesday, June 4th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Episode #10,841 Taped 5/5 Director – Herb Stein

We are all over Salem today, hope I can remember it all. Chelsea & Morgan are at the Pub, talking final grades. Chelsea evidently has to make up some work, so doesn’t have hers yet. Stephanie comes in looking for Max. She aced her internship, as did Morgan, who leaves. Max arrives, spots Nick sitting with Dean Robbins, and gets all worked up. Pete comes up, saying he is off his shift, Max’s turn, but Max asks him to take his shift, he has to go. Pete protests, Max blows up, leaves telling Pete to cover for him, & goes down to the docks. Stephanie, Chelsea & then Nick are all astounded at what has just transpired.

And down on the docks, Nicole arrives, having lost John, along comes Chloe who seems to have lost Philip. LOL. They have some words, with Nicole warning Chloe about hurting Philip, both talking of divorce settlements, the drug bust on the docks, and we see a shadowy figure hiding & listening. They leave, Paul Hollingsworth comes out of hiding, as Morgan appears, having been looking for him all over. He warns her about how dangerous the docks are now, she should not be there, it is not as safe as it used to be when she would visit him. Meanwhile, Max has arrived, and his longshoreman boss comes up, saying he wasn’t due til late shift. Max figured he would come earlier, and somehow, the two of them get into an argument big time, with his boss referring to Max as coming from a rich family, not knowing the meaning of work, Max is really ticked off, and bingo, they are into fisticuffs. Morgan & her dad hear the commotion and come running, as Nick & Stephanie arrive. The boss leaves, after promising that as soon as Max’s service is over, he is going to get him.

Sami is getting stuff packed for the twins, as she is meeting her dad for coffee. Lucas comes in, telling her he can watch the twins, she can have a nice visit with her dad. Sami knows the twins are a handful now, all over the place, but figures Lucas can handle them, and agrees. In comes EJ saying over his dead body, he is not letting a felon take care of his son, & he cannot stay home, he has to be in court. Sami quickly says she will take Johnny with her, and leave Allie with Lucas. Fine. Later, we see Sami at the Java Café, waiting for her dad, & in comes EJ, ordering a coffee, and happy to see her. Seems he only had to drop off some papers, and has a bit of time before his next appt. We have a scene of Sami having to completely changing Johnny (we do not see the baby) with EJ helping, and commenting how nice this is, “me, you and Johnny, just the 3 of us.”. And then again commenting on what a good team they make. Sami seems a bit uncomfortable with this conversation. He leaves, Roman arrives, followed very quickly by Nicole. Sami & Nicole have just a couple of hostile words, Roman tells Nikki he and Sami wanted some alone time, Nikki is all eager to tell Sami of EJ’s tricking her about the annulment. As she is about to spill the beans, Sami gets a call from Lucas. And outside, there is EJ, meeting with Mr. Burke of the INS, who doesn’t think it wise for them to be meeting in public like this. EJ says he is greatful for all Burke has done for his family, and reminds him that discretion is of the utmost importance. (then why meet in public?)

John has come to the Kiriakis mansion, and in spite of Henderson’s efforts to not let him in, confronts Philip, who denies having planted the drugs. John knows better, tells Philip he is going to have to pay. They dance around the conversation a bit, with John telling him sooner or later someone in his organization will crack and the truth will out. Philip may have spent a half million, but John will pay double that to clear himself. Philip says the fault is John’s for starting this turf war. John smiles and says thanks for just admitting you planted the drugs. Chloe has just arrived, John leaves, Chloe asks what happened. And now in walks Victor, who orders Chloe out of his house. Phil says it is his house, too, she stays. Overruled, says Victor. Chloe leaves the room. Phil asks about Brady, yes Victor saw him, still has a long road to recovery, and all due to that witch. Victor has disliked her since Philip first fell in love with her in high school all thru her marriage to Brady. She ruined his life, and Victor will not allow her to ruin Philip’s too. Phil now says they have to talk about John Black, nope sez Victor. I will take care of that. Wait a sec, Phil reminds him he is in charge of shipping. Not any more, replies Victor. You blew it, and you are relieved of that duty. If there is one thing that is important, it is to never get your hands dirty. You did. A half million in drugs, planted on John’s ship. (boy, Vic may have been gone, but he knows all. LOL. )

Lucas is taking care of a screaming Allie, trying to find her dolly which would calm her down. He calls Sami asking if she has it. Nope, look in the nursery. Lucas is looking one more place, trying to placate Allie, saying he is right there (just in the next room), she is crying and goes out the open door (I think into the back), Lucas comes back in the room, is calling for her frantically, goes out the door. And next we see two cops at the front door, coming to take him in for breaking house arrest. He tries to explain, they are sympathetic, have no choice. He is refusing to leave his daughter, they have called CPS, and will take her too. Down at the station, Lucas is very worried about Allie, asks for his call, and phones Sami. Next we see her rushing in with Roman, who tells Lucas he understands, but this is the 2nd time he broke house arrest. (Maybe if they gave him more than 30 feet, it would not happen. LOL). Sami is reunited with Allie, and wants her dad to help out here.

