Downton Abbey -Season 6 - the last season

Yes, but just a few months. I believe it goes from some time in September and ends with a big Christmas episode in England, then it begins here. There are only 8 or 9 episodes per season. It has been a massive hit there......and here in the U.S. as well.
Downton Abbey is on a commercial station (ITV) in the UK. That's why there is a time lag between it being seen there then shown in the US on PBS stations. Folks over there can't watch it for free online until it starts here. ITV does have it on a paid membership portion of their website, however. Otherwise, you can only see the previews for each episode for free there.

If you watch closely on PBS, you can tell where ITV had the commercial breaks.
Loved the episode.....However, my station did a so called special afterwards.......called "A Celebration", which was nothing but 1/2 hr. of asking again for money for the PBS station (promising the 6 season set of CDs) with a few clips of scenes we had JUST SEEN! There was also 15 minutes of "coming attractions" for future series that will be coming up on PBS....especially the Civil War drama "Mercy Street".

As to the episode itself, I would say more, but I think there are those who have not watched yet, so will save any comments. But I did like it so much. I love the celebrities we all know, who absolutely have to watch. :)
My station had a Downton Abbey special before and after the episode. I taped those.

It was a good episode. I missed seeing Rose and Tom.
You will see both in the "specials". Yes, mine also had the one before and one after.
While I was never a big fan of Rose (I still miss Sybil) I do miss Tom. Hooray for Edith, getting away from Mary's incessant petty sniping.
I enjoyed last night's episode. Carson and Mrs Hughes had their simple wedding. Nice surprise
to see Tom at the end.
Oh, yes, their wedding was just lovely, really enjoyed it........and I do agree about seeing Tom. I was SOOOO happy to see him. (And the dowager is getting much too unreasonable and cranky. :) )
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I loved the ending with Tom finally showing up! Also loved seeing Cora put Mary in her place regarding the wedding plans, and finally, Mary showing her jealously regarding Edith. Just wait till she gets wind of Edith's new gentleman friend.
While I've always though Lady Mary is selfish and believes she is more important than she is, self confidence is not a problem with that one. Her bullying poor Mr. Carson last night was amazing. Loved the new Mrs. Carson telling her that he would never complain even as she hit him with bricks!!! I do hope Edith finds herself this year. I agree about Mary being rude when she finds out about Edith's new friend.
what an episode last night.

I actually moved back on my couch when Robert was sick.

I wonder if Mary will ask Edith about Marigold.
That was a shock, and so realistic.....scared me. Just hope the dowager stops being such a brick wall about the hospital now.
I actually think that Edith is well beyond caring what Mary thinks at this point. She's truly moved past Mary's bickering and judgement. I think that Robert's crisis, and the knowledge that Edith was able to turn to and trust everyone else but Mary, might just make Mary realize just how useless her continued rivalry has been. Right after losing Sybil, Edith actually asked Mary if it would be possible put aside their differences? Mary's answer was essentially NO.
An interesting episode with the open house of the Abbey because fans of the
show go though the home it's being filmed in. It was funny when
the family
members couldn't answer questions.

I wonder why Daisy is jealous of Mrs Patmore being friendly to Mr Mason.

I hope Andrew tells everyone Tom is teaching him to read.