At the hospital, Daniel pulls Lexie into a cubicle, where he has had Nurse Maxie bring them some breakfast. Break time. They chat a bit about him helping out in trauma, Lexie mentions how well they get along and the fun they have had, and how she will miss him, both personally & professionally when he leaves. (Uh, oh! LOL). She gets a call, leaves, Abe arrives looking for her, chats a bit with Daniel. Lexie comes along, in a hurry as always, but agrees to an early lunch so they can meet with Theo’s teacher. Later, they are having lunch, Abe is wondering what teacher wants, Lexie says Theo is having troubles in school, Abe thinks it normal, will work itself out.

Daniel comes into Java café, orders a latte, calls Chelsea. She arrives, he tells her there is another woman he has been “hooking up with”, and felt she should know. Chelsea thinks he is making it up, he says no. She asks if he loves the woman, Daniel says she is really “not available”. Chelsea surmises it means she is married. And now Chelsea is not too sure if Daniel is making this all up or not. He leaves.

John has comes down to the docks, at the end of the altercation between Max & his boss, as Max angrily leaves his friends. John wants to talk to him about a shipment, Max doesn’t think John has one coming in. No, but Kiriakis does. Now Max is yelling at John, he doesn’t know anything, as he has told them all before, and is not going to get between Philip, Victor & John and anything that goes on between them. John insists he has eyes and ears, and wants to know exactly what Max has seen and/or heard. Max is very angry, and now is confronting John, yelling and telling him if he wants a piece of him, bring it on.

Wow!! Max is just fighting with everyone today! Guess he has a little pent up anger he needs to let out!
Sounds like the spoilers on the Lucas Sami & Allie issue were a little off. Seems like the spoilers said Sami was mad at Lucas telling him he was irresponsible. Sound like in the write up she is understanding & asking Roman to help out! I think they should give Lucas a little further perimeter, especially in a back yard!! :)

I am so glad Victor is back. Tha man takes no bull from anyone & putting Philip in his place....OUCH!! I wonder if there is more to Chloe's involvement with Brady's problems?? Guess we will wait & see!
EJ, Ej, EJ......up to your tricks again huh??

Thanks for the write up Barb...will be sure to be in the gym watching this one!!
I do not think the stuff is over yet for this business of Lucas & Allie & Sami. They are still in the police there undoubtedly is more to come.
I do not think the stuff is over yet for this business of Lucas & Allie & Sami. They are still in the police there undoubtedly is more to come.

Wow! Thanks for that info. I thought it was going to nice & calm & over with quickly.
Hope there is no fighting & arguing. Have to admit I am a little tired of the fighting between those two.
Thanks for keeping me informed.
Thanks for the write-up!
You really would think Lucas could go in the yard. He's supposed to have a perimeter around the house, but the last time he barely made it out the door before that thing went off.
Um...I don't like that EJ makes that comment about liking it being just the three of them. Again, it's really hard to root for either of these guys, and they both just keep making it harder for me.
I like that Victor is omniscient; that's about all I like about him these days. He's been getting on my nerves.
And I think they just cleared up that EJ has been scamming Sami all along with the INS deportation crap, and now the anuallment. Yeah, he's really changed. He's just not shooting people, running them off the road, stealing their liver, or putting them in a freezer, at this time anyway. Yeah, and he's real accepting of Allie too. I think that pub scene is what EJ wants. Sami, Johnny and him and he's demonstrating once again that he'll go to any lengths to get that.
SO, does that mean that the INS thingy was a fraud as we speculated before? I mean why wouldn't they want to be seen in public together? I would love to Nicole drop EJ's secret on
Sami. I would really like it if those two became friends and started reaking hammock on Salem!!

And then Dr. Dan with someone who isn't available. Gawd, please tell me he isn't falling in love with Lexie!!!!
SO, does that mean that the INS thingy was a fraud as we speculated before? I mean why wouldn't they want to be seen in public together? I would love to Nicole drop EJ's secret on
Sami. I would really like it if those two became friends and started reaking hammock on Salem!!

And then Dr. Dan with someone who isn't available. Gawd, please tell me he isn't falling in love with Lexie!!!!

Oh my Blueyz......I didnt even think of the Lexie angle. Oh I so hope it does not go that way.
Sounds like another good one. I like Victor, yep, he always knows what's going on even when he's not around. Hope he's on more coming up.

EJ will do anything to get Sami, I think he has even said so. I do like him with Nicole better though, loved the drunken scene with them!

I wonder if they are trying to get out of the Dan/Chelsea thing by hooking him up with Lexie?? I do wish Lexie and Abe could just be happy for a while, but alas she does have a penchant for wandering doesn't she? At least it's not with someone Abe is related to this time! LOL
And I think they just cleared up that EJ has been scamming Sami all along with the INS deportation crap, and now the annulment. Yeah, he's really changed. He's just not shooting people, running them off the road, stealing their liver, or putting them in a freezer, at this time anyway. Yeah, and he's real accepting of Allie too. I think that pub scene is what EJ wants. Sami, Johnny and him and he's demonstrating once again that he'll go to any lengths to get that.


Accepting of Allie, maybe. But what he really wants is just the three of them: him, Johnny, and Sami. She should have picked up Johnny right then and left, and if Lucas says something to that effect, she should leave, too. It's the "just" that gets me. Paying more attention to one baby is one thing; it's actually natural. Saying "just" completely disregards the other baby's existence.
Lucas' "perimeter"

I agree that his perimeter is pretty darned small, but what I can't understand is why they would have housed him with his so-called "victim"!
In re: Lexie & Daniel......When Daniel pulls Lexie into that cubicle scene. She picks up a sweet roll or something, and grabs a bite, getting some cream cheese on her nose. Daniel notes, wipes it off saying can't have Chief of Staff with cream cheese on her nose, then licks his finger. And when Abe comes looking for her, Dan waxes eloquent about how he never met a Chief of Staff so devoted to her patients, and caring about her staff, yada, yada. He does mention how "busy" Lexie is, and Abe admits how "busy" he is too, but how they try to make time for themselves.

Abe is just toooo casual about what is going on with Theo.....and since the teacher has called them in.......I am guessing we are gonna have Theo being diagnosed evenutally with something....maybe ADD, or Austism, or.....well some sort of problem.......and this is going to cause a wider rift between Lexie & Abe.
Thanks for the recap Barb.

The Elvis stuff is no surprise. I do find it fitting that Sami & Elvis share a scene changing a diaper. It's rather symbolic of their storyline ;)
Did Nicole & Roman have any reaction to seeing each other? I'm just curious given how Nicole had that little romp with him before leaving town in 2006 lol.
Looks like we were right about the deportation being another of EJ's tricks. We viewers also knew Lexie was trolling again and that it may be with Dr. Jonas. Ho..hum!
In re: Roman & Nicole....not much of a reaction. She only says....oh, look, 2 bradys for the price of one, before she tries to clue Sami in on what EJ is pulling.

& Dan & Lexie.......something unspoken is going on there. Definitely.

And Max has really gone off the deep end. Nick tries to reason with him, (The Dean calls Nick a genius, that his equations were light years ahead of anything anyone else has come up with) I forgot to menion Max having a long flashback over Stepanie questioning him about "fixing" Nick's work. Nick really tries to calm Max down, telling him he has been trying to give him credit for his help, but Max won't let him. But honest, Max definitely gets really uptight just at the sight of Dean Robbins.
1. Lexie can't afford another affair. The last tiny shreds of reputation she has will be gone.

2. Sami is going to tear EJ's heart out with her bare hands if / when she finds out he's been playing her. The Brady / Dimera feud is going to take on a whole new dimension and Sami is not afraid to play dirty.

My poor Sami keeps trying to trust men, hoping that one of them will be the "prince charming" but she always falls for the same lines. Tell Sami you love her and want a family, she'll fall for almost anything.
Thank you for the write-up. So much for EJ loving Allie like he loves Johnny. So not cool that he said "just the three of us." Please, Soap Gods, let the little boy be Lucas' son.
Lexie, NO! Does anyone else think that maybe Dr. Dan is just trying to keep his mind off of Chelsea? He should really try to find someone NOT married, however. Maybe he considers Lexie safe, since she is taken and it can't (or at least shouldn't ) go anywhere. (no commitment from Dr. Dan!) Anyway, I think the comment by EJ is inappropriate, but I don't think he meant that he didn't love Allie. He just didn't mention her because she wasn't there. The point I think he was trying to make is that he, Sami and the baby were away from Lucas, and would have included Allie if she were there .EJ has had great scenes where he has doted on Allie, so I don't doubt that he loves her.
If that's the point he was trying to make then he would have said something like "I only wish Allie were here." Apparently, what he wants is just him, Sami, and Johnny. Allie..out of sight, out of mind. He has had good scenes bond with Allie, though, so for him to say that is pretty crappy. Pretty crappy writing. Regardless, he said it, and I think that's pretty rotten of him. So is him setting up that stupid INS crap.
Some of these stories sure do wrap up without a lot of hoopla.

1. Stefano in the coma/no big sendoff

2. The video cameras and the interns; now they're suddenly finished

3. Tony/Anna -- a few scenes of them flirting, a quick proposal, and now they're on their honeymoon

4. The whole Vitali storyline; as soon as they were out of that room, the dad showed up and was immediately killed; there's no focus on the new crime family

5. All those Caroline/Victor scenes got dropped

And if Dean Robbins turns out to be Max's dad, I'm not gonna like it. Maybe Max learned all his smarts from this man, and that's why he gets upset when he sees him? Some have speculated about this on other boards. But, you know, Max was a very little boy when he last saw his dad. I remember that story, and I hope they don't rewrite his history.